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The Forbidden Princess

Page 8

by Day Leclaire

  Driving through the busy streets of Glynith, he pointed out key landmarks, including the royal residence. Not as impressive as the one in Verdon or Avernos, he observed. But it serves its purpose.

  Its huge, she replied faintly. Its so strange to think that my mother once lived there.

  He regarded her in amusement. So did you.

  And I had a father and a brother I cant even remember. I wish She swiveled in her seat. Did you know them? What were they like?

  I never met your father, but he was considered a good man, committed to Celestia and her people. He came from farm stock, like my grandparents, and loved the land.

  Bittersweet emotion swept across her expression. And my brother?

  Also a good man. I find it hard to believe that hed have taken money to abdicate. Perhaps von Folke brought other pressures to bear.

  I cant imagine living your entire life in one place. And yet, he heard an intense longing quivering in her voice. How different would her life have been if shed grown up here? Had put down roots here? Did she ever wonder? What about Miri? Has there been any news?

  His mouth compressed. None. Tolk doesnt have her or hed have said something when he found us.

  But you cant be sure.

  He wouldnt harm Miri. There wasnt a shred of doubt in his mind. But, the few times Ive called home, no ones heard from her.

  And the fear and concern were tearing him apart. What had Alyssa said about so much sacrificed by so many? Here was another sacrificeone laid firmly at his feet. His noble intentions seemed far less noble all of the sudden. He had so many to protect, so much at stakemore than his future, or Alyssas new job, or even the safety of Miri and Angela Barstow. There was an entire country to consider. And until he found out what secret von Folke concealed and why hed become so desperate to gain the throne, Merrick had to put the welfare of the country ahead of the few. Hed put out feelers, but so far he hadnt discovered anything pertinent.

  Neither of them wanted to return to their rooms after the drive and Merrick decided to take one more risk and allow them a brief walk through one of the commercial sections near their apartment. A local jewelers window held Alyssas attention the longest, and she returned a second time on their way back to their rental.

  My favorite is this one. Alyssa pointed to a deep purplish-blue amethyst with flashes of brilliant red at its center.

  Merrick smiled. You have excellent taste. That particular stone is called a Verdonia Royal. The color is unique to our country and quite rare, like a Siberian amethyst, only with more blue than red. The most common are these ones, he said and indicated a pinkish-lavender stone. The Celestia Blush. Outside of Verdonia this color is often called a Rose de France but our name has historic significance, so we tend to use it rather than the other.

  And this ring? She pointed to the centerpiece of the display. I love it.

  Theyd caught the eye of the proprietor who waved them in. Before Merrick could stop her, Alyssa opened the door and entered the shop. Hell. Adjusting his sunglasses, he settled the American-styled ball cap hed recently acquired lower on his forehead and prayed he looked as much like a tourist as Alyssa. Then, he followed her in.

  It was too much to hope that the store owner wouldnt recognize him, but the instant he did, Merrick gave a single shake of his head without alerting Alyssa. The owner, a man named Marston, nodded in silent understanding, clearly willing to cooperate if Merrick wished to remain anonymous. Satisfied, he leaned against a nearby counter and watched the two interact.

  Every once in a while the mines cough up a few of the Royals, Marston explained as he slid the ring on Alyssas finger. It fit perfectly. Theyre highly prized and only used in the best pieces. Like this ring.

  Its beautiful. Is this white gold or platinum?

  The ring is platinum. He spared Merrick a brief glance and after receiving a nod, rolled into a more fulsome description. The antique Edwardian setting features a three carat Royal as its center stone and a blue diamond and Blush on either side, each perfectly balanced, and weighing in at 2.1 carats apiece. The broad gallery is bead set with .44 carats of European cut diamonds. Finished with fully mille grained edges, the pierced openwork gives this ring an unsurpassed elegance. He blinked up at Alyssa through wire-rimmed glasses. Would you like to know what the ring says?

  Alyssa lifted an eyebrow. The ring says something? Tell me. Id love to know.

  Our finest pieces are always designed to express a particular sentiment. In this case, the Verdonia Royal symbolizes the union of soul mates. Aside from the unique color, thats why its so highly prized and so rare. Its considered very bad luck to give or accept one if its not for true love. But this ring also has a diamond and a Blush. The diamond represents many different things, but mainly strength, love, and eternity. As for the Blush, it was used in olden days to seal agreements and contracts. He pointed to the pattern formed by the pierced openwork of the ring. And then, see this?

  Alyssa examined the banding more closely. Why does that pattern seem so familiar?

  Merrick took a look and smiled. Because its the shape of Celestia. Historically, Celestia has always been the fulcrum between Verdon and Avernos, unifying the two opposing forces into one country.

  Alyssa exclaimed in delight. So, the pattern represents the unification of the three separate stones into one, right?

  Marston nodded. Very astute. The designer named it Fairytale because thats what the ring is. Its a fairy tale with a happily-ever-after ending all in one. Soul mates united in an unbreakable bond of eternal love. Thats what it means.

  Its an incredible piece, Alyssa marveled. I dont think Ive ever seen anything like it.

  Marston grimaced. Unfortunately we havent been able to purchase any stones of this caliber for years. Even the Blushes have become rare. The problem has grown worse over the last few months. Rumor has it that the amethyst supply is drying up. He threw Merrick a hopeful look. Perhaps you could shed some light on the source of the problem? Are the mines played out, as some have suggested? Or is it simply a means to drive the international price up by creating an artificial shortage?

  Merrick shook his head. I cant answer that. I wish I could. But I can assure you that were aware of the problem and its being looked into very carefully.

  A small sound came from the doorway between the retail section of the shop and the back room. An older woman stood there, wide-eyed. Your Highness, she said with a gasp and swept him a deep curtsey. Were honored to have you in our store.

  Alyssa stiffened. Your Highness? she repeated sharply.

  The woman offered an understanding smile. I can tell from your accent that youre an American, so perhaps you dont recognize His Highness. This is Prince Merrick.

  No. Alyssa took a swift step backward. Hes commander of Verdonias Royal Security Force.

  The woman nodded. Thats right. The commander is Prince Merrick Montgomery. His older brother, Prince Lander, could very well be our next king. Her gaze flitted back and forth between the two and a hint of uncertainty crept into her voice. Im sorry. Have I said something wrong?

  I believe His Highness is incognito, my dear, Marston explained gently.

  Before the woman could do more than stammer out an apology, Alyssa slipped the ring from her finger and carefully returned it to the velvet tray. Then turning on her heel, she darted from the store.


  A lyssa flew out of the jewelry shop and down the street that led deeper into the commercial district. Instinct was driving her and she simply acted, determined to get as far away from Merrick as quickly as possible. To lose herself in the twisting jumble of avenues that spidered out in all directions.

  Shed been deceived. Merrick had deceived her. The thought echoed the painful tattooing of her heart and pounding beat of her racing footsteps. That woman had called him Your Highness. Shed said that Merrick was a Montgomery, that he and Prince Lander were brothers. And who just happened to be Prince Brandt von Folkes rival for the throne of Verdonia? Prince

  All Merricks fine talk about wanting the best for his country had been nothing but a lie. Everything hed done had been to benefit his brother. Hed had an ulterior motive for preventing her marriage, right from the start. If shed gone through with the wedding, Celestia and Avernos would have voted for Prince Brandt and hed be king. By stopping the ceremony, Merricks brother still had a shot at the throne. So much for the better good of Verdonia. More like the better good of the Montgomerys.

  She kept up a rapid jog, taking turns at random, forced to slow to a brisk walk when she developed a stitch in her side. The breath heaved in and out of her lungs. How could she have been so stupid? Shed seen the respect with which people treated Merrick. Had caught the casual familiarity with which he referred to Prince Brandt. His air of authority. The way von Folkes men had reacted to him. It simply hadnt occurred to her that it was anything more than the appropriate deference offered to the commander of the Royal Security Force. Now that she knew better, she needed to get away.

  Ahead of her she saw a uniformed officer. Was he the local authority? If so, perhaps he could help her reach the American embassy. Before shed taken more than a single step in his direction, a heavy arm encircled her waist, yanking her against a hard, masculine bodya very familiar hard, masculine body. At the same time a hand whipped across her mouth, cutting off her incipient shriek.

  Not a word, Merrick murmured close to her ear.

  He pulled her backward into a pitch-black alleyway. Up ahead the officer paused to speak to someone, and when the man turned his face into the glow from an overhead streetlight, she realized it was Tolken. She stiffened within Merricks hold.

  I see you recognize our friend. Merricks voice was a mere whisper of sound. It appears Tolks given up tiptoeing and is being a little more aggressive in his search. That tells me its time for us to find a new hiding place. His grasp tightened. Pay attention, Princess. When I tell you to move, you move. Nod if you understand and agree.

  A tear escaped before she could prevent it, plopping onto the hand he kept locked over her mouth. His reaction to that single drop of moisture was subtle, but confined within such a close embrace, she felt him stiffen and heard the slight hiss of breath escaping his lungs. It sounded like a sigh of regret. No sooner had the thought entered her head than she rejected it. No. That wasnt possible. People as ruthless as Merrick didnt experience regret.

  You havent responded, Princess. Id hate to do this the hard way. Now, will you obey me?

  She nodded in agreement, yet even then, his hold didnt slacken. He maneuvered them backward, deeper into the alley. How he could see, she didnt have a clue. But somehow he managed to avoid the obstacles blocking their path. A few yards further on they reached the opposite end of the alley, which opened onto a dimly lit side street.

  Im going to uncover your mouth. If you make a single sound, I promise youll regret it. When I release you, were going to head back to where I parked the car. We maintain a brisk pace. We walk with purpose, but dont run. Two lovers eager to return home. Clear?

  She nodded again and he removed his hand, ready to silence her again if she so much as breathed wrong. When she simply stood there, he tucked her distinctive hair beneath her blouse and lifted the collar. Sliding his arm from her waist to her shoulders, he tucked her close against him so she was almost concealed from curious eyes and urged her onto the sidewalk. He kept to back streets, emerging close to the jewelry shop. Another block and they reached the parking lot where hed left the car. The entire way she didnt dare make a sound. But the instant shed slipped into the passenger seat, she turned on him.

  You lied to me, you bastard. You didnt tell me you were Prince Landers brother!

  Without a word, he started the engine and thrust the car into gear.

  Dont you have anything to say? she demanded.

  Not here and not now.

  They sped past their apartment without pausing and she twisted in her seat, watching it vanish behind them. Wherewhere are we going? Why arent we returning to the apartment?

  Too risky. Were moving on. I have another safe house thats not too far from here. Well spend the night there before heading into the hills.

  But our clothes

  Are replaceable. Everything we need I have on me.

  She fell silent at that, too upset and emotionally drained to do more than stare out the side window. There was so much she wanted to say in reply, but words failed her. Perhaps it was due to the exhaustion dogging her. More likely it was because she knew if she tried to speak again shed end up in tears. The drive seemed endless as they darted up and down narrow, winding streets, at times backtracking and circling. After an hour hed satisfied himself that they werent being followed and pulled into a drive that lead up a steep embankment. At the crest of the hill stood a large house with an impressive view of the city.

  As soon as they were ensconced inside, he walked her through the place, checking windows and doors as he went. Checking escape routes, she supposed. The home was beautifully appointed, far superior to the apartment theyd shared.

  Whose place is this? she roused herself enough to ask.

  No one I know personally. No one Tolk can trace to me.

  He found us sooner than you expected, didnt he?


  She could tell that fact had him worried and she couldnt decide if the knowledge brought her a certain level of satisfaction, or if she joined him in his concern. They returned to the living area and Merrick crossed to a well-appointed wet bar.

  We need to talk, he announced, pouring drinks.

  Whats the point? You lied. End of discussion.

  You deserve an explanation. He handed her a snifter half-filled with amber liquid. Here. You look like you could use this.

  She cupped the glass in her hands and inhaled the rich, nutty scent as she gazed at him across the wide brim of the cut crystal snifter. Is brandy the official antidote for betrayal? she asked.

  Youll have to let me know.

  She lifted the glass. In that caseto trust, she said and took a healthy swallow.

  I apologize, Alyssa. I should have told you who I am.

  Her mouth curved in a bitter smile. And who are you, exactly?

  Exactly who Marstons wife claimed I was. Merrick Montgomery.

  Dont you mean Prince Merrick? Younger brother of Prince Lander, duke of Verdon. She lifted an eyebrow. Do I have that right?


  The same Prince Lander whos competing with Prince Brandt for the throne?

  A muscle jerked in his cheek. Yes, he said again.

  It would seem your antidote isnt working. She swirled the brandy around the balloon of the snifter. I still feel betrayed.

  Im sorry.

  I believed you, she whispered. He didnt say anything and she took another gulp of brandy, choking as the aged wine took a bite out of the back of her throat. I actually believed you had an altruistic motive for what you were doing. But instead every last action has been to ensure your brother becomes king. What a fool I am. Youd think Id have learned from my mothers mistakes. Never trust a man, especially one with an agenda.

  His anger flashed, hot and potent, causing her to stumble back a step. Do you think I havent questioned my own motives? He tossed back his brandy, as well, though he handled it far better than she had. That I havent worried that they might be less than pure?

  She turned her back on him and strode to the French doors that accessed a large balcony. Thrusting them open, she stepped outside. Glynith stretched out far below, the glittering lights of the various buildings turning the city into a virtual fairyland, filling her with a yearning she didnt understand.

  She sensed Merricks approach and spoke without turning around. You may have questioned your motives, but it sure as hell didnt stop you from abducting me.

  No, it didnt. He dropped his snifter onto a small table at one end of the balcony, the fragile crystal ringing in protest. Because it all boiled down to one vital consideration. What wa
s best for Verdonia.

  And your brothers the best choice, is that it?


  She turned her head, startled to discover Merrick standing almost on top of her. She fought to conceal how everything about him affected her. Profoundly. The deep roughness of his voice. His musky scent. Even the size and shape of his hands captivated her on the most basic, primitive level. Her gaze lifted to the sensuous curve of his mouth. His distinctive scar hooked his lip into a half smile. She could still remember how that scar felt beneath her own mouth and she drew a deep breath, forcing herself to ignore everything but getting through the next few moments.

  If your brother isnt the best choice, then why did you abduct me?

  He took the brandy from her hand and set her glass on the table alongside his. The best choice is whomever the people of Verdonia choose in the upcoming election. But its their call. Not von Folkes. Not Landers. Not mine or yours. Its for all of Verdonia to determine. Thats what Im fighting for.

  She hated that his words made sense, that they struck a chord that resonated deep within. He stood for a deeply rooted community, for individuals joined together in purpose. It was something shed longed for all her life. Instead, shed always hovered on the outside, her nose pressed to the proverbial glass. And now? What happens next? Do we continue our four-month pilgrimage?

  Thats no longer possible. Trust is a two-way street, Alyssa. Neither of us trusts the other. So, its time to take more drastic action.

  She swallowed, wishing she had more of that brandy. Im afraid to ask what that might be.

  I always had a plan B. I just hoped not to have to use it. His mouth curved in an ironic smile. Were going to marry.

  It took two tries to catch her breath sufficiently to speak. Were what?

  Going to get married.

  She shook her head. Youve lost your mind.

  Think about it, Alyssa. If I marry you, von Folke cant.

  Youve hit on the perfect solution. The perfect way, she marveled, then added furiously, the perfect way to get my mother killed.

  If we marry, he cant use you as a pawn. Youre free. Well wait a decent interval and then divorce. As for your mother he scrubbed a hand across his jaw if you marry me, Ill leave immediately afterward to rescue her.


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