Witchy Woes Book 1: Tamara

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Witchy Woes Book 1: Tamara Page 3

by Michelle Hasker

  "It's the fire in you."

  "Pardon me?” He stared at her.

  "The road.” Tamara pointed back to the road and heaved a sigh of relief when he returned his attention where it should be. Driving.

  "The fire in me?"

  "I saw it in the hospital. It's the fire that calls to you. The flames. It's why you are a fireman. I bet you're reckless when it comes to putting out fires. You know no fear, and scare the others with your daring and you've probably never been burned."

  "But you said you summon fire and you were burned. If you have fire in you, why did you burn?"

  She grinned when he didn't immediately deny her accusation. He had given this some thought. A lot, judging by his question.

  "It was magical fire. The kind that will burn anyone not properly protected. In fact we were protected. Properly, too. None of us should have been hurt. I don't know how Camryn screwed this up."

  Dante didn't say anything until he pulled up outside a small brick building. She didn't recognize it, but then she wasn't very adventuresome. If she didn't have to go far and didn't have to drive, she didn't.

  "I hope you like this place. I come here a lot. I thought it might appeal to you."

  "What kind of food do they serve?"


  "Then I'll love it.” Tamara grinned as he parked the car. A man after her heart. But then he had to be, if Gran was to be believed.

  He cupped her elbow again as he led her up the sidewalk, past urns filled with purple pansies. Even the window boxes had purple pansies, and when they stepped inside she noticed a pot of purple pansies on each table.

  "They're the owners’ favorite flowers.” He laughed when he noticed what she was looking at. “Her cooking more than makes up for her eccentricities. For her food, I'd stare at a cactus all night."

  It was her turn to laugh, and it felt good. How long had it been since she last laughed?

  "No, really. Her food is that good. Hell, I'd even sit on the cactus for her food."

  "Maybe I'll let you order for me then, since you're so familiar with the food here."

  "Are you sure?” Dante led her over to an empty table and pulled out a chair.

  "Yeah, I—"

  "Tam? Tamara Goodwin? It is you!"

  Tamara spun around as the deep husky voice struck a chord of recognition. It sounded like Paul, one of her friends from the Wiccan retreat. He and his wife Dot never missed a ritual or a celebration.

  "Paul!” She couldn't stop the squeal in her voice as she looked up into the smiling face of Paul Swithin.

  Tamara wrapped her arms around him and squealed again when he lifted her up and kissed her on the lips. When his lips lingered, she poked him in the ribs and giggled as he pulled away.

  "How are you, Sweetheart? What are you doing here?"

  "I came here with a friend.” Tamara hesitated and turned back to Dante. Is he a friend? Well he wasn't anything more than a friend so it would be pointless and embarrassing to say he was a boyfriend when he wasn't.

  "You're rambling again in your mind, aren't you?"

  Tamara laughed and poked him in the chest again. She leaned up and kissed his chin again. “Dante wanted to take me out to eat. I had no clue you lived this close to me. I'm just over the border in Taylorsville."

  "It doesn't matter, but Dot is going to be thrilled to see you. Hang on.” Paul disappeared into the back.

  "An old friend?” Dante asked.

  Was it her imagination or did he sound jealous? “Yeah, he and his wife are very good friends."


  "Yeah.” Tamara grinned.

  "So you often give your married male friends lingering kisses on the mouth?"

  "No. Paul's a perve and he loves to kiss. He's happily married to Dot, though. He means no harm. Now, back to what we were discussing before. How much about Wicca did you study? We're a very friendly, close-knit bunch. You'll never find a better friend or someone who understands you, than those just like us. I need to take you on a retreat. You'll have a blast."

  When his eyes widened, she realized what she'd said. Talk about running at the mouth. She tried to back paddle, but another voice interrupted.


  "Dot!” she squealed again and ran to her friend. They hugged, and giggled, both talking at once as they looked at each other.

  "You look gorgeous as ever.” Dot looked her up and down. “But you've lost weight."

  "I was in the hospital.” Tamara looked back at Dante.

  "What happened?” Dot led her back over to the table and smiled at Dante.

  By the time Tamara finished retelling the story, Paul had returned with a large tray of food.

  "What's all this?” Dante stood up and made room for Paul to place it on the table. “We didn't even order yet."

  "We know what you usually order, and we already know what Tam likes.” Paul grinned and removed the tray.

  The delicious aroma of lasagna made her stomach growl. “Oh yeah, I'd say you know my weakness very well."

  "I brought some for all of us. If you don't mind, we'll join you.” He looked at Dante.

  "Be my guest.” Dante smiled, but Tam could tell it was forced.

  "Come sit over here next to me, Dante.” She patted the chair next to her so Paul could take the empty seat next to Dot.

  "What about the other customers?"

  "They'll be taken care of. We have other servers here.” Paul wrapped one arm around his wife as he handed out salad and rolls.

  "Dot is a wonderful cook, but then you already know that.” Tamara picked some croutons off of Dante's dish. When she caught him staring at her, she blushed, but kept the tasty crunchy morsels. She loved croutons and it wasn't fair that he had extra on his plate.

  Paul laughed and slapped Dante on the back. “She loves croutons. You're a good sport. I can see you'll be a good one for our Tamara."

  "Be nice to him.” She could tell Dante was out of his element and more than a little uncomfortable.

  "It's okay. I'm just surprised. I come here at least once a week, but I've never seen you two come out and join anyone for dinner."

  "Tamara isn't anyone. She's special.” Dot winked and poured wine for them all.

  "I know that.” Dante shifted next to her, and his leg bumped hers. “Sorry."

  Tamara giggled as he bumped her again. She put her hand on his thigh and held him still. “It's fine, Dante.” Before she could remove her hand, he snaked his fingers between hers and pinned it on his leg.

  She hissed in a deep breath and tried to cover the sudden spark of desire that shot through her body by accepting a glass of wine from a waiter who chose that moment to appear. Cold, sweet and delicious, it went straight to her head, heightening the sensation of his hand with hers, on his thigh.

  He didn't move slow, did he? But if he felt the same as her, he might know they were meant to be together, too. That would really mess things up. Would he prevent her from pushing him away? It was better for him to not know, not realize she was his soulmate than to love her and lose her right away.

  Between the food, wine, good friends, and Dante's touch, dinner passed in a blur. Tamara knew she needed to leave now, before she did or said something she regretted. Like make love to Dante on the table in front of Paul, Dot and everyone else.

  "I think it's time I get Tam home. She was just released today, and I don't want her to overdo it."

  Paul shared a wink with Dot and rose. “That's a good idea. You take good care of our Tamara, or you'll answer to me.” The look he shot Dante was serious, and she hoped Dante didn't misinterpret it to think he meant anything more than another friend would.

  "We're not a couple.” She tried to convey with her eyes that Paul should behave, but he either ignored her or didn't care.

  "We're not blind, are we, Dot?"

  "No, dear. We're not blind. We know a couple when we see one."

  Tamara sighed and tugged her hand free as she rose. “Whatever. It w
as good to see you two again."

  "Stop by the Flowerhouse Café anytime you want, Tam."

  "Thanks.” As she hugged and kissed each one, she noticed Dante pull out his wallet.

  "Oh no you don't.” Paul waved his hand. “Our treat. But you two have to come back again soon."

  "We will.” Tamara laughed as she put her jacket back on and let Dante lead her outside.

  They stopped just outside the door and Tamara inhaled the scents of the flowers outside the small restaurant.

  "Do you want to walk for a little or go right home?"

  "I'd rather walk. I can't believe how stuffed I am. I haven't eaten that much in forever."

  Dante laughed. “I know what you mean. I haven't either."

  As they walked his arm came around her waist and settled there lightly. Tendrils of pleasure snaked up her spine at his touch. When his fingertips slipped under her sweater, she shivered.

  "Are you cold?” Dante guided her into a park entrance.

  There was still plenty of daylight left, but the park was almost deserted. The quiet was almost eerie.


  Tamara shrugged. She didn't want to lie, but she didn't want to answer him either.

  "That's it.” Dante came to a stop and turned her to face him. “Admit it, please. You feel it, too. This need, this urgent desire. The feeling that you've come home and nothing can go wrong again."

  "I don't know what you're talking about.” Tamara forced a laugh and looked away as she answered.

  "Tam. Look at me.” He cupped her chin and forced her to meet his gaze. Red-hot desire burned in those hazel eyes. A desire she not only felt, but reciprocated.


  He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her softly. As his lips moved over hers, a warmth spread through her from her head to her toes. When she grabbed onto his shoulders, and kissed him back, he deepened the kiss. His tongue teased hers as she moaned into his mouth. Tamara pressed into him, their bodies lining up perfectly as he slid his arms around her and held her close.

  When he released her, she was light-headed and not sure she could say no if he asked her to let him take her to bed. She definitely didn't want to say no. Damn soulmate magic. Why now?

  "I think you know exactly what I mean, even though you deny it."

  "Whatever.” Tamara tried to shrug aside his comment as she pulled away. She needed air and space to breathe and think. “I think you should take me home. I'm still tired."

  "I'll let it go for now, but we're not finished with this discussion."

  She heaved a sigh of relief as he led her back to his car. At least she'd have the ride home to compose herself before he said goodnight. Would he kiss her again?

  * * * *

  Dante glanced over at Tamara. She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, and she was his. He knew. Somehow she was his. He'd read about soulmates and instant connections. Love at first sight. Now he knew it was real. For some reason she was fighting it, but she knew it, too. Her green eyes flashed desire even if she wanted to pretend it wasn't there.

  He reached over and threaded his fingers through hers as they rested on her thigh. His shaft hardened at the simple touch. What would it be like to have her? To have her under him, naked and panting as he thrust into her over and over.

  If he didn't have duty later tonight he'd try to convince her to let him stay the night, but since she denied feeling the connection, she'd probably refuse to sleep with him, too. It was for the best. Tamara was a keeper. She was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and if he rushed her now and ruined it ... He glanced over and noticed she was lost in thought. Not only did he wish he knew what was on her mind, but he hoped he rated favorably in it.

  She was quiet on the ride back to her house, giving him plenty of time to think about all the things he'd learned about her today. He realized he was pushing her too far, too fast. But he couldn't help it. What he'd said earlier was true. He felt an all-consuming need to make her his. Now and forever.

  "Tell me about your coven. When will you get together for another ritual? Would they be willing to let me watch how you work?"

  "I pretty much told you everything. I'm fire, Macy is water, Candace is earth, Allison is air, Sandra is our High Priestess, and Camryn is the jinx. Sandra wants us to get together Friday night. The moon will be in the perfect position for the spell she has planned."

  "Are you going to tell me what it is?” He risked a quick glance at her, but her expression was serious and solemn.

  "It's not really a spell. More like we're trying to figure out what went wrong and if we can fix it."

  "Do you think I could come along and watch? I'll be so quiet you won't even know I'm there."

  "I want to say no, but I know your interest is genuine, so I'll ask the others. But it's up to them. If any of them will be uncomfortable with you there, then the answer will be no."

  "Fair enough.” Dante knew he couldn't push it. It was her coven and she was right. If he made them uncomfortable he wouldn't learn anything except how to mess up a spell.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 4

  Dante arrived at Tamara's house early. He couldn't believe the coven had agreed to let him watch them cast a spell. They were going to petition the Goddess and that was something he definitely wanted to see. It would reaffirm everything he already knew and hoped was true. Tamara had no idea how much this meant to him. He finally felt complete.

  His knock was quickly answered by a woman with long dirty blonde hair and dark green eyes who was dressed in a white robe with a black belt tied around her waist. She smiled as she looked him up and down.

  "Hi. I'm—"

  "Dante. Tamara's friend. I'm Sandra. How nice to meet you. Please come in.” Sandra held out her hand. He shook her hand and released it as he looked around for Tamara. “She's right. You do have the power in you. And it's strong. Even stronger than hers. Nice."

  He turned back quickly, his head spinning. I have power? Stronger than Tam's? Is she going to tell me it's fire, too?

  "You think you're ready, but you aren't yet. Soon. Very soon.” She looked into the living room. “Come and meet the rest of the girls."

  He followed her, hoping Tamara appeared soon. He'd been very excited, but now that he was surrounded by her coven he couldn't believe the power in the room. And something was happening to him. He felt more alive. He felt excited and happy.

  "This is Allison.” Sandra stopped in front of a tall beautiful woman with brown hair and brown eyes, and huge black glasses that looked ridiculous.

  "Ah, Allison, you're air.” He smiled and hoped he didn't look like he was laughing at her.

  "Yes.” Her shock was amusing, and made her face soften. She really was beautiful. What a shame she wore those god-awful glasses. She also wore a white robe tied with a black belt.

  "And this is Candace."

  Dante spun around and noticed they all wore white robes tied with black belts. Candace had light brown hair that stuck out all over her head, like Tamara's did. Her eyes were hazel just like his.

  "You have beautiful eyes, Candace. Earth, right?"

  "That's right. You have an uncanny knack for guessing powers or Tamara already told you all about us."

  Dante smiled. “She told me about each of your powers and only a little about each of you. She didn't want to give me too much ammunition to use against you."

  Tamara gasped. “That's not true!"

  "I know. I was just teasing.” When he looked at her he almost swept her in his arms and kissed her until she agreed to sleep with him. Her hair was messy like she'd just woken, and her eyes were halfway closed, making him think of things that made his cock harden.

  This is more than lust, this is love. I will take the time to woo her properly. This is for keeps.

  "Let me introduce you to Macy and Camryn."

  Dante looked at the two women standing next to Sandra. One had long curly black hair and t
he other blonde. But both had vivid blue eyes, and looked at him curiously.

  "I'm Macy. Water, but then you already knew that,” the dark one said as she smiled and looked at the one who must be Camryn.

  "So you must be Camryn. It's a pleasure to meet all you ladies. I hope I won't be a distraction."

  "Actually, we're going to use you tonight. Did you bring something like Tam asked?"

  "Yes.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a lock of hair. “I'm not sure why you're including me in this, though."

  "As Tamara's friend, and someone who's been spending a lot of time with her, plus having power that's unused and vulnerable, yeah, you need to be included in this spell.” Sandra turned to the rest of the girls. “Ready?"

  "Yes,” they all answer together.

  "I feel overdressed.” Dante looked at Tamara. She shook her head and smiled, but looked back at Sandra.

  He got it. No talking, it was time to be serious. They walked into the center of the room, and turned north. Sandra picked up a small broom that looked like it was made of twigs.

  "As I sweep, may the besom chase away all negativity from within this circle.” She walked around them in a large circle as she made sweeping motions. “Sweep away all the negativity. I clear this space for our work tonight."

  When she finished, she put the broom—besom—down and walked over to an altar. She lit some incense and several different colored candles, then rang a bell.

  Dante turned as some of the girls walked to different spots inside the circle and gasped. Sandra hadn't used anything to mark the circle, but he could see a faint light that spread in a circle and reached up a few inches from the floor. Shit.

  At the altar, Sandra picked up one of the candles, and turned to the north and Candace. Candace accepted the candle, and lifted it into the air as she spoke. “I call upon light and earth at the north to illuminate and strengthen the circle."

  A rumbling under his feet startled him, and he looked down, but no one else seemed to have noticed it, and if they did, they didn't show it. He drew in a deep breath and looked at the circle. The light was stronger now and reached up higher.


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