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Dance With Death

Page 18

by Becca Vincenza

  “Snap will transfer the money immediately, and then I’ll wire her old owner his funds. But they want her as soon as possible.”

  The faster my heart went, the quicker the drug moved through my system. But I couldn’t slow it down.

  “When you wake, duckie, you will be with your new owners.”

  Jason sucked in a breath.

  “Fuck.” He and I said it at the same time, right before the world went black.

  Chapter 27

  Moaning at the stabbing pain in my head, I tried to bring my hand up to rub away the sting, quickly realizing my wrists were cuffed together. I rolled over, trying to get better leverage to stand up, the rocking movement intensifying my headache.

  “Fuck,” I muttered, taking stock of my current situation. The bones in my wrists screamed in agony from the pressure of being bound so tightly, though I was somewhat comforted by the fact they were bound in front of me instead of behind my back. Peeking down at my hands, I glimpsed the handcuffs Euan had used. I was relieved to see human handcuffs, as well as the cuff around my upper arm. It was the one that wouldn’t do much to stifle my powers, but he didn’t know that.

  The space I was in now was nothing like the one I’d woken up in when I was first put in Euan’s custody. This place was cold and made of metal. Scooting around so that I sat upright, I pounded my foot on the floor, surprised to hear the tinny echo.

  A storage unit or a shipping container, maybe?

  The space didn’t seem to hold any heat, and goosebumps pimpled my bare legs. With my slip lying in tatters, it was useless to pull the sides together for even a hint of warmth. My toes felt like they were already past the point of frozen. The skin around my brand that always seemed to hold a small measure of heat prickled.

  It seemed doubtful that Euan would ever allow his clientele anywhere near his home base. Even if they weren’t undercover members of the Guard or belonged to a group like Nix’s, they weren’t exactly upstanding citizens. What happened next? Leaning my neck back, my head hit the wall. With no lights in the container and only the sprinkling of tiny openings from rusted away holes, I could see very little around me.


  He appeared next to me.

  “How are you holding up?” he asked, avoiding his gaze from my exposed top.

  “Just dandy. How does it look out there?” I asked.

  “It’s a shipping yard. A secluded one that bumps up to a small patch of woods and a couple boats. The yard is filled with more containers.”

  I nodded, trying to map an idea of the grounds the more he explained them. But it sounded like a maze, and my directional skills were bad enough.

  “Well, was the auction at least a success?”

  “I recognized one of the buyer’s names, Whip, but the others, including your buyer, Snap, were foreign.”

  Slamming the back of my head against the wall out of frustration, I let out a very poor intimation of a growl. “All this for the wrong fucking buyer.”

  “Rowan, it’s not for nothing. You put a face to Euan, and he’s the reason the rest of us were sold. He put us in that position. You have to cut the head off a snake to get the rest of the body to die,” Jason reasoned.

  But it didn’t stifle my disappointment or anger. Yes, chopping off the head might stop it for a while, but worms like Snap and Whip would always find a way. I wanted to stop the people who thought they could kidnap, buy, and murder Curse Breakers and get away with it. Revenge was an all-consuming desire.

  “Rowan, we need the others to pull you out.”

  “No, first we need to determine the real identity of the one who bought me. After that, they can come get me. If I can’t take out the buyer who bought you, then I’ll destroy this one.”

  “Think about this, Rowan. This might be your only chance to get out. You don’t know what hell may await you next. Remember your promise,” Jason reminded.

  Indigo’s words came tumbling back to me, settling over my shoulders like a heavy weight I couldn’t shake off. I knew Indigo would ask me to make it about justice, not revenge, but as far as I was concerned, they went hand in hand. Cassidy is being held captive, even in her afterlife, while her husband was still trying to find her and get back at those who cut their lives so short. Jason, the Curse Breaker Alpha, had to leave his entire pack behind. They deserved to know that those who killed him got the justice they deserved.

  “I can’t leave.”


  “Don’t Rowan me. Don’t ask me to give this up just because it’s gotten a little dangerous. It has been since we first started,” I said.

  “You’re being foolish. You’re still alive. I’m dead. Live, when I could not. Don’t throw your life away like this. Not for me.”

  “I’m staying. Don’t you dare give them the signal.” A surge of power splintered into the command, and Jason lowered his eyes obediently. Something he never would have done if he were still alive. Seconds later, he faded and disappeared. The wrongness of my command tightened around my neck like a noose. I was left alone with my scattered thoughts within the chill of the storage unit.


  I drifted back to sleep when it became obvious nothing would be happening soon. How long would they keep me here? If it took too long, I didn’t think Nix and the others would wait around, signal or not. Jason and I had worked on training him to move smaller objects around. I studied the Tome Abel gave me, but it had remarkably little on ghosts themselves and more on vampires, especially the theories of necromancers being able to control them. But with me, it wasn’t a theory. Though I didn’t have many vampires to try it out on, I had managed to control not only Balthazar but a Master as well.

  While vampire-rich, I did manage to pick up on a few things for ghosts within that Tome. I learned that emotion played an important role with our powers, and it could become dangerous if we didn’t maintain control. I taught those same basics to Jason. He would need to divert his anger to tip over the jar we’d placed in Nix’s office. Once he did, it would set off a chain reaction for Kayana to locate me using the magic that was infused in the cuff on my arm.

  Then there was the backup plan that only Balthazar and I knew about. By ingesting my blood, Balthazar could locate me no matter where I was taken. I still cringed at the thought but knew it was the only way he would agree to being part of our plot.

  Left alone with my thoughts, I became increasingly bored and agitated. My last conversation with Jason swirled in my head. Perhaps I was being a tad stubborn, but the image of him standing in front of me, even as a ghost, to try to protect me was seared in my brain.

  Leaning up against the cold metal wall, I managed to get to my feet and then started to pace the small space. The cold had only gotten worse and moving around helped stimulate my blood. As I walked, I slowly became aware of voices coming through the rusted spots. I walked over to the closest one. It was too high for me to press my ear against it, but I still strained to listen.

  “The broker said she would be in this unit,” a gruff male voice came from outside the container.

  “Yes, I can smell her and hear her heartbeat. She is awake. We need to return with a sedative.”

  The two voices disappeared.

  Well, that doesn’t bode well for me. I needed to be lucid and awake in order to see them and memorize everything about these men.

  Suddenly regretful of pissing off Jason, I tried to call him back to me. I tugged on our connection, but he resisted. Until the situation became more serious, I wouldn’t bother him. He might need time to cool down, and I didn’t need a pissed-off ghost trying to help me out of this situation.

  Time seemed to stand still inside the storage unit, appearing as if I had been sucked into a void of nothingness. Bored, I went over the fighting stances that Indigo taught me during our short-lived training sessions. When that ceased to entertain me, I checked the connection between Jason and me. The tension there had slackened, but he still didn’t come.

>   Footsteps sounded from outside, and adrenaline spiked my veins. My heart started to pound in my chest when pain suddenly radiated from the brand on the back of my neck.


  The pain continued to pierce me, and I realized the grave mistake we had made. We were so focused on one set of buyers, but we forgot there was another vampire coven out there that wanted me. It shouldn’t have surprised me that they would have kept their ears to the ground, but through all the excitement of finding the murdered Curse Breakers, they became afterthoughts.

  Even Willow said her father had offered her to them as payment for a transaction gone wrong. My mind raced, and I called for Jason again, this time more urgently. The tattoo I shared with Abel on my hip burned as I used some of his magic.

  “What?” Jason appeared and saw me on my knees, my jaw clamped shut with pain. “What happened?”

  “There’s a brand on my neck,” I hissed.

  “What?” He stepped around me, and I managed to pull my hair away for him to get a glance.

  “My slaver never did that.” There was disgust in his voice as if he felt I’d had it worse than he did, even though he was murdered in the end. The debilitating pain ebbed away, but the stiffness remained in my bones. Breathing heavily, I fell forward, my cheek hitting the metal floor.

  Loud metal clanks from the locks on the front of the storage unit rang through the small space. Moonlight streamed in, which I was thankful for. It would give me a sliver of an advantage, because at least I wouldn’t be blinded by the sun. I gathered strength by rubbing my fingers over the onyx ring around my thumb.

  “Go give the signal,” I instructed Jason as I tried to regain my composure.

  Power thrummed through me as two forms silhouetted by the full moonlight stepped forward.

  “Come at me, motherfuckers.” Control Lines whipped from my fingertips as Jason watched me in wonder for a second longer.

  He shook himself out of his stupor, confirming, “I already warned them by causing quite a scene. They’re on their way. Kayana is tracking you through that.” He pointed at the onyx ring I was currently using as an anchor.

  Letting my anger boil into my veins and heat my blood, it seeped into my magic and strengthened it. My Lines wrapped around both men and latched on as an unbelievable surge of power lanced inside me.

  These vampires didn’t know what they’d just gotten themselves into.

  Chapter 28

  It had probably been centuries since older vampires dealt with a necromancer who could control them, and it probably wasn’t discussed very much with the new vamps. It went back to the wars that plagued our two species for centuries until the Council, the Mystic government, stepped in to enact a treaty between our two races.

  One vampire submitted almost immediately, a newly made vampire, from the surprised look of shock on his face. The other vampire, older and wiser, moved against my Lines, fighting the command to remain still. The more power I pulsed into him, the more I lost control over the younger one. Although he was younger and easier to hold, he had a boost of speed for which I wasn’t prepared. He moved closer than I wanted before I finally managed to reconnect my Lines. He stopped dead in his tracks again, a growl rattling his throat.

  Acting fast, I compelled the younger vampire to break my handcuffs. He snapped the metal chain, but I didn’t want to take the time to completely remove them. I commanded him in front of me again, not trusting him to stay at my back. Bringing my arms forward, I shook them out, feeling a painful tingle as the blood began to flow back.

  The older vampire broke through his Lines and began to stalk me, carefully and methodically. Acting on pure instinct, I released any hold I had left on the older vampire and redirected my Lines to the younger one. Channeling my commands through my magic, I forced the younger vampire to act as my bodyguard. My brand started to flare again, and my eyes darted to the opening of the cargo trailer.

  Who was controlling the magic connected to my brand?

  The older vampire slowed and cocked his head, a cold smile creeping over his lips. I tamped down the worry that tried to creep in, knowing I had to keep my focus.

  “Come now, little necro. You belong to us again. Master can’t wait to get his fangs into you.”

  Icy fingers slid up my spine at his words. As if my brand called to its Master, pain radiated and flared to life. Clenching my fists, the onyx ring cut into my skin, reminding me to stay strong.

  Jason looked around the storage unit and growled in frustration. There was nothing he could do to help me. “You need to get out of this small space,” he warned. “They have others waiting for them at the car. If these guys take too long, they’ll come and lock you back in.”

  I nodded, realizing I didn’t have much time to act. Commanding the young vampire to protect me at any cost, I tried to lure the other vamp to the opposite side of the shipping container. If I could divert him away from the entrance, I could lock them both inside. The vampire I controlled lunged forward, stopping his comrade from getting close to me.

  “Rowan, release your hold on the young one and focus it on the other.”

  My raised brows must have carried enough of a What the fuck? look for Jason, because he stepped closer to me.

  “Once you do, run. The young one will be disoriented for a few seconds. I’ll wait for you outside and shut the doors. The lock should slam down on its own.”

  “And if it doesn’t?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the older vampire.

  “Run like hell and latch onto anything you can control,” he offered grimly.

  Awesome. I took a small step backwards, and the older vampire narrowed his gaze. He could see better than I could, and I only had the assistance of slivers of moonlight provided by the open doors.

  “Run all you like, little necro. You cannot hide. Not with our mark on you,” the vampire taunted. He lunged again, moving quicker than I could follow, but the younger vamp moved a little faster still, blocking him from reaching me.

  It was all the opening I needed. Releasing my control over the young vamp, he stumbled forward, his momentum driving him into the other vamp. The older one noticed and turned his attention to me, but before he could move, my power wrapped around him and stopped him in his tracks. I commanded him the same way I did the other one, to protect me. As I ran to the opening of the shipping container, Jason stood outside.

  The young vamp twisted on the ball of his foot and took after me again. Cursing, I pumped my arms faster, determined to leave this hell behind. My powers acted on instinct, and I felt the draw as my Lines connected with the older vampire again. This time my levels felt the same, my control over both was even, and I stopped them both as I stepped over the threshold of the cargo trailer.

  Jason did as he said he would. Gusts of wind that weren’t caused by natural means sped past me, and the heavy steel doors slammed shut. As promised, the clang of metal on metal caused the lock to fall into place. Wincing as my bare feet hit the cold concrete, I ran. The air stung my cheeks as I sprinted and being so close to the water only chilled the air more. But I didn’t stop. Jason led the way.

  “Stop, someone’s coming. I’ll scout ahead. You stay here.”

  Breathing heavily, I swallowed and nodded. I didn’t remember the last time I’d eaten, and my weakened body was slowing me down. The last sips of water I had were poisoned—well, drugged—but the same thing. Any sleep I’d managed to claim was fitful or drug-induced since we left the hotel, which felt like months ago, but could only have been days.

  I backed up against the shipping container where Jason stopped. Pressing my hot brand against the cool metal provided momentary relief, but something else was still stifling my magic. The metal braces from the handcuffs still encircled my wrists, but I didn’t have time to mull it over before Jason reappeared and motioned me forward. I wanted to point out that he didn’t need to be quiet, but I swallowed it down.

  “An SUV is parked at the entrance with one guard and a witch. T
here are two other vampires searching the grounds, and the two in your container haven’t moved.”

  I didn’t take the time to explain that I still had control over them, which was the only thing keeping them complacent. “Where are the other vampires searching?”

  “Searching the opposite side but staying close to the SUV.”

  I bit my lip. “Any other transport nearby?”

  “Freight ship. If you have your sea legs, it might be your best option.”

  Snorting a quiet laugh, my breathing finally evened out, and my brain kickstarted. If the vampires locked in the container managed to overthrow my magic and regain their control, they would return to the SUV. Or at least one of them would. Stealing the SUV would be the most logical choice, especially since I didn’t have shoes or enough clothing to cover me.

  “How far away is Nix’s team?”

  “I called for them when you told me to, but Kayana was having a hard time pinning down your location. The witch’s magic is interfering with hers.”

  Nodding absently, I worried about the implications of my situation. Jason gifted me with more time by ignoring me. My mind raced.

  There’s a magic user somewhere out there who has control over my brand. The brand can either render me useless from the pain, or the user can control my muscles and make me do whatever they want. That sort of magic is limited, but if their magic user gets into range and manages to stop me long enough for a vampire to get into reach, I’m done for. Even if I had my blades, the chances of making it out of here are slim.

  “Rowan, you have to move.”

  I nodded, my fate decided. “Take me the safest route. We need to get somewhere with more cover.”

  Jason nodded and led the way again. He scouted ahead, letting me know when it was safe to move. I couldn’t hear the vampires, but they moved more silently than I could track. As the magic in my brand flared, I cringed. This time it locked up my muscles. Jason continued to speed ahead, not realizing I’d fallen behind. My heart sank as I realized he would be powerless to break me from the caster’s spell.


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