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The Viscount's Vendetta (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 29

by Paige Cameron

  “I think our ladies need some privacy.” Damon’s uncle was the first to speak. “Where is that good whiskey you keep for special times, Damon? I suggest we retire to the billiards room and partake of some of it.”

  * * * *

  Damon sat beside Caroline’s bed in the darkened room. Small slivers of light were beginning to show between the break in the curtains. He had sat beside her all night holding tightly to her hand. Caroline had slept soundly after Nanny had given her a dose of medicine the doctor had left.

  “My love, how can you ever forgive me?” Damon whispered. His head was bent down over her hand and he brushed his lips across her fingers. “Not only would I not listen to you, but I berated you at every turn, and all because of the anger and mistrust inside me. Everyone else saw your goodness.” Tears fell onto her hand.

  “Damon?” Caroline whispered. “My throat’s so dry. What happened?” She tried to move, then winced and fell back.

  “Caroline, my love, be still. Dr. Fellows has bandaged your shoulder and said you must rest.”

  Caroline lifted her hand and touched his face. “You’ve been crying. What is wrong?”

  “It’s nothing for you to worry about, my love. When you’re better, we will talk. I’m so grateful you are going to be well.” He smiled at her. “I think I will have to give Old Peter a huge reward for saving your life.”

  “I remember. Charles shot me.”

  “Yes, but Peter yelled at Charles, throwing his aim off, thus saving your life. The bullet hit your shoulder. Thankfully, it didn’t hit any bones or vital areas. Dr. Fellows feels sure you will make a full recovery.”

  Caroline rubbed her lips with her tongue. Damon poured her a glass of water and held her so she could swallow.

  “That tastes good. What time is it?”

  Damon laid her back down and went over to pull back the curtains. “It’s morning.”

  “You must have been here all night, Damon. I can see the stubble of your beard, and your clothes are mussed. Why did you not have Mary or Nanny sit with me?”

  “I would not leave you until I saw for myself that you were improved. By the way, my dear wife, when did you plan on telling me about our child that the doctor said you are carrying?”

  Caroline’s hand reached out protectively to her stomach.

  “The babe is all right. The doctor says you are strong and he has high hopes of delivering many children to us. Children to fill the empty rooms in this old house.” Damon smiled down at her.

  “I don’t understand. You aren’t mad at me? You will not take my child away from me to raise yourself?”

  “You and our child will be here with me for all my days, if I can convince you to forgive me for the horrible way I have treated you. However, for now, you must rest. We will discuss everything later. Get well and do not worry.”

  “I am tired and confused.”

  “I expect you are, my love. I’ll send Nanny Fowler and Mary to help you freshen up and bring you some broth. You need to take in nourishment for you and the babe.”

  Damon started to walk away. Caroline reached out and grabbed his hand. “You care for me and our child?”

  He sat down beside her on the bed. “I love you and our child. I have loved you since the first time I saw you standing in the street berating that poor man about his treatment of the chimney boy. I’ve been too proud and stubborn to admit my love, even to myself. After all, I was convinced your father was my enemy. I don’t deserve your love, but I hope someday I can earn it.” He leaned over and kissed her softly on her lips.

  She held tightly to his hand. “I never stopped loving you. When I was at my parents’, I realized how strong my love was and I felt you were in grave danger. Going to meet Charles’s brother was the only way I could think of to help solve the mystery. What happened to Charles? Did he run off?”

  “No, he died instantly from Peter’s shot. It’s best. Otherwise, I would have had to kill him myself.”

  “How are Harold and Eleanor?”

  “They are grieving for the man they used to know. I have promised we will continue to be friends and family.” Damon’s hand caressed the side of her face. “Enough questions. I will be back later, and we will talk more.”

  Nanny and Mary were waiting anxiously outside the door and hurried inside as Damon came out. Damon went downstairs to find his uncle and aunt and to let all of them know Caroline was better.

  “Damon.” His uncle met him at the door to the dining room. “The ladies are eating. Harold and I would like to discuss with you what we should say happened yesterday.”

  “Buckley, bring coffee to my study.” Damon led the way down the hall to the study. He stood back as his Uncle Christopher and Harold entered. After passing cups of coffee around, Damon stood at the fireplace facing the other two men.

  “We must tell the truth of the occurrences to clear any questions regarding your father’s death,” Harold said first.

  Damon’s uncle agreed. “There needs to be no more questions surrounding the family. The gossips will talk of nothing for a few days, and then something else will get their attention. If we all stand together as a united group, it will impress them.”

  “I had hoped to not cause added grief to you, Harold, and your wife,” Damon protested.

  “My wife and I are strong. We loved Charles, but realized he had many faults. We never suspected to what a degree his childhood had poisoned him. Do not concern yourselves about us.”

  “Then after I get more details from my wife on exactly what happened yesterday, we will all talk with the constable. I asked the doctor to give us a day before he called the authorities about Charles’s death.”

  “Good, it’s settled.” Damon’s uncle stood and smiled. “Finally, this family can find peace.”

  * * * *

  Damon found Peter in the stable cleaning out the stalls. “Charles told me he had retired you several years ago, and yet I find you working hard, still on the job.”

  “Your lady asked me to stay. I would not leave her.” The old man’s words were said softly, but firmly.

  “I am very thankful you did not. It amazes me the loyalty one tiny woman has created in all my staff. How I could be so blind and not see Charles was the only one who disliked her.”

  “Sometimes a man sees one way so long, he can’t see any other

  way. ’Tis good to see your eyes open, Lord Royston.”

  “Finally,” Damon said and smiled. “I want to reward you for saving my wife’s life. What would you like?”

  “I don’t need nothin’. ’Cept maybe to be allowed to stay by your lady’s side. I’m old, but she makes me feel useful.”

  “I’m sure she will happy to have you and Gallant with her. I agree to your request, but I insist on having your sons build you a better house on the farm, and you must go home when you feel tired.” He put his hand on Peter’s bony shoulder. “We don’t want to lose you anytime soon.”

  Damon hurried back to the house and took the stairs two at time. He hoped to find Caroline awake. She sat up in bed, with pillows behind her, and her golden hair curling down and around her neck.

  “You are so beautiful.” He slowed his walk when he entered the room. “Shouldn’t you be resting?”

  “I am resting. I can see you and Nanny are going to drive me quite insane with your demands that I relax. Please sit. I have some information I still need to tell you.” Caroline motioned for him to sit by her side.

  “Charles explained what happened the day of your father’s death. He claimed it was an accident, and said he only took the gun with him to frighten your father.

  “He didn’t want a letter sent to his father regarding the missing funds. Knowing Charles’s background and upbringing, I understand and almost feel sorry for him.”

  “You, my dear, are too gentle at heart. You forgive us both for treating you so shabbily.” Damon’s expression darkened. “I can’t forgive myself for being so stubborn and certain I was right
. I endangered your life and our child’s.”

  “Please, you must forgive yourself. It is the only way we can begin fresh with all the old doubts and angers gone. Do it for me.” Caroline stretched her hand out to him.

  “We will make an agreement. I will try to forget my despicable behavior, if you promise not to fuss too much when Nanny Fowler and I insist you remain abed until Dr. Fellows says you may be up.”

  “You drive a hard bargain, husband. I see you are still going to be insistent on having your own way.” Caroline’s eyes flashed with happiness.

  Damon groaned and knelt at her side. He cuddled her in his arms. “Just wait until you are well, wife. I will show you how very much I love you.” Damon kissed her lips softly and reluctantly pulled back. “By the way, you never told me what you most desired in a husband.”

  “I most desire a husband who is kind and loving, and”—she grinned at him—“who appreciates me as I am.”

  “Good, I think I can meet those qualifications easily.”

  “Really?” Caroline teasingly raised her eyebrow at him.

  “Without a doubt. I love you because of the person you are. Rest, my love, so you can fully recover.”

  * * * *

  The constable came the next day. Damon shared the papers Caroline and he had found with him. He also told him of the last conversation Caroline had with Charles.

  “It seems to clear up the questions raised when your father died, Lord Royston. I’ll take care of all the inquiries. You say he’s to be buried in the family plot by the church?”

  “Yes, his brother and sister-in-law are still with us. We will have a small service. My wife insists he be treated as family, regardless of his faults, and Rev. Smitten has agreed to do the service.”

  The constable scratched his head. “Women are funny creatures, but I heard your lady was especially good hearted. Glad we are to have you back in the neighborhood, if I may say so.”

  “Thank you. We are glad to be home and plan to stay here.”

  Harold entered the drawing room after the constable had left. “I can never thank you enough for how you have treated us, Damon. Eleanor and I will both rest easier knowing Charles is not buried in some felon’s grave. We would have taken him home, if not for the distance.”

  “I understand. Caroline and I discussed the burial, and she agrees. She is hoping you two will stay until she is up and around.”

  “We would like to, but we must get back to our boys. You both must come see us.”

  Damon smiled and shook Harold’s hand. “We will, and we will bring our child to meet you.”

  “Agreed.” Harold and Damon stood quiet for a moment. “I know Eleanor loves me. She has assured me many times, but right now she is grieving for her first lost love. I think going home and being with our boys will be the best for her,” Harold said.

  “You are an understanding husband.”

  “I love her,” Harold stated firmly. “And she loves me. I respect her memories.”

  Damon nodded. “We are lucky to have such fine women for our wives.”

  * * * *

  Damon rode to the church and walked to the cemetery beside it. Charles had been buried yesterday morning. Harold and Eleanor left shortly after the burial. Caroline was progressing nicely, and the doctor was pleased.

  Damon stopped at the headstones of his mother and father.

  “I made a mess of things, Father. I doubted you and let my heart fill with anger and the need for revenge. I almost lost my wife and child and did a disservice to her father.

  “However, it is going to be turn out all right. As soon as she is able, Caroline and I will travel to her parents and try to make amends. Caroline feels certain her father will forgive me.

  “Today, Father, I came to say I’m sorry to you. For doubting you and almost hating you at times.” Damon bent down and smoothed the grass across his father’s grave. He ran his fingers across the engraving of his name.

  “I hope to be a man you would have been proud of and, with Caroline’s help, I think I will.” Again, his hand rubbed across the letters. “Rest in peace, Papa.”

  On his return, he went upstairs to see Caroline. She was sitting at her desk writing. When she turned, his heart swelled with happiness and pride.

  * * * *

  “Where have you been, Damon? No one knew where you’d ridden to.”

  “I visited Papa and had a good talk with him.”

  “And how do you feel?”

  “Much better. Don’t tell Mrs. Smitten I’ve been talking to the dead. She’ll tell everyone in town.”

  Caroline put down her pin and walked to Damon. Her fingers ran along the side of his face. “What do I get for keeping my mouth shut?”

  “What do you want?” Damon smiled at her.

  She pulled on his tie and led him to the side of her bed. “I’d like you to join me for a rest.”

  Damon raised an eyebrow. “What about the baby?”

  “The doctor said we’re both fine and can resume all activities.”


  “Especially ones concerning my husband.”

  He looked shocked. “You asked him that?”

  “Not in so many words, but yes.”

  “Then who am I to disappoint my lady.” Damon turned her back to him and unfastened her dress and stays. “You women wear too many clothes.”

  She faced him in her thin shift. Her nipples had come to attention and peaked against the soft material. Caroline placed her hand over where his growing cock pushed against his pantaloons.

  “I have on less clothes than you, husband.” She undid his necktie and pulled his linen shirt over his head. Then she ran her hand across his wide chest and rubbed his nipples.

  Damon cupped her chin to bring her lips close. His teeth nibbled at her lower lip and moisture flowed from her aching pussy.

  “It’s been so long, Damon. My body has ached for your touch.”

  “And mine for yours, darling.” He pulled her shift over her head and dropped it on the floor. Then he kissed the side of her neck and his hands covered her breasts.

  Caroline sighed with pleasure. Damon raked the edge of his teeth across her shoulder and kissed his way to her breasts.

  “They are lovely with your rose-colored nipples standing out at attention.” Softly, he kissed each globe and razed his teeth gently across her beaded points.

  Inside she quivered and heat flashed along her nerve endings. More of her juices wet her lower lips. Her pussy clenched and unclenched, wanting to feel his hard cock filling her.

  “I want you, Damon.”

  He’d stopped long enough to throw off the rest of his clothes. Caroline wrapped her hand around his large dick. She slid down his length until she faced his cock. Her tongue licked across the crown, and she tasted his salty essence. Then she took him in her mouth and licked up and down his satin, hard length as his fingers held tight to the strands of her hair.

  “Damn, that feels good, darling, but I’m about to explode.” He reached for her and laid her on the bed. “Now I’ll love you.”

  Damon kissed her midriff and her abdomen. When he got to her lower lips he took a deep breath. “I love the musky smell of your arousal. It makes my cock ache to be inside you.”

  He spread her legs and her lower folds. Then he licked from her clit to her pussy opening. “Ambrosia.” He raised his head to smile at her.

  Caroline’s body tingled and was on fire from his touch. She moved restlessly under his mouth and tongue. “Take me, Damon.”

  She heard him chuckle and his mouth sucked on her clit. Her body bowed with ecstasy. Then he placed his cock at her opening and plunged inside.

  “Ah, darling,” he said when he was seated deep inside her. Their eyes connected and held. “I love you,” he whispered to her.

  “And I you,” she said back. “Now move, my lord.”

  His grin warmed her heart. Damon thrust in and out slowly at first, gradually going faster. She mo
ved her hips to meet his movements.

  When he leaned forward and kissed her nipple, her pussy walls tightened. “Yes, Damon, yes.”

  “What a demanding woman you are, love.”

  Perspiration shone on her body and his. “Are you complaining, my darling Damon?”

  “Not in a hundred years.” He thrust quicker and her heart pounded. Her breath came in gasps, and her pussy began to ripple around Damon’s cock. A swell of pleasure and joy overflowed, her body sending her flying into space.

  She heard Damon’s groan as he reached his own completion and his cock pulsated against her pussy walls.

  Damon held her close as their hearts slowed and their breathing returned to normal. He rose over her and studied her face.

  “You don’t think I hurt you or the baby, do you? I got carried away.”

  Caroline touched his lips with her fingers. “Loving us won’t hurt either of us. I hope you’ll get carried away more often.”

  “Don’t worry. It’ll take at least a hundred years for me to get enough of you. I love you and all the kind deeds you do. I love your beautiful body and the feel of your silken skin, but most of all I love your wonderful heart.” He placed his hand over her left breast. “I promise to take good care of you and our children and love you until the day my eyes close.”

  Tears came into Caroline’s eyes. Then she smiled. “That’s the most words you’ve ever said to me. In fact you talk more than you did when I first met you.”

  “I know, but don’t tell anyone else. My words are just for you. I prefer to be a bit mysterious to the rest of the world.

  He moved down her body and kissed her belly. Caroline was convinced her heart would burst with happiness at any moment.


  Standing in the doorway that connected their rooms, Damon saw the soft smile come across Caroline’s face as she nursed their son.

  “He is a hungry fellow and growing larger every day,” Damon said as he walked into Caroline’s room. A room seldom used except as a quiet place for his wife to write letters or nurse the baby.


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