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Ghost Hunter gh-4

Page 9

by Jayne Castle


  "Well, that was true for routine ghosts. But this one was a blue."

  "And you melted amber to deal with it," she whispered, comprehending at last. He was in a state of intense lust. And he was trying to protect her from himself.

  He scrubbed his face with one hand. "As much as I hate to ruin my macho Guild boss image, I gotta tell you, it has been a very long eight months and five days. Not that I'm counting."

  He slid into the driver's seat.

  Eight months and five days. He was counting, Elly thought.

  She felt her heart rate escalate.

  "Cooper, wait."

  She went down the steps, yanked open the passenger side door, got in beside him, and slammed the door shut.

  "Cooper, are you saying you haven't dated anyone since I left Aurora Springs?"

  He gazed straight ahead through the windshield. "Get out of the car, Elly, for both our sakes."

  "Not until I know why you haven't slept with anyone in the past eight months and five days."

  He turned, one arm stretching along the back of the seat of the car.

  "I haven't wanted anyone else," he said. "Just you."

  The fog closed in around the Spectrum. The close confines of the interior of the front seat seemed almost unbearably intimate.

  Careful, Elly thought, you're over-rezzed yourself tonight. All that adrenaline earlier and now the man who has been invading your dreams for the past few months is telling you he wants you. And you want him. You've wanted him from day one. That's why you seized the excuse of knowing he was in town tonight to track him down to ask for his help.


  "Get out of the car."

  She ignored that. "I didn't think you felt that way about me."

  "You were wrong. Now, please, get the hell out of the damn car."

  Her blood fizzed in her veins. She felt light-headed. Anticipation heated her insides. She touched the side of his stone-hard face.

  "I'd rather kiss you," she said, feeling more daring than she had ever felt in her entire life.

  "Bad idea. If you kiss me, I can't promise that I'll be able to stop."

  "Who said anything about stopping?"

  She leaned toward him and kissed him lightly on the mouth.

  For a fraction of an instant, Cooper went utterly still. In the next heartbeat, he claimed the kiss with a rough groan, crushing her against the back of the passenger seat. His mouth was fierce and hot and ruthless.

  Energy-sexual, not psi-flashed inside the front seat of the Spectrum, engulfing her senses.

  Cooper moved closer, pushing hard against her. Heat came off of his body in waves. His mouth shifted to her throat. She felt his hand glide up under her sweater. Somehow he got her bra undone. She could feel his fingers shaking a little. Or maybe she was the one who was trembling.

  The next thing she knew, his thumb was scraping lightly over her nipple. She almost screamed at his touch. Her skin had never felt so incredibly sensitive.


  He raised his head to look down at her. He was breathing heavily.

  "Did I hurt you?"

  "No, no."

  Her head tipped back against the seat. She braced herself against the onslaught by clamping her hands on either side of his lean, solid chest. He was hot, so hot. And so was she.

  He grabbed a fistful of her skirt and shoved the garment up to her waist. Her panties vanished in the next instant.

  He propped her right foot on the dash, opening her. His fingers stroked deep. She was suddenly aware that she was already very damp.

  "Talk about melting amber," he whispered.

  He moved in the shadows, turning them both so that he was the one sitting in the passenger seat. Somehow she was astride him.

  She could no longer see anything at all through the Spectrum's windows. It wasn't just the thick mist outside that limited the view. The glass itself was seriously fogged on the inside.

  So much heat. Exhilaration and urgency made her shiver in Cooper's arms.

  His hand moved between her thighs. Everything inside her was growing tighter.

  She reached down and unfastened his trousers. His rigid erection surged into her hand.

  He gripped her hips, cupping her buttocks in the palms of his hands. Positioning her where he wanted her, he slowly, carefully eased her downward.

  When she felt the size of him, her body tensed involuntarily against the sensual invasion. Her fingers clenched around his shoulders, and she froze.

  "Open for me," he whispered, his voice husky with need. "Got to be inside you. Waited so damn long."

  She felt herself precariously balanced on the bright line between pain and pleasure.

  "This may not work," she gasped.

  He took one hand off her thigh and did something to the delicate, exquisitely sensitized little nubbin between her legs. Without warning her climax rolled through her, stealing her breath and her voice.

  "It'll work," he said.

  He took advantage of the delicious distraction that he had created to thrust deeply into her. Her body accepted him fully this time, thrilling to the intense sensation. Gloriously satisfying contractions throbbed through her.

  Cooper uttered an exultant, half-muffled groan. His release roared through him in heavy, pounding waves that she could feel deep inside.

  For a short eternity Elly could not envision anything of importance existing beyond the realm encompassed by the front seat of the car. Everything she needed was right here, she thought. She could live in the vehicle for the rest of her life so long as Cooper was with her.

  Eventually it dawned on her that Cooper was no longer moving. The realization brought her back to full awareness with a start of anxiety.


  His head was resting against the back of the seat. She could see that his eyes were closed. His breathing was steadying rapidly.

  First the burn and then the crash, she reminded herself.

  She had to get him inside before he went out like a de-rezzed light. She eased herself away from him, wincing a little. Her entire lower body felt tender. The muscles of her inner thighs were jelly.

  "Cooper?" She shook him, gently at first and then with more force. "Wake up, Guild Boss. We have to get you inside. I told you that you couldn't sleep out here in the alley tonight. It's just too dangerous."

  "Huh?" His dark lashes lifted slightly. His sleepy smile was the essence of male satisfaction. "Can't remember the last time I had car sex. Going to have to do this more often."

  "Out." She reached across him and pushed open the door. Chilly, damp air spilled into the vehicle. "Move, Boone. There's no way I can carry you."

  "I'm fine right here." The words were slurred. He closed his eyes again.

  "I'm not going to leave you out here, and that's final."

  When that reminder elicited no response, she climbed awkwardly over him and got out of the car. Her sweater was still hiked up over her breasts. Hastily, she yanked it down.

  The light over the back door of the shop barely reached the Spectrum. On the positive-rez side, she thought, if any of her neighbors were still up they might not notice her getting out of a strange car with her clothes in disarray and a near-unconscious man in the front seat. Not that folks here in the big city paid attention to that sort of thing, she assured herself. This wasn't a small town where everybody loved to gossip.

  "You know," she said to no one in particular, "I never had problems like this back in Aurora Springs."

  "Neither did I," Cooper mumbled.

  "At least you're not completely asleep yet."

  She leaned back inside the car, gripped his right arm, and tried to drag him bodily out of the vehicle.

  "Out," she said in her sternest tones, trying to cut through the veil of heavy sleep that she knew was crashing through him. "Right now."

  "Nag, nag, nag."

  But Cooper rolled slowly out of the front seat and actually managed to stand o
n his own two feet, although he had to lean heavily on her and the car door to do so. It said a lot for his stamina that he was still able to move at all under his own steam in this condition, she thought.

  She got him up the step and through the doorway. Rose tumbled toward her in an agitated manner.

  "He's okay," she said. "At least, I think he is."

  Cooper opened one eye. "That's it. I'm inside. I'm going back to sleep."

  His knees buckled. She couldn't hold his weight, but she was able to control his collapse to the floor so that he did not hit anything important on the way down.

  She went back outside to secure the Spectrum. Suddenly remembering her missing panties, she opened the passenger door and checked the front seat. The little triangle of red lace dangled off the gearshift. She snatched up the underwear and locked the car.

  Cooper hadn't had an opportunity to hang a ghost on the license plate. She could only hope that the expensive vehicle would still be there in the morning.

  She hurried back into the shop and rezzed the new lock. Cooper was still sprawled, faceup, on the floor, eyes closed. He did not stir when she shoved a pillow under his head and covered him with a blanket.

  When she was satisfied that she had done all she could, she de-rezzed the light, collected Rose, and climbed to the upper floor. A heady mix of weariness, astonishment, and nervy excitement hit her full force halfway up the stairs.

  What had she just done?

  She'd had sex with Cooper Boone, that was what she had done. In the front seat of his car, no less.

  When she emerged from the bathroom a short time later, having showered and changed into a nightgown, she went into the kitchen. Rose was sitting on the windowsill next to the little vase that held the strange green flower.

  Her mother had given her the vase. Evelyn St. Clair had found it years ago while working as a tangler para-archaeologist for a private exploration team.

  There was no way of knowing if the small, gracefully shaped vessel had been intended to hold flowers, of course. As was the case with virtually all of the alien artifacts, its original purpose remained a mystery. But it worked very well as a vase. It also functioned as a dim and slightly eerie night-light. Like all green quartz artifacts brought out of the catacombs, the stone emitted a faint, residual glow after dark.

  Elly went to stand at the window. Rose sidled along the windowsill, getting closer to her hand. Taking the hint, she petted the dust bunny gently somewhere in the vicinity of the top of her head. Together they looked out at the view of the green-tinged fog.

  "The thing I have to keep in mind here is that nothing that happened tonight can be considered normal," Elly said to Rose. "I definitely should not make any assumptions about the future based on what just occurred down there in the front seat of the Spectrum."

  Rose rumbled softly. Elly couldn't tell if she was agreeing or not. Rose appeared to be a fairly worldly dust bunny. Nevertheless, it was unlikely that she understood much about the potential emotional ramifications of human passion.

  "Melting amber always hits a hunter hard, you know," Elly explained. "And that was a for-real blue ghost that Cooper de-rezzed tonight. There's no knowing exactly how that kind of psi drain will affect him. It's quite possible that, come morning, Cooper won't even remember having hot sex with me."

  Rose made another vaguely comforting noise.

  "Wouldn't be surprised if he wakes up with no recollection at all of what happened." Elly pondered that for a moment. "It would certainly make things simpler if he happened to develop a convenient case of amnesia regarding the events of the past half hour."

  Rose sat up on her hind legs and playfully batted the stalk of the green flower, causing the bloom to bob lightly.

  "The thing is, I'm not sure that I want him to forget. I'm certainly not going to be able to forget, and I'm afraid that is going to really, really complicate things."

  Rose blinked her big blue eyes a couple of times and looked concerned in a dust bunny sort of way.

  Elly reached out to cup the elegantly shaped, emerald flower. The velvety soft petals felt delightful against her skin. But that wasn't the only sensation she experienced when she was this close to the blossom. A frisson of unusual energy gently sparked her paranormal senses.

  The sensation was not unfamiliar to her. Ever since she was a girl, she had been able to detect a delicate psi buzz from plants of all kinds. In her experience each species had a distinctive energy pattern in the same way that it had other distinctive characteristics such as fragrance and color and petal design.

  The problem, of course, was that, as far as anyone knew, the flora of Harmony did not give off any psi energy, at least not in a wavelength that humans could detect with their para-senses or their high-tech gadgets. The fact that she could detect the resonating frequencies of plants made her different and, when it came to parapsych abilities, being different was not generally considered a good thing. The result was that her unusual talent had been kept a deep, dark family secret.

  But because of her ability, she knew that there was something very unique and possibly extremely important about the strange green flower on her windowsill. Unfortunately, she knew of no one she could talk to about the matter. If she took the specimen to a botanical research lab and explained what was going on, the scientists and technicians would very likely refer her to a parapsych therapist for counseling.

  "Let's go to bed, Rose."

  Chapter 9

  COOPER AWOKE TO A WORLD OF EXOTIC SCENTS AND the sound of footsteps overhead.

  He opened his eyes and saw a mass of dried herbs and flowers hanging over him.

  Rose sat on his chest, watching him with an expectant air. She wore a different bracelet around her neck this morning. He could see sparkly pink stones here and there in her lintlike fur.

  "Hello, gorgeous. Do you have to go outside? Am I supposed to open the door? I'm not familiar with the personal habits of dust bunnies."

  Rose skittered around in small circles and drifted down to the floor. She was either in high spirits or else she had to go outside in a real hurry.

  "Okay, okay, give me a minute, here. Been a while since I slept off a ghost burn."

  He sat up slowly, wincing a little, and climbed to his feet. The sight of his face reflected in a small mirror on the wall made him groan.

  "I look like the kind of guy you'd expect to meet in a dark alley at midnight," he said to Rose. "I need a shower." He nibbed the stubble of his morning beard. "I also need a razor. Let's go see if my car is still outside in the alley."

  He opened the back door. Fog once again cloaked the Old Quarter, muffling street sounds and turning daylight into twilight.

  The Spectrum was still in the alley, right where he had left it.

  "Wheels and all," he said to Rose. "Neighborhood isn't as bad as Elly thinks it is."

  Rose hovered on the threshold, showing no signs of wanting to go out.

  "Don't ever say I didn't give you your chance," Cooper said.

  He went down the step, opened the trunk, and removed the small overnight kit that he always carried. The duffel bag containing most of his clothes and travel supplies was in his hotel room where he had left it after checking in yesterday.

  He closed the trunk and went back into the shop. Rose waited for him in the doorway. He scooped her up and made for the staircase.

  When he reached the landing he followed the low murmur of voices and the tangy scent of freshly sliced oranges to the doorway of a small, cozy kitchen. He suddenly realized he was very hungry.

  Elly didn't notice him immediately because she was leaning into the interior of the refrigerator, searching for something on one of the shelves. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She wore a stretchy red pullover and a pair of sleek-fitting jeans that hugged the curves of her sweetly curved rear.

  A hunger that had nothing to do with breakfast ripped through him.

  Rose tumbled out of his arms and drifted across the room. Sh
e bounced up onto the windowsill and took up a position next to a green quartz vase that held a single flower.

  Bertha hunkered over the table near the window, a mug in one beefy hand. It looked as though the bandage on her head had been replaced with a fresh one.

  She saw him, gave him a quick once-over, and then nodded.

  "You must be Cooper Jones," she said in her gravelly voice. "You sure look like a guy who melted amber in the past twenty-four hours. Elly, here, tells me I owe you. Thanks for hauling my ass out of the catacombs last night."

  "No problem," Cooper said. "Not like Elly and I had anything better to do."

  Bertha chuckled and gave him a knowing wink. "Now that's a bald-faced lie if I ever heard one. Got a hunch you had other plans for the evening. Have to tell you, until this morning, I didn't know Elly had any serious boyfriends."

  "For heaven's sake, I never implied that Cooper was a boyfriend." Elly straightened abruptly and closed the door of the refrigerator with great precision. "I said he was a friend."

  "Right. Got it." Bertha's gray brows bounced up and down. She hid a smile behind her mug.

  Elly swung around to face Cooper, a ripe orange in her hand.

  "Good morning," he said.

  She gave him the same bright, confident smile that she had used on him last night.

  "How are you feeling?" she asked.

  "Like I need a shower and a shave." He indicated his overnight kit. "Mind if I use your bathroom?"

  "Help yourself," she said. "Bertha and I were just talking about last night. She can't recall much."

  Bertha heaved a sigh. "Got a vague memory of driving my sled toward a new sector where I've been doing some excavating in the past few weeks. I remember feeling that something was wrong. You never ignore that sensation when you're underground."

  "No," Cooper agreed.

  "But damned if I can recall what happened next."

  "You have no memory of the ghost that zapped you?" Cooper asked.

  "Nope." Bertha shook her head, "Elly tells me it was a big one, though. I've always heard that in the case of a major ghost burn you almost never remember exactly what happened."

  "In your case, you also managed to hit your head," Elly added. "Between the blow and the burn, I doubt if you'll ever remember exactly what happened last night."


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