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The Wolves Catch Their Attorney [Shape-Shifter Clinic 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Cara Adams

  One day she won’t hide her thoughts and feelings from me. One day she’ll understand I won’t judge her. That instead, I’ll help and support her and then she’ll feel free to let me read her face.

  And that’s when Cam himself blinked. This was their second date and he was saying he wanted to know all about her? That she was the one he wanted to build a relationship with? On their second date?

  Sierra was a beautiful woman. He longed to lick and suck and kiss and touch her from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. He wanted to know whether her second toe was as long as her big toe and whether her belly button was an innie or an outie. He wanted to suck her clit until she creamed in orgasm and to find out how sensitive her nipples and breasts were and whether he could bring her to climax just by sucking them, too.

  He wanted to lie in bed with her after sex and cuddle her and ask her about her work and her political opinions and her hopes and dreams for the future. Hopes and dreams that would include him and Fergus in them, too.

  But since this was only the second date, perhaps he’d better just sit and watch her some more and learn by looking for the time being. Sierra’s gaze was on the stage so he turned his head to watch the show.

  The sub stood in the center of the stage, her back to the audience, her arms held out at shoulder height and her legs spread wide apart. Her hair was very short, not touching her dramatic collar. Cam wondered if that was intentional, that either she, or her Dom, wanted the collar to make a bold and immediate statement against her skin, not be half-hidden by hair.

  Sierra’s brown hair fell to just below her shoulders. Cam thought that was a good length. It was long enough for a woman to put it into an updo, or a braid, or French pleat, but not so long she’d need to spend hours every day brushing it and caring for it. He could imagine that very short hair may appeal to a woman as it was so easy to care for, a real saving in time, but from a purely selfish, male point of view he liked the idea of untying a woman’s hair and feeling it run through his hands, wrapping it over his fist to play with, or for his woman to tease his skin with it.

  He was glad Sierra’s hair wasn’t short. Not that he’d touched it—or her—as yet.

  The Dom had dropped his rope on the floor of the stage, and now Cam could see that it wasn’t one long rope, but quite a few ropes. The Dom took the top rope and knotted one end around her waist. He took the long end and wound it along the sub’s groin between her body and her thigh, then up along her butt crack through the loop at her waist, around the other leg between her trunk and her body, and up the center of her pussy to be knotted to the rope at her waist.

  Cam was intrigued. To him, watching from the balcony, the rope seemed tight between her ass cheeks and up over her clit. If it really was firmly against her skin, every big breath she took was going to tease her most sensitive flesh against that rope.

  Now the Dom took a second rope and wrapped it around her body, both above and then below her breasts. This time it was definitely tight. It dug into her skin. Then the Dom turned her to face the audience and twisted the rope tying the top and bottom pieces together with several lengths of rope between her breasts. When he’d finished her breasts were tightly bound with the rope, the globes poking out between the bindings. Now she was facing him Cam could see that the rope was tightly against her pussy as well as between her ass cheeks.

  The Dom turned her face away from the crowd again and wrapped the rope around her wrists, knotting them at her center back to the rope already there. His final act was to hook the rope through a loop on her collar, and lead her after him off the stage, walking her slowly through the audience so everyone would see the intricate rope pattern and knots.

  “Every step she takes will be driving her crazy with desire,” said Fergus.

  Sierra nodded thoughtfully, picked up a carrot stick, dipped it in sauce, and popped it in her mouth.

  Cam wondered whether she was still hungry, or just did it to mask the fact that she wasn’t commenting on the performance. The more he saw Sierra the more he understood how carefully she hid all her actions and reactions to anyone not paying close attention to her. He was sure that attorneys opposing her in court were frequently left wondering how she’d won her cases, even though they’d seen her defeat them with their own eyes. She seemed so ordinary and bland, until he looked into her eyes sparkling with fire and intelligence, and heard her speak. Even in a casual conversation she couldn’t hide her innate wit and the speed at which she put the pieces of a verbal puzzle together and worked out the correct answer.

  Damn she was a hell of a fine woman. And he wanted her so much he could hardly keep his hands to himself.

  Chapter Three

  Fergus was pleased with how things had gone so far. Neither Cam not Sierra had complained about the blindfolds or the handcuffs. He’d wondered if it was too much too soon for Sierra, but her body language had been relaxed and accepting. He was well aware that she was an expert at hiding her feelings, but he was a nurse and used to people faking their responses, especially big, tough, shape-shifter Alpha males, who liked to pretend a broken bone was no problem.

  He could always tell. No matter how hard a person tried to hide their responses their neck muscles always gave them away. And Sierra’s neck muscles had been not at all tense, which was what he’d been hoping. Even now, after watching the show, there was no sign of a tremor in her fingers as she dipped the carrot stick into the sauce, and her shoulders weren’t tight either. So she definitely hadn’t been upset or disgusted by the entertainment and he was even hopeful she’d found it exciting and arousing. Well, time would tell, but his primary aim was a resounding success. He’d wanted to know more about her. To find out if there was hope for a BDSM relationship between them, and right now he was excited to observe that yes, she seemed to be in favor of the next step.

  Also, as a side benefit, she’d just had demonstrated to her that ropes could be fun. Ever if she never climbed one again, at least her brain would now tell her they weren’t all bad.

  He called the server over to their table and asked for the dessert menu and beverages menu.

  Sierra shook her head at the menu.

  “What, no dessert? I thought all women were genetically addicted to chocolate?” joked Cam.

  “Oh they are, they are. I’m sure there’re two or three items on the menu I’d truly enjoy. But I haven’t got time this week to spend an extra two hours in the gym removing chocolate from my butt so it’s easier not to eat it in the first place,” she explained.

  “I think your butt looks perfect just the way it is, and a tiny dessert wouldn’t change my opinion on that at all. I’ll have the sticky date pudding, please,” said Cam.

  Fergus grinned. Cam was the only man he knew who could unite two perfectly separate conversations in the one sentence. “How about a drink then?” Fergus asked, smiling at her.

  Sierra turned to the server and smiled. “Do you have any red chai teas?”

  “Trader Joe’s Ruby Red or Zhena’s Gypsy Fire Light Chai, ma’am.”

  “Either of those are nice. I’ll have Trader Joe’s this time, thank you.”

  The server looked at him and Fergus had to remind himself of where he was and what his plan for the evening included. And it was a whole lot more than sitting and staring at Sierra, who’d just amazed him again by choosing chai when he’d said “drink” and had been thinking of one glass of wine or something similar to that to conclude their meal.

  “I’ll have a brownie with vanilla ice cream, thank you, and black coffee. Do you want something to drink, Cam?”

  “I’m fine with water,” said Cam.

  “I’m fascinated with the way water has become the drink of choice for people of all ages just in the last five years or so. When I was a child, water was what a kid drank when Mom wouldn’t let them have any more Coca-Cola and they couldn’t bear to drink another glass of milk. And now, no one goes anywhere without a bottle of water,” Sierra said.

p; “I’ve noticed that, too. Everything from lawn chairs, to movie seats, to cars, have a cup holder, and no woman’s purse is seen without a bottle of water sticking up out of it,” said Cam.

  Fergus nodded.

  “At work, their bottle of water is the first thing everyone grabs off their desk, along with their cell phone, even to go downstairs to talk to someone else in the same building. We must be the best-hydrated generation in history,” Sierra said.

  Cam laughed. “Oh good point.”

  Fergus realized this was how she won her court cases. She not only had the facts at her fingertips, but she presented them in an engaging way that made her listeners nod and smile. Damn he loved—no, he appreciated—her quick wit and sharp mind. All he had to do now was get her body naked and in the bedroom he’d reserved upstairs. That was the real challenge of the evening.

  Fergus waited until he and Cam had eaten their desserts and Sierra had declined even a tiny taste of each of them, and they’d drunk their beverages, then he stood. “It’s time to move on now.”

  He knew that should arouse their interest. He had suggested there was another step before the night ended, and if they checked the time they’d see it wasn’t really late yet, so hopefully would be willing to find out what he’d planned.

  He hoped to hell they would anyway.

  * * * *

  Sierra had a habit of always absorbing as much information about where she was discreetly, without appearing to stare or ask questions. For a start, she was a naturally curious person and liked to know. But secondly, it made her appear smart when she knew things no one else had bothered to find out. When she knew where she was going, she invariably Googled the venue as well, just so she had a basic feel for the layout of the building. Who knew when she might need the bathroom in a hurry after all?

  So although this place was a surprise destination, she’d seen the sign to the dungeons, downstairs, and to the private rooms, upstairs, and remembered the basic layout from the time she’d been brought here by her colleagues. Not that they’d gone anywhere except the main floor on that occasion.

  When Fergus led them upstairs, she guessed he wanted them to go to bed together, not to do a dungeon scene. She was feeling very happy with the men, but all in all was happier with the idea of a fucking than a beating. Not that a beating might not be delightful in its own way, but more that she’d rather do a little deeper research of her own before she reached that stage. Whereas a few orgasms—since there were two men surely that meant she’d get two orgasms—would be truly excellent.

  Being an intensely logical person she was well aware that by going upstairs with the two men she was implicitly agreeing to sex on the second date, when her stated position was not until at least the third or fourth date, and often not at all. But she felt happy and relaxed around these men. They were excellent company, damn hot to look at, and, inexplicably, she seemed to know them as well as if they’d been together much longer than just a bit over a week. Instinctively she knew they were trustworthy. She was an excellent judge of character and she knew they were good men.

  Besides, she’d looked around the crowd very carefully and not seen anyone she knew. Most people would assume she was dining with clients or potential clients anyway, but she felt more relaxed not being watched by people who might comment on her being there at some future time. So, with her career not in danger, she could appreciate and look forward to sex with these men whose company she very much enjoyed.

  Sierra followed Fergus up two flights of stairs and into room 405. She stepped into the room and looked around with great interest. Not only hadn’t she ever been into a private room at a BDSM club before, she’d never visited a private room in a brothel either. You’ve led such a sheltered life, Sierra!

  The bed was the largest one she’d ever seen, big enough for a football team, not just a threesome. The headboard was mirrored as was the ceiling, and hanging from two big chains dropping down from the ceiling over the bed was a sex swing. She’d never seen a real one of these either, just pictures on websites. At least if a person falls off they’d land on the bed. Occupational Health and Safety Requirements, I suppose. She snorted.

  “Have you ever had sex on a swing, Sierra?” asked Fergus.

  “Not yet.” She didn’t mind him knowing she was open to the idea. Open, hell she’d welcome it. And sex in the bed as well.

  She liked these two men very much. She didn’t have time to waste trialing relationships endlessly, and no doubt this one would die as soon as she cancelled a few dates because of urgent cases, or unexpected court appearances. Men hated being stood up, but her career always had and always would come first. However, right here and right now she was ready to play with them. As long as they had condoms of course.

  She’d had the pregnancy-prevention implant, but that didn’t protect her from sexually transmitted diseases so condoms were nonnegotiable for sex with her.

  “Let’s sit on the bed for a moment,” suggested Fergus.

  Sierra pulled the red velvet quilt down to the end of the bed, folded it neatly in halves, quarters, eighths, and then placed it on the shelf beside the television. She stepped out of her shoes before sitting on the bed beside the men.

  Fergus took one of her hands, and Cam took the other. Suddenly she had to know. “Do you prefer to be called Cam or Campbell or something else?”

  “I really don’t mind. Cam’s just a lot easier, I suppose.”

  She nodded. “Sorry for interrupting, Fergus.”

  Now Fergus nodded, then he said. “Sierra, we both want to go to bed with you, to fuck you, to give you orgasms. I’m sure you wouldn’t be in this room with us right now if you didn’t agree to this, but I need to hear you say it. You’re an entrancing woman, mind, body, and spirit, and we both want to possess you.”

  Cam squeezed her hand. “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

  “I’ve enjoyed your company, both of you, very much. I like you both, too, and I’ve had fun talking to you, and being with you. This seems a logical next step.”

  “Once you’re up on the swing one of us will suck you off, then the other one will fuck you. So you’re guaranteed two orgasms, Sierra. Cam, you can choose. Do you want to be first, in which case you get to suck her, or second, in which case you get to fuck her?”

  “Oh, first definitely. I don’t think I can wait any longer.”

  “Are you good with that plan, Sierra?”

  She smiled. “I’m looking forward to it. At least the swing’s made of padded leather, not fucking rope.”

  “Yes, I was wondering what you thought of the act downstairs,” said Cam.

  “Oh those ropes were definitely a whole lot more erotic than the ones I got to climb on.”

  Fergus climbed off the bed. “Time to get undressed.”

  The men seemed to be about to peel off their clothing where they stood. That wasn’t Sierra’s style. She intended this dress to look uncrushed and unslept-in when she put it on again to go home.

  Picking up her shoes, she walked back over to the television, and placed her shoes neatly on the floor in front of it, then removed and folded her dress, laid it and her purse on the quilt, and put her underwear on top of her purse. Then she turned to look at the men. Both were staring at her and seemed pleased with what they saw.

  Thank goodness for that. She was a fraction overweight, although a lot of her body mass was muscle from the intense workouts she did at the gym. However, as the ropes course had taught her, she needed to work even harder there. Most of the bruises had faded to pale green or yellowish and were now quite small. The scab over the gash in her forearm had healed to just a pink line. Her belly was rounded, not flat, but her breasts were still firm and her ass didn’t wobble too much. She rated her body about a B plus.

  “You’re beautiful,” said Fergus.

  “We’re so lucky to have you,” added Cam.

  Both men seemed perfectly sincere. “Thank you,” she replied gently.

As she walked back to the bed she studied the sex swing. Standing on the bed seemed to be the easiest way to climb up into it. There was a piece that seemed to be the headrest, then the main place to put her back, stirrups for her legs, and leather straps to hold on to. Yes, she could do this.

  This time when she climbed up on the bed she stood on the bed itself, up near the headboard, and then grabbed the stirrups and pulled the swing toward her. Holding it with one hand she was about to launch herself up into it when Cam stood beside her and said, “Let us hold it still for you first.”

  Of course. This wasn’t a test. She didn’t have to do it alone. She was so used to being self-sufficient she’d almost forgotten these men were here to pleasure her not compete with her. She let the smile trying to break out on her face have free rein. What a revelation that was. They wanted to help her have pleasure. No competition. No putting her down or trying to thwart her or derail her success. Just acceptance and help. Wow!

  She turned to smile at Cam and he and Fergus held the swing in place then Cam gave her ass a push as she climbed up into the seat. That helped her nicely as she wiggled around, turned over, and lay back, sliding her feet through the stirrups and gripping the leather straps with both hands.

  “This is rather comfortable,” she said, surprised.

  “Well it’s a love swing. Of course it’s comfortable,” said Cam. He moved around to the end of the swing, and leaned over her body, gently kissing her mouth, then her breasts, and down to her belly button. For a long time he played with it, nibbling the rim and licking her belly, but gradually he made his way lower until he was licking her bikini line.

  Sierra wanted to tell him to hurry up. His teasing was arousing her, making her want so much more. Then she realized two could play at this game. Her body was safely balanced on the pad, so she carefully moved one hand, letting go of the leather strap, until her hand was on his head, stroking his hair and neck, teasing his earlobe and patting the bits of him she could reach.


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