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COWBOY ROMANCE: Justin (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 1)

Page 126

by Amanda Boone

  “That was fucking awesome,” he told her, “I can’t believe how good that felt.” Raine lay back, her breasts rolling up to lie in big circles on her chest. Antony took her hand and kissed the knuckles, as he had done a few times that day. Unlike the other times, however, he carried on kissing his way up, past her shoulder and to her neck. His hand caressed her belly, feeling the firm roundness of it beneath his fingers. He kissed her nipples, taking each one into his mouth and making her moan.

  Antony changed positions, kneeling between her legs as he planted kisses all over her belly and sides, kissing her hips and the tops of her thighs. Raine moaned and panted, writhing as he worked his way teasingly towards her burning center. He lifted her legs and opened her to him, looking down at her soaking pussy hungrily.

  Antony locked his eyes on hers as he kissed the inside of her right knee and worked his way down. She felt his warm mouth on her most intimate area and cried out when his tongue grazed across the top of her ultra-sensitive clit. Antony lapped at her clit with long, slow strokes of his tongue, sending waves of pleasure up through her whole body. Raine could feel her thighs start to shake as the power of the orgasm she was about to have smashed through her. She scratched his head and sat up, her eyes wide as she came with a loud cry.

  “Holy shit!” she squeaked, “I’ve never come as hard as that in my life.”

  “Then wait until you try this,” he told her. Andrew raised one of her legs over his shoulder and ran his fingers down the inner thigh of her other leg.

  “What are you going to...?” She trailed off with a deep groan of sheer pleasure as his fingers dipped inside her pussy, and he hooked them up, pressing on her G-spot. That moan turned into a series of squeaks as Antony rubbed his fingers over her soft insides, slamming them up against her G-spot faster and faster as she thrashed on the bed.

  She grabbed handfuls of the sheets in her fists, the pleasure almost becoming pain as his fingers worked inside her. She could feel the intensity of another orgasm building inside her, completely different this time, but no less intense.

  “Oh God, oh God, ohGodohGodohGod...!” Raine’s body lifted from the bed as she came. Liquid shot from her pussy to soak her leg and the bed – and Antony – as she came.

  “Yes, baby, come for me,” Antony said, but his words were lost to her as she floated on a sea of utter delight. Jolts shook her body, sending ripples through her ample flesh.

  When she managed to open her eyes, Raine looked into the most beautiful pair of green eyes she had ever seen.

  “Antony,” she said in a sleepy voice, “Can we do that again?”

  He chuckled and pulled her to him. “Maybe tomorrow, mon amour.”


  Billionaire Seduction: Temptation

  A Billionaire Romance


  Raine woke in a strange bed, the disorientation making her frightened for a second until she recalled the private jet, expensive dinner and incredible sex she had had the night before. After meeting Antony DuBesne in the gym of a hotel – she had actually gatecrashed the gym, much to the anger of the receptionist there – and discovered he had reserved the entire hotel. Even in the small town of Crutch Junction that kind of thing was unheard of.

  Raine looked about the Houston hotel room she had spent the night in search of the man she had slept with.

  But did he actually sleep with you Rainey? Therein lies the rub.

  “Antony?” She called. No response came, so she decided it was safe to get up. Crossing the palatial room was nerve wracking. Raine had the feeling a group of men was about to burst in and watch her with their mouths gaping open as she wobbled to the bathroom. This room was well-appointed too, with a very inviting bathtub she wanted to relax and sooth her aching muscles in. A crimson flush crept up her neck and face as she remembered what she had done to make her muscles ache so much. Antony might be a tease, keep secrets and have a pitifully bad sense of humor, but he was gifted as a lover. Raine turned on the shower, recalling the moment she ejaculated last night and something deep in her abdomen pulled.

  Antony, Antony, Antony. Where did you learn to do that? And are you likely to do it again?

  Warm water flowed over her curves, caressing her big, natural breasts before sliding over her round belly and finally coursing down her ample thighs and butt. Not the fattest girl in the U.S., Raine was certainly no size zero and was perfectly happy to be bigger.

  Embarrassment hit her again when she realized she only had the clothes she had worn on their date last night, and not aware of the protocol in situations like this – she had never slept with a man on the first date before – she couldn’t be sure what people might think of her.

  What people, Rainey? There was only you and him here last night.

  Dressing quickly, but at least making an effort to look as clean and unruffled as she could, Raine made her way out into the main area of the penthouse, hoping to find Antony.

  Dismay crawled up through her, however, when she was confronted by the tall, slim blond woman with incredible legs who sat at the large table in one corner sipping coffee.

  “Bonjour!” the woman said brightly. She was almost wearing a thin, silk robe, but it had only been loosely tied.

  Raine could see her muscular belly and legs, her pert little breasts cupped in expensive lace, and her obviously shaven crotch nestled in something the size of a postage stamp.

  “Coffee?” Her accent, like Antony’s, was French, but hers was much broader, deeper as if she was French rather than having been educated there.

  “Yes please,” Raine muttered as she dragged herself over towards where the French woman sat.

  You fucking idiot, Raine. You saw the pictures on the Internet. Every one of the other women Antony was with looked just like her.

  But if that’s true, why spend so much time and money on me?

  He’s obviously loaded. Money means nothing to his type, and he wanted to see what it was like to hump a porker!

  Raine shook her head, trying to dislodge the nasty little part of her subconscious that seemed to hate her so much.

  “There you go,” Miss French Perfection said, pushing a cup towards Raine. Her accent made it sound like ‘Zere you go,’ but Raine made no comment. “You are waiting for Antony, yes?” she added.

  Raine took a deep breath preparing to hear the worst. “Yup, that’s me, waiting for Antony. Got any idea where he is?” She asked, not really wanting the answer. French Perfection tossed her head, making her tight little curls bounce.

  “I think he is in his room, taking a shower.” She looked at Raine. “I am Celine, his assistant.”

  Raine felt a little better after hearing that. “Raine,” She said, offering her hand, “I’m...” What was she? Raine had no clue at the moment, “A journalist.” Celine frowned.

  “You are doing a story on Antony?” she asked in confusion. “I was not told.”

  Raine grimaced. “Not so much doing a story on Antony as...doing Antony. If you see what I mean?”

  Celine laughed.

  “You are very funny,” she observed.

  “So they tell me.” Raine countered.

  “So this is good then. Antony has been alone for so long, and now he has a pretty young girl to keep him company.” It sounded wholly condescending to Raine, but it might just have been Celine’s accent. “I am glad to meet you, Raine.”

  They drank coffee in silence for a few minutes before Celine said, “It looked as if you were upset when you first come out here. Why?”

  Raine paused before answering. “I did wonder if you and Antony were...”

  Celine laughed again. “Antony is not like this,” she said. “He would not do something like this to two women. He is too much of a gentleman.” Celine ran her eyes up and down Raine’s physique. “And if I am telling the truth,” she added salaciously, “you are more my type than he is. If you see what I mean.” She smiled and stretched. “I must go and change, darling. I think we h
ave to be leaving very soon.” With those final words, Celine prowled across the penthouse and into the third room.

  Raine sighed, wondering what kind of weird, mixed-up people she was getting involved in.

  The elevator doors pinged to admit a pair of tuxedo wearing men, who pushed a pair of trolleys across to the table. They unloaded a mass of food before Raine and promptly left after biding her a quiet good morning. She buttered a slice of toast and was about to eat when a door opened, and there he was. Raine’s stomach clenched at the sight of him – and the memory of what he did to her last night – and she felt as if she should stand up for some odd reason. Antony took two steps into the room and halted, looking up at her with a huge smile lighting up his face.

  “Mon amour, you are even more beautiful than I remember,” he said, and Raine smiled in return. Antony crossed the penthouse and laid his hands gently on Raine’s shoulders, drawing her to him.

  Raine felt the hardness of his body pressed against her soft curves and relished the contact. Antony had a sinewy yet muscular physique without an ounce of fat to cover the rock hardness of his frame. He brought his lips to hers, warm and soft, before sliding his tongue into her mouth. He tasted of toothpaste, mouthwash and something which was purely Antony, and Raine was hooked.

  Antony pulled back and spoke in a husky voice, “I wish we had the time to carry on from last night, ma fille sexy, but unfortunately I have to return to Crutch Junction. There are a few meetings I have to go to.” He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “Help yourself to breakfast. I want you to keep your stamina up.” Antony’s grin made Raine blush, and he laughed. “So beautiful. So sexy,” he told her.

  The three of them, Raine, Celine and Antony, were aboard the Learjet less than an hour later and soon after in the air, streaking through the Texas sky towards Raine’s hometown.

  Although she had been dreading the flight again, Antony’s presence was a calming one, and even though he was busy talking to Celine and sorting through his emails, he made sure he held her hand and kissed her fingers from time to time.

  Carson greeted them at the airfield with the dove gray and chrome of the car polished and without a speck of the dust which blew unimpeded across Crutch Junction. Celine slid into the front seat beside him while Antony and Raine sat in the rear. Antony twined his fingers with Raine’s as they made the short drive to her mother’s house.

  “Will you let me take you out again tonight?” Antony asked, looking as if he might be denied.

  “Sure,” Raine said. Leaning in for a kiss, she made sure her breasts pressed into his arm and chest. She twirled her tongue around his lips, and he groaned.

  “What you do to me!” he cried in mock despair.


  Raine nervously stepped through the door to her mother’s house. She hadn’t planned on being away all night, and even though Antony had hired someone to come and spend some time with her, she still felt guilty for not being there.

  “Mom?” She called crossing the threshold.

  “Hello, Raine.” Her mother actually sounded cheerful, making her feel a little better. Raine found her in what had been the family room when she was growing up, snipping coupons from a paper. “Come and look at this!” her mother cried happily. “Seventy-five cents off of orange juice!”

  Raine smiled even as a little more of her hope died – she had hoped her mother’s condition would miraculously get better somehow – her mother couldn’t stand orange juice.

  “That’s great, mom,” Raine told her, trying to control her voice. “Maybe we can go shopping later and get some.”

  Her mother peered at her as if she was strange. “Suzie said she’d take me. You don’t have to bother.”

  Suzie eh? I’m going to have to meet you.

  Raine sat there and listened to her mother’s idle chat as she cut coupons out of various magazines. Suzie seemed to be the hot topic at the moment, and Raine listened for as long as she could stand it before making her excuses and leaving.

  Once she had changed out of the ridiculous dress she had been wearing, Raine thought about Antony.

  Where are you right now? You said you had a lot of meetings to go to. Who are you meeting? What about? Are you thinking about me? I wish I was with you right now.

  His absence was a palpable pain in her chest, and Raine laughed at herself even as she wiped tears from her eyes.

  Jesus Rainey, you only met him yesterday, get a grip!

  Making a decision, Raine got up and drove into town, heading for the office of her longtime friend, Lisa Gomez.

  Lisa’s office had not changed in the slightest since Raine had been there more than ten years ago. Precariously stacked mountains of files and assorted papers covered any horizontal surface, like the dying fingers of some massive paper beast. Lisa sat at the back, almost as if she was attempting to hide.

  “Raine?” Lisa asked as Raine tried to navigate to the back of the office without toppling one of the paper towers with a breast or buttock. “Shit, it is you!”

  “Hey Lisa. Still peddling lies in that rag of yours?”

  A feral smile crossed Lisa’s face. “You know it, baby.” Lisa had changed even if the office hadn’t. There were a few more lines around the edges of her eyes, her hair was a little grayer and she had filled out in the last few years, now sitting larger than Raine. “You coming back to work for me?” Lisa asked, trying to snag an answer as soon as possible. Raine made a face.

  “Don’t count on it. I only came home to look after mom.”

  “How is she?”

  “How you’d expect for someone who’s got dementia and terminal cancer,” Raine stated flatly.

  “Jesus, Raine. I’m sorry.”

  “She doesn’t know about the C. I thought it would be easier on her, you know?”

  “Yeah, but really hard for you, eh?” Tears started in Raine’s eyes, and Lisa jumped up to hug her. “Come on. Let it out, and you’ll feel better.” Raine cried for a while, grieving for the mother who had a death sentence hanging over her head. Eventually, Lisa suggested they go and grab some coffee and head for a diner a few blocks down.

  Coffee and Compassion looked a little more run down than when Raine had been there last. She and Lisa slid into a booth and ordered coffee. Their teenage waitress looked pitifully underfed and as bored as only a teenager could.

  “Talk to me,” Lisa said, and Raine poured her troubles onto her old friend, telling her about her break up with Sam in Chicago, losing her job at the Chicago Tribune and then finding out about her mother’s illness.

  Lisa listened, asking a few clarifying questions here and there – her journalistic idiosyncrasies as much a part of her as breathing – and making sure she interjected the occasional hum of agreement. When she had finished, Raine felt as if a weight had been lifted from her and grabbed Lisa’s hand, squeezing it in thanks.

  “So tell me about this Antony you’ve met,” Lisa said.

  Raine smiled shyly, a blush crawling up her neck.

  “Antony DuBesne,” Raine murmured and sighed like a schoolgirl with a crush on her teacher. “It’s hard to believe I only met him yesterday. I went to the Paradise, you know? Downtown and...” Raine trailed off when she saw the expression on Lisa’s face. “What’s wrong?”

  Ten minutes later they were back in Lisa’s office, staring at a series of articles involving the DuBesne Corporation and a number of its subsidiary companies.

  “Yeah, look here,” Lisa said, scrolling to one story. The headline read, “ADB Holdings to Acquire More Land.”

  Raine skimmed the text, picking out the salient points, which mainly involved this company buying up vast tracts of land in the middle of Texas.

  “So...?” She wondered.

  “So what does this company want with all that land?” She raised her eyes at Raine as if the answer was obvious. “It’s no good for farming. They can’t be intending to build on it, so that leaves?”

  Raine still had no answer.
r />   “Christ, no wonder they gave you the boot in Chicago. What else is Texas famous for? Oil and gas, right?”

  Raine nodded. “But if this land was any good for that kind of thing, it would have been bought up decades ago.” Raine said.

  “This company, ADB Holdings, is thinking about the future. Not the present. When the wells run dry and the gas is all pumped out, they have to start fracking to make it commercially viable again.”

  “And you think ADB is buying up most of Texas so they can frack it later?”

  “That’s what I fracking think, Raine,” Lisa said, “but I can’t prove anything.” She began typing, looking something else up. “Maybe you can though?” she asked, showing Raine the website she had called up.

  Raine looked at a slick, stylish and professionally built site, which depicted the management team of ADB Holdings, the CEO, who Raine had sipped coffee with that very morning, Celine Moreaux. Standing to one side was another person she had breakfasted with – and slept with – Antony DuBesne.

  “Why do you want proof? Are they doing anything illegal?” Her heart pounded when she asked this.

  “No, I don’t think so, but imagine what a story like this could do for my paper.” Lisa’s eyes were huge.

  “Your paper?” Raine said in shock.

  Lisa nodded. “I bought it about four years ago when the owners were going to close it down. I took it back from the coupon and advertisement paper it had become and started reporting again, featuring local things which affect local people. Like your new boyfriend.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” Raine moaned. “I only met him yesterday.”

  “Well, what if you just happen to see anything lying around? Could you let me know about it?” Lisa pressed.

  “Maybe, but I’m not going to do anything that’ll hurt Antony.”

  “I wouldn’t ask you to,” Lisa assured her friend, “but do the same rules apply to him?”


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