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Deep Wolves (Across The Wolf)

Page 4

by Wilde, Rhea

  Our intimate time together only got better because he was keen to every reaction I would make. Most men are only concerned with the obvious. They follow a natural progression that eventually leads to sex. But Vaughn wasn’t like most men. He was able to use his instincts and read my body. Every moan, every shudder, every touch was in response to what he did. Vaughn was able to make a distinction and find every spot on my body that drove me wild. Tonight was not an exception.

  Vaughn’s appetite was endless. While he worked me over with his mouth, I reached behind my back unhooked my bra. I lowered my arms and the garment fell down at my feet, allowing Vaughn even better access. I wrapped my arms around the back of his head to bring him in even closer to me. My head was tilted toward the sky and my eyes were closed. I sighed another sigh from the feeling. My fingers ran through his long blond hair and guided him to all of the spots that turned me on so much.

  My own instincts started to take control. My hands slid down his back and to the sides of his firm physique before eventually ending up on each side of his jeans. I tugged on them even though I knew that they were clinging to his muscular body. He pulled away from me and I looked deep into his eyes before he leaned back into me. He kissed me upon my lips and chin, trailing softly upon my cheek and whipping his tongue against my lips.

  “In my pocket,” he whispered. “Back left.”

  I reached into the pocket as instructed and pulled out the string of condoms he told everyone he had purchased. Not needing any further instruction, I pulled away from him and fell upon my knees. We worked together to unbuckle his belt. Every second was an eternity as we both tried to get to the prize waiting for me. I could see his length already firm and erect as it bulged along the side of his leg. How terrible it must have been for such a large thing to be restrained by the denim that was holding it captive.

  Soon enough, I managed to undo the blasted buckle and lower the zipper. Vaughn wasn’t wearing any underwear and I could already see his length pulsating as it awaited me.

  When I looked up at Vaughn, I noticed something strange. He wasn’t looking down at me nor were his eyes closed. His head was turned to the side. I didn’t think it was strange until I stood up and he completely ignored me.


  I was still woozy from the poison that was now flowing through me but I knew something was wrong. There was an intense stare on his face and when I turned to see what he was looking at, I was only greeted with something I was already familiar with. There was only darkness between the trees and no matter how hard I stared, I could see nothing else.


  My second inquiry finally got his attention. He turned his head to me and the look of passion was gone.

  “Vaughn, what’s wrong? Tell me.”

  “I… I have a strange feeling,” he said. “I can… Someone’s here. Watching us.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes but… I can’t smell them.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “If someone was here, I’d be able to smell them. But I can’t. There’s someone out there though. I… I can sense it.”

  “Are you sure? Maybe it’s just the animals like it always is.”

  He looked down at the ground to try and gather his thoughts. I started to grow worried at what he might be thinking before he finally sighed.

  “You’re right,” he said, shaking his head. “I don’t know what I’m thinking.”

  “Just because May knows we’re having sex doesn’t mean she would actually come here to spy on us.”

  “She wouldn’t?”

  “Well, maybe she would.”

  We both shared a laugh. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.

  “Make love to me, Vaughn,” I whispered to him. “Let whatever beings fortunate enough to see us watch. Show them how a wolf makes love to his queen.”

  And just like that, the blue flames burned in Vaughn’s eyes once again. He kissed me deeply and his length pushed up against me. His jeans fell further to the ground and I began undoing mine so that I could join him.

  “I want you, Vaughn,” I moaned. “The real you. I want the beast inside.”

  Vaughn knew what I liked. And what I liked most wasn’t the beast trying to be a man. I wanted the exact opposite. He didn’t question it. It was who he really was.

  I wrapped my arms tight around him. I could feel the fur beginning to grow on the skin on his back. My arousal started to increase. I began to lose more and more control with each kiss. My thoughts started to empty and I wanted nothing more than for Vaughn to have his way with me.

  My jeans fell to the ground and I did the same. Vaughn laid me gently upon the ground and laid on top of me, no longer a man but the beast inside that I had been craving. I felt the fur on his skin press against me as he started to change. My arms tight around him, I pulled him in closer. The only thing stopping him now was a thin layer of fabric. I was beginning to wonder why I even bothered wearing panties in the first place.

  Suddenly, Vaughn pulled away from me and sat himself up. I opened my eyes and looked at him. His head was turned back to the forest just like it was before.


  I sat up and together we looked into the darkness. The passion was gone. If I didn’t know any better, I could have sworn that he was distressed at this point. But I didn’t understand why.

  “Put your clothes on.”


  “Just do it!”

  I didn’t know what had come over him but I quickly did what I was told.

  “Vaughn, what’s going on?” I asked him as I hastily pulled my jeans back up.

  He didn’t respond. I put the rest of my clothes back on and Vaughn did the same. Vaughn reached for his shirt when I heard something whistle through the air. It was like a sharp gust of wind. It was a sound I’d never heard before. But what came immediately after was a sound that would give me nightmares.

  Vaughn grunted loudly and stumbled back. His shirt fell from his hands before he could put it back on.


  I rushed closer to him, his body hunched over. As he made his way back to his feet, reverted back to his human form, I immediately noticed it. He was clutching his right shoulder. I looked at his hand and I could see the faint crimson beginning to trickle down upon it.


  “We have to get out of here.”

  “But you’re hurt—”


  Another shot whistled through the air and echoed through the clearing. Vaughn grabbed me and shoved me out of the way. The bark on the tree next to us splintered into pieces as we stumbled down onto the ground.


  He turned around and I hopped upon his back. With my arms and legs wrapped around him, Vaughn raced through the trees. Vaughn had never moved so quickly before. I didn’t know what was going on but I knew that he was hurt. Underneath one of my arms, I could feel the blood gushing from his wound. But his blood wasn’t ordinary. I could feel it stinging against my flesh and burning me. The pain I was feeling was nothing to the panic that was now surging through me.

  Another shot cracked through the trees and shattered some of the wood. Vaughn deftly made his way through the darkness. I could feel his heart beating as I clutched onto him. He was grunting loudly with each step he took, twisting and turning through the trees to try and lose who or what it was that was obviously chasing us. The sound of the wood being broken became more frequent. I grew more and more fearful that the next one might hit us but Vaughn managed to navigate his way safely through the trees before we eventually ended up out of the forest and back upon the edge of the city.

  Vaughn ran back toward the city faster than he ever had. I could feel the blood gushing from his shoulder against my arm and the burning sensation it gave me. I turned around to see if I could see who or what was after us but there was nothing out of the ordinary. It was only the forest I had
become so familiar with. I thought I was safe with Vaughn in those trees but that obviously was not the case anymore.

  As we made our way back to the city, I got off of Vaughn’s back and we walked through the streets. He stood there with his shirt off and when I got in front of him, I could finally see the ghastly sight.


  “I’m all right,” he said as he breathed heavily. “I’m fine. The wound will close itself.”

  I reached out to wipe the blood from his wound and when I did, I was forced to pull my fingers away. The stinging acid in his veins burned me and there was nothing I could do. Despite Vaughn’s reassurances that he would be fine, the blood continued to flow from the wound.

  “Vaughn, please. We have to get you some help.”

  “Where?” he scoffed. “I don’t think the hospital is accepting patients at the moment. Not any patients like me anyway.”

  “But there’s a bullet inside of you. They can take it out at least.”

  “No. It’s fine. Let the bullet linger. My body will force it out and—Ungh…”


  He fell to one knee. I had never seen him like this before. He looked weak and vulnerable. The blood continued to gush from the wound and he was losing his strength. I grabbed him and draped one of his arms over my shoulder.

  “Come on,” I said to him. “We have to get you somewhere safe—”


  Another shot licked through the air. Just when I thought we had gotten away, the rush of fear suddenly returned. Vaughn was quickly losing all of his strength. His feet were barely moving. He felt like a giant weight on my shoulders.


  Another shot rushed through the air and pierced Vaughn on his right arm. I glanced only for a moment to see that there was blood rushing from two places now. It was taking every bit of strength I could muster to hold him up. I didn’t know who or what was doing this but I couldn’t leave Vaughn here. I couldn’t let him just die in my arms like this.

  Come on, Ariel. Keep going. Don’t drop him. We’re almost there. Lose them in the crowd.

  I rushed toward a group of homeless that were gathered around a barrel. Inside, a fire burned and they all rubbed their hands together to try and keep warm.

  “Please!” I begged all of them. “He needs help. I just need one of you to help me carry him. That’s all.”

  They looked at me with apathy upon their faces. Despite my desperation, my pleas fell upon deaf ears. I could feel the tears beginning to rush from my eyes as I felt Vaughn growing heavier and heavier. The life was slowly beginning to fall away from him.

  I’m going to lose him. In the middle of the street. Completely helpless…

  I dragged Vaughn a few more feet. I could feel another shot on the verge of being fired upon us. But before I heard it, the loud sound of tires screeching on the street screamed into the sky. I looked down the street and saw a motorcycle racing toward us. I turned my head away from the person as they hopped up onto the curb and right next to us. I shielded Vaughn with my body and looked away.


  Another shot licked the air. I was a sitting duck. But something strange was happening.

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  The loud sound of each shot was quickly followed by the sound of metal. I closed my eyes tightly as the tears rushed from them. I braced myself for the impact of the next shot to hit me. But it never came.

  The shots ceased. I shivered in my place. I could feel the man on the motorcycle’s presence next to me. I slowly tilted my head up to look at the person standing there. They were dressed in an ordinary motorcycle jacket and matching pants. I couldn’t see who it was because they were wearing a helmet. And in their hand, there was a large blade that was a meter long.

  “Who-who…” I muttered.

  They sheathed their sword and quickly removed their helmet. I saw a familiar face and felt an immediate sigh of relief.

  “I’m sorry I’m late, Ms. Everhart.”

  “Vaughn… H-he…”

  “He needs help. Let’s go.”

  Chapter 6

  I sat inside of Phoenix’s shop full of anxiety. I tapped my foot against the ground as I waited for them to return from out back. I wanted to be back there with them but they refused. They said I would only get in the way.

  I sat there and stared forward. My mind was racing with all kinds of thoughts. The Contego sat on the shelf and was staring right back at me.

  Please… Please don’t leave me…

  I could feel how tight my muscles had become. My eyes were wet with tears. I had to do something with all of the nervous tension that was building up inside of me. So I got up from my seat and picked up the object that was staring back at me. I looked toward the back and could hear the sounds of the men struggling. I went outside and placed the Contego on the ground as if it would help keep whatever it was out there away from us. More importantly, I needed to keep it away from Vaughn, if it even worked at all. Vaughn had already been through enough at this point. The last thing he needed was something to ward him away.

  When I walked back into the Phoenix’s shop, Phoenix himself came into the room. I looked at the gloves on his hands and they were covered with blood. I feared the worst and I couldn’t take it any longer.


  “He’s going to be okay, Ms. Ariel.”

  I exhaled the deepest sigh of relief I ever had and felt all of the tension leave my muscles. I collapsed onto the chair in front of me and tried to catch my breath.

  “If you came here a second later, he would not have made it. He lost a lot of blood. He needs to rest.”

  “Wh-what did—”

  “I’m sure Irvine will have all of the answers you’re looking for. Here.”

  Phoenix walked toward me and lifted my arms up. He examined the skin that had been burned by Vaughn’s blood. Then he placed a roll of bandages in front of me.

  “There’s a restroom over there to the side, Ms. Ariel. Please. You can wrap the wounds after you’re finished.”

  “Thank you, Phoenix.”

  “Of course.”

  “I-I moved one of your things outside. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “It’s probably for the best. Even though I’m sure someone has probably stolen it by now.”

  “I’m sorry, Phoenix. I just—”

  He winked at me with a smile. I chuckled softly to myself as I watched him shuffle back to where he and Irvine were handling Vaughn. I made my way into the bathroom and breathed another sigh of relief knowing that he would be okay. I turned the faucet on and splashed the water onto my face, washing away the tears and blood away. I did my best to get rid of the rest of the blood on me but my shirt was stained completely. I wrapped my arms with the bandages and looked at my reflection. I had a bad feeling ever since I sat there in the bar and watched the news. But I didn’t think anything would turn out like this.

  When I stepped out of the bathroom, the man who had saved me was sitting there and calmly waiting for me.

  Irvine Gold was a mysterious stranger who walked into the bar I worked at one night. Little did I know that he was actually looking out for me. It was in his job description for that particular assignment.

  He looked different. Gone was the suit and tie I was so used to seeing him in, replaced by an outfit more suited for traveling around on a motorcycle. His dark hair had gotten just a bit longer and his face looked like it hadn’t been shaved in a few days.

  “Hello, Ms. Everhart. I wish that I didn’t have to see you under such terrible circumstances.”

  “It’s all right. You saved me. You saved us. Again.”

  “There’s no need to thank me. I’m just doing my job.”

  “You’re doing what’s right.”


  He let out a short laugh, appropriate for the situation. Even though I was relieved to hear that Vaughn would be all right, I was too amped up to sit down. I paced back and fort
h and waited for Irvine to continue.

  “I know you have a lot of questions, Ms. Everhart. But I don’t have all of the answers. I don’t know how that was. I only caught a glimpse of him. But he’s dangerous.”

  “After what he did, that much is obvious.”

  “I needed it to be emphasized. He’s not some ordinary man.”

  “Then who is he?”

  “I don’t know. But whoever he is, he has access to these.”

  Irvine raised his hand and I looked at the small object between his fingers. He placed it down upon the table. I moved closer and picked it up. It looked like a bullet but not like anything I’d ever seen before. It was metallic but the center was clear glass.

  “Those aren’t ordinary bullets,” Irvine explained. “Those were designed specifically for wolves like Vaughn. They’re filled with something. Once it gets into their bloodstream, it’s like a ticking clock. We barely got to him in time.”

  “He’s going to be okay though. Phoenix said—”

  “He’ll be okay, Ms. Everhart. But it was close. A few more minutes and who knows what could have happened.”

  “What is it? Silver?”

  Irvine shook his head. He unsheathed the sword attached to his back and showed it to me.

  “Look,” he said as he pointed at his blade. “I was blocking the bullets as he fired at you. These dents… They’re not normal. Silver wouldn’t cause this kind of damage.

  “If not silver then—”

  “I told you, Ms. Everhart. I don’t have all the answers. I don’t know who that man is or what his motives are. But I suspect that what he’s doing has to do with what happened several months ago. There was someone behind it. Maybe it was the man who attacked you. I don’t know. But I’m here now and I’m seeking the answers you and I are both looking for.”

  I shuddered as I thought about what could possibly be happening. If Irvine was here and didn’t have the answers then this was serious. More serious than I wanted it to be.

  I suddenly remembered the man I saw in the bar earlier that night. I remembered the way he looked at me and the feeling I had.

  “There was someone earlier… He stopped by the bar I worked at. He looked like he was from out of town. He stared at me like he knew who I was.”


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