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Highlander's Rebellious Love

Page 14

by Donna Fletcher

  “My word is final,” she reminded.

  “Of course,” he agreed, stepping up beside her as they walked with their horses in tow to join the others.

  He sounded as if he meant it, but she wondered if he actually did.


  They stopped not far from a stream that evening and while a fine meal of fresh caught fish cooked over the campfires, Patience took herself off to clean herself up. She thought Hunter might follow, but he was in deep conversation with his mum, though it appeared more that he was attempting to soothe her. This ordeal had to be difficult for her with her eldest son wanting his youngest brother dead. She and her sisters might argue at times, but they loved one another and always came to one another’s defense. Never would they harm one another.

  She continued on to the stream glad to have a brief reprieve from everyone. She missed the times she could slip away, be on her own, and think of nothing but the quiet of the moment. She found a small secluded spot by the stream and placed her small bundle tucked under her arm on the ground behind her after kneeling at the water’s edge.

  With dusk not far off, she could not linger as she wished to, so she was quick to gather the piece of soap she kept with her when she traveled. It was scented with wild rose petals that Heather collected and dried, then added to the soap mixture. She loved the scent of it while Emma loved the heather-scented soap their sister made.

  Thoughts of her sisters tugged at her heart and she wanted badly to be reunited with them again, hopefully soon. She shook her head, not wanting to linger in sorrow and placed the soap on the grassy bank, unwrapped the towel that held her clean shirt, and placed it on her lap. She then got busy lathering her hands with the soap and scrubbed her face until she felt it shine clean. After dabbing it dry with the towel, she gave a look at her wound. It was nothing more than a scratch, though the amount of blood that had caked along her breast and around her nipple would make one think differently.

  “Can I help?”

  Patience jumped startled by her husband’s sudden appearance. “You have to stop treading so lightly when you approach me.”

  “Habit,” he said and walked over to kneel beside her. His brow knitted and he leaned closer to her and sniffed. “Your scent entices.”

  She did not know what to say, so she held up the piece of soap.

  He took a sniff. “How lucky am I to have a wife whose scent is so alluring. I may never let you leave our bed.”

  “You would have to chain me,” she teased.

  “Do not tempt me, for I could show you what pleasure chains can bring.”

  She shook her head, though the image his words evoked sent a tingle through her. “Be gone with you while I wash.”

  “Why? We are husband and wife. It is now permissible for me to see you naked,” he said as if it required an explanation.

  “And I you,” she said without thinking.

  “Aye,” he said, stood and began to discard his garments.

  She held her hand up. “It is not necessary to prove your point.”

  “But it is necessary that you are comfortable seeing me naked. Besides, I could use a washing myself, though I do not think I want to smell like roses.” He laughed as he stripped naked.

  She knelt there speechless as he stood a moment in front of her, his manhood not far from her face. He was an impressive size and he was only slightly aroused. How big would he be when he was completely hard? She might find out if she kept staring at it, since it was beginning to expand.

  She turned her head away and she waited, expecting him to make a teasing remark. She was surprised when she heard splashing and turned around to see him in the stream up to his knees, splashing the cold water all over himself.

  A smile surfaced and she could not chase it away no matter how hard she tried. Her husband had a magnificence body and a manhood that no doubt would bring her endless pleasure. At that thought, her smile faded.

  He had left the choice to her when they would make love and while she could not deny the passion that flared in her for her husband, this was not the time or place to be thinking of such things. Heather still needed to be rescued and Hunter’s life was still in danger, not to mention they were on the Dark Dragon’s land.

  She turned her attention away from him and did her best to clean off the blood without removing her shirt.

  Sprinkles of water flew across her face and had her looking up to see Hunter dripping wet in front of her.

  “Undress and join me, the blood will wash off much easier in the stream.” He stood waiting as if she had already agreed.

  She stared at him, rivulets of water running slowly down his body, hugging and licking his flesh as if it refused to let go. She envied the water clinging possessively to his naked body and marveled over the man standing before her. He was magnificent like an ancient mythical god who had just risen from the depths of the sea.

  His presence suddenly overpowered her and she turned away from him and with an abruptness she did not mean said, “No!”

  He hunched down in front of her and took her chin gently between his fingers to turn her head to look at him. “You are a warrior of immense skill, when are you going to allow yourself to simply be a woman?”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Hunter did not give her a chance to respond. He knew if he did not give her a little push, she could slip away from him as she had done too often since they had become husband and wife. He only had her plaid, shirt, and boots to contend with and with his experience in divesting women of their clothing, he would have her naked in no time.

  Her hand grabbed his wrist when he slipped off the strip of plaid that ran over her shoulder. It fell to her waist while she kept a tight grip on his wrist. He waited a moment before laying a gentle hand on hers.

  “I made a promise to you and I am a man of my word. Nothing will happen between us unless you want it to.” He smiled and raised his hand to stroke her cheek. “You are not a warrior at this moment. You are a woman... let yourself be one.”

  She stared at him, her heart pounding heavily. She already felt partially naked without the leather ties that held her sword encased in a sheath to her back or her leather leggings that kept her legs protected. How would she feel completely striped of clothing?

  Much too vulnerable.

  “It will grow dark soon,” Hunter reminded. “If you do not wish to completely disrobe then at least let me help you clean the blood off your breast.”

  Patience seemed to emerge from a haze and saw that dusk was not far off. If she was a wise warrior, she would strip, wash, and be done with it. If she was a shy woman, she would keep her clothes on until she had a more private moment to see things done.

  The thought spurred her into action. She was comfortable and confident with being a warrior, and the woman side of her would just have to go along with it.

  Hunter got to his feet as she yanked her boots off, then stood, and when he saw that she would disrobe, he said, “I can turn away if you wish.”

  She shook her head. “There is no need for that. You are my husband.”

  He kept his eyes on her, wondering what had given her the courage, then realized that her warrior side would never allow her to shrink from her duty. He wondered, though, if he could coax the woman within her to emerge or at least peek out.

  His breath caught and damn if he did not harden like a rock at the sight of her naked. He loved all types of women, though he had preferred substantial women, ones you could sink your hands into or slam against without hitting bone. At first sight of Patience, he had thought her too slim but seeing her now her curvy body defined with taut muscles, he thought her perfect. Her breasts were high and full, her stomach and mid-section flat and taut. Her slender waist gave way to curved hips and her legs were slim and firm, and between them rested a forest of dark hair that his hands ached to explore.

  Patience shivered not from the cool air, but from the way Hunter stared at her with hungry eyes. And she had to admit t
o herself that her own hands ached to explore his naked flesh, but now was not the time.

  She hurried into the water, the crisp coolness startling her and making her rush to see to her task. She tensed when she felt water running over her wounded shoulder and down over her bloody breast.

  Hunter stepped around in front of her and scooped up another handful and dropped it over her breast. His hand followed, rubbing away the remainder of the blood on her breast that still lingered. His thumb traced around her puckered nipple, wiping the last of the blood that remained there. And Patience almost groaned with the pleasure his touch brought her. She closed her eyes a moment, enjoying his caress and when his hands suddenly stopped, she opened her eyes to see him gone.

  She startled once again when he suddenly appeared in front of her smiling and holding the bar of soap in his hand. She could not help but smile herself, though it turned to a groan she kept stifled when he proceeded to wash not only her one breast, but her other as well. He said not a word to her, he just kept rubbing the soap over her naked breasts. When his hands moved lower down her body, she realized he intended to wash all of her.

  Hunter stepped closer to her, coiling his arm around her waist as he ran the soap down her stomach to just above the thatch of dark hair. He told himself not to do it, but when had he ever listened to reason when it came to women? He rubbed the soap over the dark triangle of hair, making certain his one finger was free to stimulate the tiny bud hidden there.

  Patience gasped when a shot of passion ran through her so fast and furious that she thought her legs would buckle. She grabbed onto Hunter’s arm for support and turned wide eyes on him. “You gave your word.”

  He teased the wet nub again as he said, “A sneak peek of the pleasure I can bring you, and a reminder that I did warn I would not stop kissing or touching you.”

  “Not fair,” she whispered on a gasp when his finger tormented her again.

  He ran his lips over hers in a faint kiss. “You are right. It is not fair to deny yourself pleasure.”

  A few intimate touches and she was ready to surrender to him. If he could bring her to this point so easily, how would she feel when he finally did make love to her?

  Not love... lust. This was lust they felt, nothing more.

  So why not enjoy it? He was her husband.

  He saw the confusion in her eyes and that was not what he had intended. “It grows late and we both grow hungry,” he said, though his hunger was for something far different than food and he had a feeling so was hers. “I will finish and we will return to camp and enjoy the fresh cooked fish.”

  He hunched down in front of her, soaping her legs and then rinsing them off with the cool water. He warned himself to behave, to be done with it and return to camp. But the thatch of dark hair beckoned and was just too tempting to ignore.

  He warned himself again, but it did little good. His hands reached up and took firm hold of her backside, the muscles growing taut in his hands, then he buried his face in the triangle of dark hair.

  It happened so fast that she had no time to think. He held her tight; she could not move. Truthfully, she did not want to. She gasped when she felt his tongue skim over the bud that seemed to radiate with pleasure. When his tongue flicked, then licked it, she thought she would drop from the shot of desire that raced through her. When he did it again, she groaned and did not want him to stop, and he did not stop. He continued to torment her senseless, her passion soaring in leaps and bounds. Her legs grew weak, but his strong hands held her firm, keeping her on her feet.

  She glanced down as he looked up and their eyes held and no words needed to be said, Hunter knew from the heated passion swirling in her eyes that she wanted him.

  He stood and cupped her face in his hands. “Tell me, mo chridhe.”

  She was too consumed with desire to deny him or herself and just as she was about to insist he make love to her, Beast’s loud bark echoed through the trees.

  Patience took an abrupt step away from him and hurried to the grassy bank to quickly dry herself and just as she slipped a clean shirt on, Beast came barreling past the trees. He did not stop. He headed straight for the stream and plunged into the water, bouncing around as only a playful pup could.

  Hunter splashed him and laughed as Beast barked and tried to catch the water in his mouth. He wanted to strangle the dog for interfering when he did, but it was for the best. Here and now was not the time for them to consummate their vows. But at least she had a taste of what to expect and so did he, and damn if he was not starving for her. Never had he wanted a woman so badly. He would need to keep a tight rein on his desire for her, something he had never had to worry about before. He had always found a willing woman when he was in need. Now he was in need but had to wait for the woman to be willing.

  He laughed aloud at the ironic thought, tossing more water at the bouncing pup. When he looked over to his wife, he saw that she had dressed and gathered her things. She looked ready to speak, then shook her head, turned, and disappeared into the woods.

  He smiled glad for their little escapade that left her wondering and her body wanting. She would want more now, and so did he. He turned his attention on the dog and the piece of soap sticking out of his mouth.


  When Patience reached camp, she immediately went to Edward to make certain all her orders had been seen to, though having no doubt they had been. But she needed to feel... how? A warrior or a woman? She had surrendered too much of herself to Hunter and it had frightened her. She had always kept tight rein on things, although she did allow her temper to flare now and then, but that often served a purpose. But with Hunter, she had lost all control. She had been ready to surrender completely to him that was how badly she had wanted him to make love to her.


  She jumped feeling a hand on her shoulder and was startled to see Edward looking at her oddly.

  “Are you all right? I have said your name three times,” he said with concern.

  “Tired, that is all,” she assured him, which was partially the truth. She was tired of being concerned about these feelings that were growing more confusing yet stronger by the day for her husband. At first, she thought of coupling with him as a duty. Now she ached to share the intimacies of husband and wife with him.

  “The fish is ready. Go eat and rest. I will see to everything.”

  It was not fair to leave it all on Edward to handle, but a good night’s rest might be what she needed. She would have a clearer head tomorrow to deal with things and tomorrow night she would once again join her warriors in protecting the camp.

  After seeing to spreading her towel on a branch to dry, she piled some fish on a piece of bread and found a spot to sit that allowed her a modicum of privacy. When she took herself off to find a solitary spot, her men knew well to leave her alone... not so her husband.

  She was only sitting there a few minutes when Hunter and Beast joined her. Hunter had gotten himself some food while Beast stretched out beside her, his eyes closing as soon as he lowered his head to rest on his paws.

  A whiff of rose petals drifted around Patience and she wrinkled her nose and sniffed the air, then bent over the sleeping Beast to take another sniff. She turned to her husband. “Did you wash the dog with my soap?”

  “It was a small reward for him finding your soap that I had dropped, having been too occupied with a more important matter.”

  Her cheeks heated remembering the scene and she bent her head to scoop fish into her mouth, annoyed at herself for blushing like a young lass and not wanting her husband to see.

  “Besides, it was either wash him with the soap or have him eat it, he so favored the scent,” Hunter said with a laugh.

  She could not help but laugh herself. “I will have to have Emma make some rose soap just for Beast.”

  “I think he would be most pleased with that.”

  They both laughed again and Patience felt her unease melt away. Her husband seemed to be abl
e to do that to her... ease her worry with laughter. She was also relieved that he did not speak of the incident in the stream. He let it be and that was fine with her. She did not want to speak about it, though it plagued her thoughts.

  “It has been a long, tiresome day. We should get rest, for tomorrow will come soon enough,” Hunter said.

  Patience brushed crumbs off her hands from the bread she had finished. “And we ride hard to put as much distance between us and your brother’s warriors as possible.”

  He stood, dusting his hands of the last of his meal. He held his hand out to her. “Come, we sleep close by the fire. There is a chill in the air tonight and I want to make certain you stay warm.”

  Patience reached out to him and realizing how easily she followed his lead, she drew her hand back.

  Hunter leaned over, his hand still stretched out to her. “I like the way your hand feels in mind, soft, yet strong. Do not deprive me of this simple pleasure.”

  She suddenly felt foolish. Whatever was the matter with her? Taking his hand did not designate surrender. It was a common gesture between husband and wife, nothing more. She reached her hand out to him.

  He closed his hand around hers with a strong grip and pulled her slowly to her feet.

  If holding hands with him was just a simple gesture, why did the strength of his grip send ripples racing over her flesh?

  “Beast,” he called and the pup shook himself awake and followed them.

  Hunter saw to spreading a blanket for them a few feet from one of the campfires. He was not surprised when his wife did not wait for him to help lower her to the blanket. She sat herself down and stretched out on her side. Beast took up a spot on one side of her, which left Hunter to stretch out behind her. He threw a blanket over them before settling against her and draping his arm over her waist to tuck her closer against him.

  He rested his lips close to her ear and as he went to speak, she interrupted him with a soft plea.

  “Please let it be,” she said annoyed that she sounded as if she begged. To be reminded of the incident at the stream would only serve to heighten her already passionate arousal. And if they were in a more private setting, she would probably beg her husband to make love to her.


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