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Kacie's Surrender (Homeward Bound Book 1)

Page 8

by Unknown

  ‘You not right”

  “Yeah yeah now spill it what was he like in bed”

  “Your nasty but he was better than you can think”

  “I knew that white boy was not only fine but good in bed too, did you ride him reverse cowgirl”

  “Jeff I can’t believe you”

  “Oh Kacie stop acting like your shy I know your ass was a freak the moment I met you playing shy girl please”

  “Tell me how you really feel damn”

  Talking to Jeff made me feel better. I couldn’t believe I slept with Nathan and not just that but he took my virginity as well. I didn’t have anything to drink but I still have no clue how I got home. I remember the tub then wrapping me in a towel and carrying me to bed were I fell asleep. After that I don’t remember anything else. I put it in the back of my head I had work to do and a house to finish. I put a reminder in the back of my head to speak with Nathan.

  I loved that Jeff was there we got more work done and had everything back in order. We contacted everybody to find out how everything was coming along. By the time we finished everything it was nine o’clock. Jeff was there to save the day like always. I loved him to death. He was my rock and I wouldn’t trade the world for him.

  Thinking about my relationship I have with Jeff makes me think about Stasia and what we had growing up. But this was not the moment or the place to think about my past. Jeff was here to put my smile back in place and I wasn’t about to let anything get in my path.

  “I don’t know about you but I’m starving”

  “Honey who you telling”

  I was dressed and waiting in the living room while Jeff still got ready. “Jeff are you ready to go eat?” He takes a longer time than I do to get ready.

  Chapter Ten

  "Daniel what are we looking at to get me caught up on what you have done I'm trying to make sure we are done within the time frame I gave him"

  "Kace we are right where we need to be we are putting down the floors and all the bases are done we just need the go ahead to get started" I've known Daniel well over 5 years any time I build a house I never did it without him he was my right hand man when it came to that kind of stuff. He wasn't one to bull shit when it came to getting things done. I never had to stand over him or go over things he was a perfectionist like I was when it came to work.

  "OK Danny boy if you say it's time to start then I'm giving you the ok"

  "OK then boss lady we'll get started anything else?"

  "Nope Dan we're good, I’ll be glad when I'm done and I can go back home"

  "So you still haven't talked to your cousin?" Daniel knew some of the things I had gone through but not much. He understood from what I did tell him about my past but he also knew not to push it. I did want to see Stasia but fear that she wouldn't feel the same way. I did up and leave when our nana died I didn't contact her or anything. I just completely left everything behind. I didn't mean to leave her the way I did but I had been though hell and back when I lived here and at the time it just felt right not to be bothered with my past even if it meant leaving Stasia behind. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do but it had to be done and I don't regret what I did because it made me who I am today. A strong independent woman who stands on her own. I've come a long way from where I started to be let down after I left but here I am today and I know my nana and Stasia would be proud of me.

  I stood there still giving out orders, I didn't even realize that it was four and that Jeff called me.

  "Hey Jeff, what’s up"

  "Heyyyy Kace are you busy" He knew that I was and he only talked to me like that if he wanted something. Question was what was it?

  "Jeff I’m at work where I have been everyday all day, what’s going on your worrying me"

  "I mean I know that but I really need a favor from you and I don't really know how to ask"

  "Oh Jeff come on you know me better than anybody you know I will do anything for you"

  "I know but this is difficult to ask, I know how you feel about what I need from you but well how about you meet me it might be easier if we sat down" That was so not like Jeff he was never afraid to ask me for anything. He said whatever he felt came out and he dealt with everything up front. So for him to be like this with me I knew it had to be something big. I let Dan know that I would be gone for awhile and if he needed me he could call my cell.

  "Jeff where do you want me to meet you, are you at the hotel?"

  "No, I'm at this restaurant called Dixie’s do you know where that is" My heart skipped a beat that is where Stacia use to take me all the time whenever I had a bad day at school. I felt the tears burn the back of my eyes at the memory just hearing that name brought back so much. But I refused to let them fall. I got in my car and sat for a moment before I headed out to meet Jeff. On my way there I thought about Stasia and my Nana I missed them both so much, I wish I hadn't been dealt the cards I was given. Because we could have still been a family if it wasn't for the things I went through. I was almost to Dixie’s and my nerves went from normal to out of control. I wanted to turn my car around so bad but I couldn't do Jeff like that, I didn't have it in me to hurt him. I pulled into a parking space and sat for a few minutes before I had to force myself out the car.

  "Hi, welcome to Dixie’s are you dinning along"

  "No actually my friend Jeff Smith is here"

  "Oh yes I'll take you to him follow me" I followed her to the back of the restaurant and Jeff was in the far back facing me. But what caught my eye was that he wasn't along, he was with a woman. He hasn't been here long enough to meet someone and a woman for that matter. The closer I got to him the more I noticed that he was nerves which again wasn't like Jeff, so something had to be up with this women he was with. At the pit of my stomach I had a strange feeling but I couldn't put a finger on it.

  "Hey Kacie, somebody is here to see you" Before I could response the women sitting in the booth turned and looked at me. To say my heart stopped and it felt like I was frozen in time. The person I thought I would never see or I wasn't ready to see yet.

  "Stasia" I managed to whisper before I knew it she was hugging me and I couldn’t control it anymore. I cried so hard from all the years I was away from her, I cried for my nana and just missing both of them. I even cried for my parents and every part of my life that they missed. I cried just too finally cried. It felt like hours that we stood there and cried with each other. When I looked up I saw Jeff with tears in his eyes. I wanted to hug him so much but I was afraid that if I let Stacia go she would disappear. Once I finally let her go I hugged Jeff, he was the reason she was standing right here in front of me. Like I said before Jeff meant the world to me.

  "So Kacie how have you been"

  "I can't complain, I missed you so much Stasia you look great" Anastasia was a honey brown very petite women. Growing up she always had men following up behind her every step. She made them drool and act like lost puppies. Growing up I envied her she had it all, even though we lived in the same house. But Stasia was to me she was my hero she never treated me like the kids I went to school with. Every time I came home sad she would pick up the pieces and for that I loved her and owned her my life.

  "I missed you to Kace you have no idea how much" She said catching a lone tear that fell.

  "I can't believe it’s been ten years since we saw each other, so much has changed"

  "Yea tell me about it, not so baby cousin anymore"

  "What have you been up to, I can't believe you still live here after all these years?"

  "Well this is my home, the place I grew up I couldn't leave if I wanted to" Hearing Stasia say that this was her home. I felt bad because here I am back in my home town and it still didn't feel like home to me. I wouldn't tell her that but I was ready to go home, as soon as I was done with Nathan's house I was leaving. I needed to change the subject that way I wouldn't have to walk down memory lane.

  "So Kacie what brings you back here, I thought I would never see you here

  "Well I never wanted to I have my own company Jeff and I we build houses, Nathan tricked me into coming back here to build him a house"

  "What do you mean he tricked you into coming back here"

  "He had his office contact my office under a different name so that I wouldn't think anything of it, he knew that if I knew it was him I wouldn’t come"

  "Wow what did you do when you found out it was him"

  "She was going to turn it down, if it wasn't for me she would be back in Atlanta" Jeff said giving me the side eye.

  "Shut up Jeff you knew why"

  "Kacie, so how long you staying"

  "Just until I finish Nathan's house" The look in her eyes was hurt and that hurt me to but I couldn't stay because of her I had my company and Jeff I couldn't leave them. As much as missed her this town brought back so many memories.

  Chapter Eleven

  Stasia invited Jeff and I to come back to her house, she wanted to cook dinner for us later that night. I wanted to go because I could use time to get to spend with Stasia and get caught up on things I've missed, over the last ten years. Once Jeff and I got back at my hotel room we shower and got ready to head back to Stasia's.

  "Oh Jeff can you fix my hair I don't feel like doing it" Yelling on my way into the living room, he didn't say anything but I heard talking. Who the hell is he talking to?

  "Jeff you don't hear…..,” Standing in the living room was Nathan. Shocked to the spot I was standing and unable to move. The nerve of him showing up here when I haven’t heard from him since he left me after the charity event. Which by the way took my virginity and then disappeared?

  "Kacie I've been calling you all day and you haven't returned my call"

  "It’s been on silent, what are you doing here?"

  "Can we talk somewhere" Noticing that Jeff said nothing and Nathan had a hard time keeping his eyes off me. That’s when it finally hit me I was half way naked just a bra and panties. I was comfortable wearing that in front of him but Nathan that was different. I yelled at Jeff because he should have said something to me.

  "Jeff I'm going to kill you, you didn't say anything"

  "Well baby you should know better than to come out like that we not at home" He said trying to keep from smiling at me. I just rolled my eyes at him and hurried to the back to get dressed. I threw on my white pants and white shirt. When I came back in the living room Jeff and Nathan were still standing up. But what got to me was that they looked like they were having a standoff. If I knew Jeff well I knew one thing he was trying to make sure that Nathan didn't get the chance to hurt me.

  "Jeff give me a minute this won’t take long" he looked at me to make sure I would be fine to be in the front room along with Nathan.

  "I’m good Jeff" He looked at me one last time and headed to the back.

  If you need me holler and I’ll be right here" He said kissing me on the cheek and eyed Nathan one last time. The moment Jeff left I looked at Nathan like he was crazy why was he here?

  "What's so important that it couldn't wait till in the morning?"

  He looked at me from head to toe in slow motion, my body started to heat up, I felt like I was going to melt into a puddle right there. I haven't seen him in a month since we had sex at his house. I didn't want to see him unless it was related to his house and when I’m done. He walked closer to me and stopped not even two feet away from me. He reached his hand out to push a lose strand of hair behind my ear. My breathe caught just at the touch of his finger. Nathan was my everything granted he didn’t know it. That was why I needed this to stop before this turned into something more than it was now nothing. I stepped back from Nathan and pulled back the hair he was messing with. I had to put my big girl panties on and deal with Nathan in a way that I never thought I could.

  "What did you need Nathan that couldn't wait until tomorrow Jeff and I had plans tonight and where just headed out before you showed up UNINVITED"


  Kacie was starting to piss me off and I was trying to keep calm because I knew what I was trying to do and if I reacted she would just push me away even more. Before I could say anything I had to count to ten or she would have her boyfriend attempt to throw me out which I would love to see him try.

  "It’s been over a month since I have heard from you I called and texted you, why are you avoiding me"

  "I’ve been busy with the house so I haven't really had time to talk on my phone"

  "Really Kacie because it's mighty funny how Bryce has talked to you over the past month and you seemed to have called him back"

  "Well like I said I’ve been busy and he probably called when I had down time" So this is what she’s going to play at, avoid my calls but pick up for everybody else. That’s fine by me I’ll play at her game for now but in the end Ill have her where I want her.

  "Ok then I’ll let you have that for now Kacie, but I do have some things to discuss with you about the house I’ll see you at my office tomorrow at noon" I didn't even wait for a response I just headed out the door. I knew that would piss her off but that was the plan, so when she showed up tomorrow I could put my plan in motion. Kacie had me wrapped around her finger good thing she didn't know it or else she would use it against me. I’m glad she never looked down the whole time because she was turning me on by acting like she didn't care. The way her face was while she tried to keep it straight had my cock standing at attention. Kacie Kacie Kacie whether you like it or not you will be mine that I was sure of.

  Once back at my condo I called Bryce over. No matter what I needed Bryce had my back he would do it same as I would him. I needed to get Kacie all to myself some way somehow. Kacie had this connection to Bryce she seem to relax in his presents and be herself. With me she was stiff and straight to the point no bullshit with me. But I had a plan to change that soon enough. When Bryce showed up half an hour later, I was more than ready to get this over with.


  "What can I do for you today Mr. Wright"

  "Bryce stop bull shitting with me you know why your here"

  "I know why I'm not here; I guess your knocking down doors to get her to talk to you didn't work"

  "Bryce I'm about two seconds away from knocking that damn smirk off your face"

  "Ok man dang I know that she lives in Atlanta that she started this company with Jeff who by the way I know nothing about. I know that they are very close closer than any business relationship should be"

  "Bryce that’s all you got"

  "All I got that wasn't easy man, do you know who I had to talk to just for that little bit of information"

  "Whatever man, I need more so that I can get Kacie"

  "OK Nathan but whatever you do don't try to hard because you just might push her away forever she's fragile as ice and when she brakes she won't be the same"

  Bryce was right but I had to try whatever it was worth to get Kacie I was losing it.


  After Nathan left I had to clam my racing heart, when Jeff walked back in I had my head in my hands sitting on the couch.

  "So how did it go did you make out with your future ex husband" As funny as Jeff was right now I wasn't in the mood for him. But I knew that he was only trying to make light of the situation and I loved him for that.

  "I hate you, you’re not funny come on so we can go to Stasia's before she puts a bolo out on us" I said laughing and going back in the bathroom. Tonight was about Stasia and I getting back where we wore ten years ago and to say I was excited was an understatement. I let Jeff do my make up not too much since we were only going for dinner. Jeff was my diva and I loved him all the more. He was such a diva which I never knew why he was into houses instead of doing hair and makeup. Beats me. But whatever his reason I was happy we met.

  Once we finished and headed to Stasia’s house I was anxious and excited all mixed up in one. I couldn't control my nerves. When we pulled up to my grandmother’s old house that Stasia still lived in, i
t brought back so many memories. I guess Jeff noticed that because he reached over and held my hand. He didn’t even say anything just gave me time.

  "This is where I grew up both Stasia and I with Nana"

  "Are you ok honey, we could always leave"

  "No I want to be here, I need to be here besides Stasia was expecting us"

  "Ok when you’re ready we can head inside"

  "I’m ready to go inside let’s get this over with” Jeff took my hand and led me to Stasia’s door. When she opened the door she hugged me like she didn’t just see me over an hour ago. But hey we missed each other so every moment meant something and I was not one to knock off emotion.

  The first thing that I noticed when we walked inside the house I grew up in It still felt like home and it sent chills down my spine. Even through Stasia made some changes in the home she still had things that were there growing up but she brought the old with the new. I loved the things she did to it.


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