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The Viscount's Vendetta (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 11

by Paige Cameron

  A few miles beyond the last village, the carriage turned into a large drive that wound around several small hills. Caroline gazed intently to see the stately looking manor house as it came into view. It was set upon a higher hill and appeared sturdy, with many windows and several turrets. They stopped at the bottom of the staircase leading up to the front door.

  Damon got off his horse and came to the carriage to assist Caroline. Reaching up, he lifted her out and onto the steps.

  “Welcome to my home, Caroline.”

  She looked out over the cut lawn at the rows of trees in the distance. A large rose garden was situated right in front of the house, and a maze could be seen to the far right.

  “There is a large lake in the back,” Damon said.

  Damon took hold of Caroline’s arm, and they started up the long flight of stairs to the heavy, wooden front doors. Buckley, the stern-faced butler, who Caroline remembered from her visit to Damon’s London townhouse, greeted her formally at the door.

  Stepping inside the huge foyer, Caroline looked around at the shiny wood interior. A large curved staircase leading up to a balcony was straight in front of her.

  “You know Buckley,” Damon spoke from her side. “And this is Mrs. Parker, my housekeeper.”

  Mrs. Parker was a short, plump, older woman wearing a gray gown trimmed with black and a white lace cap. She smiled pleasantly at Caroline.

  “Mrs. Parker, I’m sure I will need your help in many ways.” Caroline shook her hand.

  There were several other maids and footmen to meet, and then the door behind them opened. “Sorry I wasn’t here to greet you.” The tall, dark-haired man shook hands with Damon.

  “I am sure you were busy about the estate, Charles. There is certainly no reason to apologize. I’d like you to meet my wife, Lady Royston. My dear, this is Charles Royston, my cousin and the caretaker of my estates for many years.”

  Caroline found herself startled when she raised her eyes to greet Mr. Royston. Although he smiled, his eyes were dark and hard, and yet for a second she thought she saw a flash of despair, if so he quickly covered it up. He bowed politely and turned to smile at Damon.

  She did not like him. She’d never taken such an instant dislike of anyone. Caroline glanced around at the expressions on the faces of the staff gathered to greet them.

  She had a sense that no one liked him. How could Damon be so unaware of his caretaker’s effect on others? Perhaps he saw a different side of him. They were cousins. I need to try and keep an open mind. But when Caroline looked at Buckley, she saw a flash of warning in his eyes.

  I must be tired. “Damon.” She touched his arm. “Would you mind if I excuse myself? Mrs. Parker could show me to my room.”

  “Of course, Charles and I will go to my study. Mrs. Parker, please escort my lady to her bedroom. After she has freshened up and we have our afternoon tea, you may show her the rest of the house.”

  “Yes, milord.” Mrs. Parker curtsied, and Caroline followed her up the curved staircase.

  Mrs. Parker led her down the right upstairs hallway to the end and opened double doors, going into the master’s suite of rooms.

  “Your room is on the right, milady. I’ll send one of the maids to unpack your clothes. Would you like to change your gown before tea?” Mrs. Parker asked as she opened the door to Caroline’s room.

  Caroline gasped. It was one of the most beautiful rooms she’d ever seen. The walls were a greenish blue, her favorite color, with cream trim. The ceiling had been painted with clouds and angels. A large mahogany bed sat in the center of the room with cream-colored satin covers and trim that matched the walls.

  Large landscape paintings hung on one wall and two windows on the right looked out over smooth lawns and a forest of trees. Another two windows on the back wall gave a good view of several flowering gardens terracing down to the lake.

  “It’s a wonderful room.” Caroline smiled at Mrs. Parker.

  “We hoped you would like it. Lord Royston sent a decorator here three weeks ago with explicit instructions. We were hoping the decorator had gotten the shade of greenish blue right, as Lord Royston told the decorator it was your favorite color.”

  “I wonder how he knew what I liked.”

  “I suppose he might have asked your parents,” Mrs. Parker said.

  “You’re right, I’m sure. Thank you for showing me to my room. I’ll freshen up and be right down for tea.”

  “Don’t hurry. Mr. Charles Royston usually takes some time going over business with Lord Royston,” Mrs. Parker said tersely.

  “Mrs. Parker, my husband never mentioned his caretaker. I had the distinct impression downstairs that some of the staff dislike Mr. Royston.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you’re mistaken, milady. There may be some anxiety that he not find any fault with our work. I can understand he would not want his lordship displeased.”

  Caroline watched as Mrs. Parker hurried out. I don’t think I’m wrong. These people are afraid of him.

  Caroline went to the back windows. She saw two men step outside on a patio below. Mr. Royston raised his head, and even from a distance she saw his black eyes glare briefly into hers. Damon glanced up, smiled, and waved to her.

  Caroline waved and moved back from the windows. Something was not right here. For some unknown reason, Mr. Royston did not appear to be pleased to meet his cousin’s wife.

  Mrs. Parker came back and led Caroline to the small dining room located at the back of the first floor. “Lord Royston thought you would be more comfortable here since there are only the three of you eating today.”

  “Thank you again, Mrs. Parker. I will be glad when I know my way around, and I won’t be such a bother for you.”

  “No bother, my lady. We were all pleased to hear Lord Royston was taking a bride. There’s been too much sadness around this place. It’s time for him to be happy.”

  “You care for my husband very much.”

  “Yes, milady. We are all very proud of the way he worked and kept everything going. Now things will be as they should.”

  There was a noise at the door. Mrs. Parker paled when she realized Mr. Royston had heard part of her conversation.

  Caroline saw him frown and motion Mrs. Parker out of the room. Watching Mrs. Parker scurry away sent anger rushing through Caroline. She turned to him abruptly.

  “In the future, Mr. Royston, you will not excuse Mrs. Parker when she is with me. I will tell her when it is time to leave.”

  He bowed to her, a sneer on his face. “Forgive me, milady. I thought she was being too familiar. I see I was mistaken.”

  “Sorry I’m late.” Damon came into the room. “Do sit down, both of you.” He pulled out a chair for Caroline and sat at the end of the small table, next to her.

  Charles Royston sat across the table. He and Damon discussed crops and cattle. Caroline ate her soup and some fruit and was glad to finish and be able to excuse herself. She had started to rise, when Damon took her hand.

  “After Mrs. Parker is through showing you around, we could go for a ride before dinner.”

  “I’d like that, thank you.” Caroline nodded at Charles and quickly left the room.

  A maid waiting outside took her into the large lounge where she met Mrs. Parker for her tour. The house was obviously new, and all the furnishings were of the finest quality.

  “Do you prefer the new house to Atelstone Hall, Mrs. Parker?”

  Mrs. Parker hesitated. “Could we go into this tower room to talk, milady. I want to show you something.”

  Caroline followed her inside the room at the top of one of the turrets. It was a room with many windows, and you could see for miles in every direction. Mrs. Parker walked to the windows looking east.

  “See, the building way over to the right?”

  Caroline nodded. “Yes, it looks like another estate.”

  “That is Atelstone Hall,” Mrs. Parker informed her.

  “Why would Damon build this house when he already h
as such an impressive ancestral home?” Caroline mumbled to herself. Her eyes searched Mrs. Parker’s face.

  “His father died in that house. I think he wanted it burned down, but his uncle couldn’t do it. Lord Royston has never gone back into his father’s study since the day he found him dead. I heard he tried to on his last visit, but stopped at the door,” Mrs. Parker whispered.

  “It must have been very traumatic for a young man. He’s never talked to me about his father,” Caroline said, deciding not to bring up her father’s role in the tragedy.

  “He adored his father, and yet he never speaks of him to anyone. Please don’t tell him I’ve talked to you,” Mrs. Parker warned.

  “No, no, I can understand you would not want him upset.” Caroline patted her hand.

  “Caroline.” Damon startled them both when he entered the room. “This is my favorite place. I keep saying I’m going to move my study up here. How do you like it?”

  “It’s lovely. The whole house is beautiful. Thank you for my beautiful bedroom. Mrs. Parker”—Caroline smiled at Mrs. Parker as she curtsied and went out of the room—“said you had an interior decorator supervise the painting and other changes.”

  “Your mother told me what colors you liked.” Damon shrugged his shoulders. “It was nothing. Let’s go riding, or it will be too dark soon.”

  “I’ll change and join you downstairs. Has Mr. Royston left?”

  “Yes, he was going to join us, but I discouraged him.”

  Caroline let herself relax. She hurried out of the tower room and went to change.

  * * * *

  Her mare was a dark-brown color and gentle, but fast. They flew across the meadows and up several hills until they stopped on the top of the highest one.

  “You are a good rider.” Damon’s smile showed his pleasure.

  “Did you think I lived only in town? I always loved the country best. Papa put me on my first pony when I was six.”

  A frown crossed Damon’s face. “At that time your father had obviously started his quest to fill his coffers with plenty of money.” His tone was harsh.

  Caroline wished she had not spoken of her father. Damon stopped his horse and got off. He came over and lifted her down.

  “I’m sorry about what happened between my father and yours, but my father is really not a bad man,” Caroline pleaded, looking up into Damon’s face.

  “Don’t talk to me of your father and mine. It is something you know nothing about. How old were you? Seven or eight? Your father caused mine’s death. I will never forget or forgive him.”

  “Does that include me and my mother?”

  Damon glared at her. He pulled her close and leaned down, his lips capturing hers in a hard kiss.

  “Perhaps if you please me, I may be able to forgive you a little.” The glitter of anger in his eyes was back.

  Caroline pulled herself out of his arms. “I will not be used as a toy without feelings.”

  He snatched her back against him. “I am your husband. I will use you any way I want and any time. You are my property, as are the horses we ride, and the surrounding estate.” Her face paled at his words.

  Picking her up, he put her back on her saddle. “Let’s go home. It will be dark soon.”

  The brief joy had gone out of the day. He had not really changed. She was part of the revenge connected to his father’s death.

  They rode silently. When they got to the barn, Caroline swung out of her saddle before Damon could help her. She handed him her reins and started to walk to the house.

  “Dinner is at eight. I’ve asked Mrs. Parker to have it sent up to our rooms. You’ll find a gown on your bed. Wear it tonight,” he commanded.

  Caroline ignored him and continued to walk to the house and up the stairs to her room. She stopped in the doorway of her bedroom. The windows were open and a cool breeze blew inside.

  She smelled fresh-cut grass and flowers. The sun was sinking in the west. Caroline glanced at the bed. The gown lay on the cream-colored bedcovering.

  The green and blue colors of the silk were familiar. She touched the soft material, the same material she gave back to Damon in London. He had requested Madame Charmaine make it into a gown for her.

  Caroline slipped out of her riding habit and stepped into the hip bath waiting for her beside the bed. The water was still warm. The soap smelled of roses, reminding her of Mama.

  Everyone was so far away and she was so alone.

  Chapter Eight

  Damon swore to himself as he watched Caroline walk to the house. Nothing had gone as he planned. If only she had not spoken of her father and his. He had planned on gently seducing her tonight, getting her to relax, making her his wife.

  Her words had reminded him of the reason he married her. It was just as well. Today, he had almost forgotten.

  It didn’t matter, she was his whether she liked it or not. He was not through with her or her father.

  This night he vowed to make her his wife. Damon smiled, thinking about the scandalous gown he had the seamstress make for her.

  The material he had given her in London was perfect for the dress he had directed be made. His cock hardened thinking about her beauty seen through the thin, silky material.

  Tonight he would enjoy melting Lady Icicle.

  * * * *

  The light material caressed her skin. Caroline strolled across the bedroom to stand in front of her mirror. The gown was cut very low in the bodice, and sewn to go across her breast and wrap around her waist.

  She took off her robe and slipped the gown over her head. Her nipples were faintly visible through the material. Swaths of silk wrapped her small waist snugly and fell in soft folds down her legs, to brush gently across the tops of her small feet.

  Caroline blushed. She had never worn any piece of clothing so daring and so blatantly seductive, not even in the privacy of her own bedroom. She reached for the cashmere shawl to put around her.

  “Don’t.” His soft words stilled her hand. He strolled toward her. A light flared in his eyes as he took his time observing her face, her throat and breasts, and all the way to her feet.

  Her heart raced and her abdomen ached with a strange hunger, especially when he stopped for a longer look at her breasts.

  “I have dreamed of you in this gown, in my room.” His husky words wrapped seductively around Caroline and she trembled.

  His large, warm hands rubbed her arms, sending a spark of fire to burn in her core. Then his hands cupped her face. His dark-blue eyes turned as black as an onyx stone while he stared at her. She watched as he bent his head. He kissed her and held her tight. His tongue slid between her lips, giving him entrance into the inner recesses of her mouth. He groaned and his hands cupped her buttocks, bringing her abdomen tight against his long, hard cock. It startled her, and she tried to put distance between them.

  “Don’t be frightened, darling,” he whispered in her ear.

  His breath and words aroused a feeling of fear and fascination. A chill ran down her back.

  She gasped when his lips moved to her neck, and then lowered to kiss and caress her breast. Her nipples peaked and her body automatically tried to get closer.

  Her hands instinctively touched his dark-brown, silky hair. Caroline was more aware of her body than ever before. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moved her lips against his earlobe. His cock pulsed against her abdomen.

  Damon moved slowly, his lips leaving a trail of fire wherever they touched. When he kissed her again, her tongue slid caressingly against his as he explored the inside of her mouth.

  At last, he straightened and looked into her face.

  “I want you now, in my bed.” The intent look in his eyes and his voice warmed her whole body. She leaned into him, and he swept her into his arms.

  Damon’s long legs quickly covered the adjoining distance between her room and his. He laid her onto his large bed and pulled her silk gown over her head.

  Caroline watched mesmerized
as Damon flung off his robe. His body was beautiful, tanned, and well muscled. She gasped and moved away from him, seeing how large and strong he was in all his nudity. His cock jutted out and upward.

  He smiled and walked over to her small feet. Leaning down, he kissed her toes, her ankles, and up her legs to the most private parts of her body.

  Caroline moaned and found herself twisting. Her body hummed with an exquisite hunger. Damon continued to work his way up over her stomach, to her breasts. He took his time kissing each breast and sucked on her nipples. When Caroline was certain she’d explode, he moved all the way up and captured her lips.

  His silken, hard shaft rubbed against her abdomen and her legs opened, while her arms pulled him closer and closer. She’d lost all awareness of anything but him and her and the sweet feel of their bodies entwined.

  Damon slid down her body and his fingers separated her lower lips. He licked across her clit, and raptures of delight raced up her spine. Her heart pounded from the fear of the unknown, and the thrill of his touch and kiss. He licked her juices to her pussy opening and flicked his tongue inside. Caroline screamed out his name. Her pussy clenched tight and her hips rose off the bed.

  “Relax, sweetheart, this may hurt for just a second.”

  Before Caroline had time to tense up, he positioned his hard dick at her pussy opening and thrust forward. She cried out briefly, and he held still. Damon kissed her gently on the sides of her face and wiped the few tears away.

  When the discomfort eased, Caroline tentatively moved against him, and he began to thrust in and out.

  “That’s right, sweetheart. Ah, it feels very good.” Damon moved faster and faster, and Caroline wrapped her legs around him and held on tight.

  She was swinging out into space and reaching for something, almost, and then a flash of warmth and an explosion of rippling tremors surged throughout her entire body.

  * * * *


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