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Triad 6 - Sex Me All About

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by Tianna Xander

  this was real or if she was back on Earth, shut

  away in some asylum. Given the choice, she

  would be here with them--mad or not.

  Brandy let the two men lead her along the

  dance floor, pressing against her, knowing she

  was the final female in the famed Triads formed to

  fight the Banarts and Hienials. She knew the two

  men holding her must be her mates. She lusted for


  Even from the beginning, when she'd first seen

  them shift from their dragon forms to stride to the

  group she stood with, she wanted to make love to

  them. She had watched the males, her tongue

  practically hanging from her mouth as they both

  strode confidently toward her group. Her

  mythical beloved dragons...

  "And now we have come," Kaylen said,

  stepping away so Damir could turn her in their

  arms to face Kaylen. She looked up into his perfect

  face and knew she must have truly died and gone

  to heaven. That these two very handsome,

  powerful men would want her--even with her too

  tall, too curvy body that bordered on chunky.

  She deliberately looked up, meeting his gaze.

  She knew her unusual eyes were her best feature.

  The iris, a striking deep shade of violet, rimmed

  with the thinnest ring of grey; her lids framed by

  thick blonde lashes. Her brothers had commented

  too many times on the uniqueness of her eyes for

  her to not realize they were, by far, her best asset.

  It was just too bad the rest of her body wasn't so


  Damir pressed up against her rear, his hands

  moving over her thighs. "What is wrong with

  your body, aliante?" He once again ran his hands

  over her hips. Reaching around, he pressed one

  hand against her rounded belly. "You are perfect."

  Kaylen's eyes narrowed. A red haze formed

  over the whites of his eyes. "Who here has told

  you that you are anything but perfect?" His right

  hand moved up to cup her cheek when she would

  have looked away. Tears slid from her eyes and he

  thumbed them away before leaning forward and

  lightly brushing her lips with his. "Do not look

  away in shame, aliante. You are perfect in every

  way." His free hand moved to join Damir's at her

  hips. "Your full hips tell us you are capable of

  bearing many children." His left hand traveled

  from her hip to her full breast. "Your ample

  breasts tell us you will feed our children well.

  Your height--yes you are tall for a woman--only

  tells us you will bear us tall sons and daughters,

  those who will grow even stronger than Damir

  and me one day." He leaned forward to kiss her

  tears away. "Never think you aren't ideal in every


  Damir pressed more firmly against her rear.

  "Now I would like to know who it was that made

  you feel less than wonderful, mate. I shall correct

  their opinion immediately."

  "It was no one on this world." She let them pull

  her from the dance floor, escorting her to an

  empty balcony, which faced the palace gardens.

  When they reached the stairs, she took the lead,

  taking them to the center fountain where the water

  sprayed in a rainbow of color. It was one of the

  places where she felt the most comfortable.

  "You know I am not Lioni." She trailed her

  hand through the warm water and waited for

  them to acknowledge her statement. At their nods,

  she continued around the fountain and let her

  memories take her back to her home world. "You

  would never believe the number of women on my

  home world. I think we are more numerous than

  men, though I can't be sure." She swiped at a tear

  she swore she'd never shed and called herself

  weak for it. "When my father found me," she

  turned and added, "the father you know, he found

  me with two things, other than the filthy clothes

  on my back."

  She reached down inside her blouse to pull the

  pendant from between her breasts. "This pendant

  in a box that my parents made me promise to keep

  with me always and a magazine with a picture of

  my mother on the front. She was a model. The

  world considered her beautiful. She realized too

  late that her career drew rabid fans and religious

  fanatics to us and she sent me out alone to find my

  grandmother. My father went in another direction

  with a bunch of my dirty clothes wrapped up in a

  blanket to keep them from finding me. It wasn't

  until I got here I realized that it was our current

  enemies looking for me.

  "Anyway, the Lioni men found me several

  weeks later, starving to death in a ditch with my

  box and magazine clutched in my hands. They

  have been nothing but kind to me. No one here

  has made me feel less than what I am, only that

  one magazine from my home-world where thin

  women are revered and those who don't fit that

  mold are considered less than perfect--sometimes

  even less than human."

  She buried her face in her hands and sobbed. "I

  hear you say I am perfect the way I am and still,

  somewhere inside me, this insidious voice

  whispers, `You are not. You never will be, and

  soon, even these two men will realize it and leave

  you'. How can I fight this thing when it is inside

  me?" She looked up at the two gorgeous men who

  had moved to kneel in front of her. "No matter

  how many times you tell me otherwise, how can I

  think I am beautiful when everything inside me

  tells me I am not? When I am nothing like my


  She looked at them and almost laughed. "On

  my world, two men like you wouldn't even give

  me a second glance."

  "Then they are fools," Kaylen said with a

  growl. "We have known all our lives a woman's

  heart is what matters the most, not her body.

  When a woman loves, and knows she is loved in

  return, this is the shape her body becomes," he

  said as his gaze roved over her curves. "This is just

  the right figure for childbearing. Your body is

  designed for loving as you deserve to be loved."

  He leaned forward and kissed her deeply. One

  hand cupped the back of her head while his other

  hand cupped her breast, kneading its fullness, his

  thumb rubbing over the tight peak.

  She gasped when she felt the sensation of

  fingers delving into her wet slit when she could

  clearly see neither of them were touching her

  there. She threw her head back and groaned when

  the warm wetness of a mouth closed over her bare

  breast. Yet she was still clothed! Fire licked at her

  skin as the two men held her in their arms. Damir

  sat next to her then scooped her into his arms. He

  did his best to hold her on his lap at the edge of

  the fountain while Kaylen kissed her senseless.

  The two men breached her mind, touching her

p; in places they shouldn't have dared until they

  were truly mated. She knew what her father

  would think of such a thing, yet she was

  powerless to stop it. Somehow, they penetrated

  her clothing without removing it. Somehow, she

  felt the mouth of one at her breast and the mouth

  of the other breathing fire into her nether parts.

  The hot wet tongue stroked fire over her clit

  before entering her channel. She should stop this,

  stop them. As the king's daughter, she should

  know better, but she didn't want to stop.

  Cold water closed over her head and the three

  of them surfaced sputtering. Her father and

  brothers stood before them with fierce scowls on

  their faces. One of them must have pushed her in.

  "You asked my permission to court my

  daughter, dragons. I do not remember giving my

  permission to mate her in my own gardens in the

  dark of night like a couple of thieves." Her father

  glared at her. "You know our customs, daughter.

  With so few women in our midst, this type of

  behavior binds you to them--whether you truly

  choose them or not. I can only hope your body has

  made the right choice for your mind."

  Brandy rose from the water, her face burning

  with mortification as the steam from the two

  aroused dragons rose about her.

  Steam rises from you, as well, aliante. It can only

  mean you were meant to be our mate. Your father only

  speeds up the process of our courtship and mating with

  his decree. Do not fear this. This is as it was meant to


  Her father and brothers turned away from her.

  "Go change into something less revealing. Your

  wet clothing shows your body to anyone who

  cares to look." Her father's hands were fisted at

  his sides, showing her how angry he was with her.

  He'd never been like this before--at least not in

  front of her. She climbed from the fountain as he

  said, "And make it something suitable for the

  binding! Your ceremony is tonight."

  Tonight? Her surprised gaze darted from her

  father's back to her brothers'. She had nothing to

  wear. All her life she'd planned to wear a gown

  like the one her mother had modeled in the

  magazine. It was a wedding gown of pure white.

  Tears streamed from her eyes as she pictured the

  gown in the magazine--the one tie to her mother

  that she would now never have. She nodded and

  wiped the tears from her eyes. "Yes, Father." She

  could not regret what happened. What she knew

  would happen when she brought the two men to

  this fountain. Her only regret was the loss of the

  dress she would never have the time to make.

  Warmth and tingling surrounded her. She

  closed her eyes, unsure of what new dragon magic

  she would be subjected to. Air blew her body and

  hair dry. Long fitting sleeves moved down her

  arms, her body was cinched into what felt like a

  corset as heavy material settled on her shoulders.

  Finally, finding the courage to open her eyes,

  she gasped. Long white sleeves tapered down her

  arms, a low neckline studded with pearls showed

  her cleavage to perfection. She felt her back. A row

  of tiny buttons ran the length of her back from her

  hips to her neck. She turned to see a long train of

  silk and netting trailing her. It was the dress! But


  She looked to her dragons, now garbed in the

  finery of their houses. They each wore black suits,

  uniforms that resembled tuxedos. One with a red

  sash, the other blue, both wore their suits to

  perfection, their shoulders back as they proudly

  displayed their medals.

  Brandy reached up to feel the veil on her head.

  They had forgotten nothing, right down to the

  pearl studded gloves and the shoes she'd wanted

  to match her mother's.

  She looked at Kaylen and Damir and smiled.

  Suddenly she knew everything would be all right.

  These men cared for her already. She could feel it

  deep inside her where she'd made all of her life-

  changing decisions. When she chose to accompany

  the strange men who offered her a safe home--

  when she'd accompanied Drace on his mission,

  knowing she could be killed. Still she wasn't,

  she'd found her mates. Now, she would choose to

  live her life with them. They thought she was

  perfect. She smiled softly as a tear slipped from

  her eye. Who was she to tell them otherwise?

  * * * *

  Damir looked on his mate and nearly fell to his

  knees. She was already beautiful. However, the

  dress they'd picked from her mind made her look

  like the Lady Goddess herself. She was a vision of

  perfection, her white dress glimmering with

  something she called pearls.

  Next to him, he felt Kaylen's similar reaction.

  Had I known how beautiful she truly was I would have

  been at her feet begging her for her hand instead of

  taking advantage of the privacy of the garden.

  I know what you mean, dear friend, Damir said, his

  vision blurring with unshed tears. He blinked

  them back rapidly. He could not show weakness

  now. If her family should deem them unworthy,

  they could still stop the ceremony. Still keep them

  from her. He couldn't have that. Not when they

  were so close to having their mate.

  "We will have her now, if you don't mind."

  Kaylen said, causing her family members to turn.

  They gasped but it was her father who was first

  to speak. "We knew you dragons possessed a

  certain...magic other than shifting. We had no

  idea what it was," he said, obviously amazed.

  "You still have no idea, Sir. But as you will soon

  be family, perhaps we will share some of it with

  you." Damir said, stepping forward. "But, for

  now, your daughter wishes a human ceremony--

  or as human a ceremony as she can remember. As

  we have no particular ceremony other than the

  claiming, we ask your permission to give this to


  "She is not Lioni by birth, only by adoption. If it

  is her wish to marry in the ways of her people I

  shall allow it. But it will happen now."

  Brandy turned and kissed her father on the

  cheek. "Thank you, father. And though I wish to

  be married in this way, it is only because it is the

  only tie I have with my real mother. She once

  wore a dress like this, she told me she was married

  in a dress like this. I wish to honor her by doing

  the same." She took his hands and met his gaze.

  "Otherwise, I am Lioni in all things and this is why

  I follow your decree." She turned to take both

  Damir and Kaylen's hands.

  She felt Damir delve into her thoughts, knew he

  needed to know that she wanted them. He needed

  her to want them, not just join with them because

  they'd compromised her with her people.

  Through the merging
, she felt Kaylen's need to

  know the same.

  At his mental probe, she smiled and opened her

  mind to them. She wanted this, wanted them more

  than anything else. She only hoped they would

  continue to see her as perfect. She allowed Damir

  to see her fear that in time, they would tire of her,

  think less of her because of her full figure. She

  heard his thoughts on her worries. What he saw of

  the so-called perfect figure from her home looked

  pale, sickly, and certainly not strong enough to

  give birth to dragons.

  Her smile widened and she squeezed their


  "Do you Kaylen and you Damir take me to be

  your lawfully wedded mate?"

  They nodded. "We do."

  "Do you promise to love, honor, and keep me?"

  Again they nodded. "We do."

  "Do you promise to cleave only unto me, `til

  death do us part?"

  "We do."

  Understanding that her knowledge of the

  ceremony grew thin, Damir and Kaylen knelt at

  her feet and continued, knowing what she needed

  to hear.

  "Do you, Brandy of the house of Lioni, take us

  as your mates?" When she nodded and made to

  answer Damir held up his hand, silently telling

  her to wait. "Do you promise to love honor and

  keep us in sickness and in health and cleave only

  unto us, as we will you, until death do us part?"

  Tears ran from her eyes as he added that bit of

  the ceremony buried in her subconscious that she

  couldn't remember and she nodded. "I do."

  He stood and whispered in her ear. "Now who

  pronounces us men and wife?"

  Brandy smiled. "That would be my father, since

  he's officiating here."

  Damir turned toward Darvin, with raised

  brows, "Well?"

  Her father chuckled and after placing a chaste

  kiss on her cheek, he joined the hands of the newly

  mated Triad. "I now pronounce you officially


  Before he could announce that they could now

  kiss their bride, a magnificent ball of white light

  began to form right behind him. The light grew

  brighter until a form began to take shape inside.

  When it became too difficult to see through the

  magnificent brilliance, it forced them to close their


  Damir's gut tightened. He knew what was

  happening and his heart clenched. Was the Lady

  Goddess here to bless their union or to renounce

  it? He could only pray that She was there to bless

  it even knowing that it would mean She had a


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