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The Young Explorer; Or, Claiming His Fortune

Page 14

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  Late in the afternoon of the third day subsequent a man and a boymight have been seen riding slowly through a rocky canon probablyeighty miles west from San Francisco. Both were mounted on the smallnative horses of California, generally called mustangs. Theseanimals possess a strength disproportioned to their size, and showgreat endurance. At times they have a playful habit of bucking, notquite agreeable to an inexperienced horseman.

  The reader will already have guessed that the two riders are JakeBradley and Ben. The mustangs were on a walk, being apparently wearywith the day's tramp.

  "Well, Ben," said Bradley, "what do you say to camping out for thenight?"

  "I have no objection," said Ben, "and I don't think my horse has."

  "He is better off than mine, having less to carry. Are you tired?"

  "Not very tired, but my limbs are rather stiff."

  "What hotel shall we put up at, Ben?" asked Bradley, with a humorousglance about him.

  "There isn't much choice," said Ben. "The Canon Hotel seems to bethe only one that is open hereabouts. The only objection is, that weshall have to sleep on the floor, with the windows all open."

  "That's about so, Ben," assented Bradley, laughing. "I shouldn'tmind sleeping in a Christian bed to-night myself. Well, here goes!"

  As he spoke, he jumped from the back of his horse, and, taking out arope, tethered it to a tree hard by.

  Ben followed his example.

  "Now for the grub," said Bradley. "I'm powerfully empty myself. Thisridin' all day up and down hill is wearin' to the stomach. What doyou say?"

  "I've got a healthy appetite myself, Jake."

  "This yere Canon Hotel that you was talkin' about ain't first-class.It don't supply anything but cold victuals. Now, ef we had a cup ofcoffee to wash it down, and kinder warm us up, it would go to theright spot, eh, Ben?"

  "You are right, Jake! but please don't speak of it again. It makesmy mouth water."

  "Stay here a few minutes, Ben, and I'll reconnoiter a little.Perhaps I can find a better place for campin'."

  "All right, Jake!"

  While Bradley was absent Ben threw himself on the ground, and beganto think. It was the third day of the expedition. Ben enjoyed ridingthrough this new, unsettled country. He almost felt in the solitudesof the woods and hills as if he were the original explorer of thisfar-distant country. He was more than three thousand miles away fromhis native town, entrusted with a mission of importance. The thoughtwas gratifying to his boyish fancy, and inspired him with a newsense of power and increased his self-reliance. He was glad,however, to have the company of Jake Bradley. He was ready toacknowledge that his chances of success, had he started alone, wouldhave been much smaller, and certainly he would have found itexceedingly lonesome.

  His companion was not a man of culture, nor were his tasteselevated, but there was a rough honesty about him, and a good humor,which made him an agreeable companion. Besides, he knew the country,and Ben felt secure in leaving the conduct of the trip to him.

  "I am glad I came out here," thought Ben, as, with his head pillowedon his knapsack, he looked up through the branches of the tall treesto the blue sky beyond. "It's better than staying at home andworking for Deacon Pitkin, or blacking boots for Sam Sturgis. Here Iam my own man, free and don't need to run at anybody's bidding."

  Probably most boys of Ben's age share his love of independence, butit is neither practicable nor desirable that at sixteen a boy shouldbe his own master, much as he may desire it. In the case of ourhero, circumstances had thrown him upon his own resources, and itmay be added that he could better be trusted with the management ofhimself than most boys.

  Ben's reverie was broken in upon by the return of his companion.

  "What are you dreamin' about, Ben?" queried Jake.

  "I was thinking about home, Jake."

  "This don't look much like it, eh, Ben?"

  "Not much."

  "Well, my lad, I've found something," continued Bradley.

  "Found something? What! a nugget?" exclaimed Ben, in excitement.

  "Not much. This ain't the place for such a find as that."

  "What, then, Jake?"

  "I've found a hotel."

  "Where?" asked Ben eagerly.

  "Get up and stand by me. There! look yonder. What do you see?"

  "It looks like smoke."

  "It is smoke. There's a cabin yonder. I've reconnoitered, and I seedthe door open, and a woman inside. Now, I'm going to ask her to giveus some supper and a bed. Won't that be fine?"

  "Splendid, Jake!"

  "Then unhitch that animal of yours, and we'll put our best footforrards, and maybe we'll get a hot supper and a Christian bed tosleep in."


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