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Reckless (Nashville Nights)

Page 17

by Cheryl , Douglas

  He stepped off the elevator and took a deep breath before walking up to her door. He needed her tonight, more than he’d ever allowed himself to need anyone and he prayed she wouldn’t turn him away.

  He tapped his knuckles against the door and stepped aside. He knew she would check the peephole before she answered and seeing him would make her decision too easy. He didn’t intend to make it easy for her. If she planned to shut him down again, he would make sure it was the hardest thing she’d ever done.

  She opened the door a crack to peek through the chain lock securing it. “Ty, what the hell are you doing here? It’s almost 11:00.”

  He stepped forward and set his cowboy boot in the open door. He had no intention of leaving until he’d said his piece. “I’m sorry it’s so late, but this couldn’t wait.” He flattened his palm against the door. “We need to talk, now.”

  She sighed. “Fine, but you need to step back so I can release the chain.”

  He reluctantly took a step back and waited. He couldn’t force her to open the door any more than he could insist she listen to him, but if she planned to lock him out, he was fully prepared to break the damn door down if that’s what it took to see her.

  She opened the door and stood behind it, tightening the sash on her short, white silk robe. Clearing her throat, she gestured to her state of undress. “Uh, sorry, I was just getting into bed.”

  He gripped the doorknob as he closed the door behind him. His conscience told him jumping her was a bad idea, but his libido was of a very different opinion. It had been too damn long since they’d made love and he needed to lose himself in her tonight. He raised his hand to brush a stray hair from her cheek. “God, I’ve missed you.”

  Her eyes drifted closed, but she didn’t respond.

  He took a step closer, crowding her against the wall. Without heels, the top of her head only reached his chest and it reminded him of how defenseless she must feel in the face of his physical invasion. He wrapped his hands around her waist, causing the slippery fabric of her robe to gape at the neckline, revealing a white lace camisole. “Damn, girl, you don’t know what you’re doin’ to me.”

  She looked up at him and licked her lips. “You shouldn’t be here, Ty. You should go now, before…”

  He held his breath as he waited for her to finish her thought. “Before what?”

  She raised her hands to grip his biceps through his leather jacket. “Before we do something we’ll both regret.”

  He traced her bottom lip with the pad of his thumb as he watched her pupils dilate in response to his gentle touch. “I’m not gonna regret anything that happens here tonight, darlin’.”

  “I can’t be with you.” She turned her head away from his touch. “Not the way you need me to be.”

  He knew she was telling him that even if she gave her body, her heart was still off limits. He wanted to bellow in frustration because he didn’t want one without the other. Yet, he couldn’t walk away from her now, not even if the building was burning to the ground around them. So he’d have to take whatever she was willing to give tonight and hope that tomorrow he could help her see they belonged together.

  “I can deal with that.”

  She looked up, seemingly surprised by his concession. “Are you sure about that?”

  “Avery, we’re both consenting adults. Whatever tomorrow brings, I can handle it.”

  She reached up to stroke his cheek. “I’m not going to lie, I have missed you.”

  His heart expanded at the admission because he knew how much it cost her. He settled his hands on either side of her face. “I thought about you all the damn time. I couldn’t sleep, I could barely eat…”

  She smiled. “But that didn’t stop you from delivering kickass performances. The reviews were amazing, Ty. Critics, fans, they all love you.”

  He couldn’t resist the urge to ask the question teasing his lips. “How about you? Do you love me?”

  She looked down, fixating on his boots. “I thought we weren’t going to go there.”

  He could feel her withdrawing and he wasn’t willing to take that risk. Tonight, he’d let her set the pace. After weeks without her, he was willing to take whatever she was offering. But by tomorrow, when they’d temporarily satisfied their hunger for each other, they would talk about their relationship, whether she liked it or not.

  “You’re right, I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself.”

  Her lips quivered as she tried to suppress a smile. “You’re the kind of guy who needs instant gratification, aren’t you?”

  He raised an eyebrow as he laced his fingers behind her neck. “Darlin’, you’d be surprised how long I can delay gratification.” He chuckled when he felt a shiver move through her. “But instead of talking about it, why don’t I show you what I’m talkin’ about?”

  She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, exposing her neck. “I know I’m gonna regret this in the morning...”

  He nuzzled her neck, inhaling the sweet floral perfume that always reminded him of her. “But you’re not saying no, so I’m gonna take it.”

  “This is a one-time deal. It can’t happen again,” she muttered, pinning her shoulders to the wall as he slid his calloused hands inside of her robe.

  “One-time deal, right, got it.” He licked up one side of her neck and down the other, causing delicate bumps to rise on her skin. There was no way he was letting her go after tonight, but she didn’t need to know that yet. He’d play along; let her believe she was in control. Then he’d force her hand and make her admit she was in love with him.

  She braced her hands on his shoulders. “I’m serious, Ty. Whatever you’re planning, it’s not gonna work. I’m not going to deny that I need you tonight, but beyond that…”

  Her words pierced his pride. She was telling him he was good enough to satisfy her physical needs, but he wasn’t man enough to be her husband. He drew back, looking her in the eye. “Beyond that, I’m not what you’re looking for, huh?”

  Her eyes darted to where his hands had stilled on her breasts. “I’m not telling you anything I haven’t told you before. You’re a good, decent man, but I’m not looking for someone to save me. I like my life, exactly the way it is.”

  He muttered a curse and flattened his hands on the wall, on either side of her head. “Who the hell said anything about bein’ a hero? I don’t want to rescue you, Avery. I want to share my life with you.”

  She pressed her hand to his heart, smiling. “You really are one of the good guys, aren’t you?”

  He was tired of being a nice guy. He was ready to take what he wanted, by any means necessary. “You didn’t think so when you saw me with your assistant.”

  She lowered her head, a faint blush creeping up her neck. “I was wrong about that. I’m sorry, I should’ve believed you.”

  He was taken aback by her apology. “Lisa told you the truth?”

  She toyed with the buttons on the front of his shirt, refusing to meet his eyes. “Not in so many words.”

  “Then what happened to make you change your mind?” He tipped her chin with his index finger.

  She tugged her bottom lip between her teeth. “Let’s just say I had a change of heart and leave it at that, okay?”

  He didn’t want to let it go, but he had bigger problems facing him, like how the hell he was going to convince this woman that he was the only man she needed.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Avery cursed her weakness where this man was concerned. Not more than two hours ago she’d vowed to keep her distance from him, yet here she was, wrapped around him like body armor. When he showed up on her doorstep, looking tired, vulnerable, and so damn sexy, she swore she’d give him just five minutes and then show him the door. But if the dampness between her legs was any indication, the only door she’d be showing him tonight was her bedroom door. She’d worry about Abby and the implications of her reckless behavior tomorrow. Tonight, she intended to feast on this man like he was her last meal.

  She grabbed his hand and led him down the short hall toward the master bedroom.

  He cleared his throat. “Uh, where’re you taking me, baby?”

  She turned around to face him, tugging on the edges of his leather jacket as she continued to walk them backwards down the hall. “We’re gonna finish what you started, cowboy.”

  He grinned. “Now that’s an offer I’d have to be crazy to refuse.”

  She smiled and rolled her shoulders, allowing her silk robe to slide down her arms. She was grateful she’d slipped into the white lace tank top and satin tap pants after her bubble bath instead of the nondescript cotton pajamas she often favored.

  “You’re so damn sexy, Avery,” he whispered, reaching up to tug on the strands of hair falling over her breasts. “You’re like a drug I can never get enough of.”

  She licked her lips, enjoying the obvious effect she was having on him. It made her feel sexy and powerful to know she could bring this big, strong cowboy to his knees. She usually dated classy, reserved men, but Ty’s rough edges made her rethink her strategy. He was all man and she loved it.

  “What’re you thinkin’ about, darlin’?”

  His deep, baritone voice slid over her like warm chocolate, making her tremble.

  He gripped the sash of her silk robe, pulling her body flush against his. “Hey, you’re not cold, are you?”

  She shook her head as he nuzzled her neck. “No, I’m definitely not cold.”

  He chuckled, a low rumbling that vibrated deep in his chest, sending shock waves to her sensitive nipples.

  “Glad to hear it, ‘cause if you were, I may have to strip your clothes off, lay you out on that big ole’ bed and rub that hot oil all over your body to warm you up.”

  She grabbed his shoulders for support because she couldn’t trust her legs to bear her weight.

  He grinned. Obviously aware of her dilemma, he reached down to scoop her up. Carrying her against his hard body, he toed her bedroom door open with his cowboy boot.

  She wrapped her arms around him, acutely aware of the fact that she’d already gained five pounds since the positive pregnancy test. Too bad she couldn’t attribute it to baby weight since she’d been scarfing down huge bowls of chocolate brownie ice cream like it was going to be discontinued. “Put me down. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Baby, I’ve carried feed bags that weigh more than you do.”

  Content to let him see to her needs for one more night, she settled her head on his shoulder, inhaling his spicy cologne. “Mmm, you smell so good.”

  He turned his head to kiss her lips. “I had to go home to shower and change before I came to see you. Wash away all those nasty airport germs.”

  She wrapped her hand around his neck, pulling him closer for another kiss. “How was it on the road? Did you have a good time?”

  He set her down on the edge of the bed, nudging her thighs apart with his knee. “Trey was great, the audiences were electric, and Luc was a big help, but I don’t really want to talk about all that right now, do you?”

  She watched him peel his leather jacket off, his eyes never leaving hers. Swallowing, she suddenly felt apprehensive. What if she couldn’t let him go after tonight? What if she broke down and told him everything? She had the power to singlehandedly destroy everything he’d worked a lifetime to build. “You’re right. I don’t want to talk anymore.”

  He took his boots off and loosened his belt. “If you don’t wanna talk, what do ya want to do?”

  “Make love to me, Ty.” She knew as soon as the words left her lips, she should have rephrased her request, but it was too late to take it back and the fierce lust darkening his eyes told her she’d said what he needed to hear.

  “I can’t wait,” he muttered, his fingers flying over the buttons on his shirt.

  She leaned back to watch him, bracing her weight on her palms. “I need you.” He had no idea how much she was going to need him in the coming months and years, but thanks to Abby’s demands, she would have to do what she’d always done, rely on herself. It would have been nice to have someone to share the burden with, just this once.

  He reached down to stroke her cheek. “Hey, what’s wrong? You okay, babe?”

  She blinked back the tears. “Yeah, I’m fine.” She reached for his belt, trying to distract him. “Why’re you taking so long? You need a little help?”

  He stepped back, just out of reach. “I think I can handle it.”

  She rested her hands on her knees and slid her legs apart. “I don’t know if I can wait that long.”

  He groaned as his eyes traveled up and down her legs. “You’re killin’ me here.”

  “The feeling’s mutual.” She watched him strip down to his gray boxer briefs, admiring the shifting muscles at work as he shed his clothes. “You sure are a sight for sore eyes, McCall.”

  “I aim to please, darlin’.”

  “You haven’t pleased me yet.” She licked her lips. “Let’s see what you’re capable of before we pass judgment.”

  “I think you already know what I’m capable of, don’t you?”

  Her mind flashed back to all of their erotic encounters. She shuddered to think what it would be like to share her bed with this man every night. He was, beyond question, the most amazing lover she’d ever had. “Remind me,” she whispered.

  He stood over her, his tight abdomen level with her face. “That’s exactly what I intend to do.” He reached down to pull her camisole over her head, groaning as he tossed it aside. With a self-satisfied smirk, he looked up at the ceiling. “I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but thank you.”

  She giggled and fell back on the pillows behind her head. “You’re not finished yet, cowboy.”

  The mood shifted from playful to intense as his eyes travelled up and down the length of her body. “I thought about you every damn day while I was gone.”

  She bit her lip, trying to suppress the urge to tell him the feeling was mutual. It wasn’t fair to give him false hope. Ty hadn’t asked for any of this, yet he was the one who was going to be paying the ultimate price.

  She let her legs fall open, trying to distract him. “I thought you were through talking?”

  “You’re right, I am.” He climbed over her. “Roll over on your stomach.”

  She smiled up at him, struck by how handsome he was. There was no doubt in her mind, with that face and voice, his debut album was going to sell a million records. “Why? You’re not proposing something kinky, are you? Not that I’d be opposed to the idea…”

  He laughed as he grabbed her waist and flipped her over, peeling her shorts off. “I’ll take that under advisement.” He kissed a moist path up her legs, pausing to lick the swell of her bottom.

  She squirmed as her body responded to his touch. The wet swipe of his tongue, the rasp of his whiskers, the gentle pressure as he drew her soft skin into his hot mouth. It was like sensory overload. The scent of her arousal hung heavy in the room, making her wish he’d use his capable tongue where she needed it most.

  “You’re so damn sexy,” he whispered, kissing his way up her back to her shoulders. “I can’t get enough of you.” He covered her wrists with his hands, pressing her body into the mattress. “I want to taste every inch of you.”

  “I don’t know if I can wait much longer.”

  She could feel his mouth curve into a smile against her neck. “We’ve got all night, darlin’. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Maybe not tonight, but tomorrow she’d have to tell him she couldn’t see him anymore. He would resent her for leading him on, but she needed to stoke his anger. It was the only way he would keep his distance from her and their baby. If he hated her, he wouldn’t insinuate himself into their lives, asking questions and demanding answers she could never provide without turning his world upside down.

  He shifted his body, settling in beside her. His hand slipped between her legs, fuelling the fire raging inside of
her. “Spread your legs for me, baby.”

  “Oh God, Ty…”

  He brushed her hair aside, kissing her neck as he worked a finger into her wet channel.

  She buried her face in the pillow as he stroked her, building the intensity. She raised her bottom and shamelessly pressed her mound into his hand as he continued to lick her neck. “Yes, right there. I’m going to…” Her body took over when words failed her, sending a clear message that he was giving her exactly what she needed.

  He continued to touch her until the last quiver subsided, leaving her body limp and exhausted.

  “I don’t know if I can move,” she mumbled, turning her head to face him.

  He smiled as his hand moved up her back. “That’s okay; we don’t have to go anywhere. Roll over, I want to hold you.”

  She frowned, surprised by his request. “But, don’t you need…”

  He laughed, pulling her into his arms as she rolled over. “Don’t worry about me. I can wait.”

  Her back was pressed against his chest and she could feel how much it cost him to hold off. “Liar,” she whispered. She was struck by how selfless he was, tending to her needs while delaying his own satisfaction. It killed her to know she’d waited forever to meet a man who put her first and she may live out the rest of her life without meeting anyone else like him.

  “I love you, Avery,” he whispered, nuzzling her neck.

  She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to shut out his words. She didn’t want him to tell her he loved her. It would just make it harder for her to walk away. Instead of responding, she slid her hand behind her, easing it between their bodies. His sharp intake of breath told her he wasn’t as patient as he’d led her to believe.

  “I thought you needed a few minutes.” His breathing became ragged as she wrapped her hand around his shaft, stroking him.

  “God, that feels good.” His hand encircled her breast, pinching her nipples.


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