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Wrapped In My Wife

Page 1

by Alexa Riley

  Wrapped In My Wife

  Alexa Riley


  Wrapped In My Wife

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11



  Her Touch


  Chapter 1

  Also by Alexa Riley

  Stalk the Author

  Copyright © 2018 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Edited by Aquila Editing

  Cover Design by Perfect Pear Creative Covers

  Cover Photo by Sara Eirew Photographer

  Wrapped In My Wife

  Alexa Riley

  Emily’s been a wife and a mom as a full-time job. But when her twin boys go to kindergarten she finds herself with too much time on her hands.

  Dylan built his construction business with his wife by his side, until she had their boys and decided to stay at home. The past few years he’s been working hard to build the perfect life for her, but he’s ready to slow down.

  When Emily takes a job at the local library she’s not prepared for a creepy new boss. She misses her family, but she’s determined to make it work. But little does she know her husband is on the prowl, and nobody gets in the way of what still belongs to only him.

  Warning: This sugary sweet husband and wife romance is everything your heart desires! It’s safe, sexy, and over the top! Put a ring on it and dive in!

  For the husband who still smacks his wife on the ass when she least expects it…

  For the wife that tells him to stop, but hopes he never does.

  Chapter 1


  “Dylan.” I moan my husband’s name as he sucks my clit into his mouth. The rough texture of his beard slides across my thigh and I reach under the blanket, grabbing a handful of his hair. He grips my thighs, spreading me apart as he pushes me towards a quick orgasm.

  I cry out his name as I come undone. My body jerks and I melt into the bed. My eyes fall closed as I feel him kiss his way up my body, right before he’s thrusting inside me. His mouth goes to my neck, where he nibbles on my delicate skin.

  “I only wanted to eat your pussy. I swear I was just going to get you off, but once I tasted how sweet you were I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop. Goddamn, you’re tight this morning.”

  I wrap my legs around his waist. “You think I would have let you stop there?”

  I smile as he leans back and looks down at me, his rich brown eyes full of need. A predatory smile pulls at his lips before he takes my mouth in a deep kiss. I moan, tasting myself on him.

  I run my hands up his back. I’ve been married to Dylan for over seven years and I still can't get enough of him. We’ve spent a lot of mornings waking up like this and it never gets old. He’s my whole world.

  His thrusts grow faster, pushing me towards another orgasm. “Fuck,” Dylan growls. I love his urgent need when he gets inside me. One would think we’ve been apart for week when really he made love to me until I passed out last night. I was all worked up and he wanted to settle my nerves. If anyone or anything can get me to settle down, it’s my husband.

  He sits back on his knees, pulling me into his lap. His hands go to my hips, keeping a firm hold on me. I bring my hands to my breasts and pluck at my nipples. Dylan grunts while I moan. Our eyes lock and I feel his warm release explode inside me, triggering my own orgasm.

  We are always in sync. Dylan covers my mouth with his to keep me from crying out too loud. He rocks against me, milking all of the pleasure from my body until I’m once again boneless in the bed. I feel his beard against my neck and I giggle as he purposely tickles me with it.

  “Wake up, Button. I want my shower with you, so we need to get moving.”

  I make some sort of sound of protest, but he slides off the bed, then lifts me from it. He carries me in his arms into our bathroom and walks right into the shower. He sits me down on the bench as hot steam fills up the space.

  I lean back and watch him wash himself. He keeps his eyes on me as he soaps up his cock and it comes to life again.

  “You’re insatiable,” I laugh as I watch him.

  My eyes travel all over his body. Dylan’s always been a big guy. Even when we were young he was always the biggest guy in school, towering over everyone. He’s built like a truck. He jokes about when we were kids he was built that way to keep the other boys from getting at me.

  It makes me roll my eyes, because I have no idea what he’s talking about. My teenage years were not good to me. Not like they were with my dark-haired husband. Where he was tall I was short. He towers almost a foot and a half over me. He’s never had a six pack, he’s always been barrel chested and hard. He’s got broad shoulders and looks like one of the football linemen he watches on Sundays.

  I’ve always been so small compared to him, even with all my curves. I’d gotten even more of them when I had our twin boys. I never could get all the weight off and gave up trying years ago. My husband seems to love them, so what do I care. It’s where his nickname for me came from. He thought I was tiny and as cute as a button. He’s been calling me that since freshman year of high school. He's been stuck to me like glue since the first time we met. My one and only.

  “I’m always like this when you’re naked,” he says, then shrugs. “Or breathing,” he adds with a cocky smile as he reaches down and gives his cock a long stroke. I lick my lips.

  “Wish we had time, Button,” he tells me before coming over and pulling me to my feet.

  He starts to wash me, and I pull my hair up so I don’t get it wet.

  “When we drop the boys off, we can come back,” he says, nipping my neck.

  I like that idea.

  “I thought you had a meeting this morning.”

  He turns the water off and we both step out. He wraps me in a towel, drying me off before pulling the hair tie from my hair and letting my curls fall free, something he always does when I pull it up. He even did it the first day I met him. He was that way with me from the very moment I ran right into him in the hallway. He picked me up, and instantly I belonged to him.

  “I put a meeting on my schedule so my assistant couldn’t try and fill the space with something. You think I’d miss our kids’ first day of school?”

  I look up into his eyes, shaking my head. I really don’t care much for Dylan’s new assistant. He’s always over-filling his schedule. I miss his old assistant, Marie, but she retired three months ago.

  “Besides, the boys and I know you’re going to need this. We have a feeling you’re going to cry, and you know how much we hate that.”

  I narrow my eyes at him, but I don’t deny he’s right. I’m a crier. I can't stop myself. It doesn't help that I have the worst cry face. My fair skin turns all red
and blotchy and I usually end up hiccupping. I cry when I’m happy or sad, so I’m glad he’s coming. I was disappointed and a little shocked when I looked at his schedule last night and saw he had a meeting booked early. I didn't say anything, not wanting to make it an issue. I figured it was something important for him to have a meeting, because Dylan never misses anything when it comes to the boys and me.

  He cups my face. “I’ll get dressed and get the boys up.” He kisses me hard, leaving me breathless. “Meet me in the kitchen,” he says before smacking my ass on the way out.

  “Mmkay,” I answer, watching him go.

  I turn to the mirror and start to get ready. When I make it to the closet I debate what to wear. My mind goes over my schedule for the day, and for a moment my hand pauses on a hanger. I try to think about what I’ll be doing with the rest of the day, and I draw a blank. Normally I have the boys to run around and our days packed with things to do. I hadn't thought about what I’ll do now that my twins are starting kindergarten and I’ll be home alone.

  Chapter 2


  I’m in the workshop and I can still hear Emily stomping around in the house. I don’t know what I’m doing out here, but we both needed time to cool off.

  I look over and see the twins building a box out of spare wood I had lying around and give a heavy sigh. I don’t like fighting with her, because I feel like it’s my job to make her happy. But since the boys started school she feels adrift. She was never one to sit around at home, but I’ve gotten busier with my company in the last year and I’m not home as much as I used to be. I didn’t think it was putting a strain on us until this morning when she told me she interviewed for a job.

  I should have been happy about her working part time at the library. But instead I’m out here sulking and thinking about all the ways she’s not one hundred percent mine. She should work if that’s what makes her happy, but I’m selfish when it comes to my bride. I want her all to myself and with our boys. In my mind I know that them going to school has left her without some purpose, and I know that me being at work more has put a strain on that as well. I’m working late a couple nights a week, and sometimes I’m gone before she even wakes up. I’m full beast when it comes to her, though, so in my mind as long as we’re having sex everything's okay. But I’ve seen how things have begun to drift and her telling me she’s going to work outside the home sent me over the edge.

  I let out another deep sigh knowing that I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. I should have been supportive, but instead I’m just an idiot.

  “Come on, boys. Let's go back in the house and get ready for dinner,” I say, and they take off running.

  I need to go in the house and apologize and make things right. Even if it doesn’t feel right in my chest yet. Besides, it’s just an interview. She said herself that they had a lot of people applying for the job. Maybe this is just the wakeup call I needed to pull back from work and make sure Emily is getting everything she needs.

  “Hey, Button,” I say when we come in the back door.

  She turns around and looks at me. I can see in her eyes she’s still a little pissed, but she’s cooled down.

  “I’m sorry, I should have been more supportive,” I say, holding out my arms. I just want to hold her, but I don’t know if she’s ready for that.

  “Well, good thing. They just called and offered me the job.” She crosses her arms in challenge and stares me down.

  I have to swallow before I speak and try to put a happy look on my face. I’m not sure I do a good enough job because for a second she looks concerned like something is wrong with me.

  “Oh, really?” I say, stalling to think of something nice to say. “That’s good.” God, I could kick my own ass. That didn’t sound cheerful enough. “I mean, fantastic. That’s fantastic!” I say, a little too loudly the second time.

  “Oh,” she says and then uncrosses her arms. She looks around the room then back to me. “Yes, I mean, it’s different. But good. Right? Of course. It should be fun.” She doesn’t look so sure anymore and I’m wondering if she’s worried she might not be good at it.

  “Button,” I say, walking up to her and taking her in my arms. “I’m sorry about earlier. You’re right. You deserve to have your own thing, too. I’m sorry I wasn’t on board right away, but I know you’re going to be great at whatever it is you do.”

  “I think I’m just going to stack books,” she mumbles against my chest as her arms come around my back.

  “Well, you’ll be the best goddamn stacker they’ve ever seen,” I say, kissing the top of her head.

  She leans back and smiles up at me. “I should have told you sooner. I just didn’t think it would matter.”

  “Everything you do matters,” I say, placing my forehead against her. “Everything.”

  I kiss her softly on the lips right before the boys come running through the kitchen begging for food.

  “We’re going to pick up where this left off after they go to bed,” I say, giving her one quick kiss.

  “Just don’t keep me up too late. I start tomorrow,” she says, turning in my arms and walking over to the stove.

  “Oh really?” I say, keeping my voice even.

  “Yeah, the head librarian, Nancy, called and said they were desperate. They’ve hired a new director and he’s overloaded. I think I’m going to be doing a lot of his work until he’s settled. Then I’ll work directly for Nancy.”

  “Oh really?” is all I can manage again. I’m silently filling with rage when I think about her serving another man.

  “Are you okay, Dylan?” she asks, glancing over her shoulder at me.

  I look down and see I’ve got a white-knuckle grip on the countertop. “Yeah,” I choke out, and then clear my throat. “Sure. Sounds great, Button.”

  She turns back to the stove and stirs something in the pot. “I guess I’ll see how it goes. I haven’t worked in so long, I was kind of surprised they picked me. But I met the new director and he must have liked what he saw.” Again, she sounds a little hesitant and I can only imagine that’s because she’s nervous.

  I want to black out from jealousy as I pull out my phone and send a message to my assistant. He sends me a bunch of texts back, but I ignore all of them. I’ve got new plans and none of them involve meetings.

  “Are you hungry?” Emily asks, turning around with dinner in her hands.

  “Like you wouldn’t believe,” I answer.

  Chapter 3


  I sneeze for what must be the twentieth time. The dust from all the books is driving my nose insane. I haven’t been down to the basement for a while and I’m still sneezing. I wiggle my nose, wondering if it’s red.

  I packed my own lunch last night and sit down to open it up. When I get settled I take a bite of my sandwich and wipe my mouth. I can’t help but wonder if Dylan is enjoying the one I’d packed for him. I’ve loved packing my guy’s lunch since the boys started school. I’ve been coming up with new and different ideas every day. Today’s is tuna with cranberry and pecans. They all like tuna so I gave it a go and it turned out amazing. I wonder if I’ll have time to find something new to make for tomorrow.

  It’s my first day and I’ve already been asked to stay late. I understand, this place is a mess. No wonder they had to hire a new director. It’s chaos and needs a complete restructuring.

  I was excited when I started this morning feeling like I had a purpose after everyone else was off for their day. I had something to fill my day and thought I’d be contributing to something. Now, after spending the morning down in the basement, I think I’m bored and not really enjoying what I’m doing.

  I close my eyes and shake my head. This is my first day and I’m already second-guessing it. I need to dive into this. I can’t just give up so easily. I need to give this all I have and try to be positive. Sure, I’m a little disappointed that I won’t be the one to greet the boys when they get home from school. Dylan said he’d pick th
em up, which means he’ll be home early tonight, something that hasn't been the norm lately. I’m just sulking because I’m missing those moments, but it won’t always be like this.

  Dylan came around a lot faster to me getting a job than I thought he would. Even today when I told him they asked me to stay late he jumped at the chance to pick the boys up for me. He was super possessive of me last night and I can still feel him between my legs, but overall he’s been really supportive.

  Picking up my phone, I smile when I see a text from my husband asking me where I keep the kids’ art supplies. Apparently, they’re working on a school project. I text him back where he can find them, wondering how big of a mess they’re about to make. I finish my lunch while searching the internet for new recipes. When I find one I like, I save it before I clean up my lunch.

  A new text from Dylan dings on my phone. It’s a picture of the boys sitting at the dining table working on posters. At the top it says All About Me. My heart drops a little. I love the picture. My boys are the most adorable little men in the world, and I’m sad I’m missing this moment.

  I reassure myself that they’re getting some one-on-one time with their dad right now. That I don't need to be by their side at every waking moment. They’re growing up, even if it’s faster than I want them to.

  I send back heart emojis and tell Dylan to tell them I love them and will be home soon.


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