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Total Abandon

Page 14

by Opal Carew

  She sucked in air faster and faster as they picked up the pace. Their cocks plunged into her. Pleasure blazed through her body, catapulting her to an explosion of pure joy. She let out a soulful wail, then switched to an ear-piercing shriek as they continued to pound into her, launching her into ecstasy.

  James grunted, followed immediately by Craig. She felt heat inside her as both climaxed.

  They stopped moving, collapsing against her. James nuzzled behind her ear and Craig cupped the back of her head and kissed her. A sweet, gentle kiss.

  Reminiscent of her Fantasy Stranger.

  Her gaze pivoted to his face.

  Was Craig her Fantasy Stranger?


  Sandra sat on the grass in front of James, his arm around her waist as she leaned back against him. His cheek rested against her hair. After the sensational bondage session, the four of them had cuddled for a while in bed, then the guys had cooked some steaks on the barbecue. After dinner, they all settled on the grass under the stars with a bottle of wine and stared out over the glistening water as they talked.

  Sandra sipped her wine, then sighed, enjoying being right here, right now. A soft breeze lifted a lock of her hair and it danced against her face. James stroked it behind her ear.

  “Are you cold?” he asked. “I could grab a blanket from inside.”

  Although the thought of snuggling under a blanket with James had a definite appeal, Sandra smiled and shook her head. “No, I’m fine, thanks.”

  She did not want to move from this spot.

  She glanced toward Aimee, who looked quite cozy settled against Craig’s side, his arm around her hip. Sandra’s gaze wandered to the tiger tattoo prowling up his arm and over his shoulder.

  “I really like that tattoo of yours, Craig,” Sandra said. “Is there some significance to the tiger?”

  Craig smiled and rotated his shoulder, flexing the muscles in his arm. “In Eastern mythology, a tiger represents power. In fact, it’s on a par with the dragon. A lot of people get dragon tattoos, though. I wanted to do something a little different.”

  Aimee laughed. “Yeah? That’s not what your sister told me.”

  Craig’s eyes narrowed. “Cindy told you about my tattoo?”

  “That’s right, big fella. You want to give us the whole story, or should I spill it?”

  He chuckled. “Okay. I’m fifteen years older than Cindy, and when she was about four, I had a favorite shirt, with stripes, that I liked to wear. One time when I was wearing it, Cindy said I was striped like a tiger. I roared and we horsed around a little. She started calling me “Tiger” after that. The nickname stuck and, when she was in her teens, she dared me to get a tattoo of a tiger.”

  “So that’s when you went out and got it?” Sandra asked, imagining Craig roughhousing with a little four-year-old. What an endearing image.

  “Not exactly. If I did everything she dared me to do, I’d be covered in tattoos and piercings, with green hair, living in Bora Bora. Or Alaska.” He stroked Aimee’s hair. “When she was in her last year of high school, she struggled with her marks and I told her if she made the honor roll, I’d get the tattoo.” He glanced around at their watching eyes. “Hey, I didn’t think she’d actually make it, but that girl studied with a vengeance.”

  Aimee nudged his chest. “Yeah, and she told me you helped her every step of the way.” Aimee glanced at Sandra. “He’s just a big softy.”

  “Softy?” Craig tightened his arms around Aimee’s waist and pulled her tight to him. “I might be big, but I’m not soft.”

  Aimee’s eyes widened and her lips turned up in a big grin. “Oh, you’re right.”

  She turned toward him and stroked his cheek with one finger, then leaned in and kissed him. He flipped her onto his lap, then his mouth meshed with hers again and he gave her a long, lingering kiss. When he released her, she gazed up at him with glittering eyes, her cheeks flushed and her breathing accelerated.

  James nuzzled the back of Sandra’s neck and tingles danced down her spine. His hand stroked upward, then covered her breast. He caressed her as they watched Craig kiss Aimee again.

  Would James suggest they go into the cottage and give Craig and Aimee some privacy? Or would he just start something right here on the grass?

  She smiled at the thought. That was the beauty of this little island. They could be free and open, not worried about people from neighboring cottages passing by. They had total privacy.

  She liked the idea of being out in the open, the stars over their heads, the trees around them. Making love in the moonlight. So romantic. And sexy.

  And not worrying about Craig and Aimee right next to them. In fact, hoping they would join in. It had been exhilarating earlier, being touched by Aimee. Touching Aimee. Knowing how excited it made the men. Remembering how excited it had made her.

  Craig’s hand glided underneath Aimee’s robe and Sandra could see his hand moving under the fabric, stroking Aimee’s breast. The nipple on Aimee’s other breast peaked, the taut outline visible through the silk fabric.

  Sandra’s own nipples surged forward. James cupped her other breast and he caressed both of them.

  Heat simmered through her. She wanted him again. His big hard cock. Craig’s big hard cock, too. She wanted both men to lie on the ground, their naked erections facing the stars while Aimee and Sandra both licked them like tall lollipops, then climbed aboard and rode them to heaven.

  “Um…” Aimee glanced at her watch.

  Aimee sat up and the fabric of her robe pushed sideways because of Craig’s hand underneath, revealing the side of her naked breast.

  “Sandra, we should get going.”

  Sandra tipped her head in surprise. “Really? But it’s still early.” Sandra had no idea what time it was. She just knew she didn’t want the night to end yet.

  Craig drew his hands from Aimee’s chest. A little of her dusky nipple peeked out before she tugged the robe closed.

  James stood up, easing Sandra to her feet, too. “We’ll walk you back.”

  Sandra’s eyebrows furrowed. “Okay.”

  It wasn’t like Aimee to cut an evening short like this, but maybe she was really tired. She had had to work late last night and had probably left early this morning to drive up here.

  James held Sandra’s hand as they walked along the path through the woods.

  Once they arrived at the cottage, Aimee stopped.

  “You know, it’s a beautiful night. It’s a shame to go inside.” Aimee smiled at Sandra. “I think you should sleep outside.”

  Sandra frowned. “Are you nuts?”

  Aimee laughed. “No, really. The hammock is really comfortable, and the night air is … exhilarating.”


  Clearly, Aimee had something in mind. And, judging from the wild experiences Sandra had enjoyed since following Aimee’s lead, Sandra knew she’d be smart to go along.

  “Yeah. And you don’t have to worry about any strangers in the woods. You’ll be perfectly safe.”

  A shiver danced up Sandra’s spine. Her Fantasy Stranger. That’s what Aimee was hinting at.

  “Okay. I’ll sleep in the hammock.” She’d sleep on the ground if that’s what Aimee told her to do to be with her Fantasy Stranger.

  Sandra stepped toward the cloth hammock, which hung between two sturdy trees.

  “Wait.” Aimee walked toward her. “You can’t sleep in your robe.”

  “I can’t?”

  Aimee shook her head. Sandra untied the belt and glanced at the men, watching her. Ah well, they’d both seen her naked so being shy now made no sense. She opened the robe and dropped it to the ground. Having shed the harness before dinner, she now stood totally naked before them, enjoying the heat of the men’s gazes.

  The hammock had been hung fairly high, but she noticed a step stool beside it, so she climbed up and sat down on the hammock.

  “I think you should lie sideways,” Aimee suggested.

  The hammock
was very wide. Sandra lay down as Aimee had suggested, with the trees on either side of her.

  “It’s pretty bright, with the moonlight and all, so here’s a night mask to block the light.” Aimee pulled a black satin mask from the large pocket of her robe and handed it to Sandra. Sandra placed it over her eyes and tugged the elastic straps around her head. The mask sat comfortably in place.

  “Oh, and just so you won’t fall off during the night, we’re going to tie you to the hammock.”

  She felt straps attached to her wrists, then hands drew her arms to either side of her and attached them to the hammock.

  “Good night,” Aimee said.

  Sandra heard footsteps on the deck stairs, then the sounds of the door sliding open and closed. She lay out in the open, with the crickets chirping, wondering if she really wanted to stay out here alone for long. But surely her Fantasy Stranger would come along soon. In fact, whichever man it was had probably stayed outside while the other had accompanied Aimee inside. Or possibly the other man had stayed outside to watch.

  But as she lay there, the warmth of the wine still heating her insides, the soft rustling of the leaves high above her, she found herself relaxing. Tiredness washed over her and she dozed off.

  Slowly, she resurfaced to consciousness as she felt something petal-soft brush against her cheek, then her nose. The sweet scent of a rose filled her nostrils.

  Then lips brushed the side of her neck. Goose bumps flashed across her skin. His hands stroked over her breasts, caressing softly. Her nipples peaked, longing for his touch. She arched against him, sighing softly. His hand slipped away.

  A moment later, he stroked her calves, then her thighs. She opened, wanting to feel his touch against her slick folds, but he grasped her ankles and she felt herself pulled down the hammock until her legs dangled over the edge, her knees supported by the cloth. The hammock tipped, putting her in a sitting position.

  He drew her legs wide and she felt his muscular legs between her thighs. Then his hands cupped her face. Their lips joined and his tongue swirled into her mouth. She sighed, accepting him. So sweet. So tender. His arms came around her and he drew her against him. Her breasts pressed against his hard naked chest. So solid and firm. She could feel his long cock pressing against her stomach. Hard and ready for her.

  “Oh, I want you.” She couldn’t wrap her arms around him because they were pulled above her head, still fastened to the hammock.

  He slipped away from her, then his lips found her nipple and she sighed. His other hand caressed her other breast. She arched as he licked her hard nub. Then he sucked and she moaned.

  “Yes, touch me. I want to feel your hands on me.” She couldn’t see him or hear him, other than his breathing, so she wanted to break the silence between them.

  He caressed her breasts, teasing one nipple with his fingers while he sucked on the other, driving her wild.

  “Oh, yes. That’s so good.”

  He kissed down her stomach, then over her curls. His tongue traced a path around the heart they formed. His fingers stroked over her folds, then slipped inside her. She clenched around him. Ready and wanting. Desperate to feel him inside her.

  * * *

  Devlin’s cock was so hard he thought it would burst. He’d arrived at the cottage at eight o’clock, as planned with Aimee, and waited in the bushes until Aimee had brought Sandra and the others back to the cottage. Thoughts of making love to Sandra again had his cock swollen, especially knowing what Aimee had planned for Sandra earlier this evening—Sandra bound and suspended, used as the men’s plaything. When he’d seen the four of them step out of the woods, jealousy had flooded through him, but it had fled at the sight of Sandra’s naked body once she’d dropped her robe to the ground. Then he’d found it exciting seeing the men watch her with hunger in their eyes.

  Now she lay in the hammock before him, her legs sprawled over the edge, open wide, ready for him. She wanted him to touch her. Her hot inner passage squeezed his fingers. She was dripping wet and ready for him.

  He drew his fingers from her heat, then stroked over her clit. He leaned forward and licked it, then pressed the tip of his tongue against the button. She squirmed, then moaned softly as he lapped harder. Then he sucked on her and her moan increased.

  She was so hot and wet. His cock throbbed with need.

  “I want you inside me.” Her throaty words drove him wild.

  He stood up and pressed his cockhead to her slick opening. Oh, man, she was so wet and hot. He pushed forward, allowing his cockhead to slip inside.

  * * *

  Sandra squeezed the big cockhead inside her. He swirled a little but wouldn’t give her any more. She wanted that big cock all the way in.

  “Please, fuck me.” She gasped as he drove into her in one deep thrust.

  He held her tight against his pelvis. She wrapped her legs around him, sucking in air at the intensely full sensation. Then he drew back and drove deep again. She was so close already. His thrusts increased, sending the hammock rocking.

  Magical sensations quivered through her, then ricocheted along her nerve endings. His big cock plunged into her again and again. Pleasure thrummed through her body, then bliss erupted inside her as she skyrocketed into a glorious orgasm.

  He pumped a few more times, then stiffened against her as he filled her with heat.

  She sighed and collapsed against the hammock. He drew away, then she felt him adjust the hammock under her legs again. He freed one of her hands, then drew it toward her other hand and fastened them together. A moment later, he climbed into the hammock behind her and snuggled up in a spoon position. She fell asleep in the warmth of his arms, his lips nuzzling her neck with incredible tenderness.

  * * *

  Sandra awoke the next morning with the sun shining on her face and a soft blanket over her. She brushed her hair from her face and realized her wrists were no longer attached to the hammock.

  She pulled off the eye mask and glanced behind her, but she already knew her Fantasy Stranger was gone. She’d known it the moment she’d woken up.

  Being in his arms last night had been sensational. His tenderness … the loving way he touched her … the way her heart fluttered when he was near … All these things made her time with him extraordinary. Far beyond what she felt with James and Craig. Even though her Fantasy Stranger was one of them.

  It was like there was some deeper truth they shared when they were together. As if by blindfolding her, he could show his true self. Show how much he felt for her. And she sensed he had very deep feelings for her. Maybe even … love.

  But that was ridiculous. She didn’t want any man falling in love with her right now. And she sure didn’t want to fall in love. Not yet. Eric had been the only man she’d ever been with before coming to the cottage with Aimee. Devlin had been right. She needed to take this time to experience different men. To be a little wild.

  To be free.

  She rolled on her back and stared up at the trees as birds twittered in the branches. Her insides quivered with yearning to be with her Fantasy Stranger again.

  Ah, damn. Maybe if she could figure out once and for all if he was James or Craig … but no. That wouldn’t help. Knowing would probably make it even harder. At least now, when she was with them without the pretense of the Fantasy Stranger persona, they all had a good time but with no emotional attachment. If she knew which one it was, it might throw off the balance and complicate everything.

  * * *

  “Hey, sleepyhead.” Aimee walked toward the hammock carrying a big blue beach towel. “I brought you a towel. Let’s go for a swim.”

  Sandra pushed her feet over the edge of the hammock and stood up. Aimee handed her the towel and Sandra wrapped it around her body, then followed Aimee, similarly clad in only a beach towel, toward the path.

  “By the way, I ticked off items one and two on the list. Being held captive and bondage.” Aimee grinned. “That means only two to go.”

  Sixteen />
  Sandra laughed. “Too bad we don’t have more time here so we could finish them off.”

  She couldn’t believe she’d actually done most of the items on the list. Over the course of two short weeks, she’d become a wild woman. And she loved it!

  “Don’t worry. There are still plenty of weekends left this summer.”

  Moments later, they stepped onto the beach where they’d gone skinny-dipping that first morning on the island. Craig waved at them from the raft, where he stood totally naked, then dove into the water. James lay on his back on the raft, also naked.

  Aimee laughed and shed her towel, then ran into the water. Sandra tossed aside her towel and followed. She swam straight to the raft and climbed onto it, then stood in front of James, blocking the sun. He opened his eyes and smiled up at her.

  “Good morning.”

  “It is,” she agreed, then she knelt over his thighs and wrapped her hands around his cock. It had been lying quietly on his legs, but at her touch, it bounced to life. She stroked and it swelled and hardened in her hand. An amazing thing, really.

  With her free hand, she stroked her breast, the nipples already hard from the cool water. He covered her other breast with his hot hand and stroked. She wanted him. Now. She tweaked her nipple, then stroked down her stomach to her opening, then stroked herself, feeling the slickness. She pressed his cock to her slit and eased herself down on him.

  “Oh, God that feels good,” he said. “I take it you missed me.”

  “Oh, yeah.” She squeezed him inside her, then rose up and glided down again.

  She rode up and down, filling her passage with his hard shaft, driving pleasure through her. It welled up and blasted through her as she wailed in release. He groaned and filled her with hot liquid.

  She rolled on her back and glanced around. Craig and Aimee sat on the side of the raft watching her, Craig stroking his own huge cock. Her gaze shifted to the tiger tattoo on his bicep. So sexy.

  She opened her arms to him. “Craig. How about it?”


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