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Unfaithful (The Complete Trilogy)

Page 6

by Clancy, Joanne

  "Will I see you again?" Sean asked as she made her way towards the bathroom.

  "Of course," she smiled at him, "that's if you want to see me again."

  "Absolutely.” He threw off the covers and strode purposefully across the room towards her. "Let me help you with your shower.” He pulled her inside and closed the door behind them.

  She laughed excitedly as he turned on the shower tap and adjusted the temperature. He waited several moments until the shower was steamy hot, and then he opened the glass doors and lead her inside. He took the shower hose and let the warm water trickle down the lines of her slender body. He pushed the hose between her legs and increased the water pressure to full volume. She gasped as the hose vibrated against her.

  When he had brought her to the edge of reason with the vibrations he switched tempo and began to soap her body, slowly and carefully. He soaped her breasts and lingeringly soaped her buttocks and between her legs. She moaned with pleasure, feeling the familiar waves building yet again. She took his hardness in her hands and felt him grow at her touch. He pushed her against the shower wall and she wrapped her legs around his buttocks, digging her heels into him and pushing his hardness deep inside her.


  "I'll call you," Jackie said, as she jumped into the taxi outside the hotel. Her face was glowing from her night of passion.


  He leaned in the window to kiss her one last time. She felt like a bit of a tramp still wearing last night's sexy clothes and wished she'd had the foresight to bring an overnight bag with a fresh change of clothes. She hoped none of her neighbours would see her as she got out of the taxi, on the way into her house, but at that particular moment in time, she really didn't care who might see her.

  "Did you have a good night?" the driver asked her, with a smirk on his face.

  "It was a super night.” Jackie grinned cheekily at him.

  "Keep the change," Jackie said, as she paid the driver and ran to her front door.

  She was relieved when she got inside. Neighbourhood watch hadn't spotted her. She made her way into the kitchen and started the coffee machine. Her hangover from the previous night was starting to kick in and they had been too busy to make it downstairs in time for breakfast at the hotel.

  Who needs food when I can have sex like that? She smiled to herself as she poured milk into her steaming strong coffee and savoured her drink, sipping it slowly. A quick glance at the clock on the kitchen wall told her it was half past twelve, two hours until Shona dropped the children home from school. There was plenty of time to get changed and calm down from last night.

  Jackie's mobile phone beeped. It was a text message from Colm.

  "I just got on the plane. I should be home by seven. Love u xxx."

  A pang of guilt stabbed at her when she read her husband's message. She quickly responded to his text with

  "I love u too xxx."

  She decided to put the children to bed early, so that she could enjoy dinner alone with Colm and make a fuss of him. She got out a pen and paper and made a list of food so she could cook her husband his favourite dinner later that evening. Red wine was the first item she put on her list. I think I'll try looking for a bottle of that Chateau Neufe du Pape that I shared with Sean last night, she mused. She smiled to herself as she thought of his name.

  Mushrooms, an aphrodisiac, were next on the list, then baby potatoes, peppercorn sauce, peas and of course fillet steak. Colm enjoyed his steak rare and bloody. Jackie shuddered at the thought. She preferred hers well done. Dessert would be cheese and more wine of course. She ordered the groceries online from Tesco once her list was complete. She didn't feel like rushing around the supermarket.

  Then she had another steaming hot shower and finally changed out of her sexy clothes from the night before and into her favourite, comfortable boyfriend jeans and loose tee-shirt. She pulled her wet hair back into a tight ponytail and spritzed herself with her favourite daytime perfume, Clinique Happy. She adored its summery fragrance. Then she rifled through her makeup bag and put lashings of Yves St Laurent Touch Eclat under the dark circles beneath her eyes.

  The excesses of the previous night hadn't done much for her complexion. She brushed her pinkest blusher on to the apples of her cheeks and added lots of Lancome's Juicy Tubes lip gloss to her lips. Even though her complexion might look a little worse for wear, she had a definite twinkle in her eyes. She winked at herself in the mirror. Then she skipped downstairs and started preparing lunch for the children, who were due home with their Auntie Shona at any minute.

  "Mommy, mommy, I missed you!" Emmet flung himself at his mother, almost sending her flying flat on the floor.

  He really was growing up fast and was getting very strong. She could already see that he'd be tall and athletic like his dad.

  "Hi, darling, I missed you too," Jackie laughed and bent to give her son a big bear hug.

  "Hi munchkin," she looked at Charlotte, her two year old daughter who was cuddled up in her aunt's arms, clutching her pink blankie. She held out her arms to her mother who immediately took her from Shona and inhaled her special baby smell.

  "Hey squiggles, did you miss your old mums?" she nuzzled into her daughter's hair. "Were they well-behaved for you?" Jackie asked Shona as they made their way towards the kitchen.

  "They were an absolute delight, as always," Shona smiled. "Emmet had a nightmare about monkeys coming to get him. He woke up screaming in the middle of the night, so I let him sleep in my bed with me. Charlotte was an angel. She fell asleep around ten o' clock and slept right through the night."

  "Oh, that's great.” Jackie stirred sugar into their tea.

  "So, how was your night?" Shona asked, "I'm surprised you didn't call the kids to say goodnight."

  Jackie stopped in the middle of stirring the tea. Luckily, her back was to Shona so her sister didn't notice her pause. "Yeah, I fell asleep on the couch," was all she could manage to say. "I woke up around half past two with the television blaring some cheesy advertising at me."

  "I suppose you're not used to having an evening off," Shona sympathised.

  "I'll be happy to take them off your hands more often, if you and Colm fancy a romantic night together anytime."

  "Oh, that would be wonderful, thanks Shona," Jackie smiled at her sister, hoping she wouldn't see the guilt in her eyes. "Speaking of romance how's your love life?" she asked cautiously, wanting to deflect attention away from herself.

  "Don't ask," Shona sighed, "you really don't want to know. Let's just say it's as disastrous and dramatic as ever."

  "Oh dear," Jackie said carefully over her tea cup. "No sign of Mark leaving his wife, as promised?"

  "Nope, no sign at all, and what's worse, she's decided to start making her presence felt at the office."

  "What?" Jackie exclaimed.

  "Yep, I almost had a heart attack the other day after we had lunch together. I arrived back to the office only to find Rebecca, Mark's wife, sitting at my desk. I almost collapsed with the shock!"

  "Gosh, that must have been nerve- wracking," Jackie sympathised.

  "Slightly," Shona looked pale even at the memory of it. "She's been covering my shift at the office. I took a half day yesterday and today to mind the kids and she's been looking after my work."

  "Where was Mark?" Jackie asked.

  "He was off on some photographic shoot somewhere," Shona said dismissively.

  "Is he not worried that you'll say anything to Rebecca about you and him?" Jackie asked.

  "No, he’s not worried in the slightest. He knows I still believe he's going to break the news about us to her any day now. So he's safe enough for the moment, but honestly, if he doesn't tell her soon, I'll tell her myself. I'm starting to get impatient with his delaying."

  "You wouldn't dare!" Jackie exclaimed incredulously.

  "I would too dare," Shona insisted. "He swore to me he'd tell her, so for his own sake he'd better follow through. I'm nobody's fancy piece. He doesn't
get to use and abuse me and then drop me when he's had his bit of fun, and go back to playing happy loving families with his wife after he's done with me. I don't think so. If I'm going to suffer, then he can suffer too."

  "What about his wife?" Jackie asked, not believing her sister's bravado, "surely she's the innocent party in all of this."

  "Yes, well, she's not my problem. Her husband is cheating on her. Wouldn't you like to know if Colm was cheating on you?"

  Jackie squirmed slightly in her seat at her sister's direct question. "I suppose," she shrugged. "Anyway, it's up to you, Shona, I'm not going to tell you how to live your life.”

  "Ok, let's just change the subject," Shona pouted. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that and Mark tells her himself."

  "Yes, let's hope so," Jackie agreed. She got up and busied herself with getting the children's lunch. "Who wants crisps and cheese sandwiches?" she called to the children, who were watching cartoons in the sitting room.

  "Yey!" Emmet came running into the kitchen, followed closely by little Charlotte who toddled unsteadily behind him saying "crips, crips."

  Well, I should be heading home.” Shona quickly finished her tea. "I've got a lot of tidying up to do after these two munchkin heads wrecking the joint."

  "I know, it's amazing the amount of mess two small people can make," Jackie shook her head. "They're worth it," Shona kissed Charlotte and gave Emmett a quick hug goodbye.

  "Thanks so much for looking after them," Jackie said gratefully.

  "Anytime, girl, anytime, my pleasure," Shona smiled as she gathered her keys and coat together. Jackie, Emmet and Charlotte went to the front door to wave Shona goodbye, who beeped the horn loudly as she drove away, waving wildly.

  Jackie shooed the children back into the sitting room where they happily resumed watching cartoons. She tidied up the dishes from lunch and checked her mobile phone to see if Sean had texted her. No messages. Then she logged back on to her computer and checked her emails, no new emails.

  Oh well, she thought, it hasn't even been twenty fours since we've seen each other. I suppose he has to play it a bit cool. Anyway, I've plenty to be doing myself. Her thoughts were interrupted by the front door bell ringing. It was the Tesco delivery man. He was laden down with bags and she helped him bring the rest in from his van. She unpacked everything carefully in the cupboards and fridge.

  She opened the bottle of red wine to let it breathe and inhaled its heady aroma. Immediately, she was transported back to the decadence of the previous night. She felt a little thrill run through her body. She closed her eyes for a moment and recalled Sean's delicious kisses and expert hands teasing all over her body.

  "More juice mommy," Emmet asked plaintively. Jackie jumped at the sound of his voice, which made her son laugh. "I scared you," he giggled.

  "You did scare me, you rascal.” She ruffled her son's hair.

  He scampered back into the living room to watch his beloved 'toons, as he called them. "Spiderman's coming on telly, mom," he called from the living room.

  "Ok, darling, that's nice," Jackie called back. She popped her head around the door a few minutes later. Little Charlotte was curled up in a ball on the couch, fast asleep, holding her favourite doll and blankie tight. She picked up her baby daughter and brought her upstairs to her cot. Then she stopped by her bedroom on her way back downstairs and gathered her dirty laundry from the night before, which she hastily flung in the washing machine. She certainly didn't want Colm seeing that outfit. The rest of the afternoon flew by in a haze of housework, helping Emmet with his homework and preparing dinner for herself and Colm later.

  Before she knew it, she was tucking Emmet and Charlotte into their beds and reading them a bedtime story. Emmet and Charlotte were very good children overall, but exceptional when it came to bedtime. They nearly always slept straight through the night, unless they were sick, of course.

  Jackie changed out of her jeans and tee-shirt and into her favourite dress from Coast. The red colour emphasised her dark hair and the wrap style of the dress flattered the slim curves of her figure. She added another coat of Yves St. Laurent Touche Eclat under her eyes and a slick of red lipstick and hurried downstairs, just in time to meet her husband as he put his key in the front door. "Darling," she smiled, opening the door for him. He looked slightly startled to see his wife standing there so suddenly.

  "Darling.” He returned her smile. "You look gorgeous."

  She closed the door behind him and gave him a hug and kiss. He wrapped his arms around her. "This is a wonderful greeting.” He said as he hugged her tight.

  "I love you and I really missed you." She meant it.

  "I love you too," he responded. "Everything ok?" he asked, looking into her eyes.

  "Everything is perfect now that you're home," she smiled, holding his hand as they walked to the kitchen.

  "You look beautiful," he complimented her again, as she busied herself removing their dinner from the oven.

  "Flattery will get you everywhere Mr. Fitzpatrick.” She flirted as she passed him the wine to pour.

  "Chateau Neuf du Pape," he read aloud, "is it a special occasion?"

  "I thought I'd treat us," she smiled as she inhaled the heady aroma of the red wine. She was beginning to feel very aroused again.

  "So what have you been up to since I've been gone?" Colm asked as he tucked into his dinner. "Not much, really," she replied, not making direct eye contact with him, "it was a novelty to have the house to myself for an evening."

  "Oh? Where were the kids?" Colm asked, sounding surprised.

  "Shona offered to look after them," Jackie responded.

  "That's a first.” Colm looked at her curiously.

  "Yeah, she says it's about time she spent more quality time with them. She offered to look after them if we ever want the house to ourselves for a romantic night in or out."

  "That's very generous of her.” Colm mumbled between mouthfuls. They quickly finished the bottle of wine.

  "More wine?" she asked as she cleared the table.

  "Don't mind if I do.” He passed her his wine glass.

  Jackie passed him the second bottle to open while she loaded the dishwasher. She hated leaving dinner dishes until the morning. "Let's drink these in the living room.” She took her husband's hand. They sat beside each other on their large, comfy sofa, sipping wine and chatting. They hadn't spent an uninterrupted evening together in quite a while.

  "We should do this more often.” Colm leaned over to kiss his beautiful wife.

  "We should," she agreed, kissing him passionately.

  "I want you.” Colm looked into her eyes, his voice husky with lust.

  "Well, take me.” She lay back on the couch and pulled him on top of her.

  Chapter 9

  "Breakfast in bed, what have I done to deserve this?" Colm asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He struggled to sit up in bed and took the tray of pain au chocolats with steaming hot coffee from Jackie. He had an addiction to pain au chocolats, which had remained with him from the summers he'd spent in France years ago with his parents and siblings. He told mouth-watering stories about the divine bakeries or “boulangeries“ in France. There was at least one bakery in every village. Colm missed the fresh breads and pastries of France and dreamed one day of retiring there, a dream which Jackie shared.

  He arranged the tray carefully on the bed covers and breathed in the heady scent of the coffee. "I just wanted to spoil you, for a change," Jackie smiled at him, kissing her husband good morning. "You've been working so much lately, and we've barely even seen each other, that I felt like making a fuss of you."

  "Thank you, darling.” Colm tucked into a pain au chocolat with relish.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and chatted to him while he ate.

  "Where's Emmet and Charlotte?" Colm asked after a while. "Emmet's at rugby practice until twelve and Charlotte's finally fallen asleep. She was awake half the night, teething, poor little mite. I'm surprised you didn't he
ar her crying."

  "I slept like a log. I didn't hear a sound all night."

  "I noticed," Jackie smiled indulgently at him.

  "You look tired, why don't you come back to bed for an hour," Colm invited her.

  She took the breakfast tray from him and put it on the vanity unit. Then she untied her black, silk bathrobe and let it fall tantalisingly to the floor, before walking slowly towards her husband. His eyes devoured her naked body, and he could feel himself becoming aroused quickly as he gazed at her. He pulled back the duvet invitingly and she slid in beside him.

  She straddled him while they kissed passionately. She felt him growing rock hard beneath her. She teased him before finally pushing herself onto him. He moaned with the deep wetness of her and grabbed her hips, pushing himself all the way up inside her. Then she gyrated slowly and rhythmically on him.

  "You are so sexy," he whispered as he looked up at her.

  Her long, dark hair tumbled around her shoulders and face. He ran his fingers through the heavy velvet of her hair. Her eyes were closed and her head thrown back as she pleasured herself. Her nipples were swollen and pink. He tweaked them lightly and suckled them gently, feeling them become even more erect in his mouth.

  He ran his fingers down her stomach. She took his hand and guided him lower, moving his fingers in steady circles between her legs. She soon exploded her hot juices all over him. She continued rocking until he climaxed inside her. They both lay back on the covers, damp with sweat from their heady lovemaking.

  "That was amazing, darling.” He reached for her hand.

  "I love you," she whispered, as she cuddled up next to him.

  "I love you too," he replied. He stroked his wife's hair as she lay in his arms.

  Even though they had just made love, there was something about it that him feel uneasy. It was almost as if Jackie hadn't been there. Of course, she had been physically there, but not emotionally. It had been years since she had taken the initiative in bed, and as much as he had enjoyed it, he vaguely wondered why. Usually, she waited for him to initiate sex and seemed happy with their usual missionary position. Stop being ridiculous, he scolded himself silently, your wife has just made passionate love to you, what are you complaining about? He dismissed his doubts from his mind and hugged Jackie closer.


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