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Carbon-14: The Shroud of Turin (An Amari Johnston Novel)

Page 28

by Williams, R. A.

  “Where’s Mitch?” Amari asked.

  “They’re just checking him out at the hospital,” Jacob said. “I think the bullet may have cracked a rib. The first two times he was shot, he wasn’t wearing a vest. This is nothing for him.”

  “Why don’t you stay at my mother’s estate tonight?” Ernesto asked. “She owns a mountain top palace. You can see for miles. Mitch and Jacob will be there. We can get to know each other better. Stay with us tonight, and I will personally fly the two of you back home tomorrow in my private jet. No layovers. First class all the way.”

  “You got your own plane?” Kevin asked. “Man, you must be loaded.”

  “Yes, my father left me a fortune. But I don’t enjoy flaunting my wealth. It’s a badge of shame rather than honor. When I was younger, I wanted to be a priest, to live in poverty. But I realized that if I used my wealth properly, I could affect far more positive change in the world. And that’s why I would like to make a proposal, for the both of you. Full-time jobs, if you accept. To affect positive change in the world.”

  “Hey, I’m unemployed,” Kevin said. “I’m listening.”

  “Professor Messina told me about your theories. He was very impressed. But you need money to develop your tests, don’t you? Work for me and I’ll fund everything. Anything you need, you let me know. You develop the tests to prove the Shroud came from Jesus, and I will pull strings to get Vatican approval for the retest.”

  “You can do that?” Amari asked.

  “Maybe. I can’t say for sure, but until we have the science to back up our request, we don’t stand a chance. They won’t let us sample the Shroud again until the technology is perfected, and Dr. Brenner is the perfect man to do it. So what do you say? Are you in?”

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” Kevin said. “It’s like a dream.”

  “So is that a yes?”

  “Heck, yeah, I’m in.”

  “Excellent. Now for you, Amari. Have you ever watched the television show, The Equalizer?”


  “Jacob and Mitch—that is sort of what they do. We look for people who need help and then help them in Jesus’ name. I would like to expand my operation and hire two more people, possibly more. Why don’t you and your father come to work for me? I could use your detective skills. Jacob and Mitch can help with the muscle.”

  “You mean just quit everything and go work for you? And my dad too?”

  “And Dr. Brenner too, if he’s looking for a little adventure. You don’t want to be stuck in a lab all the time, do you, Dr. Brenner?”

  “Where Amari goes, I go,” Kevin said.

  “Good,” Ernesto said. “I wouldn’t want to break up such an amazing team. Amari, finish your degree first, then both of you come work for me.”

  Amari sat on a bench in the hallway as Ernesto’s proposal settled in her mind. She had seen how sometimes the future could hinge on one moment, like the moment when Jenny mentioned the Shroud of Turin. She glanced up at Ernesto’s eager eyes and knew she should consider his offer. It was like God had answered two prayers at once. She would work as a detective and help people in the name of Jesus at the same time. It seemed to be a no-brainer, but she wasn’t sure she was up to the task.

  “So what do you say?” Ernesto asked.

  “I don’t know if I’m qualified.”

  “Then your father will be your mentor.”

  “How do you know he’ll take the job?”

  “When he sees my salary offer, I think he’ll accept, especially if it means he can better protect you.”

  “You’re right. He would do anything to keep me safe.”

  “So is that a yes? If things don’t work out, you can always go back to police work.”

  “I don’t know. I need to think about it—and pray about it.”

  “You know God would want this. He didn’t bring us together by accident. You know your mother would want this too.”

  Amari’s mind flashed back to the last words her mother spoke to her. When the time is right, you will know, Shiyazhi. Trust in God, her mother had told her. He will show you his purpose. Was this the fulfillment of her mother’s dying prophecy? Was this what God wanted her to do? It sure felt right. She could only imagine what adventures lay ahead. She would travel the world. She’d be a missionary like her brother, only using her own unique gifts. Yes, her mother would want that. A flood of emotion welled within her, a strong sense of joy and purpose. Yes, a very full and rewarding life awaited her.

  She stood and locked eyes with Ernesto. “Yes, I’ll take the job.”

  And someday in heaven, she would tell her mother all about it.

  The End

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  Look for volume 2 of the Amari Johnston series in 2018!




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