Book Read Free


Page 4

by Natasha Knight

  “I’ll order for us, unless you’re opposed?”

  “Wow, you’re asking?”

  “A formality.” He winked.

  I rolled my eyes but smiled as he read the blackboard overhead then ordered. Mama Tia didn’t write anything down but, within a few minutes, a waiter brought over two beers and a plate of homemade nachos with all the toppings and a bowl of what turned out to be some of the best guacamole I’d ever tasted.

  “God, this is amazing,” I said, stuffing a loaded chip into my mouth before washing the bite down with a long sip of beer. Adam watched me, and I wiped my napkin across my lips. I’d never been a delicate eater. I didn’t feel the need to hide my enjoyment of food to impress any man. “I really like it,” I said, although he’d probably noticed. I loaded another chip. “You’d better grab one if you want any.”

  “Go ahead,” he said, raising his hand to order more guacamole as I scooped the last of it onto another chip. After stuffing it into my mouth, I sat back, chewing, studying him.

  “Are you of Mexican descent?” I asked, although it seemed obvious now.

  He nodded and picked up a chip. “Yes, born in Mexico City.”

  It would be weird to tell him how sexy he sounded when he spoke Spanish. I’d always been awkward, though, so it took effort to have a conversation without sounding weird.

  “You?” he asked.

  “Born and raised in Manhattan. But I’ve been to Cancun.”

  “Cancun is not Mexico,” he said, taking a chip. “Eat, Elle. You like it.”

  “I’m trying not to be a pig. You know, first date and all.”

  “I’m on to you. Eat.”

  “How long have you been living in the States?”

  “Since I was four.”

  “Where did you grow up?”


  “Is your family still there? In Mexico, I mean?”

  His entire body stiffened at my question.

  “My mother.” He drank the rest of his beer then signaled for another round even though I’d only drunk half of mine.

  “Do you have brothers or sisters?” These were simple questions, but he seemed to consider each one before responding.

  Mama Tia chose that moment to carry over two large plates loaded with stuffed enchiladas and rice. A server who set down a basket of tortillas followed her.

  “Smells wonderful, Mama,” Adam said. He smiled at the older woman, but I could see grief in his eyes, and I wondered if it had to do with my question about siblings. I felt a pang of sadness for him as he turned back to me, the carefree spark in his eyes gone and a wall erected.

  “This looks amazing, but I’ll explode if I eat it all,” I said casually, trying to pretend like I hadn’t noticed the change in his mood.

  “It’s hard to stop once you start,” he said, picking up his knife and fork.

  I reached over the table to touch his hand. “I’m sorry if my questions made you uncomfortable.”

  He glanced at my hand which covered his before shifting his gaze to mine.

  “They didn’t,” he said, his tone curt.

  I pulled my hand back and picked up my utensils, feeling hurt by his response.

  “But I don’t want to talk about family tonight,” he said, voice softer. Maybe he’d noticed my downcast eyes. He lifted my face to his with two fingers beneath my chin. “I want to talk about what I’m going to do to you when I get you back home.”

  My belly fluttered, my appetite gone. I watched him, unable to speak, suddenly that kid in high school getting all googly-eyed over the captain of the football team.

  “I can’t believe I ate all that.” I shook my head as we pulled into our building’s garage.

  “Me either,” he teased.

  After the awkward moment had passed, conversation had flowed easily with talk of what he wanted to do to me once we were alone. My heart thundered in anticipation, my body readying itself for him, and when he switched off the engine and turned to me, the look in his eyes told me he planned to keep his promise of a night of filthy sex. Leaning toward me, he pulled me close. I thought he would kiss me, but instead, he licked my lips then nudged his face against mine, breathing deeply as he did until he reached my ear and took the lobe between his teeth. I sucked in air and laid a hand on his hard chest, moaning.

  “Let’s go upstairs and get you naked.” It was a hoarse whisper.

  It took me a moment to get moving and, on the elevator ride up, he kissed me, using his teeth to draw out my lip, the passion that had ignited between us the night prior on this very elevator tempered, his kiss teasing, not quite giving me what I wanted. What I needed.

  By the time we got into my apartment, every nerve ending had come alive. Adam stripped off his coat, devouring me with his eyes as I slid mine from my shoulders. His gaze ran over me, and he reached to untuck the blouse from my jeans and pull it over my head.

  “You know what I’m going to do to you?” he asked, sliding one hand into the waistband of my jeans to tug me close before unbuttoning them.

  “Tell me again,” I whispered, opening for his kiss.

  “First, I’m going to strip you of everything but those shoes,” he began, pushing my jeans down. “Then I’m going to kneel and lick that creamy cunt of yours.” He kissed me again as I slipped my jeans off so I stood in a red bra, matching panties, and five-inch pumps. He straightened and looked me over. “Before turning you around and having you bend over so I can properly worship that ass.”

  I tugged at his shirt as he devoured my mouth, his hands coming to my breasts, pushing the lacey cups down to expose them before sliding one hand into the front of my panties, making me suck in a breath. Inches from me, he watched my face as his fingers tickled my clit before taking my panties down to just beneath my hips, making me feel even more naked then if I’d been fully stripped. He stepped back and pulled his shirt over his head then pushed his jeans and boxer briefs down a little to fist his cock.

  I licked my lips.

  “You see what you do to me, Elle?” he asked, stroking himself.

  I nodded, moving to kneel, wanting to take him into my mouth. But he stopped me and shook his head.

  “It’s my turn first. I want to see every inch of you. I want to taste you again.” He knelt before me, taking my panties lower, his eyes on the seam of my sex. I spread my legs to shoulder width and watched his dark head as he leaned in, inhaling deeply while I tangled my fingers in his hair. He licked me, one long sweep over the seam, eyes on mine. He pulled the lips open and circled my clit with the tip of his tongue, but when I pulled his head in closer, he stopped to gaze up at me.

  “Put your hands behind your head,” he said.

  I swallowed, my nipples tightening even more as I obeyed.

  “Good girl. Now spread your legs wider so I can suck your clit. But if you come before I tell you to, I’ll take you over my knee and spank that pretty little ass of yours, understand?”

  Did he not know his words, the threat of spanking me would only fuel the heat already burning my sex?

  “Elle?” He sighed, as if I were a wayward child unable to listen.

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  “Now keep your hands there.” He pulled my pussy lips apart, his tongue hot and wet, teasing me, his lips closing over my clit, sucking it, making me cry out, making me reach to his shoulders to keep my balance. The gleam in his eyes told me he knew I’d do just that. One corner of his mouth went up as he pulled back then stood, looking around, taking a seat on the couch. “You want a spanking, don’t you?” he asked, patting his lap. “Come here.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t —”

  “You want it, Elle, say it.”

  I stood before him, naked but for the panties around my hips, feeling dirtier for it.

  “I do.” I nodded.

  “Say it.”

  “I want you to spank me.”

  He patted his lap. I’d never been spanked before and so it felt awkward as I lay dow
n. With his help, I situated myself as best as I could. He adjusted me, leaning me farther forward, lifting my ass higher.

  “Keep your hands and feet on the floor, or I’ll take my belt to you, understand?” As he asked, he fisted a handful of my hair, forcing me to arch my back.

  “Yes. Adam, I —”

  “Shh. Now you take your spanking,” he said, twisting my head around, forcing me to watch. He rubbed circles over the cheeks first before raising his hand and bringing it down.

  “Ow!” The slap stung, the sound louder than I’d expected. His fist in my hair tightened, but he didn’t speak, just held me in place as he spanked the other cheek then returned to the first, again and again, warming me up before focusing on one cheek for five smacks to the same spot before moving to the other to repeat. The stinging slaps brought tears to my eyes as my bottom throbbed, but he would rub between sets and, as he did, I would feel the heat, the moisture collecting between my legs.

  Once my ass was nice and warm, he stood me up, holding my hands.

  “Ready to do as you’re told now?”

  I nodded, wanting his tongue back on my pussy, my clit throbbing with need.

  “Good. Show me your ass, Elle. Turn around and bend over.”

  The lust in his eyes gave me the courage to do what he asked and I turned, bringing my ass to eye level.

  “Legs wider.”

  I took them wide.

  “Good girl. Now bend over. I want to see everything.”

  I bent and didn’t stop until my fingertips touched the floor. I waited, my face hot with embarrassment, knowing he saw every intimate inch of me. It was so still in the room, so quiet, all I could hear was my own heart beating. Adam’s hands came to either cheek, and he knelt behind me, inhaling deeply before the tip of his tongue ran the length of my pussy.

  “Such a pretty cunt,” he said, dipping his tongue inside it as his fingers found my clit. “Such a pretty asshole.” I sucked in a breath when he licked upward to circle the tight bud before returning to my pussy.

  “I’m going to come, Adam.”

  “Not yet, you’re not,” he said, licking me again, his fingers working, rubbing and pinching my clit as he slowly stood, sliding his jeans and briefs off. “I want a dip inside that wet cunt first.”

  I think I tried to say something, but the words came out a jumble when he slid his cock into my pussy, his hands on either cheek pulling me wide.

  “I like watching, Elle. I like seeing my handprint on your ass, and I like seeing my cock stretch and fill your cunt.”

  “Please, Adam, let me come.”

  Ignoring my plea, he pumped in and out of me. My knees finally gave way. He held me tight to him, his cock still inside me, and we knelt. I turned my cheek to his, breath coming short and hot until he turned me, laying me on the floor and pushing my legs wide. His cock slipped easily inside me, and, his eyes dark on mine, he gave me what I sought.

  “Come, Elle.”

  It was instantaneous. My pussy throbbed around him, and I came. I came watching his face, his beautiful face, and only once I was sated did his cock throb. He pulled out from inside me, gripping his thick erection, coming all over my pussy, my belly, my breasts, my legs spread wide to receive him, his face tight before he collapsed on top of me, emptied.

  I woke early the next morning to find Adam gone. I’d fallen fast asleep after the sex, after he’d carried me into the bedroom. When he’d lain down beside me, I’d turned my head into his chest, and he’d closed his arms around me. I still remember the featherlight kiss on my forehead wishing me a good night as I’d drifted off to sleep, not waking once through the night.

  But now, when I woke, I felt cold without his arms circling me. I didn’t remember him leaving, and, smiling, I got up and went into the bathroom, expecting a note, disappointed not to find one stuck to the mirror like the last time. Back in the bedroom, I looked on the nightstand then searched the living room for any sign of one. Any sign of him. But I found nothing, almost as though it hadn’t happened at all.

  Sadness enveloped me. I’d been expecting him to be here. I’d expected him to stay. He hadn’t made any promise he would, but I’d expected it. Why, I didn’t know. I’d meant what I’d said about not sleeping around, and, although I didn’t have to have a committed relationship to sleep with someone, I didn’t normally do it within a few hours of meeting them either.

  Was that it then? Had he gotten what he’d wanted and was done? You didn’t just leave after a night like that. I didn’t even have his phone number to call him, although I knew where he lived.

  Get a grip, Elle.

  I got up to make coffee.

  It had been two nights. A fun date and amazing sex between two consenting adults. We didn’t have a relationship and we didn’t owe each other anything. I should be okay with that. It annoyed me that I wasn’t.

  Tonight I’d head to midtown. One of the women I’d gotten to know, Nikki, was getting in with an escort agency. She’d make more money and, hopefully, be better protected. She seemed happy, and I guess to her, it was a step up, although I couldn’t wrap my brain around that. I wanted to see her and make sure our agreement stood, that she’d let me know when she had a client who could make a difference. People didn’t care about prostitutes, but maybe, if I could expose the “upstanding” citizens of society for what they really were, maybe I could do something to help.

  Hypocrisy bothered me. Judging others publicly for what you did privately irritated me. I didn’t care who people fucked and, as far as I was concerned, if a woman wanted to charge money for sex, that was her business. But she deserved to be safe. I cared that people pretended to be better than others, than the element they paid to fuck. These men were no better than pimps.

  I headed out a little after 11:00 p.m. I’d meet Nikki in midtown. I hated the neighborhood, but this was where I would find what I was looking for.

  Cinching my black coat tight around myself, I locked the car and slung my camera over my shoulder. Even knowing most of the shots would come while I remained out of sight in my car, I still carried it with me. You never knew when an opportunity would arise.

  I parked a few blocks away and went on foot to her corner. If her pimp was in sight, I knew to keep walking, although she said she’d told him she was done. She’d officially “given her notice.”

  When I’d first approached her, I’d offered her food and money if she’d talk to me. I’d told her I only wanted some shots, nothing more. She’d been hesitant but hungry. It had taken me months to gain her trust to the point we met weekly. It was during those meetings I realized I liked her. That, in a different life, we could have been friends. I never mentioned the fact that I felt sorry for her. She spoke freely of her clients with me now, but I wondered if she would be so open if she knew I kept a list, that one day, I’d expose them. It was dishonest not to disclose that to her, but I set that thought aside, deciding the work, the end result, was what mattered. I worried about her but justified what I did with the knowledge that when I had what I needed, the exposé would help her and other women like her.

  My cell phone buzzed in my purse, but, by the time I dug around for it, the call had gone to voice mail. I checked the display to find it was my father. Although he kept an apartment in Manhattan, he spent most of his time in Columbia, near Cali, his birthplace. His message asked if I’d have time to see him this weekend when he’d be in town. Rather than calling him back, I sent a quick text. Yes, I’d make the time. I loved my father.

  Shoving my phone back into my pocket, I turned the corner, passing a construction site. Gates closed off the building under renovation, but I stopped to read the board that must have been erected sometime in the last week because it wasn’t up when I was last here. Alongside the text stood a photo of what to expect. It made me smile. A company called New Beginnings had bought the property and would open SafeHouse: a safe place for women. It would be finished in the next six months.

  I made a mental note
to google the company.

  The streets were less well lit here, and I did manage to snap a couple of photos on my way to Nikki, but when I got to where she should have been, where she always was, another woman stood in her place. Confused, I paused before deciding to approach the woman and ask her about Nikki. But, before I reached her, a car pulled up, and she moved toward the open window. Slowing my steps, I waited, but, after a moment, she climbed in and was gone.

  At a loss for what to do, I hesitated. A man came out of nowhere, startling me when, all of a sudden, he stood a few feet from me.

  “You here to see Nikki?” I had no doubt this was Lenny, Nikki’s pimp. She’d told me about him, called him decent as far as pimps went because he’d only beaten her once. I hadn’t really understood how that was even remotely okay. His gaze roamed over me, and his hands curled into fists twice before relaxing.

  How could Nikki have thought he was decent? The words “decent” and “pimp” didn’t fit together, the one negating the other every time.

  “Where is she?”

  “Don’t worry about her.” He turned a circle around me. “Worry about you.”

  I slid my hand into my pocket, my only defense a can of pepper spray I always carried with me.

  “Where is Nikki?” I asked again, trying to infuse my voice with confidence I didn’t feel.

  “Not here. But she’ll be back on her feet and on the street tomorrow night.”

  What? Lenny didn’t give me a chance to speak.

  “I know your name, Elle, and I know where you live. If you’re smart, you’ll get your little ass home and keep it there and away from my girls before something bad happens to you, hear me?”

  A second, bigger man came up behind him, and it took all I had not to run.

  “You deaf or something?” he asked when I didn’t answer his question.


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