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Hangman Blind

Page 17

by Cassandra Clark

  Her reply was direct. ‘I can see you have a strong case for wanting change. You seem to feel the Normans are bleeding you dry and the Church is doing likewise?’

  ‘That’s the long and short of it,’ he replied. ‘What we want is an end to all these taxes so what we earn by the sweat of our labours we keep to enjoy. Instead of as now, when all our profit goes to fuel the wars or keep the pope in idle luxury. It’s not right.’

  ‘I worked it out t’other day,’ a voice behind the smoke broke in. ‘I get fifteen days a quarter to tend my own crops, and the rest of the time I have to work for the lord of the manor for nowt. What can I do in fifteen days? We want to be hired labour, not bonded labour like slaves. Are we not men?’

  ‘And women,’ said a different voice.

  ‘When Adam delved and Eve span,’ said another, and the rest chimed in with, ‘who was then the gentleman?’

  ‘I see,’ said Hildegard, ‘but I was wondering what you felt about Master Tyler’s other demands?’

  There was some uncomfortable shuffling behind the haze. From outside, the squeal of a stuck pig came loud and clear. It sounded strangely human. Dagobert began to bluster. ‘I don’t think any of us want to go that far, sister.’

  Inside the cottage there was an ominous silence.

  Hildegard was glad Ulf was standing beside her. She glanced at each of the shapes as best she could through the smoke and said, ‘As I understand it, Master Tyler wanted an end to punishment by outlawry? That seems just. It is often used as an excuse by the courts to seize a man’s lands and increase those of his accuser.’ The silence continued. ‘He also wanted an end to all nobility but the King?’ Nobody interrupted. ‘And to all clergy but the Archbishop of Canterbury?’

  ‘Too late for Sudbury now!’ A nervous laugh was quickly stifled.

  A voice she hadn’t heard before began to intone from behind the smoke. ‘The great lords of the realm have stolen our land! The Roman Church has stolen our liberty! The usurpers have taken our grain, our herds, our homes! What’s left to the poor but blood and bones? The spirit of the people cries for vengeance while we sit by and watch. Misery on us! Misery on all who sit by!’

  Dagobert cut through this and the rising murmurs of agreement it aroused. ‘The sister doesn’t want all that. What she wants to know is what we’re asking for. And it’s this.’ He linked his thumbs in the front of his tunic, looking set for a speech, but it was short. He said, ‘What we want is no tax more than one fifteenth of movable wealth. Flat.’

  There were cheers.

  ‘The question is, sister, why should we have to pay one tenth of our crops to the Church?’

  ‘Birth, marriage and death. They tax the lot. Soon it’ll be the air we breathe,’ a voice added.

  Dagobert interrupted again. ‘I believe we’ve put our case clearly enough, Sister. At least it’s a country where we’re still free to speak our minds. But we could sit on our backsides all night arguing. I’m to my bed. It’s well past eight o’ the clock.’ He began to urge his visitors towards the door with a sudden, determined haste.

  There was a scramble to get out once it was clear the meeting was over. Ulf thrust out his mace to make a passageway for Hildegard but she drew back and waited in humility until the last villager had left. The reeve loomed over her. ‘Don’t take it to heart, Sister,’ he apologised. ‘It’s not personal. Your people do good work down at Swyne.’

  When she and Ulf got outside she turned to him. ‘I wonder if the Archbishop of Canterbury felt it wasn’t personal when they stuck his head on a pike and put it on London Bridge?’

  They set off up the muddy, ill-lit tunnel between the cottages. They hadn’t gone far when they heard the voice of two men raised in argument on the path ahead.

  ‘What did you expect him to say, you stupid bastard?’ one of them was demanding fiercely.

  ‘Keep your festering gob shut then!’ came the reply. There was the sound of a scuffle and a woman’s voice cut in, ‘Oh, leave him, John, he’s not worth it. He’s only a fuller.’

  ‘Aye, get back to your vat, you stinking idiot!’ There was a thump.

  When Hildegard and Ulf turned a corner they found two villeins squaring up to each other. The men didn’t hear them approach and it was only when Ulf was almost on top of them that they realised they were observed and fell back in confusion. Ulf merely carved his way between them without a word. Hildegard was impressed when they backed off – they were thickset fellows and there were two of them – but by the time she reached them they were doffing their caps and trying to lose themselves in the shadows.

  She caught up with Ulf and they had reached the end of the lane when a voice came floating after them. ‘You’re Saxon like the rest of us, steward. When the day of reckoning comes, don’t you forget it!’

  Hildegard gave Ulf a glance. His face was set in stone.

  It was in a darker frame of mind that they returned to the castle. The raucous shouts of drunks and their constant drumming down by the bonfires on the green, together with the list of injustices experienced by the villagers, underlined the rage that was still brewing in the land. The whole world seemed to teeter on the brink of chaos just as Edberg had claimed on the way back from the mill. How long, she wondered, before the people rose up again and butchered their oppressors? It wasn’t only in England. Look at the Jacqueries in France a few years ago, she thought. They had rampaged round Paris slaughtering the landlords and burning their houses and castles without restraint. Even the Dauphin had retreated behind his walls, like a prisoner in his own kingdom. Now the Companies of Routiers had more power than anyone else but the peasants themselves had been reduced to even worse poverty by the devastation of their farms. There was the rising in Flanders as well. It could happen here on the same scale. Civil war. Rebels exterminated. Famine the result. She believed in the justice of the people’s cause but the violence of an armed revolt filled her with horror.

  Ulf looked grimmer than ever. Before parting he took her by the arm and muttered, ‘If this goes on, everybody’s going to have to take sides. Blood will flow.’ With this warning, he flung abruptly away.

  Hildegard walked slowly over to the tower stair-case leading up to her chamber. She was wondering what would happen if it became known what she had in her scrip: a relic that symbolised the sacred covenant of Wat Tyler with those of his fellow-countrymen who dreamed of justice.

  As Hildegard was passing the guest-master’s chamber on the floor below her own, the guest-master himself came to the door with a couple of gloomy-looking jongleurs. ‘—so there’ll be no more work here, lads, not for the time being at any rate,’ he was telling them. ‘Best get on over to York in my view, until this place is back to normal.’ They parted and after watching them go Hildegard approached the guest-master. He was a pot-bellied, rosy-cheeked old fellow with a clipped white beard and was dressed convincingly in parti-coloured hose and the ubiquitous poulaines. The points were at least four inches long and she wondered fleetingly how he managed to get about.

  She smiled. ‘Greetings, master. I was wondering whether you would do me the favour of answering a question about a couple of guests?’

  ‘Most certainly, Sister. Come inside and ask away.’ He settled her comfortably in a chair and when he was seated himself beside his pile of ledgers he leaned forward. ‘Well?’

  ‘I’ve been wondering about the two friars who are staying over for St. Martin’s week.’

  ‘Good fellows,’ he said, sitting back. ‘No trouble whatsoever. Kept themselves to themselves. Pity they’ve gone—’


  ‘Left at dawn when the Lombards rode out. Be back in Beverley by now I should think But they weren’t friars.’ He chuckled. ‘One of them had got himself a nice little post as corrodian, though he didn’t say what service he rendered the brothers in return for his keep. The other fellow was a companion from his youth and they’d decided to take a short break together over Martinmas. I reckon they had more ente
rtainment than they bargained for.’

  ‘It was put about that they were friars—’ she insisted.

  ‘I don’t know how that rumour started. We haven’t had a friar in here for the last year. Not even to take Lord Roger’s confession, save his soul.’

  All she wanted was to go up to her chamber and catch up on her sleep, but instead Hildegard went to find Ulf. He was overseeing the guests who remained in the hall.

  It was a sombre occasion. Sir Ralph was the only man at the top table. Avice and Sibilla were present. Philippa was just leaving. The servants went back and forth without a smile. There was no singing.

  Ulf turned as she approached and she said, ‘I’m not here to eat and drink. I just thought you might like to know that those two so-called friars have already left.’


  She nodded. ‘One of them was a corrodian at the friary in Beverley. The other was just a companion. Neither of them were friars as it turns out.’

  ‘Let’s not drag those two into it,’ advised Ulf in a harassed tone. ‘There are more important things to consider. You remember you asked me right at the start who would want to poison Roger and I said—’

  ‘Did I want the long list or the short one? Yes, I remember. And have you a list?’

  ‘Let’s go somewhere quiet. I want your views.’ He cast a glance round the Great Hall. There was nothing that needed his attention just now. He led the way to his office.

  ‘I didn’t want to set too many hares running,’ he said as soon as they were seated. ‘I hoped somebody would have given me a useful whisper by now and we’d have caught this poisonous devil. But there’s been no hint of a name.’ He poured them both a drink of Rhenish. ‘So now I’m going to give rein to my blackest thoughts, the saints forgive me. But don’t forget, I’ve lived cheek-by-jowl with the family all my life, I know their ways, and I’m forced to it.’ With a grim expression he began. ‘We have to look at motives. And we need to start with the folk closest to Roger.’

  ‘The family, you mean?’

  He nodded. ‘Clearly young Edwin’s not involved as he’s banished and probably in France. So, who do we have who would gain from Roger’s death? First, there’s Melisen. She knows full well that if she doesn’t produce an heir soon Roger will have no compunction in throwing her out. You know what he’s like. However,’ he frowned, ‘I’ve had a look at the marriage settlement since we last discussed matters. With Roger dead, heir or not, she’ll inherit a fortune.’

  Hildegard was stunned to hear him talk so cynically. It was unlike him. Putting that thought to one side she asked, ‘What about Sir Ralph’s baby son?’

  ‘His claim could be set aside. It was only proclaimed in the hall during a drunken riot. There’s nothing written down. And of course,’ he added with a crooked smile, ‘should Melisen happen to find herself with child now, that would strengthen her claim.’

  ‘How could she, with Roger dead?’

  ‘With the help of a virile young squire, perhaps?’

  Slowly she asked, ‘Are you suggesting they might have plotted together to get him out of the way?’ She remembered the immaculate youth escorting Melisen into the church for the requiem mass. With that image in mind the idea suddenly seemed less far fetched.

  But Ulf continued. ‘As well as that, as a widow, at her age, with or without a child, but with the sort of wealth she would inherit, she could remarry whomever she liked, royalty included.’ He added, ‘I don’t think she’s without ambition despite her whims. Then,’ he went on before Hildegard could do no more than open her mouth, ‘There’s Sir William. It’s well known he’s jealous of his brother-in-law. He owns barren lands near the Borders, a place you’d only go to if you wanted to see your guts served on a platter. Lady Avice came to him with a tract in Holderness but it’s nothing but marsh. The best she offers is portage in and out of Ravenser and a tax or two from Wyke now it’s called Kingstown on the Hull. Otherwise it’s fish, fish, fish, import, export, and continual fights with the burgesses over who should pay what, and all revenues finishing up in King Richard’s coffers after Lord Roger’s had a dip. You can imagine how William feels about that.’

  ‘So what difference does it make to William if Roger is dead? He can’t get his hands on Hutton lands—’

  ‘He could put a strong case for being the only one capable of running the estate. He’s hardly stretched at present.’

  ‘But there’s Sir Ralph—’

  ‘Do you seriously imagine Ralph has the will to organise a candle stall?’

  She reserved her opinion and instead asked, ‘So by default—’

  ‘William would take the reins as guardian—’

  ‘But the others wouldn’t stand for it. I mean, despite what you say, Sir Ralph would object most strongly and—’

  ‘And Sir William would take up arms to force his case.’

  They contemplated the blood-shed that would ensue should it come to that.

  Ulf hadn’t reached the end of his list, however. He said, ‘And then, of course, there’s Lady Sibilla. If Sir William has a rival, it’s his sister-in-law. This birth, convenient of course, but do you imagine she’s going to sit and wait until the child comes of age before reaping the benefit? Not on your life. She’d be perfectly capable of running things herself on the child’s behalf. She has a good case.’

  ‘I understand she has lands to the east along the coast?’

  ‘She has. To an ambitious woman, Hutton could be a gem beyond compare. She would own a swathe from the sea to the gates of York itself, and it won’t have escaped her notice that she could compete with the Nevilles if she got her hands on all this.’ He waved an arm.

  ‘She struck me as being pretty shrewd. And it’s lucky to have borne a son –’ She furrowed her brow. ‘In that connection—’

  ‘Let me go on.’

  ‘There’s more?’

  ‘You want the full list of those who could benefit, don’t you?’ Ulf gave a heavy sigh and reached for his goblet. He drank deeply then wiped dry the gold hairs of his beard. His frown deepened. ‘As you so rightly observed, sister, there’s Philippa.’ His tone was heavy. Clearly he didn’t like the suspicions that were apparently teeming through his mind. ‘With her father out of the way, Philippa could marry where she chooses. You said she told you as much.’ He looked so troubled Hildegard’s heart went out to him. She could see he was having difficulty going on. ‘Not only could she marry anyone she liked,’ he admitted, ‘she could apply to have the law set aside and prove inheritance on her own behalf. She’s the eldest. She’s of age. All that stops her inheriting every stick and stone is her father’s adherence to Norman law. Which brings us,’ he paused, ‘to the Lombards.’


  ‘You must have noticed how intimate she and Ludovico are?’

  ‘Is this the first time they’ve met?’

  ‘I suspect he turned up in Kent after Melisen and Roger’s wedding. Philippa stayed down there for a couple of months. And these Lombardy men get everywhere.’

  ‘But what would Ludovico have to do with it?’ she asked cautiously.

  Ulf looked unhappy. ‘I don’t believe Philippa would think up something like this by herself.’ He gave her a wild look. ‘But Ludovico must have realised when they first met he could be worth a pope’s ransom if he controlled both ends of the wool trade, production here in Yorkshire, the finishing and making up in Italy.’

  ‘You’re seriously suggesting he could have put her up to poisoning her own father?’

  ‘Sometimes a black-hearted devil can persuade a soft, gullible girl to do anything he likes so long as it’s in the name of love.’

  Hildegard gave him a sceptical glance. ‘Do we know he’s black-hearted?’ She ignored the question of the gullible girl.

  ‘We can’t know he’s not.’

  ‘You said there’d be a lot of hares set running, Ulf. What you’re saying, in brief, is that every member of the family benefits from Roger’s d

  Hildegard went up to her room. It was late by now. She couldn’t stop yawning. There had been no sleep since the ride out to the mill and back. She flung her cloak on its hook, removed her boots and lay down on the straw pallet in a corner of the chamber. Ulf had made it clear who would gain from poisoning Roger – practically everyone – but he hadn’t answered the real question which was: who would want to poison him? It might have a somewhat different answer.

  A cock crowing shortly around dawn drew her from the depths of sleep. She stretched. She sat up. A pall of silence seemed to lie over the entire castle. She rose from the pallet, went to the window, and looked down into the bailey.

  The carts were still lined up against the walls, augmented by one or two more since yesterday. A steady downpour puddled in the ruts their wheels had made. Melisen’s char with its black awning seemed to have been filled with green branches. When she peered closer she realised it was yew. Appropriate for a funeral. She couldn’t help wondering why Roger hadn’t sent instructions to Ulf to stop the charade. His ‘death’ hadn’t flushed out the poisoner as he had hoped. Eventually people would have to be told the truth. She wouldn’t like to be in his shoes when he made a clean breast of things. She wondered how he would try to wriggle out of it. He wouldn’t be able to put the blame on his steward because she was a witness to his orders. And if he tried to blame her – the idea was unthinkable.

  Pulling on her cloak and ramming her feet back inside her boots she went out in the hope of finding something to eat in the Great Hall.

  There were plenty of people about, she noticed, when she pushed open the doors. The servants, as ever, were run off their feet, keeping everybody fed and watered, and an army of others were hauling packs of food from the kitchens to load on to the rest of the sumpter wagons. She stood to one side to let them through. There was a strange atmosphere about the place. She couldn’t name it. But you could cut it with a knife. Then Melisen, weeping, came out.


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