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by James Macgregor Burns

  FDR and, 38, 161, 171, 177, 195, 217, 338-9, 341-2

  “iron curtain” speech of, 229

  prime minister, wartime, 162, 167-9, 171, 172-3, 175, 177-8, 182, 195-9, 211, 222, 224, 495; at Casablanca, 195, 196; and India, 178, 208, 338-9; at Teheran, 195, 198-9; at Yalta, 159, 205-8

  and United Nations, 178, 208

  visits to US, 177-8, 195, 228-9

  Church of Christ, 594

  CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 261-2, 277, 331-2, 343, 499, 501, 524

  civil defense, 193, 333, 391

  civil disobedience:

  civil rights struggle, 352, 366, 367-8

  peace movement, 391, 409-10, 421

  Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 25, 29, 34, 104, 191, 214

  civil liberty, 131, 393

  see also liberty

  civil rights, 466, 538-9, 629, 657

  Congress and, 321-3, 360, 365, 370-1, 375-8, 383

  Eisenhower and, 322-3, 352, 359

  as election issue: 1948 Democratic plank, 237; in 1952, 250; 1960 Democratic plank, 325, 359; in 1968, 415, 416

  Johnson and, 322-3, 324, 375, 377-8, 381-2, 383-4

  Kennedy and, 323-4, 326, 359-60, 362, 365-6, 367-72, 374-5, 376

  Supreme Court decisions, 321-2, 347, 352, 365, 596, 651, 652, 653

  Truman’s stand for, 236, 249, 321, 359

  Civil Rights Act of 1957, 322, 376

  Civil Rights Act of 1960, 323-4

  Civil Rights Act of 1964, 375-8, 437, 651

  civil rights movement, 401, 460-1

  Big Six, 371

  Black Power, 387-8, 398-401

  leadership split, 386-8, 398-9

  nonviolence, 352, 357, 363, 364, 366-8, 383, 400; abandoned, 386, 388, 398, 400

  in North, 384, 385-6, 388, 397-401

  and peace movement, 401, 408, 418

  sexism in, 441-3

  in South, 321-3, 347-72, 375-84, 386-8; Freedom Summer, 380, 384, 395; group-centered vs. charismatic leadership debate, 356-8, 364, 384, 388; vs. the Kennedy Administration, 359-72, 374-5; murders, 352, 372, 380, 382-3, 384; strategy debate on desegregation vs. pursuit of political clout, 321-2, 359, 363-4, 366, 371, 378-8.

  Civil War, 175, 313, 646, 665

  Civil Works Administration (CWA), 34

  Clark, Bennett Champ, 83, 94, 155

  Clark, Kenneth B., 369, 385, 571, 631

  class relationships, 189, 443-5, 564, 600-1

  conflict engendered by New Deal, 41-54

  Clean Air Acts:

  of 1963 and 1965, 389

  of 1970, 466

  Cleveland, Grover, 655, 657

  Clifford, Clark, 411-12

  Coburn, Charles, 136

  Cocker, Joe, 427

  Coffin, William Sloane, 513

  Cohen, Ben, 45, 74

  Cohen, Jacob, 127

  Cohn, Nik, 428

  Cohn, Roy, 251

  Colby, Bainbridge, 122

  cold war, 225-9, 232-4, 239, 253-4, 286, 288, 332-5, 340, 526-9, 536, 546

  Berlin crises, 238, 239, 240, 261, 333

  intellectual critics of US policies of, 288-94

  newspaper reporting on, 282-3, 286

  seeds of, 218, 220-2

  Soviet and US mutual perceptions and misperceptions, 220-2, 227-8, 229, 233-4, 241-2, 254, 262, 301-2, 526-8

  see also Afghanistan; arms race; Cuban missile crisis; détente; Korean War

  Cole, Wayne S., 154

  collective bargaining right, 33, 46-8, 70, 75, 90

  colleges, 597-8, 622, 663

  Collier’s magazine, 284

  Collins, Judy, 407

  Collins, Michael, 581

  colonialism, 208, 218, 304-5, 338-9, 341-2, 470

  Colson, Charles, 426, 499, 513

  Columbia University, student unrest, 413-14

  Cominform (Communist Information Bureau), 233

  Comintern (Communist International), 52, 123

  Commentary (journal), 627

  Commission on the Status of Women, 433, 434, 438

  Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO), 79, 97, 99-100, 107

  see also Congress of Industrial Organizations

  Committee for Nonviolent Action (CNVA), 391-2, 407

  Committee on Administrative Management, 115

  Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, 370

  Committee on the Constitutional System, 645

  Committee to Reelect the President (CRP, CREEP), 500-1, 503

  communism, communists, 220-1, 532, 538, 618

  American, 42, 50, 51, 52-4, 79, 84-5, 123, 142, 165, 408, 603

  American fears of, 45, 47, 48-9, 112, 220, 230-2, 243-6, 252, 254, 258-9, 266, 353, 401-4, 546; blacklisting, 231; see also anticommunism

  American intellectuals and, 277

  doctrinal disputes within, 336

  FDR charged with, 43, 44-5, 81-2, 85, 112, 204-5

  global: Soviet promotion of, 221, 227-8, 242; Soviet-Chinese split, 265, 469, 474, 476, 485-6, 488, 526-9

  imputed to artists, actors, writers, 132, 134, 138, 139, 140, 141-2, 231, 607

  in North Korea, 240-1

  in Poland, 206-7, 214, 224, 644

  State Department charged with, 231-2, 243-5, 252

  Third World, 305, 404; Cuba, 336;

  Indochina, 342, 343, 401-4, 481-2

  Communist Control Act, 258-9

  Communist party, US, 52-3, 123, 243, 258-9

  community action programs, 569, 570-1

  computer-related crime, 515

  computers, 543, 550-1

  Conant, James B., 270, 549

  conformity, 280, 285

  in newspaper world, 282

  Congress, US, 116, 126, 647

  and civil rights measures, 321-3, 360, 365, 370-1, 375-8, 383

  cross-party coalitions in, 87, 109, 119, 132, 191, 466, 638, 640, 645

  and ERA, 439, 458

  FDR and, after 1936, 93-6, 104-7, 108-11, 112-13, 116, 126, 132, 135, 191-2; in foreign affairs, 155-6, 158-9, 162, 210, 491, 494-5

  and Great Society legislation, 389, 566

  isolationism in, 154, 155-6, 158-9

  and Marshall Plan, 233

  and New Deal: arts programs killed, 132, 135, 138; First Hundred Days, 23, 24-7, 30; obstructionism and opposition, 104-5, 106, 108, 112-13, 135, 191, 215, 376; Second Hundred Days, 75-6

  Reagan and, 633, 639-40, 642

  seniority system, 116, 126, 321

  special-interest pressures on, 107, 192, 642, 647-8

  Tonkin Gulf Resolution of, 403-4

  and World War II, 160, 167, 169-70

  see also elections and campaigns: congressional; House of Representatives; Senate

  Congress for Cultural Freedom, 277, 296

  “congressional” parties, Democratic and Republican, 119, 126, 236

  and civil rights legislation, 321-2, 376-8

  Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 107-8, 186-7, 603

  see also AFL-CIO; Committee for Industrial Organization

  Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 189, 356, 361, 369, 371, 387-8, 394, 399

  Congress to Unite Women, 450

  Conkin, Paul, 127

  Connally, John, 657

  Connally, Thomas, 94

  Connor, Eugene “Bull,” 367-9

  consciousness-raising, 445, 454-6

  conservation, 25, 26, 40, 76, 213, 214

  conservatism, conservatives, 123, 540, 624-9, 652, 655, 667

  agenda of, 627-9

  anti-abortionism of, 448, 628

  anticommunism of, 629

  coalitions across party lines, 87, 109, 132, 191, 466, 638, 640

  definition of freedom by, 42, 123, 667, 672

  Democrats, 30, 42, 73, 108-9, 117-19, 191, 320; Reagan and, 638; Southern, 80, 112, 118-19, 236-7, 248-9, 250, 320, 466, 640

  doctrinal factions, 627-9

  economic views of, 42, 560, 562, 627

  FDR denounced by, 41-5, 71

  journals, think tanks, etc., 627, 630
  Nixon as disappointment to, 557, 625

  populists, 626, 627-8, 629

  Reagan as disappointment to, 642-4

  Reagan as unifier of, 628-9, 636-8

  Republicans, 42, 109, 119, 120, 466, 560, 636-8; anti-New Deal, 43, 83 (see also Republican party)

  resurgence of, 462, 558, 624-6; and

  capture of GOP, 636-8

  views on crime, 516, 519

  see also right wing

  Constitution, US, 42, 88, 95, 115-16, 126, 277, 294, 507, 532-3, 633-4, 642, 645-50, 654-5, 665, 680

  checks and balances problems, 42, 88, 115, 491, 632, 633, 645-9

  interstate commerce clause, 73-4

  majority rule vs. minority rights, 42, 88

  progressive era democratization of, 646-7

  reform proposals, 648, 649-50

  see also Bill of Rights

  Consumer Advisory Board, 33

  consumer protection, 5, 33, 236

  consumption trends, 184-5, 601, 668

  containment policy, 239, 286-7, 290, 491, 496

  Contras, 633, 644

  Cook, Bruce, 427

  Coolidge, Calvin, 20, 27, 71, 152, 328, 329, 466

  Cooper, Gary, 231

  Coordinating Committee for Fundamental American Freedoms, 377

  Coors, Joseph, 637

  Copland, Aaron, 593

  Coral Sea, battle of, 179

  Corbett, Jim, 307

  Corcoran, Thomas G., 74

  corporate taxes, 72, 191, 554, 558, 639

  Corwin, Edward S., 92

  Costigan, Edward Prentiss, 73

  Coughlin, Fr. Charles E., 57-60, 63, 70, 73, 79, 80, 84, 85-6, 105

  isolationism of, 154, 160, 169

  Council on United Civil Rights Leadership, 371

  counterculture of 1960s, 431-2

  Country Joe and the Fish (rock group), 430-1

  Court-packing plan, FDR, 93-6, 105, 118

  Cousins, Norman, 392

  Cowan, Ruth S., 551

  Cowley, Malcolm, 299

  Cox, Archibald, 505, 512

  Cox, Edward E., 106

  Cox, Harvey, 293

  Cox, James, 24, 152

  Cradle Will Rock, The (FTP production), 138-9

  Crankshaw, Edward, 220

  Crawford, Alan, 626

  creationist theory, 667

  credit, sex discrimination in, 439

  Creel, George, 69, 195

  crime, 514-17, 594

  control, 466

  poverty and, 516, 518, 568-9, 571

  statistics, 516, 517

  white-collar, 514-16, 517

  criminal justice system, 517-20, 651, 653-4

  Croly, Herbert, 122

  Cronin, Thomas E., 510

  Cronkite, Walter, 411

  Crosby, Bing, 194

  Crucible, The (Miller), 297, 300

  Cuba, 330-1, 333, 336

  Soviet military in, 333-4, 526, 527

  US policy toward, 328, 331, 336; Bay of Pigs invasion, 331-2, 333, 336-7, 524

  Cuban missile crisis, 333-5, 336, 337, 528

  Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace (1949), 277

  cultural programs of Roosevelt Administration, 132-41

  Cummings, Homer S., 24, 90-2, 112

  Cuomo, Mario, 662

  Curley, James Michael, 311, 312

  Currie, Lauchlin, 102

  Curry, John Steuart, 138

  Czechoslovakia, 149, 158, 159

  Soviet control over, 233, 469, 527

  Daily Worker, 52, 243, 252

  Daley, Richard, 400, 414-15, 477

  Dallek, Robert, 156, 217

  Dallin, David, 260

  Daniels, Josephus, 48, 329

  Danto, Arthur, 623

  Dark Ghetto (Clark), 385

  Darlan, Jean, 181, 217

  Darwin, Charles, 269

  Daughters of the American Revolution, 113

  Daughters of Bilitis, 450

  Davis, Chester, 66

  Davis, Elmer, 193

  Davis, Jefferson, 384

  Davis, John W., 43, 81

  Davis, Kenneth S., 465

  D-Day, World War II, 200

  Dean, John, 499-504, 510

  Death of a Salesman (Miller), 297, 300-1

  de Beauvoir, Simone, 298, 444, 447, 454

  Debray, Régis, 336

  Debs, Eugene, 53, 631

  Declaration of Independence, 277, 341, 665

  Declaration of Rights of Man, 539, 540, 665

  Declaration of the United Nations, 178

  Deconstruction, 624

  Deeter, Jasper, 136

  Defense Mediation Board, 186

  defense spending:

  Eisenhower and, 255, 256, 262

  Reagan increases in, 639, 640

  deficit spending, see federal budget

  de Gaulle, Charles, 195, 208, 217, 294, 332

  Degler, Carl, 353

  de Kooning, Willem, 135, 621, 622

  Delano, Laura, 212

  Delors, Jacques, 538

  democracy, 88, 347-8, 600, 619, 645-7, 661

  Lippmann’s pessimism, 289-90, 294

  Democratic Advisory Committee (later Council, DAC), 287

  Democratic Leadership Council, 659

  Democratic National Committee, 29, 42, 80, 458, 499-500, 511

  Democratic party, 116-18, 629, 632, 649, 655-60 (see also elections and campaigns)

  centrists, 658-9, 662

  congressional majorities of, 126; 1935-36, 37; 1937-38, 87; 1939-40,111; 1949-50, 238; 1951-52, 245; 1955-56, Senate, 320; 1965-66, 389-90; 1973-74, 461; 1981-82. House, 639

  “congressional” vs. “presidential,” 119, 126, 236, 287; and civil rights legislation, 321-2, 376-8

  conservative wing, 80, 112, 117-19, 191, 320, 466; and FDR’s New Deal, 30, 42, 73, 108-9, 112; Reagan and, 638

  conventions of: 1924, 11-12; 1932, 3, 4-6, 10-12, 15, 42, 61; 1936, 83-4; 1940, 164; 1944, 203; 1948, 236-7; 1952, 249; 1956, 287-8; 1960, 325; 1964, 381-2; 1968, 414-15, 458; 1972, 458; minority representation in, 381-2, 648; two-thirds rule for nomination, 10-11, 83; women’s representation in, 458, 648

  FDR as leader of, 108-11, 116-18, 666; his liberalization goal, 109-11, 118-20

  fragmentation of, 426, 639-40; in civil rights issues, 236-7, 249, 250, 321-2; in New Deal era, 236-7, 247; in foreign policy of cold war, 236, 285-8; hawks vs. doves, 236, 285-6, 334, 404; in 1920s, 10-11; in 1932, 10-13, 15, 20; in 1930s New Deal era, 42-3, 64, 73, 79, 81-2, 106-7, 108-11, 116-19; in 1930s foreign policy, 154; in 1960, 323-6; in 1968, 412, 414-15

  liberalism, 13, 15, 64, 73-4, 87, 109, 319, 320, 322, 324, 326, 359, 389-90, 414, 466, 629-30, 661-2; liberal-labor-left coalition, 118-20, 390, 399, 632

  midterm policy conference, 659

  New Deal coalition of voters for, 80, 238, 656-7

  1980s constituency search, 658-60, 661-2

  overlap with Republican party, 119, 126, 320, 466

  reconstruction of, 656-7, 670-1

  Southern wing of, 11, 80, 112, 118-19, 320-2, 354, 360; and civil rights, 236-7, 248-9, 250, 321-2, 325, 354, 360, 365, 376-8; coalition with Republicans, 132, 191, 466, 640; defections of 1980s, 657

  Dempsey, Jack, 609

  Deng Xiaoping, 529

  Denmark, Nazi invasion of, 161

  Dennis, Eugene, 243

  Denver school desegregation case, 653

  Depression, Great, 18-19, 31, 52, 58, 313, 648

  literature, 141-6

  see also New Deal

  destroyers-for-bases deal, 164

  Derrida, Jacques, 624

  détente, 265, 286, 287, 461, 488-9, 490-1, 496

  Carter efforts, 528-9

  Eisenhower attempts, 256-7, 259-62

  Nixon years, 476-9, 485-7

  Detroit, 292

  Depression effects in, 58

  race riots: of 1943, 189; of 1967, 574

  school busing case, 653

  Dewey, John, 121, 124-5, 135, 292, 593, 658
  Dewey, Thomas, 111, 163, 190-1, 236, 246, 248

  as presidential candidate: in 1944, 203-5, 237; in 1948, 236-8, 239, 286

  Dewson, Molly, 29, 64, 83, 103, 434

  Dialectic of Sex, The (Firestone), 445

  Diem, Ngo Dinh, 342, 343-4, 419, 504

  Dien Bien Phu, 342, 465

  Dies, Martin, 112

  Diggins, John P., 534

  direct action:

  civil rights movement, 356-8, 366, 371, 379

  student movement, 396

  women’s movement, 445-7, 449

  Dirksen, Everett, 245, 248, 253, 320, 377, 499

  disarmament, 392

  see also arms control


  “double,” against minority women, 189, 452

  economic cost of, 385

  outlawed, 378

  “reverse,” 653

  see also education; employment; public facilities and transport; racial discrimination; sex discrimination; voting rights

  Divine, Robert A., 286

  “Dixiecrats” (1948), 237, 238

  Djilas, Milovan, 227

  Dobrynin, Anatoly, 476, 485-6, 523

  Doctorow, E. L., 615, 617

  Dohrn, Bernadine, 421

  dollar, 555-6, 557

  Dollfuss, Engelbert, 54

  Domenici, Pete, 640

  Dominican Republic, 329-30, 404, 524, 527

  domino theory, 232, 342

  Doolittle, James, 179

  Dos Passos, John, 12, 277, 298, 605

  Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 468

  Douglas, Lewis, 28, 35, 37, 80

  Douglas, Paul, 319-20

  Douglas, William O., 112, 203, 227, 321, 667

  Douglass, Frederick, 395, 399

  Dow Chemical, 409, 421

  Dowling, Eddie, 136

  Dozier, Bishop Carroll T., 537

  draft, 287, 461

  Vietnam War: card-burning, 408, 410, 513; evasion, 420-1, 522

  World War II, 165

  Dred Scott decision, 652

  Dreiser, Theodore, 299

  Drew, Elizabeth, 487, 512

  drug abuse, 466, 552, 569, 571, 594

  and crime, 517

  Dubinsky, David, 46, 54, 55-6, 84, 243

  Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 675

  Duchamp, Marcel, 621, 623

  Dukakis, Michael, 658, 659

  Dulles, John Foster, 253-4, 255, 257, 259, 265, 286, 289, 342, 473, 643

  Dunne, Edward F., 249

  Dunne, Finley Peter, 54

  Dunne, Ray, 47-8

  Du Pont family and capitalism, 39, 42-3, 81, 98, 155, 592

  Durant, William Crapo, 572

  Durkheim, Emile, 275, 600

  Duvalier, François, 330

  Dworkin, Andrea, 535

  Dylan, Bob, 421, 428-9, 671

  Eagleton, Thomas, 458

  “Eastern Establishment,” 246-8, 250, 522

  Eastern Europe:


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