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Centauri Captives Books 1-3: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance

Page 21

by Kallista Dane

  “First, there are no viruses aboard this ship. As you know, Doctor.” The quartermaster’s tone never changed, and I made a mental note to commend him on his behavior. But not in this instance because I was not here. Please let nobody know I was lurking in a shadowed corner in a manner entirely unbefitting an officer, much less a commander.

  “But if there were?”

  Ridiculous because where would a virus appear from if we hadn’t landed anywhere?

  But in a continuing display of sensible actions, the quartermaster did not argue the point. “You have full access to the list of all items you might have use of and their locations, Doctor. The med bay is not large enough to store everything. At the moment, you have no additional space, so if you would like the antivirals, you will have to make a decision about what you would prefer I move from there to another area.”

  “But I need everything.” The piercing tones hurt my ears. Under any other circumstances, I’d have taken action, and I itched to do so, but obviously that was not possible. My cock was still outside my suit, since I did not want to move even enough to resolve that situation.

  This could not happen again. I would have to approach the problem of my female as a military exercise. I’d achieved success in so many scenarios, surely one recalcitrant Earth woman could not be an impossible puzzle to solve.

  Her body already understood and wanted my attentions. I just had to convince her mind to cooperate. Were her people so different from ours that they did not like pleasure?

  The argument of the quartermaster and the doctor continued while I considered the options available to me. Cybellus was already in play, but again, that only worked on the physical. I would need to take this much further if I hoped to bring her stubborn mind into compliance. Would a logical discussion of her options achieve the desired results?

  Or was there more? I remembered my mother and father’s relationship, how she lit up whenever he returned from a voyage, how they disappeared into their chamber for more than a day each time. The elaborate meals she made for him, and how he’d drag her onto his lap to feed her the tastiest tidbits.

  My heart ached with the remembrance. Like everyone else on my planet, they were nothing more than that. A bittersweet memory. They had a bond many envied. I’d not seen that in my future, but maybe we could at least have a shadow of that…


  While I’d been lost in my own mind, the arguing officers had drifted off, the door closing in behind them. I stood and hastily cleaned the sticky cum from my dick then the last of it from the floor before straightening my suit and stuffed the used head coverings into my pocket to deposit in a recycling unit. When I judged enough time had passed, I emerged into the corridor, startling a passing crewman.

  I acknowledged his salute with one of my own and strode toward the bridge.

  Perhaps I could find the way to tame this female whose eyes held a fierceness I’d not known anyone but a warrior could display.

  If not, it was going to be a long and miserable voyage to who knew where.

  Chapter Seven


  A section of wall disappeared, again, and he strode though the opening like a rock star heading for the spotlight in a crowded arena. Maybe it was a reaction to the cybellus, but he was looking hotter every time I laid eyes on him. It took everything I had not to react like a swooning groupie.

  “Are you ready to yield?”

  I glared at him. “Are you ready to quit being a dung beetle?”

  To my surprise, he laughed. “I do not know what a dung beetle is, but that sounds like something my friend Nerus would say when I have my dagger at his throat in a sparring match.”

  He crossed his arms and looked down at me, spread-eagled on the bed. “It occurs to me that perhaps I have been going about this all wrong,” he said. “I’ve been treating you like a female. But the gods have given you the heart of a warrior. It is not my place to question their decision. So I am going to treat you as I would a warrior from another world captured in battle.”

  I didn’t trust this new side of him. Calm, reasonable. “What does that mean?” I asked suspiciously.

  “We will negotiate. I need certain things from you. If you cooperate willingly, I will reward your behavior.”

  “Hah!” I narrowed my eyes. “I thought so. That’s not how you negotiate with an equal. That’s how you train a dog.”

  He sighed. “Clever as well as stubborn. Perhaps your planet is not as backward as I thought. But since you are capable of reasonable thought, I will explain your situation. Once you realize your position, you will conclude that resistance is futile.”

  “Resistance is futile? It’s clear you’ve never met a human. And after hearing that, I have to wonder if you’ve ever met a female from any world!”

  He gritted his teeth. “I vowed I’d try talking instead of fighting or punishing you, but you’re making me regret my decision.”

  I couldn’t bring myself to beg for what I really wanted from him, so I tried goading.

  “Big brave warrior! Is that all you know how to do—spar or spank?”

  It worked. With a growl, he pounced on me. Silenced my taunts by capturing my mouth. I wouldn’t call it a kiss. It was more of an all-out attack. His lips crushed mine.

  I kissed him back. I’d have thrown my arms around his neck, but he still had me pinned by the force field. The Controller. A fresh wave of heat from the cybellus coating my pussy sent a shiver straight to my core. Or maybe it was the realization that I was helpless and he could do whatever he wanted to me. I’d raged when he said resistance was futile. But now, I didn’t want to resist.

  I didn’t want to be a warrior. I wanted to be a woman, a red-hot wanton slut. Driven to the height of passion by this bigger, stronger male. My Controller.

  He moved his mouth to my breasts, lashed them with his tongue. After all that time coated with cybellus, my nipples were tight and hard, aching with need. He cupped my breasts in his hands, drew one swollen tip into his mouth, and sucked. A bolt of raw lust rocketed straight to my core. I let out a cry. Half torment, half triumph.

  My wild shout triggered an instant response. The alien stood up and ripped off his uniform. He was naked underneath. The dull gray tone that had enveloped him head to toe when I first saw him was completely gone. So was the black geometric tattoo. Brilliant colors glowed on the full sleeve running from his left shoulder to his wrist.

  He had the body of a Greek statue. But instead of cold white marble, his skin was now deep blue with undertones of purple. I raked my eyes over the powerful muscles in his broad chest, moved down to the slim hips, and—I gasped.

  His cock was huge, as I’d have expected from a male his size. Jutting out hard and proud, a darker shade of purple. What I didn’t expect to see were the multiple heads at the end of it. I’d seen men with skin tinted blue back home in the desert. But this cock looked like a high-tech dildo. Definitely alien. I wondered what other surprises he had in store for me.

  He climbed onto the bed. Positioned himself between my spread legs. I watched, fascinated, as the heads swelled and began pulsing. He reached down with one hand, guiding his cock to my labial folds. And turned it loose.

  I let out a breathless cry as the heads began to writhe and twist their way into my pussy. Elongating, moving sinuously, stroking my inner walls. Hot and slick. Way better than any dildo I’d ever used.

  He held his body motionless over mine. Gave his dick free rein. The heads nuzzled deeper, probing my secret places. One massaged my G-spot while another swirled against my inner walls, finding erogenous zones I never knew I had. All the while I was restrained by the force field. My wrists together over my head, my legs spread wide. Unable to take control. Though I hated to admit it, that made me hotter than I’d ever been before.

  When the third head began throbbing inside me, I exploded. Mindless, frantic. Pussy spasming, I fought the restraints, writhing against my invisible bonds. But I was at his mercy.
/>   ’That was when he moved. Thrusting deep, grinding against my mound then pulling back as those wicked cockheads thrummed and pulsed. He fucked me with dark intensity, building the rhythm with long hard strokes until I couldn’t think. Couldn’t see. Could only feel. Somewhere far away, I heard screaming and realized it must be me.

  I came again, driven to the peak then falling, falling, into the abyss. Only to be caught in his arms. He held me tight, and I trembled as the aftershocks hit. Panting for breath, pussy spasming.

  When he started moving again, I whimpered. “No, no more. Please. I can’t take any more.”

  “Shhhh,” he whispered. Or maybe it was “Shee-ah.” I couldn’t tell. All I knew was that he was fucking me again. Long, slow strokes. Those heads fluttering against my inner walls. Caressing me. Enticing me.

  I whipped my head from side to side. “No, don’t. Stop. Don’t…stop. Oh god, don’t stop!”

  I was screaming again. Soaring this time, carried by a whirlwind of ecstasy more intense than I’d ever known.

  “Come for me, Shee-ah,” he ordered. “Come for your Master. Now.”

  As he spoke, one cockhead surged deeper. A jet of liquid spurted out, bathing my inner walls. Instead of cooling, the blazing heat inside me ignited an inferno. I clenched around him as I exploded. He threw his head back and roared, then thrust one last time as the other heads throbbed and pulsed, drenching me in cum.

  “I just realized something. I told you my name. But you never told me yours.”

  It was later. How much later, I don’t know. For once, my inner clock had stopped working. We were lying on his bed. He had one arm wrapped around me, and my head was resting on his chest. At some point, he’d released the force field because I dimly recalled throwing my arms around him, digging my heels into the bed, and rocking my hips up so he could ram his cock in to the hilt when I was in the throes of that last mind-blowing orgasm.

  His size made me feel small and delicate. Feminine. It was a feeling I’d never had before. In the past, I’d been like the typical male. Jumping up after sex, throwing on my clothes, and saying goodbye before things got awkward. Not to mention desperate to get home and play with myself until I was satisfied. Of course, in the past, I’d never had my brains fucked out. Never come so long and so hard I just wanted to curl up next to his sleek, smooth body and purr.

  “Now I get it,” I said.

  “Get what, Shee-ah?” His voice was warm and deep. The same deep voice he used when he ordered me to come for him. A little thrill coursed through me. I was starting to like the way he said my name.

  He was amusing himself, idly twirling my curls one by one around his finger then watching them spring back. The curls on my head, not the ones around my pussy. Though we were both satiated, I was pretty sure if he started playing with those, we’d be right back to fucking in no time. My clit throbbed at the thought. He definitely brought out the slut in me.

  “I never understood before why the female lions go out to hunt. Why they drag home their kill untouched and lay it at the feet of the male. They’re just trying to make sure he saves his strength for what’s really important.” I giggled then clapped a hand over my mouth, horrified. I never giggled. I seldom even smiled. Dear gods, this alien had fucked me crazy.

  Pull yourself together. You’re a warrior, not some weak-minded woman, ready to throw yourself at the feet of the first male who…

  Who what? My mind hit a wall. Takes my breath away? Makes me feel things I’ve never felt before? He’s still an alien. And my captor. Just because he says my name in a sexy voice and makes me come until I melt doesn’t mean he cares about me. I’m nothing but a possession to him. A breeder he’ll use to get what he needs.

  I repeated my earlier remark, the one he’d ignored. “Like I said before, I’ve told you my name but you haven’t told me yours. What is your Arythian name?”

  His body stiffened. He stopped twirling my hair. “Joran. My name is Joran.” His voice was cold, without a hint of the warmth I’d heard earlier. I could feel him pulling away.

  He didn’t elaborate. Suggest a nickname I could call him or tell me a cute story of how his mother came up with the name. I realized too late that I’d ruined the moment of closeness between us, taken his mind back to his world. And his grief.

  I’d get no cute story. His mother was gone. And so were all his people. ’That was why he was here fucking me and not back home with some sweet submissive Arythian babe.

  It could have been worse. At least he didn’t say Master.

  There’s no reason to feel hurt, I told myself. We were never close to begin with. Besides, I need to pull away, too. After all, it’s not like we have any kind of relationship. As soon as I get a chance to escape, I’m taking it. I can’t stay here and become nothing more than an incubator for an alien race, no matter how good the sex is.

  Chapter Eight


  I quickly dressed and left my chamber, left the female I’d spent hours in intimate contact with. Left without a goodbye or an excuse.

  She’d asked my name. I’d just done everything in me to impregnate the female, not that breeding had been on my mind while my cockheads twisted their way deep into her body. No, at that point, there was not enough blood left in the vicinity of my brain to care about anything beyond the exquisite pleasure I found there. She was tight, much smaller and tighter than any Arythian or the alien races who plied their trade on the pleasure planets—at least those offered to me and the other Arythians. But she was so wet and tight and ready for me after I’d heated her ass that her size presented no impediment.

  Instead, I found our bodies meshed as if made for each other. Sometimes, I wondered if one creator was responsible for the whole universe or even the galaxy, but if not, they must have compared notes.

  We’d been lying together for some time when she asked me, like mates, like a couple long together, and the question jarred me, reminded me of who we really were. Not two who had chosen one another for life mates. Certainly, I’d chosen her, but from a roomful of women who were there against their will. Whose own people had rejected them and sent them into space as gifts to alien people. Nobody had said as much; the Earth authorities certainly did not admit any of these women were shanghaied into space.

  But if the others were as unhappy to learn of their circumstances upon awakening as my female…I would have to speak with Admiral Dylos. His female seemed very happy with her current circumstances, even assisting with some of the tasks aboard ship. Despite the circumstances which placed this female in my bed, was there a chance she, too, could move past them? Whoever wanted her out of the way might have taken other action had this option not been available to them. Obviously, I was in no position at this time to fight her battles for her; I had to make it clear that what I did offer her was honorable.

  An Arythian female was protected and revered. And that was before there were none. Could someone as fierce as Shee-ah find contentment as the mother of young? Perhaps not in the traditional way. I could not imagine her happy, sitting in my quarters and sewing tiny clothing from the less-than-ideal choices to be found in our stores. Never planning on making these ships into nurseries, our quartermaster, and those of the other vessels, had stocked their holds with items useful to males traveling through space. We had weapons and ammunition, extra uniforms and boots, food—luckily a lot of food—and the seeds and equipment to grow more. Missions could be long, and a section of each ship had been dedicated to a greenhouse where fresh fruits and vegetables could be grown.

  One thing we lacked was animals for meat. We restocked where we could, but the animals of our home planet were gone along with all the people there, destroyed by the enemy I was in charge of hunting down. Sometimes, the cravings for familiar flavors and textures were almost an ache.

  We did have some seeds for Earth foods, but it would take time for them to grow, and I wondered how my female was feeling about eating things so unfamiliar to her. Likely the same as
we did when we ate fowl from other planets that could not come close to the tender flesh of a keian bird. Roasted over an open fire, its crispy skin dripping grease into the flames and making them flare… Not an experience to have while homeless in the galaxy.

  Surely, there were elements of my female’s life that she would miss as much. And most I couldn’t fix. I had already ordered the seeds planted, so she would, in time, be able to eat foods of her world. What more could I do to make her feel at home?

  My female had the soul of a warrior. Something I’d never encountered before but that called out to mine in a way I’d never even known I wanted. My feelings for my late betrothed had been tepid at best, accepting the need to mate and have young. But as I went about my duties, Shee-ah remained in my mind. Half of me was only going through the motions, wishing to see her, to touch her, to dominate her, and show her I was her true master.

  What was she doing all this time? Lying in my quarters, alone. Would a warrior respond well to such? I would be out of my mind with boredom, and certainly not growing to love the captor who’d placed me in this misery. Certainly, she was more than accepting of our meshing of bodies, but the rest of the time she was likely plotting to kill me.

  Shee-ah thought more like a man in some ways—fortunately, not in the ones that took place behind the closed doors I stood outside of—but she was still not in acceptance of my dominance. As I mulled all these things over, I began to concoct a strategy to both gain her acquiescence in my quarters as well as provide her with a way to fill her time until my young did.

  Waving the door open, I stepped back inside to find the female standing, patting the walls. She turned as I entered, but rather than looking guilty as many might, she fixed me with a narrow-eyed glare.

  I chose to ignore the disrespect. “Shee-ah, I would make you a proposition.”

  “If I am naked, while you are in uniform, I feel at a disadvantage.”


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