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Centauri Captives Books 1-3: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance

Page 12

by Kallista Dane

  She’d used some kind of alien sorcery. It was the only explanation I could think of. I’d never left my command post before while on duty, never walked away from a meeting with my crew. Not when I’d been in agony from wounds I suffered in battle, not even when I’d fallen ill with the Varaxian Marasmus. I’d carried on until I collapsed and had to be carried to the medical bay.

  Yet here I was, fucking her again. Like a wild tarazza who gets a whiff of a captive female ready to breed and batters down the walls of her cage to get to her. Ignoring danger and fear to bury his stiff rod in that sweet wet pussy.

  I couldn’t stop myself. Driven on by her seductive cries, my lungs filled with the scent of her arousal, I poured my seed into her, one swollen cockhead after another pulsing then spurting. Mindlessly, frantically, I climaxed again and again. Each time harder, more intense than the last.

  It was only after I thrust one last time, growling like a ferocious beast, then collapsed beside her, that I realized she was no longer responsive. Her eyes were closed, her body limp.

  I grabbed the handle of the stimulator protruding from her bottom hole, shut the device down, then put my ear to her chest. Her heart was still beating, but the pulse was ragged and faint.

  I cursed my stupidity. In my desire to give her pleasure, I’d taken the impulses too far and shocked her into arrythmia. I had only one course of action.

  Pulling away, I turned up the device to maximum power and flicked it back on for a single pulse. Her body jerked wildly, then she gasped for breath and her eyes popped open.

  “What…what happened?”

  “Your heartbeat became erratic and you lost consciousness for a moment.”

  “My…whole body is throbbing…in time with my clit,” she stammered. “It’s like I’m still coming. What did you just do to me?”

  “I activated the device in your rear passage to full power and sent another pulse through your body to reset the rhythm of your heart.”

  “You reset…” Her eyes wide with terror, she scooted away from me. “Holy shit! I thought the sex we’ve had was great, but I didn’t have anything to compare it with. You…you almost fucked me to death!”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re sorry?” Her voice rose to a shriek. She retreated farther and yelped when the protruding end of the device in her rear portal bumped the wall. “You almost killed me with that…that thing!” She reached behind her for the handle, scrabbling frantically.

  “Stop!” I grabbed both her hands.

  “Get it out of me!” She fought me, thrashing wildly.

  I pulled her close, trapping her arms against my chest. Wrapped my arms around her body and scissored her legs between mine so she couldn’t move. She started to cry, deep racking sobs that shook me to my core. “Sssh, it’s all right. Don’t be afraid. I’ll take it out. But you have to promise you’ll stay still. I don’t want you to accidentally set it off again.”

  The tears disappeared. She froze. I turned her on her side and slid one hand between the clenched cheeks of her bottom. Then I grasped the handle of the stimulator and began working it out of her. Twisting it as I did to retract the probes.

  She shuddered, and her nails dug into my chest. “Oh, God! It almost killed me, but it felt sooo good! Even having you pull it out turns me on.” Her breath caught. “Wait... Go slower.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. I’d been afraid I’d damaged her permanently. With one arm holding her tight, I took my time removing the stimulator. Sliding it out then back in a little each time. Her body writhed against mine. I set her legs free, and she hooked one knee over my hip, spreading herself so I could manipulate the device more easily.

  When I turned the impulse setting to “low” and slid it farther in, she moaned and ground her pussy against my groin. I twisted the device the other way, just enough to release a single probe. She let out a little cry and rocked back, seating it deeper inside.

  My cockheads swelled and began burrowing toward her wet heat. But I forced myself to take it slow and easy.

  She tilted her head up and nuzzled me, lips tracing a path from the hollow of my neck up to my ear. I ramped the stimulator up another notch, releasing a second probe, then rolled her on top of me. She squealed when two of my heads trapped her swollen clit between them, stroking it, while the other three worked their way sinuously into her pussy.

  Thank the gods I’d come already and come hard. Otherwise, I’d never have managed to stay in control when she planted her knees on either side of my body and rose up over me.

  “Fuck me again,” she demanded. “Fuck me good.”

  “Oh, I will,” I said. “Right after I punish you.”

  Ignoring her squeal of protest, I pulled out and flipped her onto her back. Engaging the force field, I arranged her arms over her head. “I think you’ve forgotten the rules,” I said as I spread her legs apart.

  “A proper mate does not order a male to do anything. You may ask me nicely…” As I spoke, I lifted her heels in the air, and pinned her in that position. “And I may or may not grant your request, depending on how well you’ve obeyed me.”

  Reaching between her legs, I took hold of the stimulator handle. “You seem to think you’re in charge now. Telling me to go slow. Ordering me to fuck you good.” I slid the device farther up her rear passage, and she moaned. “I am your Master. I alone decide when you’ll have pleasure—or pain.” I pressed a button on the handle. Her body jerked against the invisible restraints, and she squealed as a burst of lubrication shot out of one of the probes, bathing the walls of her back channel in slick, wet heat.

  I strapped the handle of the stimulator to her inner thigh and programmed it to release and retract its probes at random intervals. Sensors would keep her at maximum arousal level, without allowing her to achieve climax.

  She cried out, tossing her head from side to side, grabbing fistfuls of the sheet as the probes began wending their way into her ass. “No, please, God no! Don’t leave me like this. I need to come!”

  “You will come—when I want you to.”

  She looked so delectable. Pussy dripping, legs up in the air, hips wiggling as the probes spurted jets of hot, slick liquid then breached her tight little hole and disappeared up her ass one after another.

  But I had work to do. Finding a new home for our race was equally as important as breeding. And that’s all this is, I reminded myself. Just another job to do.

  I dressed quickly and almost ran back to the bridge, knowing if I didn’t get out of there soon, I’d fall victim to her spell again. Ravishing my little human had become addictive.

  Chapter Eleven


  He’d nearly killed me. And I hadn’t especially cared. I remembered reading about some scientific studies where rats, or some other animal, were somehow provided with the means of pressing one bar for an electronically caused orgasm or another for food. They had almost without exception pushed the orgasm bar to the point of starvation.

  Was that what I’d become?

  I lay in the bunk, with nothing else to do, and nowhere to go. I wouldn’t mind a tour of the ship. Were any of the other women around? Were they doing okay? Despite everything, I knew I’d been fortunate to be chosen by my master. The others might not have been so fortunate. If I asked, would he take me to them, just to chat, maybe try to focus on something other than the hunger he’d awakened in me? I’d gone my entire life with so little interest in sex and now…

  And when had I last eaten, anyway? I wasn’t especially hungry—maybe like the rats I’d choose sex until I starved—but I’d lost all sense of time and that worried me much more. I still wasn’t sure how long I’d been in that basement much less any idea of how time passed in this ship. Would I ever have a schedule again? Everything “normal” was gone from my life.

  I’d become obsessed with the admiral, with my master, and that also terrified me. I cuddled down in his bunk, lost in thought, sailing through space, farther and farther fr
om home, trying to figure out if up was down or when to eat…or sleep. And mostly waiting for him to come back to me. Because I had no other function than being his. What if I never got pregnant? Would he want me? Or what if I did? Did I want to?

  A sudden lurch slammed me free of my ruminations, and I clutched at the covers as if they could protect me, but when the ship tilted and the wall became the floor, I slid shrieking to land in a crumpled heap. The wall, as smooth as the floor unless you knew how to operate it, offered no more handholds than the bed had, and as the ship tilted again, I went with it. landing on the ceiling/now floor. What the heck was going on?

  Dizziness took over as the flips became a slow spin and had me rolling back and forth, now just covering my head with my arms in hopes of not hitting it and cracking my skull. If the ship was out of control, were we all going to die? And how bad was it that the only thing that seemed to matter was seeing the admiral again before I did?

  I squeezed my eyes closed and prayed to any and all gods who might be in charge of me, this ship, the aliens who manned it…and the Universe. I’d come too far, been through too much to die like this. But then, the spin switched directions, and as I left the floor entirely, I flung my hands out to keep from hitting the walls because I didn’t have the ability to fly.


  I turned in a circle, around and around, my eyes now open, but saw only topsy-turvy walls, the bed on the ceiling, the covers on the “floor” that had been the ceiling.

  “Treeena!” Someone grasped my shoulder and shook me. “Wake up.”

  And I opened my eyes to find his pale purple face staring down at me. Over his shoulder was the ceiling, where it belonged. Past him, the walls all in place, their deceptively smooth surfaces concealing all the electronics—if that was the right term. And the door to the passage still open.

  “I…I dreamed.” My mouth was so dry, the words emerged slurred by my tongue sticking to my teeth. “Can I have a drink?”

  He stepped away then faced me again, holding a cup with a long, bendable straw that he held to my lips. “Drink.”

  The liquid was not water, exactly, a little thicker, but it flowed down my throat and eased the dryness remarkably. “Oh that’s so much better.” I pushed to sit up, but Dylos, after placing the container on a shelf over the bunk, settled beside me and tugged me into his lap.

  “What did you dream, Trreenna?” he asked, stroking my hair as I rested against his broad chest.

  “I dreamed the ship was tilting and everything was all upside down and spinning, and I was floating. It was very strange.”

  Dylos rested his chin on my head and released a deep sigh. “That was not entirely a dream.”

  I struggled to get free, alarmed. “It wasn’t? Is something wrong?” We were in deep space, at least I thought we were, my lack of knowledge again coming to the forefront. All we had between us and cold death were the walls of the vessel and its life support systems.

  He tugged me back to him, shushing and petting as if I were a frightened cat. Despite myself, I succumbed to his spell, a sense of well-being surrounding me. “Nothing is wrong. Not now. We made a course correction, is all, toward Gamma Librae. We have received intelligence that our enemy has established a presence there.”

  “Is it always like that when you change course? All the flipping and spinning?” If so, they were far less advanced than I had believed.

  “No, of course not.” He gave a sniff, and I wondered if I’d insulted him. “Generally, we have no such issues, and if we have any at all, we return to port for repairs.”

  Oh. “And you no longer have that option, right? Since your…your planet…” It might be even worse than I thought.

  “Right. But we are resourceful, and the minor issue has been corrected.” His tone brooked no further discussion of his lost planet and lack of spare parts. “We are on our way to Gamma Librae to engage the enemy.”

  “Can I ask, I mean, is Gamma Librae anywhere near where you are hoping to settle?”

  “No.” His stroking hand stilled, a warning surely, but I had to know.

  “Then why engage them? Why not just be glad they have chosen somewhere far from you rather than risk the loss of any more of your people?” Earth had not had an outright war in two centuries. If we hated someone, we simply closed our borders to them as they did to us. Passive aggressive, maybe, but nobody died.

  “Gamma Librae is the most dangerous planet we have data on. It is home to billions of virulent bacteria and viruses, any one of which could wipe out all life on a planet in one Terran week.”

  I let the words sink in, as his stroking began again, the soothing, arousing touch directly counter to my thoughts. After a moment, I tilted my head back to see him. “Then how can they survive it?”

  He shrugged. “They probably aren’t on the actual surface, just in orbit to harvest what they want.”

  “The ultimate source for biological warfare,” I said. “That’s terrifying. Did you choose to say a Terran week so I would understand, or for some other reason?”

  Dylos cupped my chin and gazed into my eyes. “Our intelligence believes they have targeted your home world. With the right choice, they can eliminate all life there with no trouble. And probably enjoy watching everything die.”

  Despite the way I’d been treated, I couldn’t bear the thought of all humans dying, and animals. “Plants, too?”

  “Yes, everything.” His lips were an inch from mine, his breath warm and fragrant. Spicy almost.

  “Why, though? What purpose is there in making a planet completely barren? Uninhabitable?”

  “Besides the entertainment value? They will select a weapon that will only be able to reproduce in Terra’s atmosphere for a short time, perhaps a few of your centuries. Then they can return and seed it with their own flora and fauna. Create a paradise of their own making.”

  “How…how evil.”

  “Indeed.” He brushed my lips with his, an almost affectionate caress. “Evil.”

  “And we’re going to stop them?”

  He nodded. “That’s right.”

  A thought occurred to me. “Are we doing this just to save my people?”

  His chuckle was dry, bitter. “No. It’s rather a fortunate side effect. They would, left to themselves, empty the galaxy of competing sentient life. They nearly succeeded with us. Humans are simply their next target.”

  Chapter Twelve


  “Why do I have to stay here all the time? I’m tired of seeing nothing but these metal walls!”

  I glared at her. Sometimes, the human behaved like a petulant child. “You are one of only a handful of females on a ship filled with virile young warriors. Allowing you to parade around in front of them would not be fair to those who do not have an outlet for their sexual needs. Unless you are volunteering to service the entire crew?” I added.

  She shook her head wildly. “No, Master! Pleasuring you is all I can handle. I’ve never met a male with such a powerful sex drive.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “And what do you know of male sex drives? I thought you swore I was your first.”

  “You were! I mean you are,” she stammered. “But I dated plenty of guys before I came here. None of them were as…um…seductive as you were. I mean are. Master,” she added hastily. She still struggled with the proper form of address.

  “You mean when I pinned you to the sleeping platform the first time and licked your pussy until you creamed?” Her cheeks colored prettily, and I went on, enjoying the fact she was still so innocent I could get that kind of reaction with words alone. “Or was it when I ran my tongue down the crack of your ass?”

  Her nipples hardened, so I went on. “Well? Which was it? Answer me.”

  “It was…it was both.”

  I frowned, and she hurried on. “It was both, Master.”

  “Be careful. Unless you want another session with the stimulator in your ass while I’m away on my mission.”

�No, Master! I couldn’t bear that again. I was so desperate by the time you came back I’d have done anything you asked.”

  “As I recall, you did. Hmmm. Perhaps another punishment session is in order.”

  Her cheeks flushed again, and I laughed. “Don’t worry, little one. As long as you respond so eagerly, I don’t need to rely on mechanical devices to arouse you.”

  Trreena truly was a wonder. Having sex with her made me feel like I, too, was experiencing everything for the first time. I loved running my tongue deep inside her, listening to her little cries become wild screams as I brought her to one shattering climax after another. Then sliding my fingers into her wet heat, spreading them the way my cockheads did. It was all I could do at times to hold back while I slowly prepared her virgin rear channel to receive my manhood next.

  She’d been terrified when she first saw me, certain she could never take my length and girth inside her. Frankly, I, too, had been worried. Her body was much smaller than that of the average Arythian female. But over time, she’d relaxed as I put in two fingers, then three. I’d already decided to claim her ass when I returned from my mission. I felt like a randy youth again, daydreaming while on duty about every move I’d make as I showed her the pleasure her body was capable of receiving.

  I cupped her chin in my hand and tilted her sweet face up for a kiss.

  “I won’t be away long, Trreena. I’m going to an unknown planet we’ve detected, not far off our course to Gamma Librae. Conditions there may support life. I need to report to the bridge and run through final preparations for my mission with the crew. I promise I’ll come back and dine with you before I leave. Meanwhile, you can busy yourself watching hols. Your Arythian pronunciation could use some improvement.”

  “I’m sick of educational holograms, Master. Can’t I go with you to the bridge? I’ll be quiet, Master. I promise. I just want to look out a window into space, Master. See something besides this room for a change.”

  “I said no. And throwing in an extra ‘master’ or two won’t make me change my mind.” I gave her bottom a swat. “Do as you’re told. I’ll be back before you know it.”


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