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American Experiment

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by James Macgregor Burns

  Great Lakes, 212-13, 233, 235, 305, 532; region, 310, 405, 449-50

  Greece, 248, 250, 254

  Greeley, Horace, 421, 433, 443-4, 487, 515-17, 530, 609, 612; and slavery, 546-7, 549, 580-1, 585, 594-5, 604, 625

  Green, Constance McLaughlin, 566

  Green, Duff, 332

  Greene, Catherine, 274, 275, 287

  Greytown, Mosquito Coast. 540

  Grier, Robert C„ 575, 577

  Grimké, Angelina and Sarah, 412-13, 521

  Griswold, Roger, 138

  Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of, 464

  Guerrière, H.M.S., 211

  Guizot. Francois, 354

  habeas corpus, Civil War suspension of, 613, 615, 619

  Haiti, 360, 367

  Hale, John P., 469-70

  Hall, John, 289

  Hallet, Benjamin, 519

  Hamilton, Alexander, 19, 21, 23, 36, 68, 69, 72, 77, 81, 122-7 passim, 131, 133, 138, 146, 191, 227, 268, 433, 511, 607; duel of, with Burr, 192, 193, 196; and election of 1796, 107-9; election of 1800, 145, 147, 148, 153-5; and foreign affairs, 100-1, 103, 121, 253; and Jefferson, 90-1, 101; opposition to, 85-7, 93, 137; as Secretary of Treasury, 71, 79-80, 84-9; 90-1, 97-8, 168-9; supports strong central government, 26, 41, 42, 44-5, 55-S, 236, 246, 259

  Hammond, James Henry, 572-4

  Hampton, Wade, 608

  Hampton Roads, Va., 622

  Hancock, John, 33, 49, 51, 74, 519

  Handlin, Oscar, 174

  Hare, Robert, 434

  Harmony, Ind., 439-40

  Harper, Robert Goodloe, 259-60

  Harper and Brothers, 588

  Harpers Ferry, Va., 179, 289, 590, 609

  Harper’s Weekly, 605

  Harrington, James, 368

  Harris, B. F., 528

  Harris, Townsend, 542

  Harrisburg, Pa., 265-6, 269

  Harrison, Benjamin, 53

  Harrison, William Henry, 207, 212-13, 341-2, 437, 622; election and presidency of, 419-22, 424, 468

  Hartford. Conn., 31, 73, 218, 220, 222, 351; Federalist convention in, 217, 218, 224, 231, 261

  Hartford and New Haven Railroad, 433

  Hariz, Louis, 349, 435

  Harvard College, 32, 74, 218, 221-4, 240, 255, 257, 271, 338, 351, 436, 477-8, 480-1, 483, 486, 519

  Harvey, Charles T., 532

  Havana, Cuba, 244, 538

  Hawaii, 540-1

  Hawkins, Hall, 389

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 223, 347, 487-90, 491, 517, 534, 588; Scarlet Letter, The, 476, 488-9

  Hawthorne, Sophia (Mrs. Nathaniel), 489

  Hayne, Robert Y 327-31, 336-7, 570

  Hedge, Levi, 222

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 443

  Helper, Hinton Rowan, 592

  Henry, Patrick, 8, 29, 43, 53-5, 68, 91, 95, 108, 140, 255

  Henshaw, David, 374, 376

  Herald of Freedom (newspaper), 551

  Herndon, William, 555-6, 558, 561, 580-1, 603

  Herrera, José Joaquin, 460

  Hidalgo, Miguel, 248

  Higginson, Stephen, 218

  Hildreth, Richard, 522

  Hill, Isaac, 326

  Hilliard, H. W., 472

  history: causal agents in, 383-4, 422, 598; on Jackson, 346-7; original records in, 384, 396; stream of, 578

  History of Paper Money and Banking (Gouge), 344

  Hobbes, Thomas, 28

  Hoe printing press, 535

  Holland, 99, 172, 174, 175, 176, 447

  Hollidaysburg Aurora, 316

  Holmes, Mary J., 517

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 479, 588

  Holyoke, Mass., 295

  Hone, Philip, 475

  Honolulu, Hawaii, 540

  Hopkinson, Francis, 112

  Horrocks and Johnson power loom, 292

  Horseshoe Bend, Battle of, 217

  Hough, Pvt. Daniel, 607

  House of Representatives, 152-5, 266-7, 322, 408, 440; election to, 36-7, 61, 68, 364, 381; and foreign affairs, 103-4, 123; see also Congress

  Houston, Sam, 454

  Hudson River, 91, 172, 213, 233, 278, 296-7, 301-2, 305, 352, 370, 431-3

  Hudson’s Bay Company, 455, 458-9

  Hughes, Bishop John, 509

  Hull, Capt. Isaac, 211

  Hull, Gen. William, 210-11, 216

  Hume, David, 28

  Humphreys, David, 64, 70

  Hungary, 416, 467, 536-7

  Hunkers, 468-9

  Hunt, Millicent Leib, 395, 402

  Hunter, Gen. David, 620

  Hunter, Robert M. T., 544

  Hussey’s reaper, 527

  ice industry, 429

  Illinois, 299, 392, 452, 496, 499-500, 528, 529, 543, 554-5, 576, 599, 622-3;

  migration to, 207, 315, 449, 450, 451, 527; politics in, 267, 556-9, 561-2, 580-7, 594-5

  Illinois Central Railroad, 556, 589

  immigrants, 141, 395, 404-9, 415, 433, 450, 530, 534, 553; and Alien Act, 126, 127-8; in cities, 80-1, 113, 114, 116, 356, 404-9; education of, 509-10, 565; employment of, 405-6, 408-9; and nativism, 547-8, 553-4, 559: and politics, 407-8, 554, 559

  impressment, see Great Britain: impressment of seamen by indentured servants, 7, 114, 503

  Independence, Mo., 456

  Independent Journal, 44

  Independent Treasury Act (1840), 344-6, 424, 426

  Indiana, 207, 315, 392, 449, 496, 508, 527-8; canal system in, 305; communitarianism in, 439, 440-2; politics in, 562, 597, 603

  individual rights: ideology of, 143, 415-16, 435, 437, 440, 479, 571-3; vs. community, 30, 115-16, 475, 491-2; see also liberty; man

  industry, 433, 438; capital for, 80, 295-6, 534, 587; and equality, 355, 362; expansion of, 141, 251, 291, 295, 485, 533-5· 587-9, 599; and government, 84, 88-9, 236-7, 287-8, 291, 505, 564; and individual liberty, 485-7, 489-90, 491-2; machinery for, 216, 282, 288-9, 290-1, 295, 307, 396, 430, 533-4, 535; tariffs for, 236, 269-70, 293, 295, 347, 437, 505; see also business; capitalism; labor; textile industry

  Ingham, Samuel D., 235, 325

  Ingraham, Joseph. 284-5

  Intellectuals, 27, 145, 442, 444, 477; of Virginia, 255-64 passim

  internal improvements: competition for, 308-9; government subsidies for, 236, 240-1, 307-8, 309, 329, 331, 347, 505, 506, 564; as political issue, 320, 333, 334, 375, 435, 599; see also transportation

  interstate commerce, 259, 301

  Iowa, 392, 451, 527, 532

  Ireland, 405, 407, 459

  Irish immigrants, 80-1, 113, 126, 305, 309, 373, 405, 406, 407-8, 450, 480, 498, 547, 548, 555

  iron, 530-1, 534

  Iroquois Indians, 5, 6, 96

  Irving, Washington, 477

  Isely, Jeter, 547

  Italy, 24, 174-5, 254, 416, 438

  Izard, George, 213

  Jackson, Andrew. 239, 268, 318-19, 343,-421, 453, 459, 580; and Calhoun, 332-3, 334, 570; censured by Senate, 340, 346, 423; and Congress, 247, 327, 346; and Democratic party, 323, 341, 340, 347-9, 359, 363-4, 381, 455, 457; in election of 1824, 265-7, 321, 378; in election of 1828, 320-3, 375-6; election of 1832, 331-6, 380; Florida campaign of, 245-7, 319, 332; and foreign affairs, 445-6, 455; kitchen cabinet of, 325-6, 339; nullification policy of, 329, 330-1, 335, 330-7, 346, 348, 357; presidency of, 323-41, 344, 345, 346-7, 358, 359, 361, 378, 383, 428, 575, 598, 619; spoils system of, 324-5, 333, 346, 374; supporters of, 269, 320-4, 349, 358, 423; tour of, 337-8; and United States Bank, 335-6, 338-40, 347, 373, 374, 375, 428, 466; in War of 1812, 213, 216-17, 231, 235, 319; see also democracy: Jacksonian

  Jackson, George, 55

  Jackson, James. 85, 88

  Jackson, Patrick Tracy, 292, 294

  Jackson. Rachel (Mrs. Andrew), 319, 323, 326-7, 402

  Jackson, Gen. Thomas (Stonewall), 610-11, 613, 622, 623, 624

  Jalapa, Mexico, 463

  Japan, 542

  Jay, John, 19, 41, 43, 44-5, 53, 56-7, 69, 70, 71, 72, 78, 79, 103, 147, 148, 152, 154, 184, 215, 235

  Jay, Mrs. John, 81

  Jay family, 370

  Jay treaty (1794), 103-4, 120, 226, 137

  Jefferson, Thomas, 18, 26, 43, 55, 77, 162, 231, 260, 319, 325, 340, 347, 357, 360, 368, 377, 414, 419, 435, 439, 478, 483, 493; Alien and Sedition Acts opposed by, 126, 127, 131-2, 184, 230, 330; and Burr conspiracy, 197, 202-3; and canals, 303, 305-6, 310; character and philosophy of, 62-3, 161-3, 165, 168, 170, 171, 238, 501, 502; and Congress, 165, 167, 168-72, 202, 263; correspondence with Adamses, 18-19, 226, 271-2; and Declaration of Independence, 23, 40, 272, 411; in election of 1796, 107-9, 378; election of 1800, 144-7, 151-5, 378; in election of 1804, 183, 227; and Embargo Act, 199-202, 203, 230; and foreign affairs, 162, 167, 168, 173-5, 195-201, 230, 249, 253; and French Revolution, 99-100; and Hamilton, 90-1, 101; and judiciary, 183-9, 193, 202; and Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, 131-2, 134, 139, 145, 162; and Lewis and Clark expedition, 178-83, 190; and Louisiana Purchase, 176-8, 189, 230; and Madison, 28, 91-2, 203-4, 206, 208, 212, 255; at Monticello, 106-7, 163, 168, 201, 255, 256, 270-3, 440; and political parties, 90, 99, 135, 239, 279; political strategy and appointments of, 161, 164-7, 186, 190-2, 239; presidency of, 159-72, 183-93, 195, 205, 215, 228, 259, 260, 261, 263, 378, 383, 428, 598; on rebellion, 18-19, 162; and Republican party, 122, 137, 138-9, 145, 146-7, 159, 164-7, 169-72, 173, 184, 185-6, 190-2, 202, 258, 262-3, 269, 369, 498, 549; as Secretary of State, 71, 88, 90-1, 101, 103, 162; and slavery issue, 151, 243; as vice-president, 108-9, 122, 138, 146, 162

  Jerusalem, Va., 392

  Jervis, John B, 432

  Jews, 7, 78, 81, 92

  Johnson, Andrew, 346

  Johnson, Richard M., 235, 342, 421

  Johnson, Samuel, 25

  Johnson, William Samuel, 31

  Johnston, Gen. Albert Sidney, 608, 621

  Johnston, Gen. Joseph, 463, 609-10, 613

  Johnstone, Robert, 169, 172

  Jones, Anson, 460

  Jones, Charles Colcock, 385-8, 390-1

  Jones, Mary (Mrs. Charles Colcock), 388

  Jones, William, 212

  Jubilee of 1826, 270, 272-3

  Judd, Norman, 595

  judicial branch, 36, 38-9, 40, 60, 128, 183-6, 193, 619; independence of, 184-9, 193, 202, 350, see also courts; Supreme Court judicial review, 40, 133, 187-9, 93, 202, 577

  Judiciary Act: of 1789, 70, 130, 186-9; of 1801, 168, 183-4, 186, 202

  Kansas, 453; Lecompton plan, 579-80, 589, 607; slavery issue in, 543, 550-2, 579-80, 591; Topeka constitution in, 550

  Kansas Free State (newspaper), 551

  Kansas-Nebraska act, 543-52 passim, 582, 599, 607

  Kant, Immanuel, 481

  Kearny, Gen. Stephen W., 461-2

  Kemble, Fanny, 317, 354, 413

  Kendall, Amos, 325-6, 339, 346, 348, 375-6

  Kent, James, 364

  Kentucky, 94, 96, 131, 175, 208, 315, 331, 468, 495, 496, 529-30, 573, 601, 608, 620; economic problems in, 241, 374-6; politics in, 173, 267, 336, 374-6, 380, 604

  Kentucky Gazette (newspaper), 131

  Kentucky resolution, 131-3, 134, 139, 145, 162, 261

  Kerber, Linda, 58

  Key, Francis Scott, 215

  King, Rufus, 19, 35, 39, 79, 203, 227, 239, 243

  “King Caucus,” 238, 265, 378

  Kirtland, Ohio, 499

  Know-Nothing (American) party, 499, 547-9, 553-4, 557, 558, 599, 603; split in, 559-62

  Knox, Henry, 13, 16, 35, 71, 72, 77-8, 124

  Kossuth, Lajos, 416, 467, 536-7

  Kraditor, Aileen, 521

  Labadists, 439

  labor: child, 89, 288, 293, 439, 503; class structure in, 114, 115; craft traditions and unions, 120, 289-90, 358, 414; immigrant, 405-6, 408-9; industrial, 75, 89, 287-95, 489, 494, 503, 510, 574, 597; and politics. 358-9, 361, 373, 503; radical movements for, 360-1, 502, 535; strikes and boycotts by, 358, 398-9, 406, 589; trade unions, 358-9, 498; unemployment, 344, 406, 446, 589; working conditions, 358, 381, 395-400, 406, 535; see also women: in labor force; working class

  Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul, Marquis de, 40-1, 99, 251, 255, 360, 414

  La Fortuna (slave ship), 384-5

  Lake Champlain, 213, 216, 233

  Lake Erie, 212-13, 303-5, 450, 532

  Lake Michigan, 305, 531-2

  Lake Ontario, 212-13, 532

  Lamb, Gen. John, 56

  Lamb, Robert K., 307

  Lane Seminary, Cincinnati, 500

  Lansing, John, 36, 44, 56

  Larcom, Lucy, 294, 398

  Larkin, Thomas O., 455-6

  Laurens, Henry, 43

  law, profession of, 436

  Lawrence, Kan., 551, 558

  Lawrence, Mass., 295

  Lawrence, U.S.S., 212

  Lawrence, Abbott, 437

  Lawrence Company, 399

  leadership: and democracy, 357-8; and economic change, 305-11, 429-33; grass-roots, 264, 309, 310; political, 137, 311, 358, 369, 373, 376-7, 379, 380, 428, 554; and rebellion, 384; in republic, 21, 62-3, 84-5, 109, 131, 143, 144, 191, 262-3, 269, 600; and war, 216, 614; see also Framers of Constitution

  Lear, Tobias, 70

  Leavis, Q. D., 491

  Lee, Henry, 53-4

  Lee, Richard Henry, 43, 50, 53

  Lee, Robert E., 463, 464, 590, 608, 614, 622, 624, 626

  legislative branch, 36, 168, 226; andjudicial review, 187-9, 193; see also Congress, U.S.

  L’Enfant, Pierre, 168

  Lenox, Mass., 489

  Leopard, H.M.S., 199

  Lerner, Max, 485

  Letcher, Robert P., 267

  Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania (Dickinson), 35

  Lewis, Meriwether, 168, 178-83, 190, 458

  Lewis, William B., 321-2, 326

  Lewis and Clark expedition, 178-83, 190, 458

  Lexington, Ky., 131, 207, 331

  Lexington, Mass., 75-6, 199, 482, 505

  Liberator (Garrison), 366, 394, 517

  Liberia, 366

  liberty: belief in, 7, 15, 21, 23-7, 33-4, 62, 142, 411, 416, 548, 624-5; and Bill of Rights, 89-90; culture of, 476-522; and equality, 25, 143, 226, 228-9, 258, 263, 272, 347-8, 491, 500, 520, 571-3, 575, 587, 593; and factionalism, 29-30, 45, 54, 60-1; and general welfare, 115-16; and government, 62, 263, 491; and Indian policy, 453; and individualism, 485-7, 489-92; and Jacksonian democracy, 347-8, 350; linkage with other values, 26, 33, 130-1; and “manifest destiny,” 457, 537; and national security, 253-4; negative brand of, 263, 613; and order, 16, 19, 26-7, 34, 98-9, 109, 128-9, 130, 228, 350, 494, 597; and political parties, 372, 379; and property rights, 25, 26-7, 45, 131, 226, 228-9, 263, 268; protection of, through institutions, 34, 45, 59, 60, 209, 263, 268, 437; and public education, 502; in 1770s, as issue, 117; and slavery, 25, 40, 148-51, 263, 366, 387, 510, 520, 572-3, 587; threats to, 33-4, 125-33, 141, 215

  Liberty party, 467-7· 521, 545, 553

  libraries, 22, 110, 115, 396, 476, 482

  Lieber, Francis, 546, 569

  Lincoln, Abraham, 301, 411, 496, 555-6; on black equal rights, 584-7; debates with Douglas, 557, 581-7, 594; in election of 1860, 594-7, 600-1; Emancipation Proclamation, 625-8; habeas corpus suspended by, 615, 619; and preservation of Union, 604-5, 625; presidency of, 603-8, 612, 614-20, 622, 624-7; and Republican party, 561-2, 581-7, 605; and slavery issue, 556-9, 586-7, 590, 620, 624, 625

  Lincoln, Gen. Benjamin, 71

  Lincoln, Levi, 166, 177

  Lincoln, Mary Todd (Mrs. Abraham), 555, 603, 608

  literature, 112, 451, 517, 534, 588; of New England, 476-91

  Little Turtle, Chief, 96-7

  Livingston, Edward, 332

  Livingston, Peter, 333

  Livingston, Robert R., 56, 66, 153, 174-7, 192, 195, 277-8, 284, 286, 296-9, 301, 306-8, 310, 431

  Livingston family, 81, 278, 296, 297, 370

  local government, 74, 91, 439, 504, 514; and Alien and Sedition Acts, 131-3; and ratification of Constitution, 46-58

  Locke, John, 28, 29, 100, 368

  Log Cabin (campaign journal), 421

  London, England, 400, 535, 536, 539

  London Times, 235, 447, 539, 618

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 223, 545; Hiawatha, 588

  Long Island, N.Y., 370, 528

  Longstreet, James, 464

  Louis XVI, King of France, 100

  Louisiana, 244, 267, 282, 364, 597, 608

  Louisiana Purchase, 174-8, 189, 207, 230, 242, 245, 299

  Louisiana Territory, 172-5

  Louis Philippe, King of France, 416, 467

  Louisville, Ky., 180, 300, 302, 375, 450, 499, 515

  Louisville Courier-Journal, 612

  Louisville Journal, 515

  Lovejoy, Elijah P., 518-19, 522

  Lowell, Mass., 295, 307, 351, 395-400

  Lowell, Francis Cabot, 276, 291-6, 306-7, 310-11, 437

  Lowell, James Russell, 486, 521-2, 588; Bigelow Papers, The, 522

  Lowell, John, 307

  Lowell and Moody’s power

  loom, 292

  Lowell Courier, 399

  Lowell family, 292, 307

  Lowell Female

  Labor Reform Association

  (LFLRA), 399, 414

  Lowell Offering, 396-7

  lower class, 221, 407-10; in cities, 79, 355, 405, 509-10; education of, 111, 115, 407, 504, 506, 507, 509-11; and inegalitarianism, 357, 358, 359, 383-4; and newspapers, 512, 515, 516-17; poor whites, 409-10, 507, 530, 591, 592; voting by, 382, 409-10; see also poverty

  Lowndes, William, 235, 328

  Lucretius, 170

  Lundy, Benjamin, 517

  Lundy’s Lane, Battle of, 213

  Lutherans, 497

  Luther v. Borden, 466

  Lyman, Samuel, 229

  Lynd, Staughton, 411

  Lynn, Mass., 75, 338, 534

  Lyon, Matthew, 137-8, 154

  Mably, Abbé Gabriel de, 59, 62

  Macauley, Catharine, 59

  Macdonough, Capt. Thomas, 213, 233


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