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Kyros: #12 (Luna Lodge)

Page 7

by Madison Stevens

  After thinking about it, she knew keeping Mr. Mystery’s secret was the right thing to do. Something about the whole way this situation was being handled by the government didn’t sit right with her.

  They were treating the hybrids like criminals or terrorists, and even recruiting people like her to spy on them like it was 1960s East Germany. That was crap.

  The more she thought about it, the more she kept coming back to the hybrids being the victims: of the Horatius Group, of prejudiced townspeople, of the government.

  The man they’d killed on television was a nut job about to kill a woman. It was bizarre to her that people seemed to blame the hybrids rather than the crazy, violent fanatic.

  Aside from everything else, she couldn’t deny that she felt something for the strange, mysterious man. She also couldn’t explain it, but it was almost like his presence called to her soul.

  When she’d kissed him, she could feel it, a sort of connection that she’d never felt before. Being with him made her feel complete.

  She snorted. Maybe she’d just finally found what true love was. It was an odd feeling for someone who didn’t really believe in the whole true love thing, but there was no other word that seemed to describe what she was feeling.

  She knew what attraction was, and this went beyond that. Way beyond.

  The feelings she had were more real and deeper than anything she’d ever felt before. Maybe it was insane, or maybe it was fate, but that didn’t change the truth of her heart.

  It might explain why, once again and against all her better, more rational judgement, she was sneaking through the field to the shed in the darkness of a barely moonlit night.

  Mr. Mystery had said before that he had to see her and that sent him to the school. Well, now she had to see him. Not just see him, but talk to him.

  The zombie mind-controlled people didn’t exactly seem fast. Even if they spotted her, she figured she’d be able to run away fast enough and escape. Obviously, whoever controlled them didn’t want them getting spotted, otherwise they would have been crawling all over Luna Lodge.

  After arriving at the shed, she took a quick moment to glance around. No mind-controlled townspeople or soldiers lurked about. So far, so good.

  She caught movement in the corner of her eye. Her heart kicked up. After a few seconds, the sounds of flapping followed by a hoot allowed her to relax.

  “Stupid owl, you scared me,” she muttered.

  She slipped inside the shed and moved the filing cabinet she’d used to partially block off the entrance. She wondered how often people came to the shed, as she half-suspected someone would be suspicious of the moved cabinet and set a trap for her.

  Jasmine glanced around again. If anyone planned to ambush her, they were being mighty slow about it. One last quick check for threats followed before she slipped down through the hole.

  She had a hybrid to find.

  This time she was ready. With a small flashlight in hand, she moved down the tunnel where she’d seen Mr. Mystery disappear the night before.

  It wouldn’t be too hard, she figured. Or at least she hoped so. She knew she could get to the tunnel exit at least. From there, she hoped a little luck would be on her side.

  Or maybe fate. She didn’t really believe in it, but she wasn’t going to turn down it’s help if it wanted to offer.

  She didn’t have a choice. He wouldn’t come to her. She knew he wouldn’t. Something about the way he operated told her that he was trying to keep his distance. For some reason that irritated her.

  She wasn’t sure the exact reason, but it was if he didn’t trust her. That stung.

  Here she was wandering through a tunnel to see him when she didn’t even know his name, and he was the one who didn’t trust her?

  She had several opportunities to rat him out to the military, and she didn’t.

  At this point, she figured she’d more than proven that she could be trusted, but he didn’t even trust her with his name.

  She thought about his name as she walked along. Jasmine was fairly certain she had figured it out. Or at least had somewhat figured it out.

  He’d signed with a K. The students mentioned only one hybrid with that name: the supposedly dead Kyros. She didn’t totally know what was going on, but she was convinced that Mr. Mystery was Kyros.

  Maybe Kyros hadn’t died, and everyone just thought he was dead. That would explain why he was hiding and skulking about at night, but it didn’t completely make sense. She couldn’t understand why a hybrid would pretend to be dead.

  It could be something else. Maybe this was some sort of thing where he was a different hybrid honoring the name of the dead man.

  She couldn’t be sure, but all signs did point to his name being Kyros. Still, she wanted to hear it from him. Wanted him to trust her enough to share something apparently important enough to be a secret.

  Fresh air filled her nose, and she knew she must be close to the exit.

  The light of the moon filtered in, and she flicked off her light so she wouldn’t be noticed. The last thing she wanted was to be found by those creepy mind-controlled people.

  She didn’t know their deal, and didn’t care to. All she really wanted was to find Mr. Mystery. The rest of this nonsense she could worry about later.

  Jasmine stepped through the opening, and just like before, it was an unassuming space, easily lost in the forest if you didn’t know what it was.

  She nodded, rather satisfied with herself. She’d taken a chance, and it was working out so far.

  She wasn’t quite sure where to go but hoped he wouldn’t be far. It was too much a risk venturing far from the opening, and she could easily imagine getting lost in the woods at night.

  Still, she sensed he was likely near. She wasn’t sure why she felt that, but it just seemed to make sense to her, or maybe it was wishful delusion. In either event, it spurred her on.

  Carefully and in silence, she made her way up the hill in front of her, hoping she’d be able to see where he was. As luck or fate would have it, she looked down only to find that she was standing above a sort of house, if you could call it that.

  The building was dug into the side of the hill. It had a stone and ivy face but didn’t look like much.

  Jasmine climbed down the side and pushed away the overgrown vines that blocked a large metal door caked with rust. With a little effort, she pushed open the squeaky door and stepped inside.

  Years of dirt and vine growth covered the windows, so little light from outside came in. From the level of dirt outside, she wondered if this place hadn’t really been taken care of for decades.

  She flicked on her flashlight, now not so sure it was a good idea to just go in. It could be her mystery man’s home, or it could be the temporary home of the zombies.

  He’d said they were from town, but maybe this is where they stayed at night while under mind control. Her heart thumped as she surveyed the front room.

  A few dusty wooden chairs provided the only real decoration, along with a squat circular wooden table in the front and a smaller square table in the corner. A few yellowed papers lay strewn over the table. She moved closer and peered at them. Maps of the tunnels from the look of things.

  Jasmine turned and sighed when she noticed a black t-shirt strewn over a wooden chair in the corner. After a second, she recognized it as the shirt Mr. Mystery had been wearing the day before.

  He was there. Maybe he still was.

  “Hello?” she called out.

  No one answered.

  Maybe she had missed him. Maybe he was on his way to see her. She doubted it but still, it was a nice thought that filled her with warmth.

  She moved farther into the place and was surprised by how deep it went into the hill. She assumed it went at a slope to gain more ground.

  She counted four bedrooms. The kitchen lay near the front, though it was doubtful it was even worth calling a kitchen, with only a simple basin sink and a rusted and ancient-looking wood stov

  One of the bathrooms she found seemed to be in decent shape. The sink seemed clean, and there was even clear water in the toilet, suggesting it hadn’t been sitting there for decades.

  It was a livable space. Sure, not great, but she could see how it would work, if you weren’t a prissy sort.

  She always laughed. She didn’t want to live there. Apparently, she was a prissy sort.

  The front door squeaked loudly, and she jumped at the sound, raising her flashlight like it was a weapon.

  Mr. Mystery stood in the doorway, his amber eyes wide in confusion.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” he barked out.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kyros cursed himself. It wasn’t exactly what he wanted to say, but he had been so surprised that it had been the first thing to come out of his mouth. The damage was done, but that still didn’t answer his question.

  A Glycon, mind-controlled townsperson, or hell, even Rem or Titus. Any of those he might have expected, but not Jasmine.

  “I wanted to see you,” she said softly. After a moment, she added breathily, “I needed to see you. I figure you of all people can understand that.”

  His heart kicked up in his chest. Damn, he’d wanted to see her too. Since their kiss, he’d done nothing but think about her and wonder what she was thinking and when he would see her next.

  She was right. There was no way he could be angry with her for feeling the same desire he felt. She didn’t even realize the Vestal connection, so it wasn’t like she could try and fight it the same way he’d been trying.

  Trying and failing anyway.

  His rational mind told him to keep his distance and make sure she was safe, but the animal in him wanted her. He was tired of fighting against his most basic instincts.

  “How did you even find me?” he asked, doing his best to push any hint of menace out of his voice.

  She shrugged. “Luck?”

  He wasn’t sure he believed in luck. Something was driving them together, and fate seemed the best fit.

  Fighting fate was exhausting.

  Kyros walked to the room he had been using and stepped inside. He knew she followed him. Her presence was always right there.

  Without turning around, he pulled off his shirt, which was now covered with dirt and grime. He tossed it across the room.

  “Your name is Kyros, isn’t it?” she said.

  He turned to stare at her and then frowned. Of everything he’d expected her to say, that was about last on the list.

  “How do you know that name?”

  She nibbled her bottom lip. “The boys mentioned it when I said the flowers were from someone with the letter K.” She stepped inside the door. “Only they said Kyros is dead.” She shook her head. “But Kyros isn’t dead, is he?”

  He frowned and turned away. “Kyros is dead. You should forget that name.”

  “How could I forget the name of a man who makes me feel like you do?”

  His nostrils flared, and her sweet scent almost overwhelmed him.

  A soft hand touched his back, and he felt the ripple of her touch as it made its way through his body. The few walls he had left began to crumble.

  “It is you,” she said quietly. “It makes sense. The secrecy. Especially with everything that’s going on. I think I finally have figured it out. They just told everyone you were dead because you all knew you couldn’t trust the government anymore.”

  No. No. No. She couldn’t get involved in all of this. It was too dangerous. He needed to send her away.

  Kyros quickly turned and snatched her hand from midair. He meant to tell her to leave but when he stared into her dark brown eyes, all he could think was that she should stay. He sucked in and released several deep breaths.

  She was right. They couldn’t trust the government, which was all the more reason for her not to get involved with him, no matter how much he wanted it.

  His thumb rested on the pulse at her wrist. A steady thump beat against his finger, and it only pulled her to him. Instead of releasing her hand like he should have, Kyros gave it a gentle tug, pulling her flush against his body.

  His walls finished crumbling.

  “Why did you come?” he asked, his voice just above a rumble. “You shouldn’t have. It was dangerous. It still is.”

  “It’s like I said.” Jasmine licked her pretty pink lips. “I know this might sound crazy, but I had to see you. I just had to.”

  It didn’t sound crazy. In fact, it was about the least crazy-sounding thing in his life.

  Fuck the military. Fuck self-control. He wanted her. She wanted him.

  He closed the distance between them.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Swept away by the moment, Jasmine wouldn’t let herself think about what she was doing. All she knew was how right it felt to be in his arms. She’d never imagined she could feel this kind of boiling desire.

  “Kyros,” she moaned as he moved from her mouth to trail hot kisses across her neck. She tilted her neck to allow him easier access. Another moan escaped her lips.

  Her hands moved freely over his muscled shoulders and back. Everything about him screamed power and strength. She could feel each move he made, and there was just something so primal about them.

  His mouth came back to hers, and she opened to him again, anxious to feel his hot tongue against her own. She groaned when he swirled his tongue against hers and then started to move in and out.

  Her center grew wet with need as Kyros mimicked sexual movements in her mouth. She wanted his mouth, his body, his everything.

  Never in her life had she wanted someone this badly. An ache formed deep in her, and she pulled herself hard against him for some sort of relief.

  A low rumble filled the room as she moved against him, and although there was a part of her that knew it was him, it didn’t scare her.

  She liked knowing that he wanted her so badly. If anything, she only grew more damp and aroused, her jeans now wet with her need.

  Kyros reached down and grabbed her ass with his massive hands. He gave a firm squeeze and helped grind himself against her center. She moaned into his mouth.

  Jasmine broke the intense kiss and panted for air. She was so close to coming, and all they’d done was grind and kiss. Her insides quivered with each of his movements.

  She opened her eyes and was surprised to find his bright glowing eyes staring back at her, eerie yet gorgeous.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered.

  That was all it took for her to come hard against him with a loud gasp. Her muscles clenched as the waves pulsed through her. Her body shook so hard she worried she might fall if it weren’t for the powerful hybrid holding her up.

  He leaned over and whispered in her ear. “I could watch you come all day.”

  Her insides fluttered again. She opened her mouth to say something but stopped when he lifted her from off the ground and carried her over to the bed. Her passion quickly consumed the thin sliver of rationality suggesting this might be a bad idea

  Kyros placed her carefully on the bed and stared down at her. His broad rippled chest glistened from sweat.

  She licked her lips at the sight. She sat up and traced the outline of his muscles with her tongue. They trembled against her and only made her want to taste more of him.

  She ran a hand over him but stopped when his palm enclosed hers. Jasmine looked up to where he leaned over her. His brow knitted in worry.

  “I want you,” Kyros said.

  She smiled at him. The way he said it, with a growl underlying his voice, only made her want him more.

  “I want you, too.”

  He shook his head. “I… I just don’t want to move too fast,” he said. “There are so many things you need to know, and I just…” A growl of frustration came out.

  She watched him as the internal struggle waged on in him. She’d never met a man who showed such attraction, but still seemed to be concerned about being fair to her.

She needed to reassure him so they could both share what they wanted. Jasmine leaned up and placed a soft kiss against his lips.

  “I don’t know what’s going on, but I know that I need you,” she said. “And that’s good enough for now.”

  He stared at her for a moment, his intense eyes glowing brightly. She didn’t know if she’d said the right thing, but at that moment, she didn’t want to think about anything else but him and hoped it was the same for him.

  His mouth came hard against her own. Unlike before, it was filled with demanding passion. The kiss left her breathless and wanting more when he pulled away. She let out a whimper of disappointment.

  The corners of his mouth quirked up, as if he had some secret plan.

  She didn’t have to wait long before he was unzipping her coat and pulling it from her body. As quickly as it came off, he had dropped it to the side. Then her button-down purple shirt followed. When he got to the undershirt, Kyros gave a loud sigh.

  “Too many layers,” he huffed.

  Jasmine laughed and sat up a little to pull it overhead and then unclasp her bra.

  His mouth was on her hard peaks the minute they were exposed. He grazed his teeth softly over the sensitive buds and then sucked them gently into his mouth.

  She arched her back to give him better access and was rewarded by his deft fingers at her jeans.

  Jasmine kicked off her shoes as he made quick work of her pants and then her panties.

  She lay there on his bed, totally exposed to him as his hands and mouth moved over her body. The touch of his hands, mouth, and body already threatened to summon another climax.

  “Naked,” she moaned as his fingers worked between her legs, her slick juices making it easy for his thick fingers to slide over her clit. The pleasure continued to build.

  “You are,” he said.

  Jasmine opened one eye to find him smirking at his joke.

  She placed a hand on his hard erection and gave a little stroke. “I want you naked.”

  That same hot growl filled the room, and she knew she’d pushed him right where she wanted.


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