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Axton (Four Kings Empire Book 1)

Page 21

by Sam Crescent

  “Taylor!” Carla gave her a little shove, and she burst out laughing.

  “What? I can have a little fun with all your morbid talk. Besides, I know for a fact you’re a pain in the ass. Like, a royal pain in the butt. If your death was justified, then no, your fault.”

  Carla was laughing.

  “Of course I’d do whatever I could. We’ve got a plan, Carla, and I for one intend to live our lives to the fullest. So, we’ve got to go traveling and do crazy-ass stuff.”

  She took her friend’s hand, and they locked fingers. United forever. Best friends. Sisters.

  “I love you, Taylor.”

  “I love you too, Carla. You’re going to live a very long life. We’ve got stuff to do. Places to visit, and everything. We’ve got our entire lives ahead of us. Nothing bad is going to happen. Now, can we please go back to relaxing?”

  Carla chuckled. “Yes.”

  “And stop listening to morbid tapes. Go back to reading romance. They are much more fun.” Taylor pulled her friend in for a hug, and they started laughing.


  Present, one week later

  “So what is tonight all about?” Taylor asked.

  Axton glanced over at her, admiring the full curves in the tight dress that she wore. “Tonight is a celebration.”

  “What about?”

  “Success. Hammer finally lost our contract. We have the deal, signed and sealed, and now we’re moving on to the next step.” He was so fucking happy right now. Hearing that Hammer was going to win one of his contracts had pissed him the fuck off. No one beat him, no one.

  “Are you going to stick to your promises?” she asked. “Or were they all just part of winning the contract?”

  “We’ll stick to them. The Four Kings’ Empire makes sure we have an exceptional reputation.” He glanced over at her.

  The past week had flown by. He’d not been able to spend as much time with her as he’d like. Last-minute planning and negotiating had seen to that. Also, as she worked for all four of them, he couldn’t demand her attention.

  She seemed off.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Sure, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “You just seem … different.”

  “Nah, I’m fine.”

  She kept on looking out the window.

  Did she even realize that she was trying to pull down her skirt? The dress wasn’t overly glamorous, just a simple black cocktail dress.

  The more time he spent with her, the more little details he seemed to notice.

  The confidence fell just a little as she pulled on her skirt, trying to get it to cover more of her thighs.

  He loved her fuller body. To him, she didn’t need to spend her time in the gym as she was perfect already.

  Something wasn’t right with Taylor and hadn’t been all week. She seemed a little distant, and he found it impossible to read her. It was like she’d taken a step back or something had happened. More often this week than any other she’d seemed lost in her own little world.

  Even Romeo, Karson, and Easton had recognized it.

  “Do you ever go back home?”

  “Home? You mean King’s Ridge.”

  “That is home, isn’t it?”

  He ignored the attitude. “Yeah, I still go home. My father is still there.”

  “You care for him?”

  “He has a nurse.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. He probably deserves it. What’s with the sudden interest in my family life, Taylor?”

  “Can’t I be concerned or show an interest?”

  “I don’t know. Can you?”

  She crossed her arms beneath her breasts, and he didn’t want to fight with her.

  “You know, when I was younger my locker was broken into.”


  “I was always left these roses and secret love letters. I think they were love letters. I never found the person who sent them.”

  He glanced over at her.

  “Huh,” she said.


  “Ignore me. I’m in my own little world right now. Sorry. It has been a long week. I don’t even know what I’m saying half the time.”

  He didn’t get her or understand her. She was so confusing right now. Pulling up outside the nightclub, he climbed out and shook his head at the valet about to open her car door. Stepping in his place, Axton opened it up and took her hand.

  No one touched what belonged to him, and Taylor was all his.

  Putting his hand at her back, he led the way inside. The music blasted off the walls, vibrating the large dance floor. He loved this club. It was one of the best that they owned. Of course, not many people knew they owned clubs. This was more of a private venture.

  “Wow,” she said.

  When she started walking toward the bar, he took her hand and led her toward the VIP section. They walked to their own private booth, which overlooked the club. They were surrounded by protective glass, which meant they could see out, but no one saw in, the perfect kind of privacy.

  Easton, Romeo, and Karson were already there, drinks in hand. A couple of women were giggling over Romeo and Easton.

  Taking the only available seat, he pulled Taylor into his lap.

  “Four seats, really?”

  “We don’t do business here. This is our own private booth.”

  “No room for anyone else at your big ol’ table.”

  “No need for others when we’re more than enough as a foursome,” Karson said.

  “Ladies, leave,” Axton said.

  The women started to pout, but Karson showed them to the door, closing and locking it.

  “That was rather rude,” she said.

  “What can I say, I like my privacy.”

  “Well, seeing as I’m not part of that foursome, I think it best I leave.” She made to stand up, but he caught her around the waist, pulling her down into his lap.

  His cock was already rock-hard, wanting inside her. He couldn’t get enough of her perfect, tight pussy.

  “You’re part of me.”

  “So you two are exclusive now?” Easton asked.

  “I didn’t know we were meeting you guys,” she said, wriggling on his lap.

  “We’re together. She belongs to me.”

  “You sure about this, Axton?” Karson asked.

  “She’s mine.”

  “Wow, possessive much?” Taylor asked. “Besides, I’ve not said I want to be yours.”

  He banded an arm around her waist and pulled her back. With one hand wrapped around her pretty neck, he brought his lips to her ear.

  “You want to belong to someone else, Taylor? You and I both know I’m the only one that can make you come so fucking hard you forget who you are.”

  “I’m sure anyone else could make me come,” she said.

  The wicked glint in her eyes made him smile. She didn’t fool him one bit. Something was going on with her, and he was going to find out what.

  “You know, you keep daring me, baby. You need to learn that when you play with fire, you’re going to get hurt.” He’d placed a hand on her knee and slowly started to draw it up underneath her skirt until he touched her pussy.

  She gasped, arching up against his hand.

  “She’s so wet for me right now, boys. I bet you’re all hard right now. Wanting to know just how tight and wet she is.”

  “We shouldn’t do this,” she said, pressing against his hand. The fight within her was not very strong at all. In fact, he didn’t for a second believe she was even trying to get away from him.

  “Why not?” He slid a finger beneath her panties. “You’re already so wet. Don’t worry about them. They know who you belong to, and besides, they like getting off to things they can’t have.”

  “I’m not a thing.”

  “No, you’re all mine, and none of them will ever know just how fucking sweet you are. How tight your cunt is as it’s wrapped around my dick.” He pulled he
r dress up and tore her panties off, placing them in his pocket.

  He put her legs over either side of the chair so she was open, exposed, and everyone in the room could see just how wet she was, and they would all know it was for him and him alone.

  Sliding a finger through her pretty cunt, he let them watch as he placed a finger knuckle deep. That wasn’t enough, so he added a second finger, then a third, stretching her pussy, working her open. Teasing her clit with his thumb, he stared down at her bunched-up dress.

  Removing his fingers from her neck, he lifted her up, and eased the zipper down, pushing it so that the straps of her dress kept her arms bound to her sides.

  “Fucking beautiful,” Romeo said.

  Glancing over at his friend, he saw all three of them had their dicks out and were working their lengths.

  “You see that, beautiful, that’s what you’re doing to them. You’re making them want to come over here and fuck your pussy. But you and I both know they’re never going to do that. This pussy belongs to me and only me.”

  Drawing his fingers up to stroke her clit, he wished he had a mirror just so he could see how wet she was. Her ass wriggled against his suit pants, and he wanted that as well. Not in front of his friends though. That would be something he took in privacy without any of them watching.

  “You want my dick inside you?”


  “Beg me.”

  “Fuck you.”

  He pinched her clit, getting a scream from her. “Beg me.”

  She groaned, and he pinched her again.

  “Please, Axton, I want your cock.”

  He moved her out of the way, pulled his cock out, and then moved her back in place where her pussy was in perfect view. Sliding inch by glorious inch within her, he seated himself to the hilt, and they both moaned.

  Romeo, Karson, and Easton did the same moaning. Lifting up the dress and throwing it to the floor, Axton pulled her back against him, and cupped her tits, stroking her nipples. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down and kissing him lips. She moaned his name, and he began to thrust inside her, showing his friends exactly who owned her. He never took a woman first or brought a woman here. If a woman was here, it was usually through business, and he never made a point of claiming her.

  In front of his friends, he was marking her as his, and as such, they would have no choice but to leave her alone. Every single part of Taylor belonged to him, and it always had. No matter how much she tried to deny it.

  She was his.

  He made sure of it.

  For a long time now, he held himself back, and he wasn’t going to do that any longer. She was his.

  Taking her hand, he placed it on her pussy and got her to play with herself, to tease her clit, to bring herself to orgasm as he kissed her, driving inside her as he did.

  She whimpered his name, and he couldn’t get enough.

  After the week of nonstop work, he didn’t last long, shooting in deep just as she found her orgasm, her pulsing cunt drinking up every single blast of his cum.

  Afterward, they were both panting, and he stared into her eyes, completely struck by her. She licked her lips, and he wanted her again.

  Easton was the one to clear his throat.

  “Bathroom?” she asked.

  “Through there.”

  She climbed off his lap, grabbed her dress, and without looking at any of them, disappeared inside.

  “Wow, man, you’re claiming her?” Romeo asked.

  “She’s always been mine.”

  “You’re playing a dangerous game,” Easton said. “Remember your father won’t approve. I know firsthand what that feels like.”

  “He’s not the boss. Taylor’s mine, and one day soon, I’m going to tell her the truth.”

  Easton paused with his drink pressed against his lips. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. She has a right to know.”

  “I hate to break it to all of you, but he also came inside her. There was no condom,” Karson said. “How many times have you done that? I know you, Axton. That kind of shit you don’t forget.”

  He stared at his friend, refusing to answer.

  “It wasn’t that long ago that you didn’t trust her,” Easton said. “Now you’re making plans long-term. Have you lost your fucking mind?”

  “Keep your damn mouth shut, Easton. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

  “I remember all too well.”

  Silence fell at the pain echoing around the room from Easton’s voice. After ten years, he’d never gotten over it.

  Even now, Axton saw it clear in his friend’s eyes.

  “We all agreed that there would be no women interfering. That we all had a say,” Easton said.

  “You want to take a vote on this?” Axton asked.

  “She know about the letters?” Karson asked, drawing his attention toward him.

  Axton stared at his friend.

  “You can’t even be fucking honest with her after all these years. This is pathetic, Axton, even for you,” Easton said.

  Before he could speak, the door to the bathroom opened.

  Her cheeks were a beautiful shade of pink.

  “I think it’s time we joined the crowd and danced,” Axton said. He stood up, took her hand, and led the way out of the room.

  “This isn’t over, Axton,” Karson said.

  “Oh, yes, it fucking is.”

  “Why do I feel like I stepped into a warzone there?” she asked.

  “You didn’t.”

  “Really? Because that sure as hell sounded like it. You guys aren’t falling out because of me, are you?”


  “You’re sure?”

  He pulled her into his arms as they got to the dance floor. “I mean every single word.” He put his hands on her ass, holding her close. The music changed as it always did to a slow number.

  She rolled her eyes, putting her hands on his shoulders. “You’re not even going to give me a hint of what that fight was about?”

  “Just guy stuff.”

  “Wow, sexist much?”

  “We all seem to think we can meddle into each other’s lives.”

  “That must be nice. Paul’s always trying to give me advice. I don’t take it though. I probably should. There’s no probably about it, I know I should take it,” she said, smiling.

  He loved her smile.

  Not the fake thing she tried to pass off as a smile either. This was a full-on smile with dimples. The one he’d seen many times from afar but never actually gotten to see up close.

  “I’ve known best for so long.”

  “And you don’t take their advice?”

  “I do when I need it.”

  “Which is?”

  “Rarely. I told you, my dad didn’t raise a son to be a follower. He raised me to be a leader.”

  She stared at him, the smile dropping from her lips. “Do you respect your dad?”


  “Do you follow in his footsteps?”

  “I’m my own person, Taylor. I don’t do what my father says or does.”

  “But you protect him.”

  He paused, staring at her. “I have to.”

  She nodded.

  The moment was broken, and her gaze was on his chest. That niggling feeling was back once again, and he didn’t know what to say or do to make it fucking stop.


  A week later

  Taylor hated sneaking into his office, especially as he always seemed to know the perfect time to interrupt her. The one good thing about Four Kings’ Empire, there was never a dull moment. All four of the men had to go out to meetings, and she’d been left alone to keep track of each new development.

  Which sounded perfect on paper. A week of being alone in the office. The perfect chance to sneak around, but alas that didn’t happen much. They kept her busy, and between dealing with calls, sitting in via video link on meetings, writing up c
ontracts, handling lawyers and just doing her job, she didn’t have time.

  This had been the first chance she had this week to check through Axton’s drawers. With his mention of his father being sick, she intended to take a trip to King’s Ridge. To do so required her to lie to get into his home. The guilt was there. She didn’t want to do this, but her need for the truth kept driving her. Her feelings for Axton were making it hard for her to do this. Lying was something she hated doing, even on that first day at the interview. She tried not to think about it. She had to be prepared for everything. Carla had secrets, and they got her killed.

  Paul had already come through in regard to the woman who had been raped by Nial Long. At his home, she’d gotten details of what happened. The woman had been passed around to each of the four kings like a fuck toy, used and abused until they’d thrown her out. It had been next to impossible to find the details. A report had been filed, and after some investigating, her statement had been withdrawn. The case had closed, but it had been filed as completed on the computer, which is why he’d been able to find it. The medical examiner’s report hadn’t been removed though. Paul had been able to find that even though nothing had been acted upon because she’d withdrawn her charges. The woman may have been lying, sure. But medical reports didn’t lie. Evidence of rape didn’t lie.

  The more she found out, the harder it was for her to respect people of the law. They were paid to do a job, but it seemed the right person lined their pockets and that job became null and fucking void.

  It pissed her off.

  Just like it pissed her off about Carla and what happened to her.

  The phone on her desk started to ring. Cursing, she closed up Axton’s drawers and rushed out to see who it was.

  “Four Kings’ Empire, Taylor speaking, how can I help you?”

  “What’s up, Taylor?” Easton asked.

  “Oh, I was just taking a quick bathroom break. I didn’t know how long the phone had been ringing. Kind of panicked and ran.”

  Easton chuckled. “I was just checking in to make sure everything is set up for my red eye tonight.”

  “Red eye, yes. You’ll be arriving quite late, but not to worry, I already have a driver picking you up. He’ll have your name on a card. No need to worry.”


  “Can I ask you a question?” she asked.


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