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Unfaithful (The Complete Trilogy)

Page 4

by Clancy, Joanne

  She sat there on the floor until her legs started to cramp before finally stumbling to her feet. She’d switched the phone off and put it back in Mark's gym bag, flinging his dirty joggers and tee-shirt on top of the phone. Then she kicked the bag unceremoniously into the corner.

  Rebecca didn't want Mark to know that she had discovered his affair. She needed time to get her thoughts together before she told him anything because she knew that he would somehow try to talk his way out of it. She went downstairs and made herself a strong cup of tea which she sipped slowly, the hot liquid calming her jangled nerves.

  Her mind was racing. She was hurt, confused, scared, angry and worried. She didn't know what to do. If Mark was standing in front of her right there and then she would have quite happily battered him with a frying pan. Something told her not to tell him that she knew about his betrayal. She was a firm believer in following her instincts. She knew she had to pull herself together before Mark came home and realised that something was wrong.

  He was very perceptive of her moods, the result of a marriage of almost twenty years, Rebecca thought wryly. The kitchen clock chimed five o' clock. She decided to have a quick shower to clear her head and ordered an Indian takeaway for dinner.


  Rebecca was amazed at how she had managed to maintain the status quo this past month, since she'd discovered Mark's secret mobile phone. He didn't seem to have an inkling that anything had changed for her.

  Well, he's in for a rather unpleasant surprise, and she smiled smugly at the shock she had in store for her husband.

  She was slowly formulating a plan to teach him a well-deserved lesson. She smiled wryly and thought that when this charade with Mark was concluded that she should take up acting. She never realised what a natural talent she had for it and felt that she was giving the performance of her life.

  It was all she could do sometimes not to murder Mark as he slept beside her in bed. Some nights, when he was snoring his head off beside her, she'd lean over him and look at his peacefully sleeping face. There were several nights when she could barely restrain herself from grabbing her pillow and suffocating him. She'd catch herself fantasising sometimes about how she could murder him and get away with it and had gained a huge interest in detective programmes, especially when there was any spouse killing involved. She couldn't stand to be in the same room as Mark and it was all she could do not to punch him.

  She buttered two slices of rye bread to go with her salad and made her way into the living room to join Mark, who was stretched out on the couch, watching sports. He playfully smacked her bum as she walked by him and she had to fight an almost uncontrollable urge to break his fingers.

  "You're being very healthy these days," Mark turned to his wife.

  "I'm just on a bit of a detox at the moment dear," Rebecca replied shortly through a mouthful of cheese.

  "You've lost weight, I think," he continued, "it suits you." She managed to smile at him, while thinking "patronising git."

  They sat there in silence watching sports for a while.

  "You're very quiet," Mark said, breaking the silence at last.

  "I'm tired, that's all," Rebecca yawned, as if proving her point.

  "Me too actually," he yawned in response. "I think I'll hit the hay. Want to join me?" He looked at her invitingly.

  "I'll be up in a while. I need to load the dishwasher."

  He stood up and helped his wife to her feet. He put his arms around her suddenly and hugged her close. She allowed herself to relax in his arms for a few minutes, in spite of herself. He always smelled so good. She sighed a long, slow sigh, gradually feeling the tension that she had held in her body this past month beginning to evaporate.

  "I do love you, you know," he whispered in her hair.

  "I love you too.” Right there and then in that moment she meant it. All the doubts, worries, stresses and strains of the past month seemed to melt away as he held her in his arms.

  "I want you," she whispered, before she could stop herself.

  "Come to bed," he whispered, looking into her eyes which were dark with lust.

  She felt something stir within her as his eyes lingered on her breasts. He kissed her mouth then he took her by the hand and led her upstairs to their bedroom, the same bedroom that they'd shared for the last twenty years. She felt as if she was in a trance and all she could do was follow him. He closed the door behind them and drew the thick velvet curtains that hung at the huge bay window. He moved towards her and took her in his arms once again.

  He kissed her softly on the lips and nuzzled her neck. He unbuttoned her shirt and undid her lacy bra, releasing her huge breasts. He was amazed at how firm and high they still were. She moaned quietly as he took her nipple in his mouth, teasing the pink peaks between his teeth. He kissed her stomach before moving slowly lower. Then he pulled her jeans and panties off. He moved his hand between her legs and cupped her for a few moments, gently massaging her clitoris with his fingers until he could feel her growing wetter and hotter. He knew her body so well and exactly how to play it.

  Then he kissed and caressed every part of her, until she lay on the cool sheets of their bed and begged him to make love to her. She took him full in her mouth, savouring his hardness that would soon pleasure her. She flicked her tongue along his shaft and teased him with her tongue. She pulled him onto the bed and straddled him, sinking on to his wonderful erectness. He moaned with pleasure beneath her. She rode him and bucked against him. He put his hands on her hips and moved himself faster within her, her breasts bouncing with her every movement. She closed her eyes and rocked back and forth, losing herself in her own building ecstasy.

  He turned her over on to her back suddenly. She gasped at the change in tempo and arched her body towards him. He hovered over her for a moment, teasing her, before pushing himself deep inside her once again.

  "You're so wet for me, baby.” His voice was husky with desire. She groaned with joy as he filled her. It had been months since they'd made love. She needed him, wanted him more than anything or anyone else in that moment. She didn't care what he might or might not have done with other women. All that mattered was that he was here, with her, right now, deep inside her, on top of her, taking her to places that only he had the power to control.

  All that mattered was this mind-blowing frenzy that he was giving her and she was taking. She wrapped her legs tight around his back and he sank further into her hot wetness. He kissed her and probed her mouth with his tongue. It had been too long since they'd kissed properly. He savoured the sweet taste of her. His hands were on her buttocks, pushing his hardness deeper and more forcefully into her with long purposeful strokes. She moaned in satisfaction, feeling the slow waves of her orgasm beginning to increase within her.

  "Faster," she cried as he brought her to the edge, increasing his rhythm.

  "Not yet, baby, not yet," he whispered.

  "Please!" she cried, "Mark, please!" She screamed as each wave finally washed over her. He drove into her harder and faster, finally exploding deep inside her.

  Afterwards, he held her close, their damp bodies entangled around each other. He kissed her and soon dozed off into a blissful, peaceful sleep. Rebecca turned her back to him and cried silent tears.

  Chapter 5

  “What does love mean anyway?” Shona asked Jackie, as she viciously bit into her juicy quarter pounder beef burger.

  They'd decided to meet for a quick lunch on Shona's break from work and were sitting by the window in McDonald's tucking into their Big Mac meals.

  “Oh, God, Shona, I don’t know,” Jackie mumbled, in between bites.

  “I read in a magazine article today that most people exist in a bubble of mutual co-dependency, which they mistakenly think is love.”

  “That's a bit cynical,” Jackie frowned.

  “I think there could be a lot of truth in it,” Shona declared, in between mouthfuls. She took a big gulp of her diet Coke.

  “The examp
le of co-dependency that springs to my mind is the situation between Mark and Rebecca. Mark loves me, but because he has spent so long with his wife, he's finding it difficult to move on.”

  “Hmmm,” Jackie sighed.

  Shona had agonised over the details of her affair several times during the past few weeks. Jackie was tired of hearing about the affair and her sister's attempts to convince herself that what she and Mark shared was in some way special. She found it difficult to comprehend how naiive her sister was being about the whole situation.

  It was quite clear to Jackie that Mark had no intention of ever leaving his wife and that he was just stringing Shona along. She was bored of trying to give Shona advice and was starting to get annoyed with her sister's incessant attempts to justify how much they loved each other. She didn't want to argue with her sister over Mark, he just wasn't worth it, but she privately hoped that Shona would end their affair sooner rather than later.

  “I know, I know, you don't want to talk about Mark and me.” Shona nibbled on a few French fries.

  “He doesn't deserve you. You're way too good to be having an affair with a married man. There are so many single, available men out there who would be thrilled if you were their girlfriend.”

  “You'd be surprised how few decent men are available,” Shona moaned. “I do believe that Mark will leave Rebecca soon, he just needs to leave when he's ready. He wants to pick the right moment, and like he promised, we'll soon have the rest of our lives to spend together, so I don’t mind waiting a couple more weeks.”

  “I hope so,” Jackie replied. “Anyway, in answer to your earlier question, I think there are many types of love, but probably the truest, purest love that I have experienced is the love I share with my children. They love me for me; exactly who I am. It doesn't matter if I'm fat or thin, tall or small, trendy or dowdy. They just love me and I love them for exactly who they are. Obviously, I love Colm too and I know he loves me, but there are so many expectations involved with romantic love. Probably, the most you can hope for with your partner is that they are exactly that, your partner in life and that is wonderful, of course. Colm is an excellent father and a good, reliable husband. He's a very decent, kind man, but sometimes I wish he would be a bit more romantic. Sometimes I feel like he doesn't see me as a woman. He rarely compliments me, or looks at me in that way when you know your husband really desires you. He gives me gift cards for my birthday and Christmas, which is a good idea in one way, because I can choose what I want, but sometimes I think to myself that he should know me well enough by now to know what I like and that he could surprise me once in a while. I have to organise our holidays and weekends away. He's happy to go along with my suggestions but I know if I didn't organise everything that we would end up going nowhere and doing nothing. He’d be just as happy to sit at home.”

  “Ah, Jackie, that's awful.” Shona sympathised. “Women need to be made a fuss of sometimes. I always got the impression that Colm was very romantic.”

  “He used to be very romantic when we first got together,” Jackie muttered thoughtfully, a faraway look in her eyes. “I remember when I first met him thinking that he was cute but not particularly wanting to go out with him. He used to write me very endearing love notes and leave presents of boxes of chocolates outside my front door. When we finally got together he remembered all our anniversaries, even silly anniversaries like our six month anniversary or the anniversary of the first time we kissed. He'd take me out to dinner every week and would surprise me with beautiful bouquets of flowers. I suppose children and married life take the focus off your personal romantic relationship.”

  “Well, it shouldn't,” Shona protested. “If anything he should be even more romantic towards you now, considering you are the mother of his two children! Have you tried talking to him about how you feel?”

  “I've tried but I just end up feeling very petty,” Jackie replied. “We have two happy, healthy children, a lovely home and all the material things that money can buy. Colm is a great provider and works so hard. Many women would love to be in my situation with no money worries and a husband who lets her buy whatever she wants. I feel petty when I try to talk to him about romance, which is why I tried organising our dinners out and weekends away together.”

  “There's not much fun in always being the person who organises the romance,” Shona said, shovelling the last of her French fries into her mouth.

  “I know,” Jackie sighed, “anyway let's change the subject. I hate complaining, because, honestly, in the grand scheme of things, I know I have very little to complain about.”

  “Well, no need to change the subject, I've got to dash, lots of paperwork to get through at the office this afternoon.” Shona got to her feet and pulled her jacket on.

  “Ok, have a good afternoon, don't work too hard. I'll call you during the week.” Jackie kissed her sister goodbye.

  Chapter 6

  Shona walked along the busy Dublin street with a spring in her step. She was happy that the status quo had been restored with Mark. They'd had a chat about Penelope and Mark had explained that she was just a pushy model who wanted to get her portfolio done inexpensively.

  He had also promised her that it wouldn't be long until he finally left Rebecca and they could begin their lives together. He told her that he was organising things with his solicitor and accountant and as soon as the details were sorted they could start their lives together, which should be any day now. All was well in her world again.

  It was a perfect sunny late autumn day. September was Shona's favourite time of the year and it was usually the month with the best weather in Ireland. She almost skipped along the street as she walked, admiring her reflection in the shop windows.

  She was glad she'd chosen that particular outfit to wear today. She was wearing a short black skirt, with knee-high black suede stiletto boots and on top she wore a pretty, low-cut, white silk blouse, underneath which you could just about glimpse the delicate lace of her white bra. Mark hadn't been able to keep his hands off her all morning. She smiled to herself as she remembered teasing him earlier.

  Shona swung into M & R Photography studios and got the fright of her life when she saw Rebecca sitting at her desk. They had never met before, but Shona had seen photos of her on Mark's mobile phone. She was much prettier in person, Shona noted in spite of herself. She gulped and made her way cautiously towards the desk, her heart pounding in her chest. She hoped her face wouldn't betray the guilt she felt in her heart.

  Mark looked up when he saw her and said, without missing a beat; “Shona, this is my wife, Rebecca. Darling, this is Shona, my assistant. She's been a great help to me in your absence.” “I'm sure.” Rebecca glanced up coolly from the papers that were strewn all over Shona's desk, and gave Shona a meaningfully slow stare from head to toe. Shona felt unnerved under the other woman's cold gaze.

  “I’m pleased to meet you.” Shona uneasily proffered her hand.

  “Likewise, I'm sure,” Rebecca responded shortly, squeezing her hand tight, making Shona wince slightly.

  “Shona, I'd love a coffee, would you mind putting the kettle on please?” Mark said over his shoulder, as he sat typing at his computer, not even bothering to look in her direction.

  Shona couldn't believe how very unbothered he seemed by the whole situation.

  “I take mine black,” Rebecca didn’t bother to look up or to say please.

  “Sure,” Shona forced an artificially bright smile as she made her way slowly to the kitchen area at the back of the office.

  It was all Shona could do not to get the kettle and mugs and fling them full force at Mark and Rebecca. Condescending bitch! Shona muttered under her breath as she banged about in the kitchen, taking her frustration and pent-up anger out on the cupboard doors.

  "Everything ok in there?" Mark called.

  "Everything’s absolutely perfect; never better!" Shona shouted back in her chirpiest voice, almost scalding herself as she poured boiling hot water into the
mugs. She contemplated spitting in Mark's coffee, but decided not to lower herself.

  "Need a hand?" Mark asked, suddenly appearing beside her.

  Shona jumped when she heard his voice. "What the hell is she doing here?" she hissed as she vigorously stirred the sugar.

  "She happens to be my business partner," Mark looked at her evenly.

  "I thought she was looking after her mother or her sister or someone."

  "Her mother's on the mend now," Mark explained.

  "What's all the whispering about?" Rebecca asked as she took her mug of coffee.

  Shona jumped at her voice.

  "I'm just explaining to Shona that even though you'll be back to work soon, her job is safe. There's plenty of work for everyone and we need the extra help anyway," Mark replied smoothly. "Yes, of course," Rebecca smiled sweetly at Shona, "having you here will allow Mark and I to spend more quality time together."

  She leaned in and kissed Mark full on the lips. Shona could feel a murderous rage building inside her. Mark kissed her back, seeming to enjoy it.

  "Back to work everyone," Mark ushered the two women out of the kitchen.

  "Come and show me everything you've been up to, Shona," Rebecca patted the seat next to her. "Mark tells me you've made some very useful little changes around here."

  Shona had never felt more patronised in her entire life. "I've just made a few small administrative changes. Nothing much really," Shona said, suddenly feeling very nervous.

  "I'd still like to see them.” Rebecca stonily eyed Shona over the top of her mug. Rebecca spent the rest of the afternoon observing Shona.

  Cute little thing, Rebecca thought, I wouldn't have considered her to be Mark's type, but then again I didn't think he would cheat on me either.

  Rebecca couldn't help but compare herself to the other woman. Shona was petite and very slim, whereas Rebecca herself was tall and curvy. Shona had thick, blonde curly hair, whereas Rebecca's hair was quite short and dark. She found herself contemplating adding a few highlights to her own hair, but quickly squashed that notion.


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