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The Spare and the Heir

Page 23

by Carol Moncado

  And when the good things happened, they’d rejoice together.

  Gabe felt that she wanted to believe him but wasn’t quite sure yet. The only thing he could do was continue to be there for her.

  He needed to get some sleep. The day would be a long one. After the Council meeting, there would be a press conference making the announcement followed by a luncheon and an afternoon of meetings getting him up to speed on what he needed to know as a Council member.

  Esme would be busy as well. Some of the briefings would include her, but not all of them. He suspected she’d be dealing with more of the investigation.

  He also hoped to hear from Auverignon, though he knew it was possible that he wouldn’t in an effort to ensure that the information didn’t leak before they were ready.

  “You should come back to bed.” Esme’s sleep laden voice called out to him. “You need your rest as much as I do.”

  “I know.” But he’d enjoyed watching her sleep, seeing a side of her no one else was privileged to see. “I want you to know something, Esme.”

  She pushed up onto an elbow, the sheet slipping down to reveal her pajamas. “What?”

  “I’m falling in love with you.” The confession was one of the easiest things he’d ever done. “The real you. Not the one I saw in broadcasts and tabloids, but the you I’m getting to know in person. The one who worries about her people, who is ready to take on all comers to protect those she loves, who is afraid of being seen as a little girl playing dress up instead of the queen she is. I’m falling in love with you, Esme.”

  As she sat up further, she swiped at the tears that had begun streaking down her face. “Gabe,” she whispered as she held out a hand.

  He came to sit beside her, sliding his legs under the covers as he took her hand.

  “I’m falling in love with you, too.” She reached up and kissed him, but that’s all it was before they curled into each other and went to sleep.

  As he started to doze off, a sense of peace and contentment settled over Gabe like the blanket wrapped around him and his wife.

  Whatever was going to happen with the crises they were about to face, they’d face them together.


  Standing in front of the podium, Esme forced herself not to grip the sides. “With a unanimous vote, Prince Gabriel has been added to the Council. My thanks go to Chairman Franklin for arranging for an earlier than usual vote, and to the rest of the Council for approving the prince quickly.” There had been very little debate and most of that had been to affirm that Gabe was a good choice.

  Esme pointed to a reporter. “What do you have to say about the news coming out of Auverignon? That your father-in-law will be forced to step down? How will that affect Prince Gabriel’s status here and in Auverignon?”

  The news had come out? Esme wasn’t sure what their official statement would be. Instead, she went with, “I have not yet been briefed on any recent news releases coming out of Auverignon. Until I have been, it would be irresponsible of me to speculate.”

  She called on another reporter and prayed the press conference would return to the topic of Gabe’s seat on the Council.

  The questions weren’t all about Gabe, but they stuck to issues pertaining to Islas del Sargasso.

  When another question came up about her father-in-law’s impending abdication, Esme thanked the reporters for their time and left the room with Gabe right behind her. At least he hadn’t been expected to answer questions after his initial statement. That didn’t stop them from being shouted at him as they left.

  She went straight to her office, motioning for Jared to close the door behind her and that they were not to be disturbed. When she turned, Gabe had already sunk into a chair near the door.

  “I didn’t think it would happen this fast,” he told her. “I thought they still had weeks of investigating to do.”

  Esme considered going to his side, but instead she went to her desk and pulled up an Auverignonian news site. She skimmed the story. “There’s nothing about the child in here, just misappropriation of funds by both of your parents including the cover-up. What the funds were used for isn’t mentioned.”

  “It’ll come out eventually. There are already reporters looking into where the money went. We both know that and so do they.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket. “My brother just texted. I think he’s kind of freaking out. He had no idea any of this was coming.”

  “You didn’t warn him?” Esme glanced through a couple more articles, but they didn’t say anything different. She stood and went to Gabe’s side but not before she glanced at an instant message from Chairman Franklin.

  He pulled her down, so she sat on his lap. His arms wrapped around her waist as she put hers around his neck. “I didn’t want to risk anything getting back to my father. My brother is much closer to my father than I am. I couldn’t be certain he wouldn’t say something.”

  “And now he’s been blindsided as well. Does he seem to know more than the news reports?”

  Gabe shook his head before resting the side of it against her. “No. Just asking if I’ve heard the news, and if I know anything more than what’s being reported.”

  “Are you going to tell him about the child?”

  “Not yet. I may just tell him I know there’s an ongoing investigation, but I don’t know anything else I can talk about. I wouldn’t be lying to him and saying I know nothing, but I wouldn’t be telling him much either.”

  “There’s going to be an arrest made here today as well. Roland mentioned something earlier about waiting until today’s vote was over because people who weren’t there would be missed. I didn’t think much of it until he sent me a message a minute ago that simply said it will happen in the palace this afternoon.”

  Gabe sat quietly for a moment. “I suppose that’s for the best. If it happens here, then there’s no chance of random passers-by getting photographs or video. It can be done quietly, and he just won’t leave.”

  “I have a meeting scheduled with him this afternoon. He wanted to discuss his pardon request again. I think he thinks I’m going to grant it.”

  He nearly pushed her off his lap as he stood. “No. I don’t like it. I don’t want him anywhere near you before this goes down.”

  She wasn’t sure she liked his tone. “There’s no danger, Gabe. Because what we’re discussing isn’t classified there will be security in the office.”

  “But because he’s a vetted member of the council, security won’t be close to you. I don’t like it.”

  She put a hand on his arm. “Then you be here. Be a part of the conversation.”

  “He won’t want me here.”

  “No, but if he questions it, I’ll tell him I don’t have secrets from my husband, except legally mandated ones.”

  Gabe nodded slowly. “That would work. I’ll be here and be close. We need to talk to security and see what their plan for arresting him actually is. Are they planning to arrest him in your office, or simply take his car to a holding facility of some kind?”

  Esme nodded. A plan. They needed a plan. “Let’s get security in to brief us when they have time. I don’t want to take away from what they need to do in order to make it happen.” The focus on what was occurring in Sargasso would hopefully keep Gabe’s mind off what was happening in Auverignon.

  For an hour and a half, Esme did paperwork while Gabe used a separate portion of her office to meet with different Council members as part of getting up to speed on what he needed to know. Right as they were getting ready to take a lunch break, Roland walked in with several security team members.

  “Gentlemen, if you would please update us on the investigation and the plan for later today, I would be most appreciative.” She led the way to the conference table. “Shall we get started?”

  * * *

  Standing behind Esme’s desk and off to the side a bit, Gabe second guessed his positioning. Was it better to appear he was backing Esme and at her beck and call in a sense or to be
casual and relaxed in one of the other chairs, like Wray had no authority or intimidation factor at all?

  Wray wouldn’t arrive for several more minutes, so he could still change his mind.

  “Would you please sit down somewhere? You’re making me anxious.” Esme couldn’t really be focused on the papers in front of her, not like she pretended to be.

  That gave him his answer.

  He went to the other side of her desk, choosing the seat less visible from the door. With one hand he unbuttoned his custom suit, one that fit him perfectly. One Wray shouldn’t be able to match. Combined with the handmade shoes and impeccable tie, Gabe knew he looked every inch the wealthy prince. It intimidated or infuriated many people who tended to focus on the material side of life.

  Like Emmett Wray. His snarky comment about Gabe’s McClaren after the Council meeting proved that.

  It didn’t escape Gabe that this was the chair he’d sat in while trying to convince Esme this marriage was the best thing. How far they’d come, and in a relatively short time frame.

  Esme’s phone buzzed with Jared telling her that Wray had arrived. She told Jared to send him in. When she didn’t stand, Gabe didn’t either.

  “Good afternoon, Your Majesty.” Wray executed a perfect bow at the waist, even though he’d already done so earlier in the day and wasn’t required to again.

  She gave a quick nod in response and motioned to the chair next to Gabe. “Please have a seat.”

  Wray’s steps faltered when he saw Gabe. “This is a private matter, Your Majesty.”

  “I have no secrets from my husband, except ones required by law.” Her tone turned cool. “I’ve considered your request for a blanket pardon, but unless you can provide me with a much more compelling reason than the ones you already have, I’m not inclined to grant it.”

  “Being an old friend isn’t enough?” Wray glanced at Gabe. “For the sake of what we once meant to each other?”

  “No. The fines for the things you’ve mentioned to me might sting a little bit, but they’re minor and won’t preclude you from taking the chairman’s position - if you came forward voluntarily and offered to make restitution. I see no reason to issue a pardon. It would only show the people that I consider those holding the inheritable seats on the Council to be above the law, and that is simply not true.”

  “But Esme...”

  She glared at Wray.


  The glare lessened only slightly.

  “You know me. You know I simply made a few mistakes when I was younger. I know better now and wouldn’t ever do it again.”

  Esme shook her head. “You knew better when you took the actions. If it had truly been an error or oversight, I might consider it, but it wasn’t. I believe it is best for you to deal with the consequences of your actions and perhaps use your position as a member of the Council to show others no one is above the law and to think twice before doing something they already know to be illegal. You will most likely be given community service time along with the fines. That could be part of it.”

  Wray’s hands both hardened into fists, but he didn’t move. “I do hope you don’t come to regret that decision, Your Majesty.”

  Gabe tensed, staying at the ready should Wray decide to do more than clench his fists.

  “Is that a threat, Mr. Wray?” Esme looked calm, but Gabe knew it hid trembling inside.

  Wray leaned forward in his chair. “I would consider it more of a promise.”

  Esme pressed a button on her phone. “I believe it is time for you to leave, Mr. Wray.”

  He stood, seeming to force himself to relax a bit. “I’ll see you soon.”


  The office door opened, with three security guards entering the room. “Mr. Wray, will you please come with us? It’s time for you to leave the queen’s office.”

  Gabe knew the man wouldn’t be leaving the palace on his own. Rather, he would be escorted to the security offices where he would be arrested and processed before going in front of a judge in one of the conference rooms. There he would be charged with treason and taken to a secure location far from the palace.

  As soon as the door closed behind Wray, Esme’s shoulders slumped in relief. Gabe went to her side and pulled her to a standing position before wrapping his arms around her.

  “It’s over, love.” He held her tighter.

  “Not until he’s found guilty and sentenced. Until then who knows what could happen.”

  “Does he have some insider knowledge about something that could be used as leverage?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “Then it’s over.”

  “I pray you’re right.”

  “Why don’t we finish early today? Go have dinner, maybe watch a movie in the screening room?”

  Esme relaxed against him. “I think that sounds like an excellent idea.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Maybe even one of those sappy HEA TV movies you love so much.”

  “I do have some more work that needs to be done today, and you have at least two more meetings. Why don’t we both get a couple more hours of work in, then meet at the screening room?”

  “As long as you promise to change into something comfortable this time.”

  “I promise.”

  They stood there for another moment until Esme sighed and moved back. “Thank you for being here for me today. I appreciate it.”

  “It’s part of my job, one I’m happy to do.”

  Gabe kissed her then went back to his own office for the rest of his meetings. When his last meeting ended, he planned to take about ten minutes to make some notes but was interrupted by his assistant.

  “They need you in security, sir.”

  Gabe pushed back from his desk. “Is everything all right?”

  “They didn’t say, just that they needed you and the queen as soon as you were available.”

  They didn’t ask for the meetings to be interrupted. That had to be a good sign.

  When he arrived, Esme waited in one of the conference rooms. Craig, the head of security sat at one end of the table.

  “We have a problem.”

  “With Emmett Wray?” Esme clarified.

  “He hasn’t denied any of the accusations, hasn’t responded to them at all yet, but he did make a claim we have to have investigated, and it could easily become public and hurt both of you, personally and politically.”

  Gabe’s stomach clenched. “What is he saying?”

  “That the two of you are interfering with the succession of another sovereign nation and that the queen didn’t really have an appendectomy but was in the hospital as a result of the complications of an abortion.”

  Esme gasped as Gabe reached for her hand.

  “The answer to both is an unequivocal no,” he replied for both of them.

  Craig sighed. “That’s what I thought, but it will have to be investigated. The medical records should be easy enough to come by, but the bigger question then is whether or not you provided information that is going to lead to your father stepping down from the Auverignonian throne.”


  What could Esme say to that? “We came into possession of some information we believed could have legal and political ramifications in Auverignon. We turned it over to the proper authorities in Auverignon and let them do their jobs. If they found the information to be invalid or not actionable, that was up to those authorities.”

  “How did you come to have this information?”

  Esme looked over at Gabe whose shoulders slumped and head bowed. He finally looked up at her. She nodded her permission for him to share.

  “I contacted a private investigator friend out of the States. I wanted to be certain there was no child of mine out there somewhere. I didn’t know of any, but I wasn’t exactly celibate for the last decade either. My head of security in Auverignon gave me a copy of the list of women I was known to have spent time with. Jonathan tracked them all down
. One has a child that is approximately the right age. He ran DNA tests and discovered the child isn’t mine. However, it appears the child is my half-sister and the mother has been receiving payments from the Auverignonian royal family.”

  “And that’s illegal? The child or the payments?” the man clarified.

  “Neither if done properly, but at least some of the payments came from public funds and not my father’s private fortune. My mother made those payments, but my father had knowledge of them and did nothing to set it right. A small sum could be dealt with, but these were large sums. We turned over the information we had to my former head of security and his brother who is a ranking official in the Auverignonian Bureau of Investigation. What they did with the information was up to them. Based on today’s news reports, it does appear that my father is going to be forced to step down.”

  “And what implications will that have for you personally?”

  Esme stepped in. “None, unless his brother and uncle die without any heirs.” She explained the various scenarios.

  “Then I think you’re in the clear. If you had kept information about potential crimes to yourself for any extended period of time, there could be international relations fallout.” He tapped his pen. “How long did you know?”

  “A few days. Just long enough to arrange a secure meeting with the Auverignonians.”

  “And the accusation of an abortion?”

  Hot tears stung the back of Esme’s eyes. “False. I had a miscarriage. The baby never developed past the very initial stages. Chairman Franklin was informed not long after it happened. My doctor can confirm, if necessary.”

  With a nod, he closed his file folder. “I’ll have to turn this over to the prosecutor. She’ll want to talk to you, possibly get an official statement, but I see no reason why she would pursue a full investigation. I certainly won’t recommend one.”


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