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Wolf Detective (She-Shifters of Hell's Corner Book 2)

Page 45

by Ayers, Candace

  Bree wasn't much of a runner, but she'd do the best she could. "What about your clothes?" she asked. He looked towards a tree and Bree nodded. She gathered them up and placed them behind a tree hidden in shadows. When she turned back, Jakob was sprinting ahead of her .

  "Wait for me!" she squealed, and ran after him. He was just out of her range of vision when two men stepped in front of her, blocking her path .

  "Hello sexy mama," one man said, his hair long and dark .

  "What’s a nice girl like you doing running through parks alone at night?" asked his freckled companion. His hair was red with wild waves of blonde running through it. He was holding something in his hand. It shimmered in the moonlight, and Bree recognized the outline of a knife .

  "Make it easy on yourself and do exactly what we say, and you’ll come out of this alive?" the dark man said .

  Bree tried to scream, but it caught in her throat. The two men advanced towards her, not wasting time. Bree turned to run. Just then, the lion appeared. His lips drew back, revealing fangs that could puncture a brick .

  "What the—" the freckled man said, holding up his knife, “Easy there, fella .”

  Jakob had no intention of easing up. The desire to protect his mate was too primal, Jakob leapt at them. The blade of the knife was short, but it dug into Jakob's shoulder as he jumped at the man. That didn’t stop him from digging his teeth into the man's arm. The freckled man raged and flailed .

  Bree watched, horrified. There was nothing she could do. She hated feeling helpless. The dark man jumped at Jakob, but when Jakob turned his attention to him the man fled. The freckled man tried to limp away but Jakob ripped his thigh apart and let him drop, then ran after the other one. They were too far off for Bree to see. All she could do was listen—human screams and lion roars. It seemed like an eternity. Please be okay please be okay. Finally, Jakob staggered back into sight. He ran to her, licking her face with his bloodied muzzle, then transformed back into a human .

  Bree threw her arms around him, and Jakob held her tight .

  * * *

  "A re you sure you're okay?" Bree asked for the thirtieth time .

  Jakob was touched by her concern, but assured her that he was fine. She eyed him suspiciously, but had to admit that the wounds he'd suffered were nearly gone. It had only been an hour since the attack .

  "What about you?" Jakob asked. She handed him coffee and nuzzled next to him on her couch .

  "Me? I'm fine. Thanks to you." She reached out her hand and let it rest in his. He intertwined his fingers with hers .

  "You're not at all upset by the shifting ?"

  "Hell no!" Bree sat up and looked hard at him. "I think it's amazing. I would never have believed it if I hadn't seen it. How did it happen? Were you bitten, like a werewolf ?"

  Jakob thought Bree looked especially cute when she got excited like this. "No. I wasn't bitten, I was born into it, but my great-great-grandfather was. The trait has since passed down ."

  "That's amazing! Do your brothers have it to? What about your mom? Can girls be were lionesses ?"

  "We prefer the term shifter, lion shifter. It's much rarer to find a female shifter who has lion abilities, but not unheard of. My brothers are brothers not in the human sense, but that we all belong to the same pride ."

  "Can I meet them ?"

  "Of course. Once we're married, you'll be an important part of our family. You already are, in many ways, but once we are mated, even more so. A King’s mate is almost as important as he is ."

  “King? What do you mean King? You mean… you’re a… a King ?”

  Jakob nodded. “Once we’re married, you will be a Queen .”

  Bree was quiet. Jakob wished he could read her mind. With his pride, he nearly could. Not always, but when it was important he could pluck their thoughts from their head. Bree's lips formed a slight pout; the red from earlier this evening had faded to a solid pink that Jakob found delicious. He leaned across Bree's couch to taste her but she put one hand on his chest, preventing him .

  "I can't marry you," she said. "I mean, maybe... maybe one day ." Just referring to marriage as a possibility at all was enough for Bree to hyperventilate, but now he’s saying that marrying him would place her in a position of royalty .

  "But why wait? Nothing will change. I'll always love you. Please, don’t say no, at least consider it ."

  Bree nodded to appease him, but in her heart, she didn't think she could do it. Jakob just didn't get it. He may be her mate, but everything in her life had taught her not to trust love. If he knew her parents, he might feel differently. She bolted upright on the couch and threw her hands out to the side, smacking Jakob's nose .

  "Ouch," he said .

  "I'm sorry. I just remembered..." The look of horror on her face alarmed Jakob. His shifter senses immediately rushed into overdrive, alert for any sign of danger .

  "What is it?" he asked, standing and searching her small apartment .

  "I... I told my parents you were my date for their anniversary party." Jakob turned and stared at her, she was almost hyperventilating .

  "Of course I am, and I would love to meet your parents," Jakob said, thinking that would calm her .

  "Oh God," she moaned, almost like she was sick. "It's gonna be a nightmare ."


  B ree's phone started buzzing around nine. She had just walked into her office and was greeting the day with a white chocolate latte and cinnamon roll. She glanced down and saw her mother's phone number. There was no reason to talk to her mother so early in the day. That was the last thing she needed after the shock of last night which hadn’t worn off at all .

  Jakob had sat on the couch with her for a while after agreeing to go to her parent's party, but Bree couldn't relax and enjoy herself. Jakob's touch sent sweet murmurs over her arms and up her neck, but the sweetness was tainted by the rising panic in her throat. What was she going to tell her parents? And what was she going to tell Jakob? She'd promised to think about marriage, but she could hardly take the idea seriously .

  She sat in her office and waited for her first couple to enter, so she could begin the routine of convincing them they still had a chance at happiness .

  * * *

  J akob stood across from Blake, who faced him with Mark, Randall, and Tony just behind him. Only William seemed to be horrified at the idea Blake had just put forth. The rest of the pride stood back to watch .

  "What do you mean you think Jakob should be dethroned?" William's lips drew back and a roar rose in his throat like a thunderstorm .

  Jakob was calmer. He'd had all night to think about it. Arriving home from Bree's, his thoughts of her luscious curves and sweet scent had been interrupted by a stray thought from Blake. Jakob had caught it, like plucking a feather out of the air. Blake wanted alpha status. Blake wanted to be King of the pride. Jakob had sensed it coming, and perhaps if he hadn't been so involved with Bree these last few days, he would have been able to prevent it from snowballing to this point .

  "You think you're better than me?" Jakob asked, in a cool and even tone, exposing nothing. His eyes, however, dared Blake to cross a line. Jakob stepped closer. Mark and Tony retreated a step. Blake stood his ground, inching his head higher towards the ceiling .

  "You should all be expelled for this," William roared and shifted, ripping his clothes so fast they exploded all over the room .

  Mark put his hands up in a placating gesture. "We only think Jakob should consider letting Blake rule for a while. We're happy for him that he found his mate, but it's not right to ignore his pride and break the business deal we've all spent months on ."

  Blake emitted a low roar and stepped towards Jakob. Jakob was ready. He'd alw
ays been the fastest, the biggest, it was part of his alpha origin. He shifted in an instant and jumped behind Blake, pushing him to the ground before he could blink. Blake tried to shift, but Jakob forced his will onto him and held the shift at bay, forcing him to remain human. Blake was helpless under Jakob's heavy paws and razor-sharp teeth .

  "I was only thinking of the pride," Blake said, his voice muffled by the thick carpet his face was smashed into. He tried to portray himself as calm, but they all heard the speed of his heartbeat as Jakob bared his teeth .

  * * *

  B ree's mother called and called, but left no messages. After the seventh call, Bree finally started getting worried. What if something had happened to her father? At lunch, she dialed her mom's cell and had to hold the phone away from her ear when her mom answered .

  "Oh, my god Bree! Why didn't you tell me?" she squealed .

  Bree's ears rang. "Tell you what ?"

  "That you're dating the richest man on Earth !"

  Bree's heart sank. "You didn't call about Dad ?"

  "What? No, your father's fine. He's just as excited as I am ."

  "I did tell you," Bree said. " Sort of ."

  "Oh, Bree, honey," her mother went on as if she hadn't heard her. "This changes everything. Our anniversary party isn't just for us anymore. It can be a celebration. My daughter and the catch of the century ."

  "It's not that serious," Bree tried to say .

  "That's not how it looks in the picture ."

  "What picture? Wait a minute, how do you know about all this ?"

  "Oh, honey it's all over the papers !"

  " It is ?"

  "Of course! You can't date a man like Jakob Moore and not have the news spread. He's the most eligible bachelor in the world. The world ."

  Bile rose in Bree's throat, stinging it. "Mom, I've gotta go, I'll call you later." She hung up and walked to the corner newsstand. Sure enough, on the front page of The Daily was a picture of her and Jakob, lips locked, the crowd at the baseball stadium behind them .

  * * *

  B ree took the rest of the day off, feigning illness. When she pushed Jakob's doorbell, her heart was thudding like a drum. A man with light hair and matching eyes answered. He seemed to know who she was. "Jakob's upstairs," he said. "Please, come on in ."

  The man seemed nice enough. He gestured for Bree to enter, but she stayed outside. "Can you just tell him I'm here, please?" But the man didn't have to. The second she'd arrived, Jakob had sensed her. He was already at the door .

  "Thank you, William," he said, and stepped onto the porch. William closed the door leaving them alone .

  "I can't see you anymore," she blurted before Jakob had even spoken. "I'm sorry. This just won't work ."

  " Bree — "

  "No!" Her vision was clouded with tears that ran in trickling rivulets over her cheeks. "I don't want to be a part of your world! Don't you understand? It doesn't matter that I'm your mate. It doesn't matter that I love you. I don't want you ."

  Jakob had been trying to put his arms around her, now he stepped back. Her eyes were red, and her words burned his insides. "You don't mean that," he said, his anger was not so much at her words as at the fact she had caused him pain .

  She nodded, fresh tears winding down her cheeks .

  "I do mean it. I don't want you." She said it with more force this time and saw the hurt hit Jakob like a bullet .

  "Fine," he growled. "You're nothing but a cowardly female anyway. You're not fit to be my mate. You’re not fit to be Queen of my pride." He regretted the words almost as soon as they were out of his mouth, but it was too late. They hung in the air like a heavy fog .

  Bree turned and fled from his doorstep before either of them could plant another dagger .


  J akob sat in his office listening to the representative from Remy Riders drone on. Outside, the sky was bright. Jakob cringed at it. His heart had swollen like a bruised limb. He could not believe it had been three days now since he last saw Bree. Despite everything that had transpired, he still craved her like a drug .

  He pushed her from his mind. His pride was right—no matter how flawed some of Blake's ideas were, the pride came first. He'd forgotten that for a moment when Bree entered his life. Now, he would never forget again. Bree—his mate —had deserted him. Yet, the pride remained. Yes, Blake wanted to rule, but Jakob had put him in his place. Thirty days without his brothers should clear his head. Power struggles were common amongst males in prides, and now that Mark and Tony were back on board, things would be right again .

  He turned his eyes back to the droning representative when there was a long pause. Jakob assumed it was his turn to speak and began barking orders .

  "I will not entertain another word ."

  The drone's eyes flickered, uncertain. "But sir," he stammered .

  "This is my final offer. Take it or leave it ."

  William handed the representative a packet. Jakob knew Remy would take it. He'd gone to great lengths to ensure they would. You didn't need spies when you had lion shifter abilities at your fingertips .

  The representative opened his mouth as if to speak, then thought better of it. He took the packet, bid them good day, and left .

  Jakob stood. He was thirsty. Something sweet and creamy sounded delicious. He paused with his hand on his chair when he realized he was craving one of those damned lattes Bree was always drinking. He sighed. He would force her from his mind by whatever means necessary

  "You okay?" William asked .

  Jakob nodded. "Of course. They'll take the deal. We'll have their answer by tonight ."

  William hesitated .

  "What ?" Jakob roared softly .

  "I just... It's gotta be hard losing your mate like that ."

  Jakob turned away. He did not want to talk about Bree. Not now, not ever. The only way to cut her from his life was to pretend that she did not exist. The problem was that even from miles away, he could still smell her .

  "I just think if the guys met her, she'd be more accepted. That's all ."

  "It's not their acceptance of her I'm concerned with. Bree no longer exists. Is that clear ?"

  " Yeah , just — "

  Jakob turned and threw a look at William that almost made him bite his tongue off. "I did not make you second so that you could question everything I say. There is nothing left to discuss ."

  "Yes sir. Whatever you say ,"

  * * *

  B ree's mother wouldn't stop crying. It would've been funny if Bree herself wasn't so miserable .

  "B-b-b-but honey, he's such a c-c-c-catch." Bree's mother blew her nose into Bree's ear drum. Why, oh why had she answered her phone? Oh right, because her mom had left fifteen messages, the last of which said her father was at the doctor's. A lie, as usual .

  "I told you it wasn't serious," Bree said .

  "What about Walter? You can go with him now." Her mother's voice brightened and Bree sighed .

  It was true that Bree had said things with Jakob were not serious. She'd said that all along, hadn't she? It's not serious. They're all wrong for each other . But she'd also admitted—at least to herself that she loved him. She'd tasted the beer on his lips and the salt on his tongue and told him she would actually consider marriage .

  It was the lion thing .

  Of course it was! That made perfect sense. He'd performed some sort of sick werelion mind trick on her to make her think she was falling for him. What an asshole .

  But hadn't he saved her life too, that night in the park? "That was just his lion instinct kicking in .&q

  "What?" her mother asked .

  Bree realized she was talking out loud. As if she didn't have enough worries, she didn't need her mom to think she was psycho too .

  "Nothing. A client just walked in. Gotta go." Bree hung up without waiting for a reply .

  There could've been a client, Bree reasoned. She couldn't be on the phone talking to her mom if a client came in unexpected. Except, of course, Bree was at home. She walked to the kitchen and grabbed her half-full mug off the counter where she'd left it. There'd been no clients for the last three days. There'd been no lattes for the last three days. Bree had lain on the couch where she and Jakob had snuggled only days before and settled for some instant coffee given to her at Christmas by a co-worker as a joke. Her body's curves had lost some of their contour, and Bree thought if she didn't get out of the house soon, she'd end up with the twig body of her mother .

  Despite her concerns, Bree grabbed her cup of instant coffee, warmed it in the microwave, and plopped back onto the couch flipping channels with the remote. Aptly, the third channel was showing an animated rerun of a classic Disney movie, “The Lion King ."


  B lake stood outside the apartment building where Jakob's mate lay on the couch, waiting for her to come down. He'd been waiting since Jakob revoked his status as second in command. There was no reason for the bitch to stay up there so long. He could hear her crying through her window, but whatever pity he might have had was lost against the tyranny enforced on him by Jakob .

  Blake was to have no contact with the pride for thirty days. A sort of temporary exile. When he returned, he must submit to the wanI'vammo , an ancient release of dominance. He would essentially be giving up everything about himself that could be considered alpha. It was a heavy thing to ask of a lion. How would human men feel if they were asked to cut their balls off ?


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