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Page 5

by K. D. Jones

  “No thank you. I’m here with someone.”

  “He should never have left such a beautiful woman all alone. Someone could steal her away. What’s your name?”

  She didn’t answer him. Something didn’t feel right about this guy. He was looking at her but with a calculating look in his eyes. It wasn’t like the normal looks she would get from guys who just wanted her for her body. There was more in this look; it was purposeful, dark, and . . . dangerous.

  He smiled. “You’re being cautious. I get that. What about your date, what’s his name? He’s one of the GCFA fighters, right? How often does he work out? He’s a droid halfise, right?”

  “I’m sorry, but I need to go find my date.” She stood up and started to walk to the bar, hoping the strange man would take the hint and leave. It bothered her that he was asking so many questions about Maxim. But he reached out and grabbed her arm, squeezing hard.

  “Let go of my arm,” she said firmly. She didn’t yell because she didn’t want to draw attention to herself, especially with reporters swarming everywhere.

  The man stepped up close to her and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Beautiful Alona. You’re too good for Maxim. Soon I’ll take care of him, then you will be all mine.” He let her go and disappeared into the crowd.

  Alona was stunned, frozen in place. She watched him as he disappeared in the crowd. Had he just threatened her? Did he know Maxim somehow? Something told her that the stranger was connected to Maxim somehow. She shivered with dread. There was something seriously wrong with that guy. She would have to seek out Rachel, the head of ship security for the GCFA, and let her know about the guy.

  “Alona? Are you okay?”

  She blinked as Maxim carried their drinks over to their table. “What?”

  “You’re standing up. Did you need something?” He set the drinks on the table.

  “I’m fine, just heading to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” She started to walk around him, but he stepped in front of her.

  He sniffed her. “Was there someone here with you?”

  “Um . . . some guy asked me to dance. I said no.”

  “He touched you.” He reached out and gently lifted her arm. Her delicate skin was marred by a set of red fingerprints. He frowned. “He marked you and hurt you.”

  “It’s nothing. He grabbed me too tightly.”

  “Who was he?” Maxim lifted her arm up so that he could sniff the red marks. There was something familiar about the other man’s scent. When he found the man, he was going to teach him a lesson. No man with a shred of decency would hurt a woman, especially one that Maxim cared for.

  “I don’t know him, I’ve never seen him before. He was kind of weird.”

  “Weird how?”

  “Nothing. I just want to forget about him altogether. Let me go to the bathroom.” She walked away from him quickly, before he could ask any more questions. She had been really shaken up by the stranger, and the way he had said she would be his left her scared as well. If Maxim knew how scared she was, she had no doubt he would try to hunt the guy down.

  She splashed some water on her face and used the facilities. She felt much better walking back to the table. Maxim stood up and held the chair out for her. How sweet. He really was kind and attentive. Why was there no woman in his life? He deserved to have someone who would appreciate him.

  “Why are you frowning?” Maxim asked as he sat down next to her.

  “I was just wondering why you didn’t have a girlfriend.”

  “I dated a few times after I was converted into a droid halfsie. The women seemed intrigued with me at first, but then they expected me to suddenly change and be more emotional. When I couldn’t provide what they needed, they moved on.”

  She reached out to take his hand. “I’m so sorry. They were idiots to not realize how wonderful you are.” Oh . . . did I say that out loud?

  He gave her a very suggestive smile. She felt the heat rise to her cheeks. He licked his lips and she felt her panties grow wet immediately. Did he know what he was doing to her?

  “Would you like to leave?” Maxim asked in a deeper voice. There was intent there. It made her curious about just how much experience Maxim had with other women.

  “Yes,” she whispered back. Her whole body felt tingly. He wasn’t just asking her to leave and she wasn’t just agreeing to leave. There was so much sexual tension between them it wouldn’t have surprised her if the mirrors of the club started steaming up. He held the chair out so that she could stand back up.


  As soon as they stepped outside the dance club, flashes went off in their faces again. Maxim tucked her under his arm and guided her to the nearest elevator. Thank God Nigel had security there to keep the reporters from trying to get on the elevator with them. As soon as the doors to the elevator were closed, Alona breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Did that crowd of reporters get bigger since we went in the club?”

  Maxim nodded. “Yes. Are you okay?” He touched her cheek gently. Where was all this touchy-feely stuff coming from? It wasn’t like him at all. He did a quick internal check, but everything was fine. His blood pressure was up a little, but that reaction might have been due to the fact that he was touching her soft skin. The blood seemed to be rushing straight to his cock.

  “Maxim,” Alona moaned as he leaned forward and took her mouth in a searing kiss.

  She tasted so damn good. He wanted to kiss and lick every luscious inch of her. He pushed his body against hers, moving her backwards until her back was against the wall of the elevator. Her arms were around his neck, and his hands sought her hips, pulling her until he could wedge himself between her thighs. So good, so . . . “Mine,” he growled out without realizing it. But Alona suddenly froze.

  He pulled back to look down at her. Some of the desire had left her eyes. “Alona, what’s wrong?”

  Maxim frowned. Something had happened. One moment they were kissing in the elevator. It was fantastic. Then all of a sudden she pulled away from him. She seemed scared. Her pulse was racing and her breathing was a little erratic. Did he do something wrong?

  Truthfully, she was still acting shaken up after the encounter with the stranger. He wished she would tell him more about the guy. He wanted to press her for more details, but the door to the elevator opened as they reached her floor.

  “Nothing’s wrong. We’ve here.” She quickly left the elevator.

  He watched her open the door to her suite and then she turned in the entrance, preventing him from entering with her. She seemed to look at him warily. “I had a great time tonight, Maxim.”

  “I enjoyed our time together as well. Maybe we could spend a little more time alone inside your suite.” He made the suggestion hopefully, giving her what he thought was a seductive smile.

  “I’m sorry, not tonight. I’m a little tired.” She closed the door behind her.

  He waited until he heard the locks. Damn it. If he could have kissed her just once more, he might have been able to convince her to let him inside for the night. But she really did seem nervous.

  Maxim wanted to punch something. He had no idea what had happened. They were kissing, and he knew she had enjoyed that just as much as he had, so why did she suddenly pulled away? He knew enough about Alona to know that she wasn’t teasing him or anything. She hadn’t acted right since that man had bothered her at the dance club. Something had happened she didn’t want to tell him about. But he was determined he would find out, one way or the other. No one messed with his woman.

  Alona leaned against the door and sighed. She had wanted to invite him inside so badly. He really turned her on. They were all over each other in the elevator, but the moment he had said the word “mine,” her passion had fled. It was the same tone as the stranger had used. She knew the two men were nothing alike. The stranger seemed brutally aggressive and a little unhinged. Maxim may lose his temper on rare occasions, but he was quick to get it under control. She didn’t fear Maxi
m, but the stranger made her worried not only for her safety, but for Maxim’s as well. Tomorrow she would talk to Rachel about the stranger.


  Soren watched as they left the dance club. He glared at the bane of his existence . . . Maxim. What was so damn special about the man that the doctor wanted him so much, would apparently do anything to get his hands on him?

  He snorted. Maxim wasn’t any different from him. He hated the man for leading such a sheltered and privileged life. Even the woman he was dating was too good for him. The life and woman should have been his. But instead, Maxim got everything good, while Soren still suffered at the hands of their creator. But that was about to change. He was going to get everything that was coming to him, including the blond woman with the killer body. He couldn’t wait.

  Chapter 7

  The next day

  Maxim walked with Zen through the GCFA ship lobby, heading to the conference room they used for the press. He was supposed to answer the reporters’ questions about his upcoming fight. Zen was going to be his partner in the pairs match. Halfway through the lobby, a reporter called out his name. He stopped to quickly let the guy know he was on his way to the conference room.

  “Maxim! How does it feel to know you have competition?”

  Maxim frowned. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Another man was making moves on Alona while she was supposed to be on a date with you. How does it make you feel?” He thrust a newspaper at Maxim.

  Maxim opened the page and frowned at the image he saw. Some man had his hands on Alona and it appeared they were kissing. When the hell did that happen? She never said she kissed the guy.

  “What is it?” Zen asked, trying to reach for the paper.

  But Maxim ripped it to shreds and threw it at the reporter. He turned to head in the opposite direction from the conference room. He ignored Zen calling after him. The reporter chased after Maxim and jumped in front of him.

  “Do you have anything to say? Did you know she was seeing someone else? Do you know who the other man is? Is it because you’re not man enough for her?” the reporter asked rudely.

  Maxim growled at him and pushed him out of his way. He didn’t know where these emotions were coming from, but he was not just mad, he was feeling . . . enraged.


  Alona circled Isis in their morning practice match. As far as size went, Isis was the closest to her height. Though they were pretty evenly matched, Alona had to watch out for the Isian halfsie. It wasn’t just her fighting skills that were a problem; Isis could freeze a person if she puts her hand on them. So Alona had to keep her distance while finding ways to land her kicks and punches. Harder to do than one would think.

  “So how was the dancing?” Roxy asked from the sidelines. She sounded impatient as she stood waiting for her turn.

  “It was fine.” Alona had already gotten a morning phone call from Maya to interrogate her over what happened. She left out the details of their kissing and of the stranger that showed up. The kissing was private and she wanted to keep it private. The stranger issue was one she wanted to forget about. But she knew she still had to go see Rachel about it.

  “Is that all? Just fine? Maxim must have been a bad kisser then,” Roxy commented.

  Alona lost focus and turned to glare at Roxy. The red-haired beauty was always pushing people’s buttons. “He is a great kisser. Don’t go spreading rumors about Maxim or I will sic Zara on your ass.” Roxy looked over at the cage where Zara was fighting with Gana and paled. The woman was definitely scared of the Amazon fighter.

  “I was just being friendly.” Roxy pouted.

  Alona turned to Isis. “Do you mind?”

  Isis smiled and moved off the fighting mat. “Help yourself.”

  Roxy frowned when Alona motioned for Roxy to come forward. “Wait, I’m supposed to practice after you’re done with Isis.”

  “We’re done, aren’t we, Isis?”

  “Yes, we are. I have a . . . crap. Roxy can take over for me,” Isis agreed.

  Roxy squared off her shoulders as she approached the mat warily. She could take Alona. The woman was all blond and no brawn. She giggled.

  Alona narrowed her eyes at Roxy. She knew exactly what the other woman was thinking. Everyone thought the same thing when they looked at Alona. A pretty face, blond hair, big boobs, small waist, and curvy hips. She looked more like a porn actress more than she did a cage fighter. But then, she knew how to handle people who thought that way. She showed them just how wrong they were.

  “You better be ready, Roxy, Alona’s fast,” Isis called out from the sidelines.

  Roxy snorted. “Please, I’m a Felon halfsie. She’s not faster . . .” She didn’t see Alona move at all. She was knocked backwards when Alona jumped in the air and did a spinning back kick into her stomach.

  “Hey! I wasn’t ready.”

  “Then maybe you need to stop smack talking and focus on what you’re supposed to be doing,” Isis told her.

  Roxy glared at Isis. “Shut up, Isis.” She turned to face Alona and flexed her arms over her head, showing her flexibility. “You’re going to be hurting when we’re done, beauty queen.”

  Alona snorted. “Bring it on, kitty cat.”

  They circled each other, each throwing a punch. To Roxy’s credit, the Felon halfsie moved quickly and quietly. Alona had to keep her eyes on Roxy. One moment she would be moving really slowly, then she would suddenly leap at her.

  “Omph!” Alona was knocked back when Roxy leaped at her and Alona was too slow in dodging. Damn it, this would not do. Time to show Roxy want an Arian halfsie can do. When the red-haired woman leaped at her again, she jumped as well, but then seemed to hang there, almost floating. She blocked Roxy, taking her down to the floor. She landed on top and pinned the other woman. “Ready to give up?”

  Roxy hissed at her. “I don’t give up.”

  Alona smiled. “I don’t either.”

  Suddenly, the doors to the training facility banged open and Nigel stormed in, followed by his assistant, a timid little human named Amelia. Alona got up off of Roxy and turned to face Nigel curiously. His assistant was trying to calm him down.

  “Now Nigel, you have to remember your blood pressure,” Amelia admonished, running to keep up with his long strides.

  He glared back at her. “I don’t have high blood pressure!”

  “You will if you keep acting like this.”

  Nigel rolled his eyes and tried to ignore the irritating little woman. He stopped right in front of Alona. “We need to have an emergency meeting right now. You, me, and Maxim.”

  “Why?” Alona had never seen Nigel so flustered.

  Amelia handed her a newspaper. Alona flipped it open to the main page and felt herself go weak-kneed. “Oh God.” A reporter had taken a picture of Alona and the stranger at the club. It had been taken at the exact moment the stranger leaned down to whisper in her ear and the angle of the picture made it appear as if the man were kissing her. Even worse, though, was the caption: “A Fickle Princess. Maxim the Cyborg is going to have to step up his game if he plans to keep the beautiful Alona. There’s another man competing for the cool blonde's heart. Who will win the ultimate prize?” What the fuck! She wasn’t a damn prize to be won.

  “What is it?” Roxy tried to look over Alona’s shoulder but Alona flipped the newspaper closed quickly.

  “Has Maxim seen this yet?” Alona asked Nigel with concern.

  “Yes, about thirty minutes ago. He was headed to do an interview with Zen on their upcoming fight tomorrow night and a reporter asked him how he felt about having another man to compete with for your affection. When Maxim asked him what he meant, the reporter showed him the article. Maxim ripped the paper up and stormed away, missing his interview.”

  Nigel reached for Alona’s arm. She winced as he grabbed the same spot that the man from the dance club had bruised. She followed Nigel out of the gym. “Amelia is going to have Maxim meet us at your
suite. We need to discuss how we’re going to handle this situation.” Amelia was already on the phone behind them calling Maxim.

  “How mad is he?” Alona asked once they got into the elevator. She rubbed the bruise on her arm.

  Amelia snorted. “Nigel or Maxim?”

  “Maxim.” Alona frowned.

  Amelia whispered to her because Nigel was on his phone now. “Let’s just say that the paper wasn’t the only thing that got ripped. When the reporter continued asking questions, Maxim shoved him out of the way.”

  “That doesn’t sound too bad.” Alona sighed with relief.

  “He shoved the reporter hard, without holding back any of his strength. Our security people intervened quickly, but now we have a huge mess to clean up.” Amelia moved over to Nigel, interrupting his phone call by tugging his sleeve.

  Nigel glared down at her. “What?”

  “Calm down. You’re going to break your phone again.”

  Nigel growled at her, but he did take a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. Alona watched the whole interaction, fascinated. It was amazing that this rather weak-looking human, with her curly brown hair pulled into a tight bun, could elicit such heated responses from Nigel. Amelia wore dark, thick glasses that normally would make most people overlook her, but if you looked right at her, you could see that her eyes were a very deep blue, very pretty. But it wasn’t her looks that dumbfounded Alona, it was how she easily ordered one of the most influential men involved with the GCFA around. She wondered if there was a romantic connection between the two, but then dismissed the thought. Nigel didn’t seem like the type

  They got off at Alona’s floor on and walked down the hall. Maxim was already there, leaning against the wall next to her door. He gave Alona brief, detached look and turned his attention to Nigel. “I didn’t hit the reporter, just gave him a push to move him out of my way.”

  Nigel held up his hand. “We’ll discuss this inside where it is more private.” He stood to the side so Alona could open her suite door and enter. She stood by her sofa nervously. Everyone else followed her in and Amelia shut the door. Everyone remained silent for a few seconds. When Maxim looked at Alona again, there was hurt in his eyes. She couldn’t take seeing that look.


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