Out on the Sound

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Out on the Sound Page 15

by R. E. Bradshaw

  “Who, Charlie or the dog?”

  Brenda was enjoying this a little more than she should have been in Decky’s estimation. It was obvious for whom she was pulling, but Brenda did take pleasure in a little drama now and then. Drama that was about to happen, because Charlie and Lynne were heading straight for them. Charlie was leading Lynne through the crowd. Lynne reached and caught Charlie’s hand as if afraid she’d get lost without touching her. Decky thought different. Lynne was making her play right here, right now.

  A dog trainer would call this posturing or signs of dominant behavior. The way male dogs mark their territory and possessions. The voice in Decky’s head screamed in a jealous rage, “Mine! Mine!” Decky turned up the Margarita glass and slammed the rest down her throat. She handed the empty glass to Brenda; “I think we’re going to have to switch to shots if this keeps up.”

  “I think you are probably right.” Brenda didn’t wait for Charlie and Lynne to make it all the way to where Decky was standing. She immediately went towards the bar behind them. This left Decky standing alone propped up on crutches at one end of the deck. The crowd parted like the red sea and quieted. Brenda popped back up beside Decky. She handed her a double shot of tequila with a lime wedge on the rim. Decky took the lime wedge out, swallowed the entire contents and dropped the wedge back in the glass.

  “I think I’m going to need another.”

  Brenda took the glass, but didn’t move. She just handed Decky the shot glass she had brought for herself and had not yet consumed. This was too good. No way was Brenda going to miss this.

  Decky caught Darlene and Brandi out of the corner of her eye. They were staring wide-eyed, mouths open, in utter silence. Decky had thought about what she was going to say, but right this minute she had no words, none at all. Her brain was mush. The green monster was having a party.

  Charlie was close enough for eye contact now and she was boring a hole in Decky. She was sending Decky subliminal messages with the crease in her forehead, but Decky couldn’t make it out. Was it sorry, made a mistake or hang in there, we’re almost done?

  The expression on Charlie’s face changed. She looked like a woman who had made up her mind. Decky hoped she’d like the decision. In one stride with a little turn at the end, Charlie pulled out of Lynne’s hand, stepped up beside Decky and looped her arm around the crutch and into the crook of her elbow.

  “Decky, this is Lynne Harper. Lynne, I would like you to meet Decky Bradshaw.”

  Lynne smiled easily. Oooh, she was good. No strain on her face, nothing to indicate she was uncomfortable, but Decky knew better. Lynne was an actress, nothing more, nothing less. Decky had seen her kind before. Her momma always says, “Pretty is, as pretty does.” In that case, this was ugly and about to get horrific. Decky could see it, even if no one else could.

  This woman was a knock out. “Absolutely gorgeous,” as Brenda had said. Decky had to agree, but Lynne had the quality of a Bond woman. Decky knew, sooner or later, Lynne would try to stab her in the back. Lynne had made up her mind to fight for Charlie. The eyes gave her away. No, this woman was not going softly into that good night. Decky gripped her crutches tightly.

  In a voice just as smoky as her body Lynne spoke to Decky, “I’d shake your hand, but you look like you need them. Hurt your ankle?”

  Decky had to resist the Bill Engvall implications of the situation. Her ankle was black, blue, and a few other colors. She was not wearing shoes because it was so swollen; obviously, her ankle was the problem. No, I just like to rest my feet from time to time. The green monster said, “Here’s your sign, bitch.”

  “Yeah, just a sprain.” Decky’s manners took over, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Charlie must have been pleased, because she squeezed Decky’s arm ever so slightly. Okay, point one for me, Decky thought.

  Brenda chimed in, just as she was headed back to the bar for more shots, “Bet you two have a lot in common.”

  Charlie followed Brenda with her eyes and gave her a look that caused Brenda to respond, in mock innocence, “What? Softball, what did you think I meant?”

  Decky suppressed a nervous laugh. Charlie pinched her arm. Good ol’ Brenda, always there to break up any seriousness at parties.

  “Oh, do you coach? I’m sorry; I don’t know much about you. Charlie didn’t have time to fill in the details.” Lynne still had the sickly sweet smile on her face.

  Fire one. Not much of a shot in Decky’s book. Decky thought, “Yeah, dumbass I got this ankle tripping over my clipboard.” She said only, “No, I play.”

  Charlie beamed with pride adding, “Decky is a writer.”

  “Oh, really? How exciting.” Lynne was pouring on the charm. “Are you famous? Should I have known your name?”

  Charlie didn’t give Decky a chance to answer. “Hollywood is making a movie out of her second novel.”

  Decky could see that Charlie was enjoying showing off her new girl and it made her warm inside, or the tequila just hit bottom. Brenda appeared with a tray filled with shot glasses, a saucer of salt and a bowl of lime wedges.

  “Yes, Decky here is our resident celebrity. You should see her house. She designed it herself.” Brenda was laying it on thick. “I can’t wait to sell her story to the tabloids when the movie comes out. Speaking of coming out, when will we see the next best seller?”

  Decky was embarrassed by all the flattery, but appreciated that Charlie and Brenda were telling Lynne what she was up against.

  Being a washed up coach and potential Kentucky Fried Chicken manager doesn’t look so good now, does it, pretty girl?

  Decky answered Brenda’s question, “Well, with Charlie around, I haven’t been doing much writing. Soon, I hope.”

  “Shots anyone?” Brenda presented the tray.

  Charlie waved her off. Decky saw an opening and went for it. She fished around in her pocket and handed Charlie her keys. “I guess you’re driving home, honey.” Decky then took another shooter and downed it on the spot.

  Lynne followed suit.

  “Now, we party,” Brenda yelled out.

  The once gawking crowd, a little disappointed at no bloodshed, responded to Brenda’s declarations with whoops and hollers and quickly went back to partying. They assumed the worst was over. Decky, however, was wary. This wasn’t over by a long shot.


  The party moved on into the evening. Chip had rescued Decky and Charlie from Lynne, by taking Lynne away to look at his grass. To Decky’s relief, Lynne did not return to the group she and Charlie were sitting with. She was able to relax, but kept a watchful eye out for the intruder. For that’s what Lynne was doing, intruding on Decky’s new life.

  Brenda continued to stop by frequently with fresh shots. Decky was not a big drinker. In fact, she and Charlie had consumed more alcohol in a week than she did in the previous months. However, there had been a time in her life when she could set ‘em up and knock ‘em down with the best of them. She was beginning to feel no pain when the CD player sang out, “Now, I’ve had the time of my life…” from Dirty Dancing. Couples of all shapes and sizes started dancing. Decky asked Charlie to dance.

  “You can’t dance on those crutches and I can’t dance period.”

  Decky was buzzed no doubt. She stood up, grabbed a crutch with one hand and Charlie’s hand with the other. “You forget I’ve danced with you once already.”

  Charlie resisted, “But that was in private.”

  “Close your eyes and pretend they aren’t here.” Decky indicated the crowd.

  Charlie gave in. Decky placed her arm in the small of Charlie’s back, pulled her close and began to sway to the music. The song soon sped up, but the two of them kept slow dancing. All around them, dancers showed off their best dirty dancing moves. It didn’t matter to Decky and Charlie. They had a rhythm of their own.

  The song ended and they started back to their seats. The next song started. This time it was a slow love song, Faith Hill singing “Breathe.” Deck
y loved that song, but she had to sit down. Lynne appeared out of nowhere.

  “They’re playing our song. One last dance for old time’s sake?” She was moving Charlie toward the dance floor before Charlie could respond.

  Brenda arrived just in time to see what had happened. She sat down in Charlie’s chair, “Well damn, if she isn’t a piece of work.” She handed Decky another shot.

  “Charlie could have said, no.” Decky slammed the shot and grabbed another off the tray in Brenda’s lap.

  “No, she couldn’t. I saw that bitch swoop down on her. The poor girl didn’t have a chance.”

  Decky sat up a little straighter. “Damn I loved that song. Now, it’s ruined. I’ll see this every time I hear it. Tonight Faith takes a flying leap off the deck as soon as I get home.

  Lynne wasn’t so much dancing with Charlie as she was mauling her, at least from Decky’s perspective. Lynne was caressing Charlie’s back and pulling her in tighter and tighter. She seemed to be whispering in Charlie’s ear. Decky drank the shot in her hand, but this time Brenda pulled the tray away.

  “No, that’s enough. If you want more, you have to eat. You are drunk, I can tell and you are getting angry. Just relax. Lynne is making her last play. Two outs, bases loaded, one strike left. Charlie’s got game. She can take her.”

  Then without warning, Charlie pushed Lynne off her. She turned toward Decky, but before she could take a step, Lynne grabbed her and spun her around. Decky was coming out of the chair, when Lynne tried to kiss Charlie. Brenda grabbed Decky’s arm and pulled her back down in the chair saying, “Sit! Wait for it. Here it comes.”

  Charlie tore away from Lynne. By this time, everybody was watching. Once she had sufficient space between them, she shouted, “Stop it! You’re drunk.” She was furious. Charlie turned on her heal and came back to Decky. Since Brenda was in Charlie’s chair, Charlie sat down on Decky’s lap.

  Decky put her arms around Charlie who was vibrating with anger. “Are you okay? Do you want to leave?”

  “No, I want to do this.” She put both hands on Decky’s face, pulled her to her and kissed her so hard it hurt, right in front of God and everybody.

  Decky emerged from the kiss breathless and grinning. The crowd roared approval and Lynne exited into the house. Three or four women took off after her, no doubt in search of some ‘sympathy’ sex. Decky could care less. She had everything she ever wanted right there in her lap, and unlike Lynne, she would never let her go.

  Somebody shouted, “Karaoke!”

  Brenda jumped up, almost upsetting the tray, “Let’s draw some names.”

  Everybody started cheering and rearranging furniture. The dance floor became the stage. Charlie grabbed some food for the two of them and they ate, while the preparations were made.

  Charlie sat in Decky’s lap with her arms draped around Decky’s shoulders. Once all the names had been drawn, each person picked a song for the person whose name they had drawn. This was hysterically funny as various participants slaughtered song after song. Brenda’s rendition of ‘Fancy’ nearly brought the house down. Then it was Decky’s turn. The crowd started chanting, DECKY. DECKY.

  Charlie, who had no idea what was happening, looked at Decky. “I think your fans are calling you.” She stood up so that Decky could take her place on stage. Brenda assumed M. C. duties.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, the club BC presents to you, live and on crutches…we’ve seen that before haven’t we?” There was agreement from the crowd. “…anyway, making her first appearance since crossing over to the dark side.”

  The crowd erupted in catcalls and whistles. Decky accepted the ribbing by bowing to the crowd.

  “Settle down girls. I hear Decky’s been looking for the toaster, so whoever brought it please give it to her before she leaves.”

  The young lesbian who sat down by Charlie in the empty chair said, “I don’t get it, what does that mean?”

  Charlie didn’t take her eyes off Decky. Decky knew this, because every time she glanced at Charlie she was beaming up at her. Decky was definitely in her element. She had a performer’s presence, an electricity that attracted an audience. Decky was just as attracted to the audience and played to them while Brenda went on.

  “Wait, we have an innocent here. Would one of you please teach this child some lesbian history? Honey, do you know about Ellen coming out on TV? She’s shaking her head no…oh, dear Lord, I’m not a lesbian and at least I watched the show.”

  Ripples of laughter filtered through the crowd. Decky talked to Darlene and Brandi, who would serve as the backup vocalists. Decky figured they must be back together because Brand had the nose ring back in. Brenda went on.

  “I drew Decky’s name and have chosen a selection I think you will like. You all know Decky’s mother, right?

  Someone shouted, “Good luck with that!” Charlie cringed.

  “I have suggested she just sing this song to ol’ Lizzie, so here she is the one and only, and I do mean only because the rest of us suck…especially you Katie, yes you the girl in the yellow, oh honey don’t quit your day job…Miss Decky Bradshaw… with backup vocals from Darlene and Brandi. Here they are with a new rendition of the Judd’s hit… ‘Mama He’s Crazy’.”

  The music started. Decky took the microphone and began to sing playing to the audience, but mostly singing to Charlie. There were whistles and calls from the crowd. Decky circled Charlie’s chair drawing her into the scene. Decky could no longer feel her ankle so she had dispensed with the crutches. Charlie watched Decky’s every move. She evidently liked what she saw. Decky played to her more and more as the song went on.

  Decky finished the song on her knees at Charlie’s feet with a huge grin. The crowd erupted. Charlie beamed at Decky, then kissed and hugged her. She whispered to Decky, “You can really sing. I mean really sing.”

  “I was truly inspired.” Decky kissed Charlie, then she pulled her closer and said softly, “Hey, Charlie?”


  “Can I ask you something?” They were still embracing.


  “Could you help me get up off this floor, I think the tequila is wearing off.”

  Charlie laughed and with help from Brenda they got Decky back to her feet. Decky really had to go to the bathroom. Grabbing her crutches, she told Charlie to stay there with Brenda and she would be right back.

  There was someone in the closest bathroom, so she made her way to the back of the house to use the one at the end of the hall. When Decky came out of the bathroom, Lynne was waiting in the darkened hallway.

  “So you think you’re in love with Charlie?”

  Decky was drunk and in pain. She really didn’t want a confrontation, but here it was.

  “Yes, I’m in love with Charlie.”

  “I understand that this is the first woman you’ve ever been with. How do you know this isn’t just your first affair?”

  “Lynne, you don’t know me, so I’ll just say that affair is a term you are much more familiar with than I am. I’m not like you, not at all, maybe that’s why she’s with me and not you.” Decky was getting warm in the face.

  “Charlie’s been with you what, six days? You’re going to stand there and compare that to ten years. You don’t know her.”

  “Evidently you don’t or you would know she has no intention of being made a fool of ever again.”

  Lynne smirked at Decky, “Do you have any idea how many times she’s said that in ten years? Plenty. She never stayed gone long.”

  “Would you listen to yourself? You tore her down and took away her self-confidence. You hurt her and you act as if you forgot to take the trash out or something. Jesus, you are a self-centered bitch as far as I can tell. She is much better off without you.”

  Decky thought she saw someone at the end of the hall. She looked around Lynne to see who it was. It was Brandi. Brandi appeared to size up the situation, then turned tail and ran.

  “I won’t give up without a fight.�
� Lynne wasn’t threatening, more like menacing.

  “She’s worth fighting for. Have you thought that if you had put this much effort into your relationship, we wouldn’t be standing here having this conversation?”

  Decky saw Charlie at the end of the hallway. Lynne had her back turned and didn’t see her. Charlie started toward them, but when Lynne started to speak she stopped and listened.

  “What the hell do you know about my relationship with Charlie? All you know is you got your first piece of ass. This too shall pass. Remember, I have been with Charlie for ten years. I know that when all the emotion of this … whatever you two are doing…blows over, she’ll freeze up on you like an iceberg. Why do you think I slept around on her? So when you’re done with the frigid bitch, just send her home. I think I can take it from there.”


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