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Rake's Redemption (Wind Dragons Motorcycle Club)

Page 17

by Chantal Fernando

“Who actually wears matching socks?” Vinnie asks, looking pretty grumpy.

  Rake starts laughing, obviously having gotten over the choking. “Fuck, does Sin know?”

  Vinnie shrugs his shoulders, expression turning to amusement. “I have no idea. So it’s not just me fuckin’ thinking this?”

  I look between the men. “What are you two on about?”

  Irish storms into the kitchen at that moment. “Faye just interrupted me fucking to clean under my bed. Under my bed! Where is Sin?”

  Tracker and Arrow then walk into the kitchen. Tracker looks around the room and smiles slowly. “Faye is being a psycho again. She’s so knocked up!”


  Faye’s pregnant?

  They knew that just because she was cleaning all of their rooms? Seems odd to me, but I’m new here, so what do I know.

  Faye is next to walk into the kitchen, holding a broom.

  “Is there a meeting in here I wasn’t invited to?” she asks, wrinkling her nose. “Who are we bitching about? Is it the woman Irish was having sex with? Because I don’t know how she walks with those gigantic boobs either.”

  Irish scowls, his intimidating look probably scaring most women but not Faye.

  “Does she float or sink in water?” Faye asks him, grinning at her own joke.

  “Does Sin know?” Tracker asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Know what?” she replies, lawyer face now on, giving away nothing.

  Tracker points to her stomach. “That you’re pregnant?”

  Faye gasps, free hand going to her stomach. “What the hell! How did you guys all know? Did Sin tell everyone already? I only told him this morning!”

  We all look at the broom in her hand.

  She looks at it too, then drops it to the ground like it’s on fire. “Damn it! I was going to make an announcement on the weekend in a super cute way!”

  The men all walk over and hug her, even Arrow, who I almost never see touching anyone besides Anna. I find it really sweet. I get up and hug her too. “Congratulations. Is Clover excited to be a big sister?”

  Faye lets go of me and smiles happily. “She is. She wants a baby brother she can boss around.”

  “She’s probably seen the way you act in the clubhouse,” Vinnie jokes, wrapping Faye from behind and kissing her on top of her head.

  “Very funny,” Faye returns, shaking her head in amusement. “I’m going to finish cleaning and then head home.”

  “No locked rooms, Faye,” Arrow says, narrowing his gaze. “Or do we need another intervention?”

  The men all chuckle at that.

  Faye rolls her eyes and purses her lips, but the glint in her eyes gives away her amusement. “Fine, no locked rooms. Arrow, your room isn’t locked right now though.”

  She jogs off.

  Arrow stalks behind her.

  Rake looks to me, then to the door Faye just vacated.

  “Do you remember if I locked my door?”


  One month later

  I’M hungry, Adam,” I hear Cara tell Rake, making me stop in the doorway to observe the two of them. They’re both sitting on the couch, watching a cartoon.

  “What do you want to eat, Angel?” he asks her, looking down and studying her.

  “Out of anything in the world?” I hear my daughter ask. “Or from our kitchen?”

  Rake chuckles at that and seems to consider. “How about, for now, from the kitchen, but tomorrow I’ll get you whatever you feel like from out in the world.”

  Cara nods her little head and says, “Okay, deal. How about strawberries dipped in chocolate?”

  I grin at her request.

  “Isn’t that a dessert?” Rake asks slowly, shifting in his seat.

  Cara simply shrugs. “Strawberries are fruit. Fruit is healthy.”

  “Are there some already made up in the fridge?” Rake sounds hopeful.

  “No, you gotta make it, Adam,” Cara says, sighing in exasperation. “I know how, but I need an adult to supervist me or I’ll get in trouble.”

  “Supervist? Oh, you mean supervise.” Rake chuckles, body shaking in amusement. I hear him mutter supervist under his breath again in humor.

  “That’s what I said.” Cara sniffs, standing up and holding her hand out to Rake. “Come on.”

  Rake stares at her tiny hand, then places his over it.

  My throat tightens at the sweetness of the gesture. I step back into the hallway as the two of them make their way to the kitchen. Cara opens the fridge and points to the strawberries, which are just out of her reach. Rake lifts her up so she can grab them herself. She puts them on the table, then gets the chocolate out of the cupboard and hands it to him.

  “We need to melt the chocolate,” she says, pointing to the microwave. I decide to step in and save a confused-looking Rake, who keeps glancing at the chocolate, then the microwave. I walk into the kitchen and take the chocolate out of his hands, opening the packet and tipping it into a bowl.

  “I got this, Rake,” I say, grinning widely. “No need to hurt yourself.”

  Rake playfully grabs me by the waist from behind and pulls me back against him. “I don’t usually spend much time in the kitchen,” he admits.

  “No, really?” I say sarcastically, shimmying out of his reach with a smile. “Do you want some too, babe?”

  “I do,” he says, looking down at Cara. “And if Angel loves it so much, I want to know how to make them for her.”

  Why did he have to be so sweet sometimes? It makes me want to jump on him and kiss the crap out of him, but I can’t do that with Cara watching.

  The last month with him has been amazing. We’ve done a lot of talking, trying to be open and honest every time the past rears its ugly head. It’s not easy, but like Lana said, nothing worth it ever is. And I’ll fight for him until my last dying breath,

  “Okay,” I tell him, explaining the very basic steps. He puts the chocolate in a bowl then melts it in the microwave.

  “That’s it?” he asks, raising his eyebrows. “Anyone can do that.”

  “Even you?” I tease, watching as he dips a strawberry in the chocolate. He then lifts it to my mouth, and I open it, taking a bite, while his gaze stays locked on my mouth. “You have to put them in the fridge.”

  “The second we are alone . . .” he whispers heatedly under his breath.

  I ignore him and continue to finish the strawberries, then put them in the fridge. “Cara, I’ll heat up some pasta for you to eat now, the strawberries can be dessert, all right?”

  “Okay, Mom!” she calls out, then races back to the living room.

  Rake pushes me back against the counter.

  I love the power I have over him, how I can make him want me with just the smallest actions.

  That his need for me is the same as mine for him.

  That we can’t get enough of each other.

  “You’re so fuckin’ . . . fuck,” he says, shaking his head.

  “Very eloquent,” I say, trying to lighten the intensity radiating from him. “I’m so what?”

  “Just,” he replies, pushing my hair back behind my ear. “Everything. You’re everything. It overwhelms me sometimes.”

  “Good everything?” I find myself asking, even though I know he meant it in that way.

  “Very good,” he says, resting his forehead on mine. “Never did I think, ever, in my fuckin’ life, would we be here right now. Together. Winning. Beating the past. Fuck.”

  “We haven’t won yet.”

  “We will,” he says with confidence. “Because if there’s one thing I won’t lose, it’s you for a second time.”

  * * *

  “Uncle Rake, it’s my birthday!” Clover yells, running up to us as we walk outside, where a big bouncy castle has been set up.

  “I know, princess,” Rake says, lifting her up with one arm and handing her a brightly wrapped present with the other. “Happy birthday.”

  Clover takes the pack
age and beams up at Rake. “Thank you! I’ll add it to the pile. Daddy said I can open them all later.” She then turns to me, her big hazel eyes curious. “Are you Uncle Rake’s girlfriend? Mom said he has a lot of them.”

  Rake playfully tickles her. “Why you always gotta make trouble for me, Clover?”

  “Someone has to.” She grins, her black hair blowing in the wind. This little girl is going to be an absolute heartbreaker when she’s older, and with that attitude too, men better look out.

  “This is Bailey,” Rake says, gesturing to me. “You be nice to her, you hear me?”

  “I’m always nice, Uncle Rake,” she says, an amused glint in her eyes. “Nice to meet you, Bailey.”

  “You too, Clover,” I tell her. “I’ve heard so much about you. And happy birthday—I hope you like the present.”

  “You chose my present?” she asks, staring down at the black-and-pink-wrapped gift.

  “I did,” I reply, wondering about why she was asking. She turns her little head to Rake. “Uncle Rake, you didn’t even choose my present?”

  Rake throws his head back and laughs. “Give me a break, princess. I don’t know what seven-year-old girls like these days.”

  She grins, looking back at me. “Thank you for the gift, Aunt Bailey.”

  My heart instantly warms at being called that. “You’re welcome, sweetie.”

  “Now I have some other people for you to meet,” Rake says, then puts Clover down. “Clover, this is Cara and Rhett.”

  Clover looks down at the two children by my side, as if only just noticing them.

  “More friends. Yay!” she squeals, running up to them and taking them both by the hands. “Come on, let’s go play.”

  Cara glances back at me once but then follows Clover into the bouncy castle, Rhett, as always, by her side.

  “She’ll look after them,” Rake says, watching me. “Come on, baby. Let’s get something to eat; I’m starving.”

  I roll my eyes. “What’s new?”

  He hugs me from behind, enveloping me in his warmth. “Always hungry when I’m around you.”

  His lips touch my neck, and I shiver.

  I’m always hungry around him too. I step forward, pulling him with me. Everyone says hello and comes over to greet us. Rake goes over to Sin, who is working the grill, with a plate in his hand, while I sit down with Anna, Lana, and Faye, who are watching the kids and chatting among themselves.

  “You two look so fuckin’ cute together” is the first thing Faye says to me. “I feel like taking a picture every time I see it, because I never thought I’d see this day.”

  Anna looks up from her phone and smirks at Faye. “That some of the men would be happily taken?”

  “That Rake could be satisfied by one pussy,” Faye replies casually, making me almost choke on the piece of candy I’d just popped into my mouth.

  “Faye,” Anna admonishes, flashing me an apologetic look that turns into a wince.

  “It’s okay,” I tell her. “I know he was a man-whore.”

  Lana leans forward, resting her elbows on the table. “Yeah, but name one of them who wasn’t.”

  “Arrow wasn’t too bad,” Anna says a little defensively. “At least not as bad as the rest.”

  “Rake was the worst,” Faye says, staring Anna down. “Sorry, but you have to admit.”

  Anna and Lana reluctantly nod.

  “Yeah, but now he’s the same way he was with Bailey in high school,” Anna says. “He doesn’t even look at any other women. And trust me, I’ve been watching him.”

  Faye looks to me. “You’re his, and he’s yours. It’s actually beautiful to see. Who’s next? I vote Vinnie; he needs to be taken down a peg.”

  We all look to Vinnie, who is out on the grass, enjoying the sunlight. He pulls his T-shirt over his head and stretches out, and we all lower our gazes to his six-pack.

  “Don’t think it’s going to be hard for him to attract someone,” Lana murmurs, fanning herself dramatically.

  “Where did he pull those muscles from?” Faye asks quizzically. “I don’t remember them looking like that, and I’ve known Vinnie ever since he was a prospect.”

  “His getting women isn’t the issue,” Anna adds, tapping her finger on her chin. “His cut does that regardless. What he needs is to find a woman he wants to actually keep.”

  “One who loves him for him,” Lana adds, always the hopeless romantic.

  “Hopefully she’s awesome like all of us,” Faye says, squaring her shoulders. “And a total babe.”

  Anna rolls her eyes. “You mean hopefully she’s a good woman who treats Vinnie well.”

  “Yeah. That.” Faye grins, then looks at Clover, who is spinning around in a circle in excitement. Cara and Rhett run to her, and the three of them start laughing at something. “There’s a future clique right there.”

  We all watch the three of them, and I have to agree. If Rake and I stay together, these people will all be a part of our lives for eternity. I find myself hoping for that to be so, for Rake to be mine, and for me to belong to this family. There is obviously a scary side to the biker life, and the thought of putting Cara in any danger has me extremely worried, but I know Rake will never let anything happen to her. My gaze finds him, still standing with Sin, who is now putting meat on his plate.

  “Where’s Tia today?” Lana asks softly, writing something in a notebook in front of her.

  “She had to work,” I tell her. “Trust me, she’d be here if she could.”

  Lana smiles and puts her pen down. “Maybe she could be the woman for Vinnie. She fits in perfectly with us, is beautiful, and knows how to handle men.”

  The four of us share a look.

  “What are you all conspiring over now?” Tracker asks as he walks over, blue eyes narrowed. He takes a seat next to Lana, then pulls her seat in closer to his. “I feel fuckin’ sorry for whoever it involves.”

  Faye smiles sweetly and blows Tracker a kiss. “All you have to know is it has nothing to do with you.”

  “Thank fuck,” Tracker replies quickly, running his thumb over Lana’s knee. “Can’t believe our princess is seven years old now. I remember the day she was born.”

  “Really?” Faye asks, dragging the word out. “I remember you staring at my crotch with a horrified expression like she was going to drop out in front of you.”

  Tracker shudders as if remembering the moment. “What did you expect from me? At least I wasn’t an asshole like Rake.”

  Faye’s eyes narrow. “That’s right. What did he say again?”

  Tracker chuckles, then stops when he sees the look on her face. “Something like ‘Say ’bye to your tight—’ ”

  “How is that bastard even alive still?” Faye growls, eyeing Rake like she wants to punch him.

  “Because he’s family,” Anna reminds her, unable to keep the amusement off her expression. “Oh, come on, it’s a little funny.”

  She and Tracker laugh some more, while Lana shakes her head with a smile on her face.

  “And now you’re doing it again,” I blurt out, making everyone laugh harder.

  “Hey! It’s all about the Kegels, isn’t that right, Bailey?” Faye winks at me, making me laugh harder. “You gotta squeeze and release,” Faye says, making a circle with her hands, closing and opening it.

  “Yeah Faye, we get it,” Anna says in an extremely dry yet amused tone.

  Faye looks to Anna and grimaces. “Fuck, I’m being an insensitive bitch right now, aren’t I?” She puts her hand on Anna’s and says, “You’re going to be blessed with a baby, you know that, right? It will even come out with a beard.”

  Anna smiles. “I know. And you’re not being insensitive; I’m super happy for you. I know that my time will come.”

  Anna wants to have a baby? I throw her a You better talk to me expression and she nods once.

  Rake walks over to the table, a mountain of food on his plate, and sits down next to me, offering me some. I take a chicken wing an
d nibble on it while Faye gives Rake a dirty look that soon turns into a smile.

  “Save your bitchy looks for the prez, Faye,” Rake tells her, taking a giant bite of his hot dog.

  “I’m going to call the kids in to eat,” Faye says, standing up, stealing Rake’s second hot dog and taking a huge bite out of it.

  “Hey,” he grumbles, and draws his plate closer to him. “Get your own, woman!”

  She grins and walks over to where the kids are getting their faces painted, then sends them to the kids’ table. There’re about ten children, and Arrow, Rake, and Sin carry the food over for them. Lana gets a phone call and heads inside, leaving me and Anna alone. I see Arrow hand something to Clover, something that looks like candy. I glance at Anna, who is also watching her man.

  “I’m surprised Clover still has teeth, with the amount of strawberry candy Arrow sneaks her,” she comments, covering the glare of the sun with her hand. “They’re little heart shapes too. Can you imagine him going into a store to buy them?”

  I cover my lips with my hand, smothering the giggle that vision brings. “No, I can’t.”

  But I can’t imagine anyone confronting him about it either.

  “Cara is going to be my niece,” Anna muses, now watching my daughter. “I’m going to be the best aunt ever.”

  “Getting ahead of yourself there,” I tell her, but my heart warms at the thought. “Either way, you’re still like her aunt.”

  Anna smirks in my direction. “Yes, but it’s going to be official too. Trust me, Bails. I’m always right. I’m a scientist, you know.”

  I roll my eyes. “Seriously? That’s your answer to everything.”

  Anna laughs, her eyes sparkling. “What? It makes me sound smart. It’s useful for winning arguments.”

  “Don’t think you could use it against a lawyer,” I tease, nodding at Faye.

  “That’s the truth. She always knows exactly what to say. There’s so many hilarious lawyer jokes though. Every time I come across one, I forward it to her,” Anna says, laughing. “Everyone hates lawyers.” She pauses. “They’re up there with car salesmen and real estate agents.”

  “You’re terrible,” I say, but laugh with her. “Teachers have a good reputation. I’m educating the youth of today to be the leaders of the future.”


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