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Monroe, Melody S. - Three Hired Lovers [Fantasy Resort 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “A bit too much?”

  “A little.” Instantly, all but two of the overhead showerheads cut off, and only one of the jets shooting water upward remained. “That’s better.”

  Francois stepped in. “From here on out, I control what you do.”

  He hadn’t before? A bit of trepidation grabbed her. She tried to make light of it. “I’m glad someone is able to.”

  Her laugh surely came out fake, but he didn’t raise a brow. In fact, he chuckled. The sound only managed to intensify the ache between her thighs. What was wrong with her? She was a good girl.

  Not anymore.

  “I’m serious. If you want to learn what your body is capable of, you need to let me decide what to do and when to do it.”

  “I have no say-so?” Bristly heat rushed to the surface. He’d stepped over the line.

  “You always have a say-so.”

  That was better. Francois stepped behind her, placed his hands on her hips, and nuzzled her neck. Pinpoints of delight shimmied to the tips of her breasts. She liked this, maybe as much as when he’d stroked her tits.

  Arching her head back, her taut nipples stretched to the max. Intense pleasure pricked the tips. As if he knew where her thoughts were focused, he grabbed her nipples and squeezed. Juice flowed between her thighs. She twisted her upper body to increase the pressure. The pain was divine.

  “You like that, don’t you? Spread your legs a little.”

  His large cock nuzzled between her thighs and rubbed against her hard nub. She swallowed. “Mmm. That feels so good.” He seesawed back and forth, the friction driving her crazy. Butterflies licked the inside of her belly. She moved her ass around for more contact. Francois leaned forward and depressed the soap dispenser. A gooey white liquid squirted out that looked like cum. He rubbed his hands together in front of her and dragged his hands down her tits. The breath whooshed from her lungs. The fire in her belly was so strong, her legs almost weakened.


  She wouldn’t need patience if he’d hurry. Francois ran a finger down to her belly, then slipped his hand between the thighs, his big cock teasing her while he soaped her clit. She writhed under his touch, the pleasure almost too intense.

  He stroked her sensitive nub between her folds. “I want to clean every single spot on your delectable body.”

  Taking a step back, he maneuvered her to the bench seat, picked up her right leg, and placed her foot on his chest, totally exposing her to his view. The instinct to drop her leg was strong, but she resisted, wanting him, needing him.

  Using the detachable showerhead hanging from the wall, he soaped her leg with one hand while running hot shower water straight into her pussy. The pulses from the massage drove her wild, and she thought she would expire from the carnal need encompassing her. His hands drifted lower until he returned to her heavenly spot. He washed her, his fingers plucking and tweaking every delicate inch of her. Her breaths quickened, but she kept her hands by her side. The temptation to grab his cock and guide him into her stole her breath. Be patient. He wants you, too.

  Francois quickly dropped the water, letting the spray hit the side wall while he washed her second leg and then repeated his torture over her needy sex. He returned the head to its position and pulled her to her feet. Her wet crease tingled from the rubbing and washing, and her nipples stung from all the caressing.

  He leaned close. She thought he might kiss her, but instead he dragged a finger down her cheek, then rubbed his thumb over her slightly parted lips. He pried open her mouth, and in a most daring move, she sucked his finger.

  His eyes widened. “You are a witch. What you do to me.”

  She leaned closer, the power an aphrodisiac. “Tell me.”

  “I’d rather show you.”

  Uh-oh. He grabbed a fluffy towel from the hollow in the wall and dropped it at her feet. “Kneel.”

  Another command, this one more powerful. She glanced at the tiled floor and dropped down. At eye level sat his huge cock, dripping with water.

  “Grab me.”

  Finally! She clamped her hand around his long shaft and licked her lips. With her other hand, she softly palmed his balls. When his legs tensed, she applied more pressure. She would have continued, but the nubby ring around the cock’s head fascinated her. She looked up at him. He smiled and nodded.

  Using a bit of pressure, she bit down on the head. He sucked in a breath.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  He shook his head, acting as if he was incapable of speaking. Returning her attention back to Francois, she licked the underside of his dick.

  “Put me in your mouth all the way to the end like you’re fucking me.” She glanced up. His eyes were squeezed shut.

  She now had the power. Instead of doing as he asked, she stood and wedged his throbbing cock between her thighs and rubbed it hard against her clit. The relief barely satisfied her.

  His eyes opened. “What are you doing?”

  She thought it evident. “I wanted to show you what it was like not to get what you want.”

  A flash of what she thought was fury lit his eyes before he smiled.

  “So you are a certifiable witch.” He stepped back, reached across her, and turned off the water. “You will pay for your insubordination.”

  What would he do? She was hotter than when on the bench. How could that be? He stepped from the shower and left her there, dripping wet, all ready. “You’re done?”

  She followed him out and pressed her water-drenched tits against his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  He kissed her forehead. “Any more of you and I’ll be dead. I don’t think I can handle being with you anymore. I’ll lose my job.”

  That was so not fair. “Then how about tomorrow?” As if that would make it any better for him.

  “I have something better in mind.” He stepped out of her grasp.

  While she stood there, he dried his body. She tried to reach past him to get her own towel, but he caught her wrist.

  “At least give me the pleasure of finishing what I started.”

  Now that’s what she was talking about. He tossed his towel over the shower bar, grabbed a clean one for her, and rubbed down her back. He squatted behind her and dried the back of her legs, making sure to drag the terrycloth towel across her sensitive opening more times than was needed to dry her off. After flipping her around, he stood, and starting with her arms, he patted her dry except for her breasts. Her nipples dripped liquid and were now chilled. He took the opportunity to fondle her tits first. Each squeeze, each pluck drove her closer over the edge.

  She grabbed his cock and rubbed up and down fast and hard. Then she stopped. “All’s fair in love and war, right?”

  “You little bitch.”

  She might have thought he was angry except for the wink.

  He finished drying her stomach then returned his attention to between her legs, not with the towel but rather with three of his fingers. He did a quick exploration then got out.

  “My one last hurrah. Now get dressed. I’m taking you out on the town.”

  * * * *

  The party was in full swing by the time they got there. Apparently, he had a friend who owned a vineyard at the base of the mountain. Every Friday night, this friend held a wine-tasting party.

  A tall, thin woman with short black hair and a pointed nose ran up to him. “It’s been too long, darling.” They kissed each other on both cheeks.

  Francois wrapped an arm around Jillian’s waist. “This is George’s lovely wife, Dana. She is a true connoisseur of all things good.”

  His friend grinned. “You must have Jillian taste our newest brut. It’s deliciously dry and so full-bodied. And the chocolate fondue is to die for.”

  The lovely host led them to a bar lined with glasses filled with an inch of wine.

  “Go ahead and try some. We have sparkling wines, dessert wines, port, and everything in between.” Dana smiled and turned to answer a questio
n by another guest.

  “This is amazing.” Jillian giggled, not knowing where to start. She picked up a red wine. “Do you know what kind this is?”

  “No, but I can find out.” He looked around and waved. “Hey, Doug?”

  Doug came over and slapped him on the back. “So who is this fine lady?”

  Francois introduced her.

  “You’re holding a wonderfully aged merlot, 1996. Try it.”

  She sipped the wine. “Oh, my, that is rich.”

  Both men grinned.

  “Be sure to take Jillian by the table. Dana outdid herself. The Brie is fabulous. My favorite is the Roquefort cheese. Divine.”

  Someone called to him, and he went to help.

  She looked up at Francois. “Do you come here every week?”

  He laughed. “I wish. No, this is a treat for me, too. I have to admit that I am a bit of a snob, but then Frenchmen are by nature, I guess. I love fast cars, a good play, and am almost embarrassed to say, I love the symphony.”

  She couldn’t believe it. “So do I.” How wonderful to learn about him as a man, and not just as someone who understood her needs better than she did.

  His eyes widened a bit, as if she’d surprised him. More of his friends came over and introduced themselves. They all seemed to really enjoy one another.

  She kept going back to the table of goodies, loving the different kinds of crackers and breads with the exotic cheeses.

  Francois wrapped an arm around her waist. “It’s getting a little hot in here. How about we take a walk outside?”

  “I’d love that.”

  She hadn’t been this relaxed since this morning. Had she really only arrived but a short time ago? So much had happened. The wonderful day with Joe, followed by the erotic experience on the table. The shower might have topped that event. Then there was this party.

  Francois had proved to be quite an interesting man. He always made sure she was involved in the conversation and that she had plenty to eat and drink. Clearly he loved to share his passion for life.

  He held open the door for her. The May night was cool and she shivered. Francois tugged her closer.

  “If you’re cold, we can go.”

  She smiled up at him. “I’d like to stay a bit.”

  He motioned they sit on a stone seat overlooking a large field. “Look up at the stars and tell me what you see.”

  She’d not met a man like him before. Yes, she’d had her share of sophisticated men, or at least men who thought they were sophisticated, but Francois was different.

  What did she see besides a mass of stars? “A world I wish I could explore.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I think you are on your way.”

  Maybe she was. They talked about Paris and his favorite painters. While she’d traveled a lot, Francois had been to more places. He told stories of rich lands, like Morocco and India.

  He took her hand and stood. “I’m sure there is a lot planned for you tomorrow. I don’t want to steal all of your time. You need your sleep.”

  She didn’t want to leave, but it was past midnight. “You’re right.”

  After he parked at the side of the resort, he walked her to her room. She debated asking him in, but before she could, he leaned over, kissed her on both cheeks. “Bonsoir, mademoiselle.”

  He turned and walked away, and she was surprised he hadn’t asked to come in. A melancholy descended over an evening that ended too soon. She went inside, washed her face, and brushed her teeth. After putting on her nightgown, she crawled into bed.

  Too bad she couldn’t sleep. If her erotic dreams didn’t keep her awake, her double-timing body did. Every time she rolled over, her nipples rebelled, despite the softness of the sheets. She couldn’t stop thinking of the fun she had swimming with Joe or the exciting time with Francois, exploring the different wines together and meeting his eclectic friends.

  She finally gave up on sleep and decided to go for a morning swim—a very early morning swim. The water would be cold, but the temperature might calm her out-of-control libido.

  Damn. She didn’t have a suit and the spa store wouldn’t be open for another three hours. Given it wasn’t yet light, perhaps she could get in and out without anyone noticing her. While she hadn’t spent a lot of time wandering the spa, the only people she’d seen had been workers. How could the place stay afloat with no customers?

  She shook her head, tossed on her terrycloth robe and slippers, and headed out. The air was a little nippy, but it invigorated her. Good thing the spa featured uplighting that illuminated the trees or she might not have found her way to the pool. She pulled open the gate and stepped onto the cool deck. Except for the motor whirring away, the place was quiet. Yellow lights lit the watery bottom, showing a dolphin-like creature designed into the tiles. Sunrise wasn’t for another thirty minutes, but scant light from the pool reflected off the lounge chairs. There were rooms bordering one side, but no lights shone inside.

  She dropped her robe and had one foot in the water when a tall, beefy-looking guy rounded the corner. Before she had a chance to put her robe back on, he yelled at her.

  “Hey, the pool’s closed. Didn’t you read the sign?”

  Jerk. She jogged back to the chair and threw on her bathrobe. He stood on one end, she on the other.

  She strode over to him. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t see the sign, nor did I think anyone would be here before six in the morning.” She tried to act contrite.

  “Yeah, well, I couldn’t sleep.”

  That made two of them. The side lighting under the trees lit his half-naked body. My God, he was gorgeous with his blond hair the color of the sun, rippled abs, and huge biceps. Barefoot, he wore board shorts. Yummy and seductive were two words that came to mind.

  She placed a palm on his chest. “I promise I won’t stay long if you let me swim.” She dropped the hand holding her robe closed.

  What are you doing? She wasn’t a slut, but she sure acted like one. None of the men she’d ever been with had done things to her like Joe and Francois had. They’d opened up a whole new world she wanted to explore. What better place than here to continue her education? She’d be gone in a few days anyway and would return to her staid life with no real men in sight.

  A wave of depression hit her. She needed some kind of relief soon. Besides, no one would ever know what she did here.

  His eyes widened. “Where’s your suit?”

  Heat should have flooded her face, only it hadn’t. “I don’t have one. Is that a problem?” She raised her chin and stepped closer.

  Sometimes aggression got her what she wanted. She’d just never used it in the sexual arena before, until she’d met Francois. But then again, she’d never had such needs before.

  She slipped off her robe, daring him to do something. A foreign entity surely had possessed her.

  “I guess not. Are you a guest here?”

  It was too dark to see if lust made his eyes change color. “Not exactly.” She didn’t want to mention the Masters name since she’d decided her father must have rented out the whole damn place. The hunk would be like the other money-greedy guys if he ever found out.

  “Then you can’t be here.”

  She stuck out her breasts in what she hoped was a provocative stance. “You going to boot me out?” The edge she managed to give to her tone gave her a boost of confidence.

  He hesitated. “No, but I’ll be watching you.”

  Before she lost her courage, she turned and dropped into the pool. Every nerve ending responded to the cold, but she concentrated on her strokes. She swam the crawl to the end, tucked and rolled off the far wall, and backstroked toward the hot pool guy. Guilt pricked her. Should she be seducing a stranger? The situation wouldn’t have come up had Joe and Francois satisfied her urges. She’d become obsessed with sex and nothing was going to stop her from getting what she so desperately sought. Surely, a pool man wouldn’t have a ridiculous restriction about silly old penetration
, would he?

  As she swam closer to him, she arched her back, trying to present as appealing a package as possible. When she reached the steps, she turned over and walked up the pool stairs. Her mystery man was still standing there, his gaze latched on to her tits. Make that her very hard, dripping-with-water tits. Then he looked down at her denuded pussy. She widened her stance to give him a better view despite the light being way too dim for him to see all that much.

  His silence unnerved her. “Uh-oh. I forgot a towel. Do you have an extra one? I don’t want to get my robe wet.” The early-morning air sent goose bumps over her body. She dragged a finger over her nipples and flipped off the liquid. Would the intensely hot man come to her aid?

  “I’ll find one.” His voice came out gruff.

  Whether it was from excitement or anger, she couldn’t tell, but the fact he offered no smile and had no apparent bulge in his baggy shorts gave her a clue he wasn’t happy she’d invaded his space. This one would be a difficult conquest.

  Oh, God. Was he gay? Before she could decide, he returned with a very tiny hand towel. “Sorry, it was the only one I could find.”

  “It’ll do.” She slowly rubbed her breasts dry before dragging the cloth between her legs. Her clit seemed to come alive from her touch. Now he followed her every movement. He was definitely not gay. She turned around and placed the towel over her shoulder. “Can you dry my back?”

  At first he was gentle when he was at her upper back, but as he moved lower, he applied more pressure. When his hand reached her rear, he handed the towel back to her. Damn.

  “Here. You can finish the rest.”

  What was wrong with him? She rubbed down her butt and legs, then handed him the damp cloth. “Thanks.”

  He dropped the towel on the chair behind him as he kept his focus on her. She wanted to ask if he was willing to satisfy an itch she had, but her courage had disappeared. When he didn’t make the slightest move to touch or kiss her, she picked up her robe and walked as slowly as she could back to the other side of the pool. She’d come here to cool down but ended up getting more turned on. She was hopeless.


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