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Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2

Page 8

by L M Lacee

  Now she only said. ‘All of you get your belongings after this and come and see me, I will give you the tour and settle you all in and go over the rules.’

  Jean blew out a breath of air. ‘Thank you, I was not sure if you would like me moving in.’

  Brenda gave her hand a pat. ‘You should have said, we never want you to think you are not wanted, Jean you are family.’

  ‘Thank you.’ Jean eyed the other two. ‘You too?’

  They nodded. ‘Yeah, missed her and Star Girl.’ Netta said pointing to Darby.

  ‘Can’t cook for tuap!’ Melody grumbled, which made Brenda bark out a laugh as she said with a small knowing smile. ‘I could have told you that when you did not move in.’

  They just looked sheepishly at her. ‘Yeah, well, you were right and what rules?’ Netta asked frowning.

  Brenda grinned. ‘Rules, such as no cooking unless you can. We do that as well as oversee the cleaning and tidying of the Hex. Your apartments are yours to look after, if you cannot manage, tell us. We will have someone take care of that for you. Although, each apartment as you know, come with cleaning bots who will do beds and light housework and as Jean will tell you they are all automated, so do not fret. We are starting to decorate and furnish the apartments today, so if you have ideas let us know or you can be like Darby and Peyton and just tell us what colors you dislike intensely and we go from there.’

  ‘That is cool, so you and the other ladies are the bosses of here then?’ Jean asked with a smile of relief on her face.

  Brenda grinned and hugged her again. ‘As long as you all know and remember that, my work is done. I will see you all afterward dearles.’

  ‘Yes ma’am.’ They all replied cheerfully.

  Just then Peyton walked in, cup in hand and glared at the four of them. Darby could not miss the disgruntled look on her sister’s face, she watched and tried not to laugh as Peyton looked around at all the people in the room, even the twins were there and her face became resigned. She was giving a speech.

  Heather flushed and excited, arrived and the girls rushed to her, hugging her as everyone crowded around to offer their congratulations and admire the markings around each wrist. Peyton grinned at her. ‘You look like an Upio caught in lights.’

  ‘A what?’

  ‘Sort of looks like a deer, but has six legs.’

  ‘Well that is apt.’ Heather replied. ‘It is exactly how I feel!’

  Helen placed a cup of tea in her hand. ‘Drink this, it is good for a shock!’

  Heather grinned. ‘It is and thank you Helen.’

  Darby looked at the markings and asked. ‘I do not understand. You guys did not, you know?’ She flapped her hands around as she blushed.

  Peyton grinned saying. ‘It is probably the intent or dreams.’ She wiggled her eyebrows up and down. Which made Heather narrow her eyes and glare at her, and Esther hit her arm, which in turn made Peyton yelp.

  ‘What... What, did I say?’ She quickly moved away from them both while the others all laughed.

  Finally after a few more mins when things looked like they were settling down. Peyton nodded to Darby.

  ‘Go for it Darby. I am as ready as I will ever be.’


  Peyton sat at the table and sipped her coffee, while Darby swiped and tapped at a wall console syncing all the worlds together, so she could address the people of Maikonia. She grinned as a big virtual screen appeared and seemed to sit on the edge of the table. Hexes had tech everywhere and screens came in small or large sizes, they could appear on walls, or pop up on your work desk at unexpected times and even in showers. Which was a little disconcerting if one forgot to block video?

  While everyone found seats or leaned against walls, making themselves comfortable and well out of the way. Peyton frowned, again it appeared she was the only one going to be on screen, she received a nod from Darby as the screen came to life and smiled as she began.

  ‘Greetings, to you all out there on the worlds of Maikonia, as you all know I am the Star Daughter or Madam Peyton.’ She shrugged as her smile became strained. ‘What can I say? It is a title, so I am wearing it as well as I can, and as far as titles go, it is not a bad one?

  So on to other matters as you can see and hear, I have once again been summoned to give a speech and no, not by the Star Child. I am sorry I have not done so earlier, it has been pointed out to me, it is way pastime I gave you all a shout out... no Lukkas I cannot shout that loud, it is an expression... well maybe as the Star Daughter... sure... maybe I could then... Good Stars it starts already!

  Oh sorry, yeah well okay… so what was I saying? Shout... thanks Willian. We are here in the solar system that houses our worlds. Maikonia, home of the Star Daughter, gifted by the Star Child for us all to enjoy. I don’t know about you, but I am amazed by our solar system. Who knew there would be purple planets or even all green ones? It is wonderful that we are able to live on all these amazing worlds and shape them as we are and will continue to do so. I have been told we are in the growing season and we will have a rainy season and a dry season, you get the idea.’ She took a swallow of coffee before she went on.

  ‘We are going to run on weather seasons, not summer, winter although they are weather... Well yeah, you are right Kerol, it is a different type of weather. Anyway, I am sure our specialists will let us know as we go along. For those of you not on Terra, which is our agriculture planet, you will be happy to know crops have been planted and for that major effort we are eternally grateful... Really bots, how come I didn’t know they were planting, I would have liked to have seen that... you know Jean I do not play with everything... yeah okay, the lifts... alright the dispensers. Allrightyy I give you the bots, but I said I would put it back together... fine you are right, happy now? Oh, you saw the planting, really Darby you could have told me... you thought it was better for the bots that I did not see this, ha-ha!’

  She gave Darby the evil eye which seemed like she was becoming immune to, with a sniff she returned to speaking. ‘Well back to the speech, we have broken ground… yes literally Lukkas, Helen will explain it... ask her Lukkas. So we will in the future be feeding ourselves. We are very lucky to have dedicated people looking after our crops and the farmers who joined us have shown they are as dedicated as we are... no Melody, not just to the coffee and chocolate crops... yes I know they grow other things... not yet I am sure I will see them soon... yes Nikolas, I know, I was just there yesterday... I am not discussing it! Now I know you all will join me in thanking each and every farmer and specialist and Warrior on Terra for their efforts.

  Okay, so now to other things, we have moved into what are fast becoming our homes and in some cases already started to renovate and I am told build new ones. Amazing, we are like little ants... Aww! Come on, what is wrong with that… What do you mean it sounds creepy it was a compliment... it so was, you know like industrious, because we are all busy... you have no sense of what I am saying Armee girl... No Willian an ant is an insect... no not here, on Earth... I do not know if we have them here... well okay you can look for them if you want? So as I was alluding to... it so is a word look it up… sheesh! We have all been busy, there are businesses popping up all over the worlds. Any dressmakers out there could you comm` my office in the next few wekens thank you, also any beauticians who are not already engaged elsewhere, please comm` me.

  So it seems we will continue to be busy for some time, we are building a new way of life for us and our young ones to enjoy, we are slowly making Maikonia ours.

  Education centers will come with time as will more businesses, restaurants and diners... Why diners? Because I like diners... you know Commander Hawk, you sure have got a lot of attitude since we arrived home. Diners are relaxing... no restaurants are not... yes Helen, not like your kitchen… no ma’am, your kitchen is the best... Anywaay! We should all be proud of the accomplishments we have already made.

  So let us get to some nuts and bolts... no Willian do not call Commander Ko
lin it is an expression. Oh speaking of Commander Kolin he has taken command of our engineers and builders. He and his teams are well underway in decoding the new Warships blueprints known as Warbirds... because I like the word, it is fun and ironic... it so is Comp girl! Commander Kolin and his people are learning and downloading every day something new from the data drives that were found. Also, he is still recruiting, if any of you want jobs; it seems he has plenty on offer. Apparently I cannot apply... you laugh Jean, really!

  I think Commander Kolin lost some of his people to the port, oh stars no Kerol, I do not need you to take a squad and go hunt for them... because I am sure there are not any hostiles at the port hiding... because Lukkas I know... well go if you want to Kerol and see for yourselves, look it was just ... Yes Commander Hawk an expression, seriously!

  Alright do not forget we will have trader Rose’s extended family, who are first class inventors moving to Maikonia soon, now that is exciting. Just think of the amazing things they can do and will do for our worlds. Do not forget positions will be open with them as well, so put your thinking caps on... yes Lukkas another expression… no thinking caps are not real. Also, very soon Sene Avana and her three brothers will arrive home. Now, we the Terrans, unlike the people from this universe do not have any preconceived ideas about these males called Masters or mind walkers. Yes Lukkas I did say Terrans, which I know you Warriors call us humans ... no, I like it Willian... no we are not offended; I vow.

  As I was saying, Sene Avana and her brothers will be home soon. Sadly the title Masters, in this universe, is thought of as fearful and derogatory. It seems also that the mention of Masters fills people with fear, apparently… Yes Commander it probably is justified, but we do not know these males, so we will give them the benefit of the doubt. So let us be fair and allow these fine males to start fresh, like we all are and give them a new title as Specialist. I have a feeling in the past they have been unwelcomed wherever they have gone, which I think is a great pity. So please welcome them when they finally get home with kindness and warmth. Something I believe that has been sadly lacking in their lives to date.

  On to other matters, I think you all want to know about the planets in our system, so let’s see we have populated only four of the planets so far... oh sorry... yes Darby, I will not forget to count Huntaway and the Scholaach planet. Which as we all know is the new higher learning world headed up by Professor Francis Lorie. Yes, we can count that world which is half the size of Maikonia Prime and is green, with two suns and three moons. The planet has water and a mountain range, not high enough for snow but good enough for hiking. Scholaach have a slightly different time line from other planets as in the days are not as long as Prime, in fact all the planets will have different day and night times. Remember that when you visit, it has to do with moons, suns and size of planets… no Darby, I do not want to know the science of it… yes it is worthy information to know, but it can be looked up on their tablets. So getting back to the delightful world of Scholaach, the planet is dotted with buildings that seem to have been taken from Earth’s medieval era. There are Hexes built to resemble castles or at least they reminded me of them, when I visited there. I am thinking it was always a learning planet of some type... Oh yes; it does too, thanks Melody. It has standalone towers all over the world, apparently they are for music and art or something along those lines, absolutely fascinating architecture. I would assume they would be impressive places to study in... What Enuru... yes, you may visit there... maybe your Auntie Heather and Auntie Netta will take you and Enara before we take you home to your brothers. What are you doing… crying... why are you doing that? Stop it… oh my Stars, the other ones doing it now... Heather stop them, why are you laughing... but they are crying... dearle Stars, there is sobbing now. Brenda what did I say... Well, they have to go home ... No Enuru; I do like you ... yes you too Enara... I really do... Heather do something... I am doomed!

  Darby cut the connection as Peyton placed her head in her hands. Silence lasted for a few mins while the girls were calmed and reassured with hugs and given cookies. Without looking Peyton held her hand out, it remained empty nothing landed on her palm. She looked up to see everyone munching happily on cookies and demanded when cookies were not forthcoming.

  ‘Where is mine?’

  Esther said. ‘Sorry girly, only ginger left and we all know you do not like them.’

  Peyton suspected attitude in that statement, she did not sound sorry at all, she drew in a breath to lambast whoever did not leave her any chocolate cookies, which she had been eyeing up earlier. Darby hurriedly turned the screen back on thinking Peyton would realize, but in this she was mistaken, realizing her mistake she went to disconnect again when Netta placed her hand over hers and shook her head, laughter in her eyes and voice as she leaned nearer and whispered.

  ‘This will say more than anything that she is still one of us.’

  Darby nodded, saddened that anyone would think Peyton was anything other than human. Netta gave her hand a gentle squeeze as Peyton asked in a tone that boded ill for the one who eaten her cookies. ‘What do you mean there are only ginger ones left? I don’t like ginger... What do you mean it is my fault? You know Commander Hawk, you are a little on the smug side today ... no, I do not want the half you did not eat... because it’s GINGER… I am not yelling... yes now I am sighing... What Melody? On air... oh… oh, we are on again, seriously Comp girl, would it kill you to tell me?’

  Slightly flushed Peyton said. ‘Well that was unexpected, let us go on, shall we... no Lukkas... I was not asking permission... yes, I know I am the Star Daughter, you would think that alone would ensure I got a cookie… no ginger does not count. Anyhow let me continue, as you know our port will be the gateway for our system. Maikonia Prime is our main planet or home planet and is dedicated to our military, we are the security for all the other planets, as you can imagine I will govern this world. Hush up Darby, everyone knows you are all here, putting your two credits in... No ma’am, not a problem with the ladies suggestions!

  Next we have settled Terra, which I have told you all is our agriculture community. It is a medium-sized world and just like Prime is purple. Terra has three suns and six young moons, and apparently it has the ideal soil composition for plant growth. They will grow everything for us from animals to orchards and crops, farming is the name of the game, I like that... Yes Netta I did steal it from Nina, sheesh I never said I didn’t. Also, we have flower growers on Terra, and that is food for the needar so thank you Lara for knowing we need that as much as food for our bellies. Okay, as you all assumed, Nina Jones with her sister Fern and Fern’s mate Renta will govern this world.

  Then we have Varsandia we are going for resort here; this world has oceans and is a jewel in our system. We are lucky this planet is not so large, in fact our specialists postulate it is the smallest of our planets, and I think it is an ideal world for our resort. Imagine if you will, islands in the oceans reached only by air and on each island a Hex which will be an exclusive Hutell and spa or just an idyllic get away place to relax and rest. There will be Islands dedicated to honeymooners… Penny will explain the term Kerol.

  There is also the long coastal town, which is really a delightful place just to visit and they would love to see you all. This lovely oasis of charm will become the jewel in our solar crown... Seriously you did not like that? Huh, I thought it sounded cool... Anyway, Kelly Greenwood and Ana Holmes will govern that world.

  Next we have Destry our industry planet where we will manufacture as much as we can to meet our needs. This world will be overseen by Wendy Miller and it will also be home to the newly established Leesungha Family Inventors, headed up by Reeico Leesungha eldest cousin to Chief-trader Rose. He will jointly govern with Wendy. I have been told they are expected within the next two wekens, so that’s good. This planet is around the same size as Terra, and is a nice light tan color, unfortunately it is bare, no forest or vegetation to speak of. They do have water and deep grottos that look
like they have been drilled purposely into the planet, and maybe they have been, perhaps as compensation for the lack of vegetation, who knows… No Lukkas I do not know. Regardless they have four suns and four moons. I am confident that smart, inventive people like the ones who wish to live on Destry will find a use for the grottos. We are going to make sure they rotate off as often as they can, to see something different. Nina and Fern are looking at plants for this world, keep the faith, you are not forgotten people of Destry.

  Halcyon is a world we have left for the wonderful families whatever they may consist of, to live, grow and work on. It is a very pretty red and brown world with rivers, countryside and small towns, and what appears to be small country villages. It has five suns, only three are large enough to impact the world, there are also seven moons, three of which also have an impact on the world. The other four are smaller and more distant but will grow in time, this world has Hexes as do all the worlds, but again I say this planet is for the business of growing families and working. It may or may not become a planet of cities that is for us to all agree on later. For now families are moving there to live and grow in peace and harmony. This world will be governed by Desiree Hanfrond and her mate Commander Peron Hanfrond.

  I should mention here, that every world will in time have a Commander and an outpost of Warriors, they are being sorted and a command structure worked out now. As you can imagine this is new territory for all of us, so we will try to make sure the Commanders are able to work together and with the Governors of each world. We, of course, will in time have more people to live on our worlds, to call them home and the other worlds will open up as well. We will develop into metros or cities, probably like what we were used to, hopefully not exactly… Well yeah Brenda, that is true, no one wants them to be the same. So that leaves two planets not inhabited for now. They will be in time, their names are Mercasa and Jjearro, please go visit and explore them whenever you like, they would welcome your feet on their surface... no, they are not sentient... Because the Star Child told me so, seriously Darby this thing about planets!


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