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Dark Moon Crossing (Kendall O'Dell Mystery series)

Page 1

by Sylvia Nobel




  Deadly Sanctuary

  The Devil’s Cradle

  Seeds of Vengeance



  A Romantic Suspense Novel

  Published by

  Nite Owl Books

  Phoenix, Arizona







  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2002 by Sylvia Nobel

  2ND Printing January 2004

  E-Book Edition Publication Date: June, 2009

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the publisher.

  For information, contact Nite Owl Books

  4040 E. Camelback Road, #101

  Phoenix, Arizona 85018-2736

  (602) 840-0132


  FAX (602) 957-1671


  ISBN 978-0-9661105-0-0

  Cover Design by

  ATG Productions, LLC

  Christy A. Moeller –

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2001099370



  The author wishes to acknowledge the invaluable assistance of the following people:

  Miguel Baldenegro, U.S. Border Patrol, Intel Asst.

  Lawrence J. Koep, M.D.

  Russell Ahr, Sp Asst. to the District Dir. For INS in Phoenix, AZ

  Laura C. Fulginiti, Forensic Anthropologist

  Sharon Loggia, CRC, Donor Network of Arizona

  Harold Perlman, Pharmacist

  Dr. Bob Koch, DVM

  John and Mary Hays, Arizona Ranchers

  Tom, Margaret & Cynthia Rigden, Arizona Ranchers

  Elizabeth B. Lewis, Ph.D, Historian, Journalist, Author


  Christopher R. McAllister, U.S. Border Patrol Intel Agent

  Roy Z. Pierce, Jr., U.S. Border Patrol, Sr. Patrol Agent

  Donna Jandro and Tina Williams, Editorial Services

  Brandon Williams, Computer Consulting

  Chris Lovelace, Systems Engineer

  Courtney Lovelace, PR

  Kelly Scott-Olson and Christy A. Moeller,

  ATG Productions, Phoenix, AZ

  Extra special thanks to:

  My ever patient husband, Jerry, for accompanying me on exhaustive research trips and putting up with me


  Retired Police Captain and U.S. Border Patrol Intelligence Assistant, Mike Baldenegro, for his advice and immeasurable assistance during the researching and writing of this book.


  my loving family

  and wonderful friends

  Thanks for your encouragement


  A scant fifteen minutes had elapsed since my vacation had officially started and my purse was ringing already. I stifled a sigh of irritation and dug the phone out, glancing at the number on the display screen. “Too late!” I muttered, dropping it onto the passenger seat. “I’m not answering.” I cranked up the volume on the radio, tightened my grip on the steering wheel and headed across the desert towards the imposing monolith of Castle Rock. The ragged peaks, now glowing a peachy-coral in the late afternoon sunlight, cut a serrated pattern across a sky of clear sapphire blue.

  Considering I’d had no more than a handful of days off since I’d taken the job at the Castle Valley Sun seven months ago, I was psyched, I was jazzed, and I was in no mood to tackle even one more problem, no matter how small. For two whole wonderful weeks there would be no copy to write, no deadlines and no employee issues. Whatever it was would just have to wait until Tugg could handle it on Monday.

  The phone chirped a few more times and then quit. Good. My dad always said to be careful what you wish for and he was dead-on right, as usual. Along with the newly acquired notebook computer, the handy little cell phone had been on my ‘must have’ list for months and, in theory, was supposed to make my life easier. It had in many ways, but it was also a royal pain in the butt. Being accessible ‘twenty-four seven’ wasn’t exactly what I’d had in mind.

  I hummed along with the upbeat melody, swung onto Lost Canyon Road and headed home, my mind busy with the details of my upcoming trip to California with Tally. A chill of delight shot down my spine at the thought of just the two of us spending some much-needed R & R in a new setting away from the pressures of work. He’d promised that we’d take time out from the horse show to spend at least one day at the beach. I could hardly wait to bask in the cool sea breeze. I’d survived my first sizzling summer and so far, was less than impressed with what was loosely described as autumn in Arizona. Back home in Pennsylvania, there would be a frosty nip in the air and the forested hills would be a breathtaking tapestry of crimson and gold. But as I drove through the cactus and rock-strewn desert, there was nothing to hint that it was the second week of October, except it was a little less hot.

  At that moment the jaunty voice of the radio announcer cut into my thoughts with the optimistic declaration that a weather change was definitely on the way—for sure, this time, he insisted. Right. Predictions of rain by effusive TV meteorologists had been bandied about for weeks, but I hadn’t seen anything even remotely resembling a cloud since the last summer storm had swept through town six weeks ago dumping an inch of rain in less than an hour.

  The phone jingled again. Damn! I should have powered it off. The office number showed on the screen again. I debated a few seconds, then pushed the button and said in a mechanical monotone, “You have reached the cell number for Kendall O’Dell. She is currently in holiday mode and cannot comprehend anything you may say in reference to work. Please refer all problems to Morton Tuggs. Thank you.”

  There was an extended silence and then I heard Ginger mutter, “Well, I’ll be a dimpled duck’s butt. Now I’ve heard everything.”

  I couldn’t help bursting into laughter.

  “Sugar, is that you‌”

  “Yeah, it’s me. But whatever it is, I don’t want to hear it.”

  “Well, good gravy, girl, don’t get yourself all in a snit,” she said, giggling. “I just called to remind you to bring that big ol’ ice bucket and pretty red-flowered tablecloth to the party tonight.”

  “I won’t forget. You still need me there before six‌”

  “I’ve got a million and two things left to do, so I could use a little extra help getting things ready and…could you hang on a second while I grab the other line‌”

  She clicked off and I smiled to myself. Ginger could always find an excuse to throw a party. Get a new car‌ She’d have a party. Relatives visiting from out of state‌ Why not celebrate‌ This evening’s shindig was the official welcome for our new reporter, Walter Zipp, who’d thankfully come aboard less than three weeks ago after a fruitless four-month search. His reasons for moving to Castle Valley were rather vague, something about caring for his wife’s elderly aunt. In light of his impressive credentials, it was surprising when he didn’t blink at the sizeable salary cut. But, considering the circumstances, I sure wasn’t about to argue with him.

  “Okee dokee,
” she sighed, coming back on the line again. “Could you do me one more favor and pick up a couple of bags of ice‌”

  “I thought that was Lupe’s responsibility.”

  “I don’t even know if she’s coming for sure,” Ginger grumbled. “And here I was really counting on her homemade enchiladas for the main dish.”

  “What’s the problem‌ Is she sick‌”

  “She says no, but something’s bothering her. She’s been real quiet and keeping to herself. But, most important, she ain’t been laughing at my jokes the past couple of days.”

  I smiled to myself. “This does sound serious.”

  Completely missing my quip, she continued, “I know it. Her eyes were all puffy and red when she came in this morning and when I asked her about it, she clammed up tighter than a Mason jar lid. Right after you left, some woman called asking for her and two seconds later, she skedaddled out of here, looking real worried and mumbling something about maybe not being able to make it tonight.”

  That had to be bugging Ginger big time. She made it her mission in life to keep close tabs on everyone’s business. Secrets drove her to distraction. But, her news was unsettling. Lupe Alvarez was one of our most dependable employees, and one of only two people capable of handling both classified and display advertising. She was always on time for work, eager for overtime hours and, since I’d been at the Sun, had never once left early. On weekends, she maintained housekeeping and babysitting jobs as well. Oh boy. The last thing I needed was a personnel crisis just before leaving town.

  “I’ll give her a call when I get to the house,” I said, watching a roadrunner skim across the road in front of me and disappear into a cluster of creosote bushes. “Maybe I can find out what’s wrong.”

  “Thanks, sugar. See you in a few.”

  Within ten minutes, I was standing barefoot on the cool terra cotta tile in my living room checking for phone messages. My parents had called and Tally was going to be late getting to the party because of some problem at the ranch. The rest were hang-ups.

  I looked up Lupe’s home number and dialed. Busy signal. Good grief. She must be among the handful of people left on earth without call waiting. I shed my clothes all the way into the bedroom and stuffed them into the hamper. I couldn’t put it off any longer. The mountain of laundry had to be done before I could even begin packing the suitcases that stood beside my bed. A quick shower refreshed me and after I’d zipped myself into a sleeveless cotton jumpsuit, I lugged the hamper to the kitchen, started a load of wash and then set out the ice bucket and tablecloth before trying Lupe’s number again. This time it rang.


  “Lupe, this is Kendall. Ginger told me you left work early. Is everything okay‌”

  A long hesitation. “I…I had to take care of some…personal business.”

  “So, you’re not sick‌”


  “Good.” Did I detect a hint of wariness in her voice‌ “Ginger says you may not be coming to the party tonight‌”

  There was another drawn out silence. “Oh…well, no, I mean, I suppose I can come for a little while.”

  “That’s great. So, you’re still bringing enchiladas and picking up ice‌”


  “You’re sure everything is okay‌ Is there anything you want to talk about‌”

  “No! I mean…it is nothing important. See you there.” Click.

  My reporter’s antenna vibrated as I cradled the phone. Hmmm. Normally, she was outgoing and talkative. Today, however, not only did her voice sound lackluster, I detected an undertone of distress. Disturbing. And then I stopped myself, remembering the promise I’d made myself earlier to put all concerns of the job and my co-workers on the back burner for the next two weeks. Maybe it would be better to find out what was bugging her before I left town though, so my mind would be at ease.

  By the time I arrived at Ginger’s faded pink adobe house an hour later, Walter Zipp’s dented green Bronco was already parked next to our co-worker Jim’s sassy little Toyota truck. I smiled to myself. They’d been assigned to bring the ingredients to make margaritas and I had a feeling they’d gotten the party off to an early start. Walter would be enjoying a bachelor’s night out, having explained earlier that his wife would be unable to join him since she opted to stay with her ailing aunt.

  A foot-stomping country tune was wafting out the screen door as I paused to pet Ginger’s fluffy gray and white cat. “Hey there, Churchill,” I murmured, when he threw himself down and rolled over to invite me to scratch his tummy. “I’ve been thinking a lot about adopting one of you furry felines. Maybe when I get back from the coast, huh‌”

  “How about you take him with you right after the party‌”

  I looked up to see Ginger’s younger brother, Brian, standing at the door with a devilish grin plastered on his face. I took the bait. “Really‌ You think Ginger would be okay with that‌”

  “No, but it would sure be fine with me…” Several sharp barks interrupted his sentence as his grandmother, Nona, rolled up beside him in her wheelchair. Her little brown dog, standing stiff-legged on her lap, glared daggers at the cat. “…and I’m positive Suzie would be more than happy to see him gone too,” Brian concluded, shouting over the shrill yipping. Churchill rose, leveled a look of disdain at the watery-eyed pooch, and with a regal air, sashayed away, tail aloft. I smiled. The cat had attitude.

  “Well, if it isn’t Miss Kinsey O’Dale.” The old woman’s eyes sparkled with mischief as Brian swung the screen door open for me. True to the many years she’d spent as a Broadway actress, and well known for her outlandish theatrics, she was predictably overdressed for the occasion in a red sequined dress and matching hat adorned with two enormous white ostrich feathers.

  Grinning, I leaned down and planted a kiss on her brightly rouged cheek. “Hi, Nona, great to see you too.” Hard of hearing, she’d called me ‘candle’ the first time we’d met and since then, seemed to delight in finding some new way to mispronounce my name. The little game amused both of us.

  “Sis is out on the patio having a major coronary,” Brian said, pointing towards the kitchen. “Jim and that new guy are no help at all. They’ve been chugging margaritas for the last half hour.”

  I gave him a wry smile. “Hey, that’s okay. It’s taken us forever to get somebody to sign on at the paper, so we sure don’t want to scare him off. Let ‘em have a good time, I’ll help out.”

  He wheeled Nona away from the door and back in front of the TV as I entered Ginger’s cluttered kitchen. I shook my head in amazement at the tower of unwashed dishes in the sink. Plastic grocery bags were scattered everywhere and a jumble of paper plates, cups, napkins, pop and liquor bottles covered every available square inch of counter space. Ginger was way ahead of me in the worst housekeeper category. At least I washed the dishes every couple of days.

  “Oh, there you are,” she said, rushing through the patio door, looking totally frazzled. “I guess I’m running a tad behind.”

  “You should have orange traffic cones posted at the doorway to warn people. It looks downright dangerous in here,” I said with a laugh, pushing aside tortilla chip bags to set the ice bucket down. “Here’s the tablecloth. I’ll wash these dishes and then you can tell me what else needs to be done.”

  “Bless your little heart,” she crooned, pushing a damp strand of strawberry blonde hair away from her freckled face. ‘I don’t know what I’m gonna to do about getting some more food. How fast could you whip up a passel of enchiladas‌”

  I made a face at her. “Right. Betty Crocker, I’m not. Just chill, okay‌ I called Lupe. She says she’ll be here.”

  Ginger clasped her hands and rolled her eyes heavenward. “Thank you dear Lord.”

  It took every second of the next hour, but between Ginger, myself and Brian we managed to get the chairs and buffet table set up outside, light the candles, and start a cheery fire in the clay chimenea before we attacked the mess in the kit
chen. Jim and Walter lounged outside the open door in lawn chairs cracking jokes and supervising our activities. They were well into the second pitcher of margaritas as twilight set in and the rest of the newspaper staff and their families began to arrive.

  “Bet you can hardly wait to get away on your trip with Tally,” Ginger said, edging me a coy smile as we spooned salsa and guacamole into hand-painted bowls. “You gonna wear that sexy new bathing suit you bought in Phoenix last week‌”

  I winked. “That was my plan.”

  “Ah, romance,” she sighed, delicately fanning her face. “I’m tickled pink to know you two ain’t scrappin’ no more about you doing that Morgan’s Folly story.”

  I shot her a meaningful look. “He hasn’t mentioned it this week…so far anyway.”

  Ginger tossed the empty salsa bottle in the trash. “Well, sugar, you can’t blame him for being a mite peeved. You should’ve told him what happened right away.”

  A mite peeved was putting it mildly. “I know, I know. I’ve done my utmost to make it up to him these past couple of months and I think things are finally getting back to normal. We both need a break from the office routine and…other things. I think this is just what the doctor ordered.”

  “Where is our handsome cowboy, anyway‌” Ginger asked, scooping up the bowls.

  “He said he’d be late. Some kind of trouble at the ranch.”

  “Not problems with his Ma again‌”

  I grimaced. “No, thank goodness, it’s not Ruth this time. I don’t know. It has something to do with a couple of his ranch hands. What about Doug‌” I inquired, referring to her current companion. “Why isn’t he here‌”

  “He’s bartending at a private party over at the tennis ranch.”

  “Too bad, we could have used an extra hand,” I remarked, tossing empty tortilla chip bags into the trash.


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