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American Experiment Page 334

by James Macgregor Burns

  AFL-CIO, 371, 457

  Africa, 304, 338, 644

  poverty in, 303

  see also North Africa

  Agent Orange, 406

  Agnew, Spiro T., 460, 474, 488, 505, 558

  Agreement on the Prevention of Nuclear War (1973), 485-6

  Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), 25, 30, 34, 42, 49, 64-6, 77, 122

  Supreme Court invalidation of, 72, 82, 91

  Aiken, Conrad, 140

  Aiken, George, 484

  aircraft industry, 183, 188, 189, 268

  air pollution, 574

  control, legislation, 389, 466


  black voter registration in, 382-4

  condition of blacks in, 1950s, 313-14, 322

  see also Birmingham

  Albert, Carl, 389

  Aldrich, Winthrop, 71

  Aldridge, John W., 616

  Aldrin, Edwin, 581-2

  Alexander, Charles, 138

  alienation, in age of technology, 275

  1960s youth, 394, 396

  Alinsky, Saul, 566, 570

  Allen, Pamela, 443

  Allende, Salvador, 524

  Alliance for Progress, 328, 331, 336

  Allies, World War II, 182, 199-202, 210-11, 223-4

  conferences, 195-9, 205-9, 224-226

  Council of foreign Ministers, 226, 229

  munitions edge over Axis, 183, 199, 200

  second front discussions, 177-8, 180-1, 196-201, 207, 221-2

  suspicions and differences, 197, 206-8, 210-11, 218, 220-2

  Altgeld, John Peter, 249

  Amalgamated Clothing Workers, 46, 55

  Ambrose, Stephen, 255, 258, 262

  “America Firsters,” 154

  American Civil Liberties Union, 50, 310, 667

  American Conservative Union, 637

  American Dilemma, An (Myrdal), 359

  American Enterprise Institute, 624-5, 658

  American Farm Bureau Federation, 49, 65

  American Federation of Labor (AFL), 33, 45-6, 53, 54-6, 79, 97, 107-8, 157, 205, 603 see also AFL-CIO

  American Guide Series, FWP, 139-40

  American Independent party (1968), 415-16

  American Labor party, 111

  American League Against War and Fascism, 53

  American Legion, 41

  American Liberty League, 42-3, 45, 50, 63, 77, 81, 96

  American Medical Association, 389

  American Mercury, The (magazine), 252

  American Political Science Association, 457

  American Progress (monthly), 62

  Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), 236, 293, 310, 324, 326, 408, 607

  American Telephone & Telegraph, 268, 439

  American Writers’ Congress, 53

  American Youth Congress, 53

  Anderson, Marian, 113

  anomie, 275, 285, 600

  Anthony, Susan K., 452

  antiballistic missiles, 478, 479

  anticommunism, 230-2, 242-6, 282-3

  in Congress, 230, 231-2, 233, 258-9

  of Dulles under Eisenhower, 254

  McCarthy, 244-6, 251-3, 258

  of Nixon, 230, 232, 244, 418, 468, 480

  of Reagan, 607, 642-4

  in Truman Administration, 228-34, 238, 239, 243, 245

  as unifier of conservative factions, 629

  anti-nuclear movement, 391-2, 544, 546

  churches involved in, 537-8

  anti-Semitism, 45, 85, 218-19, 353

  in Congress, 169, 219

  anti-trust policies, 32, 214, 215, 563

  anti-Vietnam War movement, 401, 407-10, 412-13, 418, 420-6, 431, 460-1, 536-7, 623

  Apollo, Project, 581-2, 584-5

  Appalachia, poverty in, 316

  appeasement, 497

  charged by anti-arms-control hawks, 333

  LBJ’s fear in case of Vietnam, 401-2

  Munich 1938, 158, 159

  Appel, John, 308

  Aptheker, Bellina, 395-6

  Arab nations, 486-7, 525, 527, 558

  oil, 255, 641, 644; embargo (1973), 574

  Arendt, Hannah, 593

  Argentina, 328, 329


  exports, 155-6; to Middle East, 487; prewar embargo on, 158-9, 160

  technology, 268

  World War II production, 182-4

  see also nuclear weapons

  arms control, 333, 476-9, 488, 586

  ABM Treaty (1972), 479

  Eisenhower and, 256-7

  Kennedy Test Ban Treaty (1963), 390, 392

  SALT: I, 477-9; II, 523, 528-9, 645

  arms race, 264, 333, 335, 396, 478, 527, 538, 552, 586-7

  US superiority, 259, 264, 265, 333-4, 335

  Armstrong, Neil, 581-2

  Arnold, Gen. Henry “Hap,” 196

  Aron, Raymond, 277

  Arthur, Chester A., 625

  art, artists, 138-9, 296, 615, 620-4, 664-5

  New Deal programs for, 132-5, 138

  New York School of, 621, 664

  and red-baiting, 132, 134, 138, 231

  Artists’ and Writers’ Union, 134

  Ashmore, Harry S., 353, 355

  Asia, 303, 304, 337-8

  colonialism in, 338-9, 341-2

  communism in, 342, 343

  see also specific regions and countries

  Asquith, Herbert, 90

  astronomy, astrophysics, 541-2, 587

  Atkinson, Brooks, 137

  Atkinson. Ti-Grace, 444

  Atlantic, Battle of the, 169-70, 171-2, 173, 175, 180, 197, 217, 403

  Atlantic Charter, 171, 192, 338

  atom bomb, 223, 224-6, 227, 465, 545, 548-9

  Soviets in possession of, 239-40

  atomic energy, 229, 256, 273, 548, 549, 552

  Atomic Energy Commission, 391, 549

  “Atoms for Peace,” 256

  Attica prison (New York), 520

  Attlee, Clement, 224

  Auden, W. H., 159

  Australia, 176, 265

  Austria, German annexation of, 158

  auto industry, 98, 572-8

  foreign competition, 578,

  production, 101, 182-3; postwar, 573

  strikes, 187; 1930s, 49, 97-9; 1970, 573

  automation, 272-4, 279, 285, 396, 543, 550

  in printing, 281-2

  Axis, Berlin-Rome-Tokyo, 157, 159, 166, 173, 177, 223-4

  Allied munitions edge over, 183, 199, 200

  Aycock, Alice, 623

  baby-boomers, 279, 517, 660

  Bachrach, Elinor, 577

  Baez, Joan, 371, 396, 407, 427, 428

  Bailey, Josiah W., 94

  Bailyn, Bernard, 125

  Baker, Ella, 357-8, 375, 379, 384

  Baker, George Pierce, 136

  Baker, Howard, 504

  Baker, Newton D., 11

  Bakke, Allan, 653

  Baldwin, James, 369, 615, 620

  Baldwin, Roger, 54

  Balkans, 206, 211

  Soviet domination of, 226, 229, 232

  Ball, George, 334, 343, 410, 499

  bank holiday of 1933, 24

  Banking Act of 1935, 75

  bankruptcies, 1980s, 640

  banks and banking:

  failures: Depression, 21; 1980s, 640

  FDR policies, 75, 127, 213

  regulation, 16, 40, 41

  Baptist churches, 355, 594

  Baran, Paul, 564

  Barber, James David, 466

  Barber, Philip, 136

  Barkley, Alben, 76, 110-11, 164, 192, 203, 319

  Barnett, Ross, 365

  Baruch, Bernard, 10, 13, 45

  bases, US, 239, 264-5

  Russia encircled by, 265, 286, 334, 337

  Batista, Fulgencio, 331

  battered women and children, 449, 534

  Bay of Pigs fiasco, 331-7, 343, 524

  Beard, Charles A., 169

  Beard, Mary, 29

  Beatles, 429-30, 431, 432
  Beat subculture, 394, 426-32

  Begin, Menachem, 525-6

  Belafonte, Harry, 369

  Belfrage, Sally, 381

  Belgium, 162, 295

  Bell, Daniel, 274, 277, 278

  Bellah, Robert, 595, 598-9

  Bell Laboratories, 550

  Bellow, Saul, 297, 300, 408, 615, 619-20

  Benes, Eduard, 158

  Ben-Gurion, David, 546

  Bennett, Harry, 573

  Benny, Jack, 193-4

  Benson, Elmer, 111, 114

  Bentham, Jeremy, 600

  Benton, Thomas Hart, 133

  Benton, William, 287

  Bentsen, Lloyd, 658, 659

  Berkeley student rebellion, 394-6, 432

  Berkshire County, Mass., 673-6, 682-3

  Berle, Adolf, 13, 17, 28, 37, 64, 74, 101, 129, 213, 564

  Berlin, Irving, 194

  Berlin, Isaiah, 213, 219

  Berlin crises, 238, 239, 240, 261, 333

  Berman, Larry, 511

  Bernstein, Barton, 127, 224

  Bernstein, Carl, 501

  Bernstein, Irving, 50, 55

  Berrigan, Daniel and Philip, 421, 537

  Berry, George L., 55

  Bethlehem Steel, 100

  Bethune, Mary McLeod, 113, 434

  Bevel, James, 356, 380, 383

  Bibby, John F., 663

  Biddle, Francis, 190

  Biddle, George, 133

  Bigelow, Albert, 361

  Bill of Rights, 131, 277, 281, 296, 309, 375, 539, 540, 634-640, 667, 679, 680

  English, 539

  Bird, Larry, 611

  Birmingham, Ala., 361-2, 366-9, 372, 375

  Black, Hugo, 321, 365, 667

  black culture, 399-400

  Blackmun, Harry A., 506, 653

  Black Muslims, 386, 398, 401

  black nationalism, 398-9, 401

  Black Panthers, 386, 399, 401

  Black Power movement, 387-8, 398-401

  blacks, 120, 122, 347, 460-1, 539, 610, 667 see also civil rights movement; racial

  discrimination; segregation education and income, 571

  FDR and, 113, 117, 321, 359, 371

  loss of unity, 388, 400-1

  middle class, 314, 316

  migration of, 315, 385

  and New Deal, 39, 81, 358-9

  one-parent families and welfare, 631

  and poverty, 313-16, 385, 570-1

  radical leaders, 385-8

  rural South, 313-16

  stereotypical attitudes toward, 353

  urban North, 385-6, 388, 397-401

  versus the federal government, under Kennedy, 358-72, 374-5

  violence against, 352, 357, 361-2, 365, 368-9, 372, 380, 382-4, 386

  violent action by, 383, 388, 399, 413; race riots, 398, 400

  voting rights for, 321-3, 357, 366, 371, 378-84; registration drives, 356, 378-81, 382-4

  voting Democratic, 87, 237, 382, 657, 660

  as wartime labor, 188-9, 358

  women, 189, 315, 434, 439-40, 451-4, 570

  black separatism, 398-9

  Blair, Thomas L., 399

  Blinder, Alan S., 562

  Blitzstein, Marc, 138-9

  Bloodworth, Dennis, 470

  Bloom, Allan, 665

  Blum, John, 195

  Blumenthal, Sidney, 629

  “boat people,” 489, 494

  Bohlen, Charles, 252-3

  Boland Amendment, 644

  Bolivar, Simon, 331

  Boiling, Richard, 389

  book publishing, 612, 615-17, 620

  Boone, Buford, 353

  Boorstin, Daniel, 278

  Borah, William, 154, 158, 160

  Bork, Robert IL, 505, 654, 669

  Born, Max, 547

  Bosch, Juan, 404

  Boston Irish, 306-9, 314

  Bowen, Howard R., 597, 664

  Bowles, Chester, 286, 287, 340, 343, 344

  Bowles, Samuel, 564

  Boyer, Ernest, 597

  Bozell, L. Brent, 627

  Brademas, John, 559

  Bradley, Bill, 641

  brain trusters, 13-14, 28

  Brandeis, Louis D., 13, 45, 71, 73, 89, 91, 95, 112, 122, 667

  decentralization advocate, 28, 64, 74, 77, 128

  Brauer, Carl, 364

  Braun, Ernest, 543

  Brazil, 329, 330

  Brecht, Bertold, 605

  Breech, Ernest R., 573

  Breines, Wini, 393

  Brennan, William L., 652

  Breslin, Jimmy, 409

  Brett, George, 610

  Breytenbach, Breyten, 620

  Brezhnev, Leonid, 476-7, 485-8, 523, 529

  Bricker, John, 111, 191, 203, 204

  Bridges, Harry, 47, 48

  Brinkley, Alan, 60, 671

  “brinkmanship” in foreign policy, 286, 288

  Broder, David, 414, 416, 612

  Brokaw, Tom, 613

  Brookhaven National Laboratory, 542

  Brooks, Robert R. R., 48

  Broun, Heywood, 15

  Browder, Earl, 53, 137, 188, 204

  Brown, Harold, 524

  Brownmiller, Susan, 449

  Brown v. Board of Education, 321-2, 347, 354-5, 596, 651

  Brubeck, Dave, 593

  Bryan, William Jennings, 600, 655

  Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 522, 523, 527-9

  Buckley, William F., Jr., 246, 626-7, 628

  Budenz, Louis, 243

  Bundy, McGeorge, 343, 403, 412

  Burger, Warren E., 505-6, 652-4

  Burke, Edmund, 626

  Burma, 176, 201, 341, 495

  Burns, Arthur F., 467, 556-7

  Burns, James MacGregor, 513

  Bush, George, 638, 639, 670

  Bush, Vannevar, 549

  business, 86, 101-2, 462, 600, 646

  mergers and acquisitions, 267

  1930s: Depression effects, 18, 19; NRA provisions, 32-3, 41; opposition to New Deal, 41-5, 63, 71-3, 102-3

  postwar, 267, 575-8; federal bailouts, 577-8; white-collar crime in, 514-15

  small: New Deal and, 71, 103; wartime, 186

  US enterprise abroad, 295, 329, 330-1

  wartime gains of, 185-6

  Business Advisory Council, 103

  Business Week (magazine), 185

  bus segregation, 315, 348-52, 361

  Butler, Hugh, 244

  Butler, M. Caldwell, 507

  Butler, Samuel, 274

  Byrd, Harry F., 30, 119, 126

  Byrd, Robert C., 378

  Byrnes, James F., 24, 203, 226, 229-30, 235, 244

  cable television, 607, 610, 611, 612, 613

  Cadmus, Paul, 134

  Cahill, Holger, 134-5

  Cairo conferences (1943), 195, 198

  Caldwell, Erskine, 49, 298

  California, Southern, 601-4, 608-9

  farm labor, 50

  Calvinism, 276, 533, 600

  Cambodia, 342, 418, 424-5, 527

  Camp, Lawrence, 110

  campaigns, political, see elections and campaigns

  Camp David accord, 526

  campus movement, 394-7, 413-14, 421-3, 425, 460, 532, 548

  Camus, Albert, 298, 394

  Cannon, Lou, 607

  Cantwell, Robert, 140

  capitalism, capitalists, 16, 52, 58, 101, 121, 200-1, 228, 292, 444, 517, 543, 563-5, 618, 608

  ex-colonialist revolts against, 305

  Khrushchev quoted on, 302

  Marxist view not valid for US, 48

  and New Deal, 41, 44, 45, 50-1, 72, 122-3, 131

  capital punishment, 519

  Cardozo, Benjamin N., 71, 89, 112

  Carey, James B., 273, 287

  Caribbean, 264, 328

  see also Cuba; Dominican Republic

  Carmichael, Stokely, 386-8, 399, 409, 442

  Carnegie, Andrew, 99, 100, 543, 625

  Caro, Robert, 552

  car searches, 653-4

  Carson, Rachel, 38

  Carter, Hodding, 353

  Carter, Jimmy, 521, 522, 629

  and civil rights, 522, 524

  as President, 521, 522-31; economic policy, 558-60, 562, 639, 641;

  evaluation, 529-31; foreign policy, 522-9, 531, 644; human rights policy, 522-4, 526, 528, 539; “malaise” speech, 529-30, 591-3, 601, 638; self-evaluation, 530

  presidential candidacies: 1976, 521, 558, 613, 625; 1980, 530, 559, 638

  Carter, Rosalyn, 522

  Casablanca Conference (1943), 195-7, 206

  “cash and carry” exports, 160, 161

  Castro, Fidel, 331-2, 336

  Cater, Douglass, 283

  Cather, Willa, 605

  Catonsville Nine, the, 421

  CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), 59, 285, 530

  censorship, 449, 534-5, 619, 635, 654

  Central America, 626

  US interventionism in, 328, 330-2, 490, 524, 527, 633, 644 see also Latin America

  centralization vs. decentralization debate, 28-9, 66, 74, 77, 103-4, 122, 128, 560

  Century Group, 164

  Century of the Common Man, The (Wallace), 237, 277

  Challenger space shuttle tragedy, 583-4

  Chamberlain, Neville, 158, 161, 402

  Chambers, Whittaker, 231-2

  Chandler, A. B. “Happy,” 110-11

  Chappaquiddick, 499, 511

  checks and balances, see Constitution, US

  chemistry, 268, 541, 553

  Chevalier, Maurice, 429

  Chiang Kai-shek, 171, 195, 198, 201, 208, 240, 254, 255, 337, 338, 341, 470, 473

  Chiang Kai-shek, Madame 198, 240

  Chicago, 19, 100, 400

  Chicago Tribune. 31, 169, 202, 230, 283

  child care services, 112, 440, 668

  child labor, 32, 33, 667

  children’s rights, 668

  Chile, 330, 524

  China, 218, 240, 469-70

  Communist, 240, 254; bombardment of Quemoy and Matsu, 255; and India, 340, 472; in Korean War, 241-3, 418; Nixon/Kissinger policy, 468-9, 470-5, 488; nuclear weapons of, 485; Soviet estrangement, 260, 265, 469, 472, 474-6, 485-6, 488, 526-9; in triangular policy, 469, 474-6, 488, 496, 526-9; and Vietnam, 405, 472, 476, 529

  Japanese aggression, 158, 170-1, 173, 470

  “loss” of, 241, 243, 247, 342, 402, 404, 468

  Nationalist, 240, 243, 254, 472, 578; US break with, 474, 529, 644; Western Allies and, 197, 198, 201, 470

  Open Door policy, 170, 470

  Stimson Doctrine, 170, 470

  views in the US of, 469-70

  views of the US in, 337-8, 470

  “China card,” 528

  China Lobby, 243, 468, 475

  Chisholm, Shirley, 439, 457-8, 499

  Chou En-lai, 405, 472-5

  Christian, Meg, 451

  Christian Voices, 627-8

  Chrysler Corporation, 99, 577-8

  churches, 594-6

  as civil rights battle base, 355-6

  degendering of, 457-8

  membership statistics, 594-5

  peace stance of, 536-8

  Churchill, Sir Winston, 7, 122, 158, 161, 232, 255, 592


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