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Kacie's Surrender (Homeward Bound Book 1)

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by Unknown

  This book is dedicated:

  To my handsome sons Jamarion and Jamariy'a mommy loves both of you like no other. I wouldn't have done this without you. And Husband Fred with love and support.


  I want to say to one person who has always told me that I can do anything, someone who's no longer with me but I know she is looking down on me an helping me to do something I never thought I could do. Lisa Carroll I love you so much and miss you I know you are smiling down and proud of me.

  To my sisters and brother Tashayla, Tamekia, Tranequa and my little big brother Tavante I love you guys so much an enjoy being your sister.

  To my favorite cousins Shylika and Tesha I love you. Shylika you have always had my back and never lied or been fake with me. You helped me believe that I could write a book and because of you this is my second book.

  To my own mother Anissa you have been nothing but the best and I wouldn't change you for the world. I love you

  Kacie’s Surrender

  Table of contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter six

  Chapter SEVEN

  Chapter Eight

  chapter Nine

  Chapter ten

  chapter eleven

  chapter twelve

  chapter thirteen


  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty



  Chapter Twenty Three


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  Twitter @writing_self

  The Beginning where it all started

  "You’re such a loser"

  Here we go again being made fun of again because I didn’t come from money, I mean my Nana wasn’t rich but she wasn’t poor either. But in the school I attended I was poor to the kids here. I wish she could just allow me to attend a school with kids like me. But she wanted the best education for my cousin Stasia and I. But because I lived in a house and not a mansion or had maids, and butlers I was poor in their eyes. My grandmother couldn’t really afford this school, but I got in on a scholarship because of my grades. I was smart; I mean what other choice I had no friends so all I could do was study.

  Anastasia Douglas was my older cousin by two years (we didn’t attend the same school she was already in middle school) I loved her so much we were all we had. She knew I got bullied at school because I always told her. She would get mad and want to fight the kids that bullied me but I would never point them out. I didn’t need her to fight my battles and besides she would get in a lot of trouble.

  Stasia had beauty caramel skin, model height coke bottle body at the age of twelve. Long straight jet black hair just like her dad. Me on the other hand I was short I was caramel as well because we both took after our dads. Our Nana had two son’s Jeffery and Joseph Douglas; they were married to my mother Anna and Stasia mom Brittany. I missed my parents like crazy and I wish that they were here because they wouldn’t want this for me. My parents adored me same as Stasia’s parents.

  "Look at her clothes"

  "Kacie you suck"

  "That’s why your parents left you" My parents died not left. But it still hurt all the same. I hated each and every one of these kids. I wanted to smash my fist in their faces but I knew it would cause more damage for my Nana then it would to feel good about it.

  "Poor Kacie are you going to cry, look at cry baby Kacie" This coming from the bitch of the school Tiffany she was the ring leader of the group everybody else just followed her lead. If she wouldn’t mess with me neither would they. But that was who Tiffany was she loved to make people follow behind her.

  "Kacie's so poor she can't even buy new clothes" I stood there listing to all the hurt full things that the kids in school said to me. We wore uniforms to school but their uniforms were expensive mine didn’t come from the thrift store but compared to there’s they did. I felt low as it was but to hear them being said and I could do nothing. I was too afraid to defend myself against them it was to many. This was the norm for me every day. No matter how hard I tried to stay away they would find a way to torment me.

  "Get away from me" I yelled but it seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. Out of nowhere I was pushed to the ground at that point I had enough I jumped back on my feet and punched Tiffany in her face. She started running and screaming like I had killed her. I knew I was in big trouble and with her gang running after her I knew that I had no witness to vouch for me.

  “Nice right hook there Kacie” My heart frozen because here I was about to get in big trouble for punching Tiffany in the face, But my mind closed that out for the moment. Nathan Daniels the most gorgeous boy at my school. And to think that I have been at the same school as him since Kindergarten and he has never said two words to me.

  “What do you want to taunt me two” I had my fist balled up if I was already getting into trouble then I can’t get in trouble twice.

  “Calm down Mike Tyson I just gave you a complement”

  “Whatever” I started to walk back toward the school I was in deep trouble I wasn’t worried about what the school would do it was Maybelline Douglas I feared. The day I left this school I would never come back to this hell hole of a town.


  Ten years later:

  I never thought I would step foot back in the town, I hoped to never return to. After my grandmother died I left and never turned back. But here I am driving back here after ten years of being gone. All because some big shot client wanted me of all people to help design his home. I wanted to say no and let this big break pass by, but I needed this job. I hadn’t talked to anyone since I left. I had no family there but my cousin Stasia, who I use to be close with but when I left I left for good. Knowing deep down that I missed Stacia but I couldn't bring anything from my pass with me. Stasia chose to stay behind I couldn’t hold that on myself she made her choice just like I made mines. We grew up together but Stasia decided to stay behind when I left. I was mad at her because she chose to stay leaving me to fin for myself after I left. I was hurt because I thought she would always be there for me. But after our Nana died everything changed between us. I didn't know if I was ready to face that part of my past. Nana kept Stasia and I together after both our parents died. It was hard after that for both of us. I was close to my mother and father it was just the three of us. Stasia parents died too and her mother was carrying her baby sister. We were left with Nana she took us in and raised us both. God how I missed my Nana.

  I drove down a day earlier because I needed to prepare myself. I decided to drive verses fly to have time to think "this was a job, nothing more if I did what I needed to do and leave I didn't have to worry about the people I left behind" I kept telling myself the drive here. Instead of staying in town I decided to stay on the out skirts of town so that way I could get in and out without bumping into anybody from my past. Come to think of it I really didn't know who my new client was. His assistant only informed me that he only wanted to work with me and no one else. She told me his name was Mr. Wright and that he was looking to build his home there for his wife and kids. Why would anybody want to live in this town was beyond me I was trying to leave as soon as I got there.

  I tried not to let my mind go down memory lane. My pass was something that I never wanted to think about. I know I couldn't erase it but I tried my hardest to forget. I lost my paren
ts at an early age. When I lost them I thought the world would end. I had to move in with my nana and my cousin Stasia. Stasia was like a big sister that I never had, she treated me like I was. We both loved our nana because she took both of us in when both our parents died. We were all we had until my nana died and that done it for me I left without Stasia. I was tired of being here and only having Stasia. When I left I wanted Stasia to come with me but she stayed behind. That hurt me because I needed her but she stayed behind.

  After that I had no one, so I looked ahead never looking back. I worked hard to get where I am now. Letting my pass push me forward. I kept this part of my life hidden and I planned for it to stay that way. But here I was driving back to the one place I thought I would never have to worry about. My instincts told me to turn around, but a part of me wanted to see this through. Plus Jeff would make sure to bring me back even if he had to bring me back screaming and hollering. That’s why I loved him so much because I told him about my pass and he never once judged me. He listen and was there for me, hell the way he acted made me think it happen to him and not me.

  The things I went through no ten year old should have to go through. The kids I went to school with were born with silver spoons in their mouths, so it was easy to pick on poor Kacie. I hated them all, but the one person I hated the most was Nathan Daniels. I shook my head to clear it of any more thoughts that was in the pass I was going to leave it in the past where it belonged.

  When I made it to my room, the first thing I did was take a hot long shower. I needed to get the day’s gunk off me. I wasn't even in the mood to eat, so I looked over some plans I had for the next day. I was ready to get this over with and put this town back in my rear view mirror and this time it would stay like that. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. After being up for a while checking emails and making sure everything was good to go for the next day I called Jeff to let him know I made it before he put a missing persons report out.

  “Hey Jeffery”

  “Kace don’t play”

  “It’s your name”

  “Yea and you know I hate it too”

  “Mmm Hmm, I called to let you know that I made it”

  “I’m glad, so how’s does it feel to be back in your old stamping grounds”

  “Far from that, it feels surreal you know I never planned to come back here ever”

  “I know you shocked the hell out of me because I just knew you would turn it down”

  “Oh I had every right to turn it down but I knew this would be good for us”

  “Well Kacie I’m proud of you being the bigger person honey, don’t let those asses scare you away those years are over”

  “I heard you Jeff but I’d rather not be here at all”

  “Yea well once it’s over and you bring in the clientele this will all behind you before you know it”

  “Yea yea whatever”

  After talking to Jeff I finally fell into a deep slumber......


  "Mr.Wright I have all the documents that you requested" Len my assistant stated placing the paperwork on my desk. I thanked her and she turned to leave, I waited for her to leave before I grabbed the documents. I scan through them and was pleased with everything they had come up with on Ms.Douglas. Everything has changed but she was still the same Kacie Douglas I remembered when we were kids. I knew Kacie would never come back here if she knew it was me she would be working with. The look in her eyes haunted me every night for the past ten years because a part of me knew that I didn't help her. I wasn’t a coward none the least but as a Daniels we had a image to up hold and bringing Kacie around I wouldn’t have heard the end of it from my parents. She wasn’t in the inner circle she didn’t even belong at our school.

  Kacie was nothing like the people in this town and I was determined to prove it to her. But I must say she put up a big fight about returning here, she wanted to send someone else in her place. But I wouldn't allow it; I only wanted her and no one else. I don't ever remember her having that kind of fight in her but then again after being bullied like she was I guess it kind of becomes who you are a fighter.

  A knock sounded on my door bringing me from my thoughts. My door opened and in walked my best friend Bryce, he thought I was crazy for doing this to Kacie but I couldn't bring myself to stop. I let her get way for ten years and I was determined to not let it happen again.

  "So Nat, are you ready to re-kindle with your future ex-wife" he said playing but the look I gave him showed this was anything but. He held his hands up in surrender. "I’m joking man; I just hope you know what you’re doing. She's no longer the Kacie that got picked on she's a different women from back then"

  "I know and just like I said before I let her get away once I won’t do it again"

  "But what if she don't forgive you"

  "She will" I snapped not meaning to but he was really pushing it. "Look I'm sorry I know you mean well. But I have to at least try and make her see that I never meant to hurt her"

  "Are you getting soft on me" he said with a smirk on his face. I’ve known Bryce since we were in middle school and even though right now all I could think about was connecting my fist to his jaw I knew he meant well. But that still didn't change the fact that I wanted to beat the life out of him. Bryce seemed to let it go but I knew he would bring it up again. I just hoped he wasn't right.

  "I just hope you know what you’re doing" all I can think was I hope so too.

  Bryce stayed for a while longer, before I had a meeting to get too. It was hard to concentrate, my mind kept wondering back to Kacie Douglas. I couldn't wait to see her; even though I knew when she found out what I did she might not think the same. Her cousin Stasia still lived here but she kept quite. She owned a bakery in the middle of town. She had one heck of a peach cobbler. But that was it, after Kacie left Stasia closed everybody off. She worked hard but then went home. No one saw her, unless she wanted them too. I felt sorry for her but she was a pretty women. But that was it; she hid herself from the world. I kind of think that Bryce liked her but every time I would bring her u he would get pissed the same way I did when he brought up Kacie. The Douglas girls made every man in town with a brain drool over them only problem was that they didn’t know it.

  I worked well into the night I had to keep my mind off Kacie. When I finally looked at the clock it was well after midnight, I sighed and leaned back in my chair. Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough. I sat there for another ten minutes before I headed home. When I got to my penthouse for some reason it didn’t feel like home. Something was missing or someone. I headed straight for the shower stripped and headed for bed tonight would be along night.......


  My alarm went off right at eight o’clock; I wanted to push the snooze button but realized that I needed to get up. I had a lot to get ready for, for one I had no idea who my new client was. The last name Wright didn't ring a bell from my past. I was hoping it was some new person in town who wanted to build his house here. That way I wouldn't have to run into any one from my past I could get in and out unnoticed. I hope. Once I was fed showered and dressed I headed to my truck, something in the pit of my stomach told me something was wrong. But I couldn't think of anything that it could be. So I brushed it off for now and headed into town. My phone rang and I knew who it was because no one else would call me.

  "Hello darling diva how is my ray of sunshine this mortin"it was Jeff calling to check on me. He put a smile on my face the moment I heard his voice. I forgot all about what I came here for. He was my gay husband and I loved him like he was, he had my back in anything I did and I knew he would never let anything happen to me, like a husband would.

  "Good morning honey, dreading today and wishing that I was back home"

  "I know I miss you so much hon, but think about the business we will get after you seal the deal with this new client Ms.thang"

  "I know but I just can’t get pass my old life, I feel like I'm making a mistake"

ey think about it this way once you get the house built and get your name out there you will never have to step foot back in the that hell hole of a town"

  "I hear you but I'm still worried"

  "I totally understand but you remember that if you need me I’ll stop everything honey and be on the first thing smoking"

  "I know that’s why I love you"

  "Now since that’s over are you going to talk to Stasia" I was hoping he didn't bring her up, I was not ready to face Stasia not yet any way.

  "I don't know if I can or will for that matter”

  "Kace honey I know it’s difficult but she’s your only family and you were close with her, I think you should really think about it maybe there is a reason she didn't want to leave" I knew Jeff was trying to help but I wasn't ready to face my past.

  I talked to Jeff until I got into town. I had no idea where I was going so I needed to look up the address. It’s been ten years and things have completely changed since I was last here. I saw different buildings and more homes, stores. Just everything was different. But that’s not why I'm here to sight see, but pick up new business then leave. The changes here had no affect on me but things really have changed.

  I found the building that had Wright Enterprises on the top, it looked like it had twenty plus floors all glass to say I was amazed would be putting it lightly. I headed inside and was directed to the twentieth floor. Once I got there I felt under dressed the women were all tall and blondes with tiny waist dressed to kill. Not that I looked bad in my black pin stripe business suit with my jimmy Choo six inch pumps but they all look like they just came off the run way in Paris. I guess they all had to be a certain type to work here. Not letting that get to my ego I walked over to the pretty blonde behind the desk and let her know I had an appointment with Mr. Wright at two thirty. At first she looked at me like I was crazy I had to stop myself from asking her did she have a problem. This was not the time to lose my cool, now before I met my new client.


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