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The Defiant Bride

Page 17

by Leslie Hachtel

  “I wish to accompany you,” Dariana stated.

  William gazed into her eyes and could deny her nothing. He held out his arm to her and she ran to his side. Together, the soldiers behind, they went down the steps. William was the first to enter the cell. He stepped back at once, preventing Dariana’s access.

  “William?” she asked.

  He called to one of his soldiers. “Escort my lady to her father.”

  The soldier moved to Dariana’s side, but she stayed him with a hand on his arm. She turned to William, her eyes repeating her question.

  William shook his head. “She is dead.”

  Dariana could not contain her gasp. “Dead?” she whispered. “But she still breathed when I left her.”

  William moved to his wife and wrapped her in his embrace. “She did not die by your hand, love. She was stabbed with a sword. This was Cedric’s work, I have no doubt.”

  “I do not understand,” Dariana breathed.

  “He is a man full of rage. He does not think ‘ere he strikes out. I have never harmed him, but his hatred of me consumes him. Perhaps because he could not have his way with you, he destroyed Melissa. Or, perhaps he was done with her and wanted to assure she would not become a liability.”

  “She died without a priest,” Dariana commented. She felt nothing but pity for the dead woman now.

  “I doubt it would have saved her. Her soul was black as night.”

  “But you were going to marry her.”

  “I told you the contracts were never signed. ‘Tis true I might have wed her for her land and she for my money, but that was before I discovered what it was to truly love someone. She joined with Cedric and would have seen you killed or worse.”

  “How did you know?” Dariana asked.

  “I sent a scout ahead when I recognized Cedric’s direction. John saw them together here. The alliance between them made sense. They both felt cheated. As for Melissa, I pray she rots in hell for her crimes.” He took a deep breath to control his anger and turned back to the soldier. “Please see my lady to her father while we clean up this mess.”

  This time, Dariana allowed herself to be led up the steps.

  It was when she had rejoined her father and his men that she noted the familiar faces among them. She was pleased and flattered that so many had come to her aid. Thomas wrapped her in his comforting bear hug.

  Dariana moved from man to man, greeting each by name and giving a heartfelt “thank you” to each. Her heart fairly burst with joy that none of them had been harmed, but it was not until she came to Evan, the gatekeeper, his head bowed in shyness and respect, that tears filled her eyes.

  “Oh, Evan! You too?” She threw her arms around his neck, which caused his cheeks to flame red in embarrassment.

  “I had to come,” he choked out. “We value you, my lady.”

  “I thank you, Evan.” She released her hold on him. Then she turned to address them all. “There are not words to thank you,” she declared. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “You do me honor to have come for me and fought.”

  It was her father who stepped forward then. “Come, daughter, it is not proper to thank knights for doing their duty.” His voice was gruff and Dariana could not help but smile.

  “Aye, Father, perhaps that is true, but I shall not apologize for my gratitude.” She was teasing him and he grinned. “I must say, I am truly happy I did not know you were at my husband’s side until after the battle. Although I know you and your bravery, I would still have worried tenfold.”

  “Nonsense,” the earl blustered. “We lost no one in the battle. There was no cause for your fear, child.”

  Dariana did a quick count of the soldiers’ numbers. Cedric’s fallen men were now piled in the corners of the keep. She could not believe what she was seeing. “You lost no one? But you must have been vastly outnumbered.”

  “Aye.” The earl swelled to his full height. “We were one to three, but that only increased the sport.”

  Dariana smiled with pride and held her tongue. The fact that her father’s men were also three times older than their opponents did not seem necessary to mention, but she could not help but be impressed all the more.

  “Come, Dariana, as it is time to leave this place of decay and death,” the earl announced.

  Dariana nodded. She hesitated for a moment and glanced toward the steps. Her father moved to her and placed an arm around her shoulders. “William will follow shortly. We need to put some distance between us and this place before we seek our rest.”

  Reluctant to leave William, but anxious to be away, Dariana followed her father.


  They rode for several hours before making camp, but Dariana was so pleased to be free from her captors, she forgot her exhaustion. They rode in silence, keeping their own thoughts. Dariana’s had been concentrated on William and she constantly looked over her shoulder, hoping to see him riding up behind them.

  Finally, her father reached over and pated her arm. “He will follow soon, my girl. Do not worry so.”

  “I know, Father.”

  “Do you love him as much as he loves you?”

  The question caught her of-guard. She smiled and nodded. “Aye, Father, I do love him with all my heart and soul.”

  The earl grinned, obviously satisfied.

  They stopped in a meadow near a stream. Men were directed to build tents and Dariana went into the woods to seek some privacy. She wandered to the water and sat on the bank. Looking around, she saw she was sheltered from view and, unable to resist temptation, she threw off her filthy clothes and jumped into the cool water. It was heavenly. She scrubbed her skin until it was pink and washed the dust and the smell of the cramped cell from her hair.

  She was so engaged in her pleasurable bath, she fairly screamed when strong arms reached around her and pulled her against a hard chest.

  “You must never let down your guard,” William growled. “You could be taken again.”

  “You are right. I shall be more careful,” she responded, a bit taken aback by the fierceness of his tone. “But I have strong and brave knights to defend me. Why, you would plunge into water to save me, would you not?”

  “Do not joke. I cannot even think of what might have happened. It must never happen again!”

  Before she could answer, his mouth crushed hers. Suddenly, there was nothing but white-hot passion melting their bodies together, the feel of the silken water only increasing their ardor. As if in a frenzy, they touched and stroked and fueled the fire between them until William drove his hard manhood into her, making her cry out in an ecstasy. They found their release too soon, but the primitive lust which had overtaken them allowed for no patience. Then they clung to each other as though the very air they breathed depended on holding tight.

  Finally, William eased his hold and took her hand. “Well, love, I trust you are bathed enough as you have shriveled like a prune.” He kissed her fingers to emphasize it truly mattered not.

  “Prune, am I?” she gasped at him. “Prune?” She sent a stream of water splashing into his face.

  “Aye, and if you continue your play, you shall disappear into the folds of your own wrinkles.”

  She feigned total shock. “I have no wrinkles. I am merely clean, everywhere.” She nodded for effect.

  “Then, I suggest we make our way back to our tent so I may see for myself.”

  “Can you not look now?” she asked coyly.

  “What a lusty wench you are. But I am starving and prefer a dry bed to the cold stream for my examination.”

  “Starving, my lord? For food or for me?”

  “I need both to live. You are the food of my soul.” He kissed her so sweetly her knees grew weak. She feared she would sink under the water. But William gave her a gentle nudge toward the bank.

  Several of the men had gone hunting, so quail and wild duck graced the meal. Everyone ate as though he had never before encountered food. It was then that Dariana remembered the n
ews she had to share with William. When he commented on her appetite, she merely smiled a secret smile at him.

  “I have reason,” she remarked casually, hoping William would ask.

  “Aye, I am sure that the blackguard did not feed you,” the earl groused, overhearing their conversation.

  “In fact, he did threaten to starve me,” Dariana returned. “But I did not fear it.”

  William raised his eyebrow at her, then grinned. “You trusted I would come?”


  “But what if I believed you had fled from me, back to your forest?”

  “You would not think that.” She felt her cheeks redden as the memory of her fear of just such a thing came back to her.

  “How are you so sure I would not think that? You were not exactly a willing bride.”

  “What is this?” the earl roared. “Is this true, daughter? This man forced you?” Suddenly, it was obvious the earl’s attitude toward William had changed.

  William was not intimidated. “Aye, you might say that, but it was only that she did not know her own mind at the time. However, I was quite sure she loved me.”

  Dariana gaped at him. “That is not as I recall it, William.”

  “What do you recall?” the earl asked, his voice low.

  Dariana hesitated. She had to satisfy both men with her answer and still have it resemble the truth.

  “Well, it was not as though I had been forced, as you said, Father. ‘‘Twas more like I was not prepared for the swiftness of my husband’s actions. I was—caught of-guard.”

  The earl was still suspicious. “Was it against your will, daughter?”

  A muscle worked overtime in William’s jaw. Dariana smiled sweetly. “Nay, Father. Nothing my husband has ever done has been against my will. I must say there have been times when I have not been as decisive as my husband, but I have never been forced.”

  Both men were satisfied, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

  It was not until much later, in the privacy of their tent, that Dariana recalled the question William had asked of her during their meal. “Did you truly believe I would flee back to the forest, William? “

  William was silent for a moment. “I love you, Dariana. I suppose I harbor some guilt for my high-handedness.”

  “What of your arrogance?”

  “Arrogance is requisite for a knight. High-handedness, though, could be considered less than honorable.”

  “Do you regret it?”

  “My arrogance? Nay, I nurture it.” He grinned.

  Her expression turned serious. “The marriage?”

  “Now, why would you ask me that?” he returned, confused.

  “Because, just now, I need the words, William. Women need to hear the words.”

  “Words?” He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her. She returned his kiss with a fervent passionThen their clothing was thrown to the ground as William carried her to the cot. There, his hands moved across her skin, his mouth following the lead of his hands. Boldly, Dariana’s hands slid down between his muscular thighs and wrapped around his hard shaft. He groaned in an agony of pleasure as she explored him more fully. He took one of her rosy nipples into his mouth and ran his tongue over its pink sweetness until she arched against him in a rush of uncontrollable passion.

  William shifted his weight until he was braced above her, then drove into her over and over again until she screamed her release. Her climax fueled his own and his hot seed poured into her in an explosion of desire. Seated and exhausted, they slept wrapped in each other’s arms.

  Too soon, Dariana awoke and saw William was already gone. Suddenly, she was hit by a wave of nausea. She barely had time to pull on her gown and rush into the privacy of the trees before her stomach emptied. She grasped a sturdy tree until the last of the effects passed. Then, very slowly so as not to rouse the beast in her stomach, she made her way back to the camp.

  William was waiting, but the smile of greeting on his face instantly changed to concern when he saw her. He ran to her and guided her into the tent and onto the cot. Dariana gave him a smile in gratitude. He looked at her thoughtfully for a moment and then raised one eyebrow in question. “Tell me, love, why you needed to hear the words last eve?”

  Dariana grinned shyly. “This was not how I would have chosen to give you the news which I am sure you now suspect.”

  “How were you planning to tell me?”

  “Well, I was trying to tell you last night, but your animal lust intervened,” she teased.

  “My animal lust? Well, if you were not such a hot bit of baggage, mayhap I could control myself. Since it appears our love bears fruit, I suppose I shall have to learn.”

  “But I have heard tell it matters not and will not harm the babe. Certainly not in the beginning months. Unless, of course, you find me ugly and unappealing when I am fat with your child.”

  “Fat you may become, my love, but never ugly and never unappealing. I shall make love to you until you cry for mercy, if that is your desire.”

  “For now, I merely feel like sleeping.” And, as proof, her eyelids drooped in her need for rest.

  “Then, sleep you shall. We are in no great rush to return.” She knew this last was not quite true. They were both anxious to see to Richard and make provisions for Lady Bethany, now that she was widowed. Dariana hoped a few moments’ rest would refresh her, so she would not hinder their progress home. He brushed his lips across her forehead as she lay back on the pillows, but she was already drifting into sleep.

  Travel home progressed at a slow pace. Dariana caught her father beaming at every opportunity.

  “You seem pleased, Father,” Dariana ventured. The manor was just in sight. Another hour’s travel at the most. “About the babe, I mean.”

  “Pleased does not begin to tell of my feelings, child. You have chosen well in your husband. To live to see my grandchild born is my greatest wish.”

  “Will you stay with us, then?”

  “Nay. I have determined to travel to court to meet this new Henry. I hear tell that he is as his father was at the beginning of his reign, before grief and misery fed into his greed.”

  “He is truly full of the joy of life. Every day is an adventure to be savored. Of course, I must ever be grateful to him for not seeking retribution against us.”

  The earl looked away for a moment, thoughtfully, before turning back to Dariana. “Can you ever forgive me, child?”

  “My lord, you were obeying the dictates of your king. It is I who should ask forgiveness. Perhaps if I had thought, there might have been a better way than to leave you as I did.”

  “Aye, daughter, you were willful. I trust you take that quality from me. I am most proud of you. Better to have a mind of your own, child.”

  “Even if it creates havoc such as I caused?”

  The earl sighed aloud. “You are everything and more I could hope for in a daughter. That is all I have to say on the subject, else I might approve of some new action you are plotting.”

  Dariana smiled, then laughed out loud. “What trouble could I bring upon us now?”

  “I choose not to tempt fate.” The earl grinned.

  Dariana’s laughter rang out and brought William up beside her. “What has caused your mirth?”

  “Why, my own father has suggested I can create trouble just by thinking of it.” Dariana feigned outrage.

  Dariana could not miss William and the earl exchanged knowing looks. Together their laughter rose. When Dariana, her father, and William entered the inner bailey, Leah stood waiting to greet them. Tears ran down her cheeks as she hugged William and Dariana, her utter joy lighting her face.

  “Is Richard well?” Dariana asked, fearful of the answer.

  Leah’s smile was infectious. “Thanks to that great beast of yours, he was discovered before his wounds could fester. He is recovering and anxiously waits in his chamber to greet you both.”

  “He is not yet well enough to leave his bed?” William asked, c

  “He is probably well enough, but Hildy and Megan cannot release him from their care as yet. Well, it is more likely they don’t wish to. You know how they are. Never happier than when they have someone to tend.”

  William and Dariana grinned. It was then the earl cleared his throat, demanding an introduction. Embarrassed at her rudeness, Dariana made amends. Then Leah’s words came back to her.

  “Leah, what did you mean about Moonshadow?”

  “Did not William tell you? The gelding was the one who alerted us. He led William to the spot where Richard lay. William, did you not tell her of her horse’s sagacity?”

  Dariana looked at him in question and William smiled. “In truth, I forgot. However, ‘tis not as though you could be kinder to the animal or spoil him more.”

  “Oh, I am sure I could find some way to ease his lot. More oats, perhaps, or some other treat.”

  William just shook his head. Turning to Leah, he placed his arm about her shoulders. “So, I take it the plans have been made?”


  Dariana moved to William’s side, smiling knowingly. “For the wedding,” she declared.

  Leah blushed furiously. “But, how—?” William and Dariana laughed at her puzzlement.

  “Why, a blind man could see it was but a mater of time. Wounds have a way of speeding the inevitable.”

  “As in our case, my lord?” Dariana asked coyly.

  “It was a wound, indeed, that brought us together,” William declared. “I assume Richard’s had the same effect on you, dear sister.”

  “’Tis true we gave voice to our feelings for each other, but we would have done nothing until we were assured of your safe return.”

  “Well, now you have it,” Dariana stated. “So, when is the wedding?”

  “Why—I—we—” Leah stammered, her cheeks flushing redder still.

  “I say the sooner the better,” William declared. “No more delays. We shall post the banns and the wedding shall be in four weeks’ time. Is that soon enough, Leah?”

  The reality seemed to tie her tongue, so William nodded. The mater settled, they went to seek Richard.


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