Witchy Woes Book 1: Tamara

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Witchy Woes Book 1: Tamara Page 4

by Michelle Hasker

  "I call upon light and air at the east to illuminate and enliven the circle,” Allison said as a gust of wind blew around the circle.

  When had they passed on the candle? He was snoozing on the job. Dante watched as Sandra accepted the candle and walked over to Tamara. Tamara accepted it, and everyone turned as one to look at him.


  "Would you please join Tamara in calling upon fire?” Sandra looked at him pointedly.

  "I'm not—” At the sudden narrowing of her eyes he didn't finish. They wanted him to help, he'd help. As quickly as he could, he walked over to Tamara. She grabbed his hands and had him put them on the candle.

  "We call upon light and fire at the south to illuminate and warm the circle,” Tamara said.

  Instantly, a rush of warmth spread through him, and the tattoo on his left shoulder blade began to heat. Can I actually have power?

  Sandra smiled as she took the candle and turned to Macy at the west corner. Macy accepted the candle and raised it in the air.

  "I call upon light and water at the west to illuminate and cleanse the circle,” Macy said.

  It felt like a fine mist fell on his face and hands, then was gone. He stared around the circle at the others. They were so calm and accepting of everything. They've done this hundreds of times before, Dante. Why wouldn't they be used to it? Stop gawking and start paying attention.

  Sandra placed the candle on the altar and picked up an ornamental knife. She lifted it in the air and said, “I draw this circle in the presence of the Lady and the Lord, that They may aid and bless us in our work."

  As she walked in the circle, dragging the knife along the floor, Dante saw flames shoot up behind the athame. He looked around the circle, but only Tamara stared at them. The others were focused on Sandra.

  "Do you—"

  "Sh,” Tamara hissed and returned to watching the dancing flames.

  Dante bit his tongue and looked back. Sandra was already at the altar and had picked up some salt. She blessed the salt and then sprinkled it in the circle around them. As it touched the flames, the color turned bright white, and rose, wrapping over them until they were sealed inside the bubble.

  Again, they went around the circle, starting with Candace. “I call upon you, Guardians of the North, Element Earth, to guard this circle. By the body and strength that is ours, we ask you to attend this rite."

  Before she finished speaking, a loud rumble sounded underneath them. Dante stepped closer to Tamara.

  "I call upon you, Guardians of the East, Element Air, to guard this circle. By our breath and thoughts we ask you to attend this rite."

  Another strong gust of wind whirled around the outside of the circle. Everyone looked at him and Tamara. She took his hand in hers and raised them.

  "We call upon you, Guardians of the South, Element Fire, to guard this circle. By our energy and consumption of life we ask you attend this rite.” As Tamara finished, flames leapt up surrounding the circle, reaching high and wide, like a protective shield. She grinned at him, and he knew this was what he was meant to do.

  "I call upon you, Guardians of the West, Element Water, to guard this circle. By our emotions and the blood in our veins, we ask you to attend this rite,” Macy said.

  He felt the light mist again, which stopped the second Sandra lifted her arms up in the air, holding her knife up high. “Hail to the elements! Welcome to the Lady and Lord! We stand between the worlds surrounded by light, love and power."

  Sandra poured wine into a bowl on the ground and then turned slowly to look at them all. “Let's do this, ladies and gentleman."

  Once back at her altar, she set the glass down and picked up two candles. She rubbed something on them and drew symbols on them he had no clue how to interpret.

  When she finished the white candle, she said something he couldn't understand and moved on to the black candle. After she finished, she lit some more incense and then the white candle.

  "This flame burns for protection. Protection from accidents, protection from danger, both known and unknown.” She lit the black candle. “This flame burns for safety. Ward us from accidents, ward us from danger, both known and unknown."

  She picked up a pouch, filled it with various items and turned to Candace. Candace added her personal item into the pouch. As Sandra stitched the pouch shut she chanted softly, “Herbs and stone protect Candace with your energy. Draw favorable energy and repel negative energy. As I will it, so mote it be."

  Before she handed it back to Candace she sprinkled salt over the pouch. “I empower you with the element of earth."

  Then she passed it though the smoke from the incense. “And the element of air."

  Next she passed the pouch through both candle flames. “And the element of fire. And the element of water.” She sprinkled water on the pouch. “As I will it, so mote it be."

  She repeated that for each of them, and when she did his, and handed it to him, he felt a sense of peace and goodwill surround his heart. Dante breathed a sigh of relief and slid the pouch in his pocket.

  "Keep the pouch on you at all times."

  "I will.” He smiled at her, but she was still in spell casting mode, so he tightened his lips and looked at Tamara.

  "Now we petition the Goddess Ma'at, the Goddess of truth and balance."

  "Why?” Dante leaned closer, hoping he wouldn't be chastised again for talking.

  "We want to know why the spell backfired and rectify any wrongdoings."

  Dante opened his mouth to ask what she meant, then decided not to when he noticed Camryn watching him.

  Sandra rang a bell at the altar, and Dante watched silently as she raised her hands. “Goddess Ma'at, I petition Thee. Your son and daughters request Your presence. Please hear our plea and assist us this night."

  "What do you offer me?” A husky feminine voice came from the center of the circle.

  Dante couldn't see anyone, and for a minute he thought he'd dreamt it. Then Sandra lifted a sheet and reached into a bird cage. She pulled out a white dove.

  "We offer you hearts, pure and true, love and loyalty. Honesty in all we say and do."

  Before Dante could ask if she was going to kill the dove, Sandra released it into the center of the circle, and it vanished. In its place a beautiful dark-skinned woman appeared. She had long black hair and wore a crown with ostrich feathers in it. Large gold bands circled her upper arms, and a heavy necklace of gold encircled her neck. Her gown was white and on her feet were gold slippers.

  Egypt. They'd called upon an Egyptian goddess.

  "What is it you ask, daughters and son? Who stands on judgment tonight?"

  "We do, my Goddess.” As Sandra spoke they all dropped to their knees and bowed their heads.

  Dante followed suit, even as he continued to stare at Ma'at's feet. A goddess. They'd summoned a real live goddess. And she'd answered.

  "Why are you here before me, then?"

  He looked up as Sandra answered. “When we brought Camryn into our coven we knew she needed help to undo the evil that had been done to and by her. By giving her our assistance, we helped her cast a spell to reverse or undo the harmful spells she'd cast against various people or for herself. In the process we were all hit by a strong magic and have suffered in various ways.

  "Tamara was struck by magical flames that burned her and landed her in the hospital. She is still recovering, my Goddess. We're not sure if the flames have damaged her more than—more.” She quickly looked at him, then back at Ma'at's feet.

  She didn't want him to know something. But what? What is Tamara's secret? Was it the reason they'd moved her to another room? Had the fire done damage internally? He reached for Tamara's hand and clasped it tightly in his.

  "Allison has developed problems with her appearance. Candace keeps finding jobs, but gets fired or quits because she can't tolerate the injustices done to her at work. Macy almost drowned, and now she has power, more power than she can control, and it's growing to a dangerous

  "And what about the young man, other young woman, and yourself?"

  "Dante is here to learn. He has a special power, Goddess, and we want to help him learn to use and control it. Camryn hasn't really been affected by the spell yet, as far as we can tell. In our outrage, we accused her of trying to sabotage our coven, but we've apologized for our mistake and received forgiveness from her."

  "And you?"

  "I've lost my job, and am about to lose my home. No one is willing to hire me, and I'm afraid I'll have to leave here."

  Several gasps echoed in the circle. Her leaving is obviously a bad option. She is their High Priestess. They need her. How can she abandon them?

  Ma'at was silent for a while, but when he couldn't stay on his knees any longer, she glanced around the circle.

  "The circle was not sabotaged, but someone did try. Women seeking to hurt those who aided Camryn. They tried to keep you from helping her. They don't want her spells reversed, and they want her back."

  Camryn sobbed and Dante turned to her. No one moved, but the sound of her sobs tore at his heart.

  "However, your protection stayed strong and they did not interfere with your spell."

  "Then this is our punishment, my Goddess?"

  "It's not a punishment, my dear. All will become clear in time, but there is no need for me to cast judgment upon any of you here."

  "We also seek to restore balance, to rectify anything we've done wrong."

  "You wish to stop the curse you believe has come upon you all. I'm afraid this is something that has been decided already and has been set in motion with no way to stop it. Have patience, faithful ones. You will see. I cannot tell you more. You are not meant to understand this right now. Have faith. It will all be clear soon enough."

  Without warning Ma'at vanished. Dante looked over at Tamara, but she and the others remained with their heads bowed for another minute.

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  Chapter 5

  Tamara sighed as she closed the door behind Sandra. There were so many questions Dante must have. It was incredible to find someone else with her specific powers, and that he also was her soulmate made it even more fantastic.

  "Do you need help with anything?” Dante's voice came from close behind her. Too close.

  "No, that's okay.” She spun around and gasped as he pressed her up against the door.

  His mouth covered hers, and he took control, dominating her in a totally alpha way. She melted into his arms and into his kiss.

  As desire coiled in her belly and moisture dampened her panties, Tamara wrapped her arms around Dante. If he even thought he was leaving without making love to her first he had another think coming.

  "I'm sorry. I just...” He spread kisses all over her chin and neck as he left his sentence unfinished.

  "It's okay. It's the magic. Using magic is a heady experience, Dante. And this was no ordinary spell. You met Ma'at and created a protection pouch. I'd say you worked up quite a bit of sexual energy."

  "The others. They didn't look as affected as I feel."

  Tamara laughed. “It's our magic. It calls us to each other. Through our combined fire magic tonight, we created quite a bit of heat in that circle. You just didn't notice it until after we were cleaning up. Then you began to feel restless and agitated. Like you forgot something, or had something really important to do and not enough time in which to do it."

  "Yes.” Dante looked at her, love and lust burning in his eyes.

  Love. Her future be damned. She wanted Dante, and tonight she'd have him. Tomorrow she could work on forgetting him. Or at least making him forget her.

  Working her hands down his back, she gripped his ass and squeezed, pulling him even closer. As his erection pressed into her belly, she rubbed against him, trying to make him forget everything else, except making love to her.

  "Tam,” Dante panted as he cupped her breasts and teased her nipples with his thumbs.

  When she moaned and arched into his caress, he captured her mouth again, kissing her deeply. White-hot lust streaked through her, igniting an inferno she didn't want to put out.

  "Make love to me, Dante,” she gasped between lingering kisses.

  "Yes.” He scooped her up in his arms and headed for the stairs. “Tell me where your bedroom is. I refuse to take you up against the door like an animal."

  "Like an animal can be fun.” She looked up at him and grinned. As she batted her eyelashes he chuckled, and hesitated in the hallway.

  "Which one?"

  "I'm at the end of the hall, but I'll take you in whichever room and whatever way you want.” She winked and giggled. When had foreplay ever been this much fun? Not in years.

  Dante walked down the hall and pushed at the door with his foot. It swung open, and he walked inside. He hesitated for a second, then walked over to her bed and lowered her onto it.

  When he turned on the bedside lamp she looked up into his eyes. With his desire they'd darkened to a deep shade of blue. Before she could reach for him, he climbed on top of her and pressed her down into the mattress.

  "I hope you don't have any other plans tonight."

  "Nope.” She shook her head as she stared into his mysterious eyes.

  "Good, because I'm not letting you out of this bed."

  "Mmm.” She smiled and wrapped her hands around his neck. “I hope that's a promise you can keep."

  "Damn straight it is.” He growled and kissed her again, this time with more hunger then he had in the foyer.

  As his mouth moved over hers and his tongue dueled with hers, Tamara gave in to the multitude of sensations rushing through her body and let them take over.

  "Sweet, sweet Tamara.” Dante buried his face in her neck and inhaled.

  Shivering, she wrapped her arms and legs around him, massaging every bit of him she could reach.

  "Clothes. Take off your clothes, Dante. I want to see you. I want to touch you and taste you.” A visible shiver ran through his body, and she grinned as she tugged at his shirt. “And I want it now."

  He groaned, the sound vibrating on her neck. Moisture pooled between her thighs and she ground against him trying to ease the burning ache his touch started.

  When he stood up and took off his clothes, Dante turned it into a striptease, slowly removing each piece of clothing until she wanted to go to him and rip the rest off. If his goal was to turn her into a sex-starved, raving lunatic, it was working.

  Dante's body was very well defined, but she expected no less given his job and overall desire to keep fit. His skin was tanned all over, and his chest was smooth except for a faint dusting of hair leading down to his thick shaft. Her mouth watered just looking at his penis. She couldn't wait to slide him into her mouth and taste him.

  Tamara crawled over to him on her hands and knees and grabbed his hips. She tugged him closer and wrapped her hands around his glorious cock. With a moan, she slipped him into her mouth, but not before licking him and tasting the salty male essence that was Dante. Pre-cum teased her tongue from the slit, and she licked at it with another moan. Shivers ran through Dante's body, and she grinned.

  "I need you too much, Tam. I don't want to come in your mouth and finish the night before it starts."

  "Nonsense. We can have a little—” She froze when he growled, and let him pull away.

  "I said I won't be able to wait, and I meant it. I haven't been with a woman in a long time, and between how sexy you look and sound, that luscious mouth of yours, and the magic running through me, I need you before I explode."

  Damn. He's serious. And so damn sexy when he looks and sounds so needy.

  "Then we need to remedy that situation immediately.” Tamara untied her robe and let it fall from her shoulders.

  Dante's eyes darkened and his mouth curved in a sensual grin. He focused on her breasts, then looked down, and back up, slowly, devouring her with his eyes.

  "What are you waiting for?” she teased as she crawled backwards.
  "I don't know.” He laughed and jumped on her bed, advancing on her and pinning her beneath him. “Maybe I don't know where to start."

  Tamara stared at him, breathless as magic coursed through her veins. Her tattoo grew warm whenever he was near, and right now it was hot enough to melt right off her arm. When Danted lowered his mouth and drew one of her nipples between his lips, she gasped and grabbed his shoulders. Her right hand burned when she touched him, and she gasped pulling away.

  "What happened?” Dante pulled back and looked at her.

  "I think I got burned touching you.” She forced a laugh as she looked at her hand.

  "Let me see.” He reached for her hand. She sighed and put her hand in his, palm up. He froze, his gaze locked on her tattoo.

  "I got that in college. It was one of the things we all did as a coven. We each got tattoos related to our magic. Does it bother you?"

  "No. It's just that ... let me show you.” He turned and showed her his left shoulder. He had the same tattoo. Same colors, same flames, but his was bigger.

  "What are the odds?” She forced a laugh. She knew what the odds were. They were soulmates. This was something she should have expected. Same power. Same tattoo. Where her power hand was right, his must be left.

  "I think it's really cool."

  "Me, too.” Tam smiled and reached for him. “Now get back over here and kiss me."

  Dante laughed and kissed her. Tamara rolled him over and spread kisses across his chest as she worked her way lower. His hands locked on her shoulders and he tugged her forward.

  "No, Tam. I want to come in you, not in your mouth."


  "In my back pocket.” He grinned. “Care to put it on for me?"

  "It would be my pleasure.” Tamara grinned and climbed off the bed. She picked up his pants and felt his pockets for the small foil package. She lifted it up with a small war cry and tore it open with her mouth.

  Dante laughed and put his hands behind his head as she straddled him. She tossed the wrapper aside and slid the condom on as slowly as she could, trying to torture him. He hardened even more under her touch and jumped, pressing into her hand.


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