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Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2

Page 15

by L M Lacee

  ‘No, not crazy.’

  ‘Peyton, I’ve got me a man!’

  Peyton peeled out a long laugh and hugged Trina. ‘I am so happy for you, so officially I am declaring you not a Warrior but a mate for one who comes. In the meantime would you like to be my Netta and hang out with me?’

  Trina laughed. ‘For sure, what does she do exactly?’

  Peyton pursed her lips and shrugged. ‘Seriously! I have no idea, I think she stops me killing the others or them killing me.’

  With a laugh shining from her eyes, Trina said. ‘Oh, that sounds like a full-time job.’

  Peyton grinned. ‘It is, it really is. Now if you like after we get home, you could go into linguistics, we need people with your skills to teach, or you can stay a Warrior. I will not take that away from you Trina?’

  ‘I think that dream has passed me by, but I would like to teach, that would be gratifying and I am to be a mate. Half of a couple, now that is a dream I never allowed myself.’

  They walked along some more and she looked at Peyton out the corner of her eye. ‘You should know how it is, life gives us paths to follow, and it is the ones we walk, that are the most exciting. Not the ones we should have or could have taken, they are just paths.’

  ‘That is very wise and you are right, I do know. My life has certainly taken some weird and wonderful paths.’

  ‘Do you regret it?’ Trina asked before she could stop herself and once she asked she knew she really wanted to know if becoming something so powerful was a good decision.

  Peyton shook her head. ‘Would it make a difference now?’

  Trina could not halt the sad expression crossing her face. Peyton shook her arm. ‘Don’t do that, it came out wrong. I am happy with the choices I have made, and I am glad I am here?’

  ‘Yeah me too, umm Peyton! Do you mean here, or just you know, here?’

  Slightly stunned at having her ask an almost identical question to the one she had once asked Darby, Peyton laughed and hugged her saying. ‘Trina, you are a treasure. Here… here and here. See it is always here, you so get me Trina, who is not Netta!’

  ‘See, I followed that!’ Trina grinned then said. ‘Okay, I have to tell you Peyton, I am a little on the scared side here, a mate I have never met?’

  ‘I get that, but we unfortunately don’t get to be scared, we get to be joyous and thrilled. Then we get to be mated and loved. You Trina are going to be loved. I am happy for you.’

  Trina beamed a smile as they entered the shipteen to see it almost full. ‘Esther must be cooking.’

  Peyton grinned at Trina. ‘Yummy!’

  ‘Best spaghetti and lasagna ever.’ Trina said as she made a beeline for a table which happened to be Peyton’s favorite one. The same one she used on the voyage to Maikonia, which overlooked the stars.

  Melody and Darby were already seated. Melody called out. ‘We were looking for you. Greetings Trina, you okay?’

  ‘I am good thanks Melody. You will never guess what has happened.’ She looked toward Peyton and said. ‘I will get us food and drinks.’ Then happily moved off.

  ‘She seems happy.’ Darby observed for both her and Melody, who eyed Peyton suspiciously. ‘What did you do?’

  ‘Oh, that is harsh, I did nothing. Why are you both here tonight?’

  ‘Why do I not believe you?’ Darby said with a smile for Melody, as Peyton blew her a raspberry.

  Darby made a face at her and said. ‘So mature! I am here because I got all my work done early.’ She then called out. ‘Greetings, Hawk, Lukkas, Willian. How are you all this eve?’

  Lukkas replied. ‘We are well Lady Darby.’

  They all watched her eyes squint at the title as they always did when she was addressed as such. Peyton grinned at the look as Trina walked up, a tray in her hands, she placed it on the table as Hawk asked. ‘Warrior Trina you are well?’

  ‘I am, thank you Commander.’ She blushed and ducked her head and about faced going back to a food station. Peyton smiled at his bewildered look as the males looked after her and Hawk asked. ‘What did I say to make the blood rush to her face?’

  Peyton grinned and assured him. ‘Oh nothing. When you are sweet to them they blush, some females are not used to males taking notice of them or being kind to them. Nothing for you to worry about, you keep being you, they will all get over it.’

  ‘If you say so.’

  Willian asked. ‘What is blushing, is it something painful?’

  ‘Really Heather, did you not cover this in your Sex Ed class?’ Peyton asked keeping her face straight as Heather joined them. She sighed with exasperation as she told her. ‘Of course I did Peyton and you know it.’ She looked at the males and told them sternly. ‘You all go get your food and think on the classes you all took and do not embarrass Trina with your questions!’

  They all bowed their heads even Hawk as Willian mumbled. ‘As you say Healer Heather.’

  They quickly made their escape. She looked at her three sisters and snapped. ‘What! You have something to say?’

  ‘Nope... nothing.’ Peyton said as Melody and Darby shoveled food into their mouths. Heather stomped off to get food saying. ‘As I thought.’

  Peyton frowned at Darby. ‘What did you say to put her in a bad mood?’

  ‘Nothing, why blame me?’

  ‘Because you are angry at her.’

  ‘So… that does not mean I said anything?’

  ‘But you did right?’ Melody cocked an eye toward her, daring her to lie.

  Darby defensively growled. ‘Maybe, I could have mentioned that her leaving was abrupt and had she thought about taking more time to think about it!’

  Peyton sighed as she shook her head. ‘Oh Darby, she has a mate.’

  ‘And your point!’

  Melody quietly told her. ‘Darby, that was mean, wait until you get a mate and then you will see why that was unkind.’

  Darby sniffed derisively and muttered. ‘Like that will ever happen?’ As she stared at her plate of food refusing to look at either Melody or Peyton who murmured. ‘You could be surprised.’

  Eventually, they all settled around the table and started talking as they ate the best spaghetti and lasagna ever made. They finally ended the meal with tea and coffee, at some point after the room had emptied out, they got around to discussing Trina’s itch and what it meant for her, and the mission which took them long into the night. Hawk was concerned about who the mate to Trina was and the invasion of her mind. But as Peyton was not concerned and seemed content to allow it to continue, he kept his worry to himself.

  Finally, by two in the morning they had worked out the perimeters for the mission and chosen the squad to go with them. They all drifted off to their beds content in the knowledge they had taken everything into consideration and had a working plan. Which of course only remained in place as long as Darby and Heather stopped arguing. Sometime later as the first sun peeked its head over the horizon of Prime. The Warship Maikonia I. was well on its way into its journey.


  Life on board a ship finds its natural rhythm, and this time was no exception. There were the standard morn meetings, then Melody and Trina would drag Peyton and Darby to training, where Peyton tried to hit Trina or Melody with a sword.

  After the first day of training, when Peyton had accidentally smacked Darby hard with the dummy sword, causing Darby’s temper to ignite and she had proceeded to chase Peyton around the training area, disrupting training as Warriors came to a halt and called encouragement to them. Melody had not been impressed with either female.

  That was Darby and Peyton’s impression, after the ten-min lecture she delivered on etiquette while in a training session, and then the three laps on the running track she forced them to do. The running sort of let them know they had pressed her annoyance button.

  So now she and Darby were banned from sword training together which pleased both of them until Melody had them training with her or Trina. She also devised other trai
ning methods, like boxing, Melody said this would entertain them as they enjoyed hitting each other, she was right they loved it.

  After the boxing lessons, where they learned to punch correctly without breaking thumbs theirs or each other’s, they went to judo class where they were taught to fall in the right way or to make someone fall in a painful manner so they did not want to get up again.

  This is where Peyton learned never to challenge Darby to forward rolls, she was more compact so always won. After all that training, they would meet up for second-meal, where Heather and Darby would spend time sniping at each other between bites of food.

  When she could decently leave, Peyton would retreat to her cabin to work and make calls to Penny and Netta and bitch about Darby and Heather arguing, and curse the fact she had no alcohol or chocolate on board.

  At eve-meal, the two females would studiously ignore talking to each other, which was wonderful as it was quiet and amusing in a sad kind of way. Trina and Melody spent most of their time watching the two sisters and hiding their amusement. After eve-meal Peyton spent time with Heather and the twins, playing games and listening to Heather talking about life away from Maikonia and her sadness about leaving them all.

  When she wasn’t with Heather, she talked with Darby about Heather leaving, and if she was non-receptive which sadly she usually was. She would spend time by herself trying to understand why her link and comp’ would not always work for her.


  It was with some relief for just about everyone on board the Warbird, when five days later they came into orbit around a medium-sized black planet that had six various sized moons and five suns.

  The day temperature was a balmy sixty degrees and dropped to between forty and fifty at night or so the comp told Peyton, after that she stopped listening.

  Heather arrived at her cabin early the following morn with a suit made from some kind of light green material. So fine it was like the best quality silk Peyton had ever seen or felt. Apparently she was to wear it under her clothes next to her skin where it would keep her cool and not allow the sun to penetrate and suck all the moisture from her body.

  Peyton held the suit up between her two fingers and blew air at it, while she watched the tissue like garment float, she said to Heather. ‘I know you probably believe that this will work, but seriously Heather, are you sure, you got the right one, it even has feet and what are these little rings?’

  ‘Of course I did, and they go over your middle finger on each hand to keep it from rolling up.’

  Peyton shook it, and it almost flew away again as Heather grinned. ‘Apparently it has nanotechnology and will work, just put it on Peyton.’ She ordered as she closed the door behind her.

  Peyton shrugged and got undressed again then slipped the suit on and found she could not feel the actual material as it instantly warmed to her body’s temperature. She dressed again in her mission combat uniform, with her combat boots and a long black sleeveless coat, which had her customary pockets. She didn’t feel any cooler and the little ring things were annoying.

  Trina knocked and asked when Peyton opened the door. ‘Ready, did Heather give you the suit?’

  ‘Yes and yes, the rings are annoying.’

  ‘Oh really, I hadn’t noticed. Shall we go, they are probably waiting for us.’

  ‘Why don’t they say then?’

  ‘You are the boss!’

  ‘Oh yeah, I forgot.’

  ‘That is why I am here.’

  As they walked along to the lifts Peyton stated. ‘You are a cheerful kind of person aren’t you?’

  ‘Yep! It is because I am an Australian.’

  ‘Jean is from New Zealand, she is not as cheerful as you.’

  ‘That is because she is not an Australian!’

  ‘Oh, is there a difference?’

  Trina rolled her eyes. ‘More than I can explain.’

  Peyton decided pursuing that line of questioning would get her nowhere, so she changed the topic. ‘Do you have your sun goggles?’

  Trina smiled as she showed her the green glasses. ‘They are real nice ones and they will not allow the sun to burn your face.’

  Peyton sighed as she looked at her ones. ‘I know, I don’t understand the science of it and truthfully don’t want to. I just wish we were cyborgs then we would have lenses that just you know, flopped down and covered your eyes and we would have a skin for all weathers.’

  Trina nodded in agreement, then frowned. ‘Oh yeah, that would be cool, although not sure if I want to be a cyborg like a machine, I like my lady parts.’

  Peyton stopped walking and blinked several times. Trina was just about to ask if she was all right when Peyton drew in a breath then let it out as she said. ‘You know, I never thought of that!’

  Trina nodded wisely. ‘I know, not many people do.’

  They fell to discussing cyborgs until they finally made their way to the shuttle level, where they met up with the others on the team. Hawk, Lukkas, Sarn and Kent, as well as Heather, Melody and Darby. Nikolas, she knew was to be their pilot. She stood back and watched several Warriors enter the shuttle. Willian, who was also going stopped by her and Trina before entering the shuttle. ‘Madam, is everything alright?’

  Peyton blinked several times before smiling at the young Warrior. ‘Oh yes, everything is fine. I was just wondering… Willian can I ask you are Sarn and Kent related?’

  ‘Of course, you can ask Madam?’

  She blinked as she waited for him to say more while Trina silently laughed and nudged her, then whispered. ‘You will have to ask, he is waiting!’

  ‘Seriously!’ She just kept the growl from her voice as Willian’s brows rose in worry. She asked again. ‘Willian, are Kent and Sarn brothers?’

  ‘Why do you ask Madam?’

  Holding in her sigh, because she knew he was not being obtuse, he really just wanting to know. Although she could do without Trina’s amusement, it was not helping at all. She thought she explained nicely why she asked, although the step he took away from her said otherwise. ‘Because they are always together and they look alike.’

  ‘I see, both males are of the tank group, like Warrior Hue Artton. Warriors Jeyer and Lischer have always been together.’ He became quiet, then said almost to himself. ‘They are probably closer than brothers.’

  Peyton nodded and said to Trina. ‘I should have realized, they were from the same group as Hue.’

  Trina sighed and nodded as with Peyton and Melody she also deplored the word tank to describe the very large Warriors and knew everyone avoided using the word as often as possible. Peyton smiled as she said when Willian gave her a confused look. ‘You know with their size, although now I look at them, it is obvious.’

  Both males were huge like Hue, and it was easy to see now she knew what to look for. These Warriors had indeed been created to be used as infantry battle rams, with their large bodies and big chests. As with Hue they were gentle by nature, it was as if they knew how they appeared and worried others would see them as monsters. With that puzzle cleared up Trina chivvied her on to the shuttle.

  Willian followed and thought that he must remember to tell Nikolas about the conversation, he would be able to tell him why Trina was amused. As he replayed the conversation over in his mind, he could not find what had made her laugh but maybe Nikolas would.

  The shuttle ride down to the planet was completed in silence with Darby and Heather still not speaking, the truce seemed to be holding. Peyton felt pleased with the continued ignoring of each other, she hummed as they flew to the planet thinking of cyborgs. Every now and again she threw a look at Hawk.

  Melody finally asked Trina. ‘What is she up too?’

  Trina looked over at Peyton and then grinned at Melody. ‘Thinking of cyborgs I bet.’

  ‘Oh shit, really?’

  ‘Yep, is that not good?’

  ‘Depends on if she finds any I guess.’


  Unfortunately, t
he peace between Darby and Heather only lasted until the shuttle landed and they all stepped out into a blazing furnace. The team had been on the planet’s surface exactly four mins when Darby’s temper got the better of her.

  ‘Dearle stars, it is hot! Five freaking suns, who needs five suns?’ She demanded as she grumpily snapped open her tablet.

  Heather sighed, but it was the only comment made. Darby had barely spoken to anyone for the last two days. The closer they came to Heather leaving, the more Darby hid behind her grumpy attitude and her comps, now as she spoke, they ignored her tone.

  ‘So we are on a planet called Porquiel, home of the Turquall, population unknown, welcome unknown, hostile… Probably!’

  Everyone stopped what they were doing or looking at and turned toward her. She loudly stated.

  ‘What! I am just saying they live beneath the surface because it is so friggin hot. Living on the surface is impossible, and this probably makes them hostile!’

  ‘Seriously, Comp girl, could you say it any louder?’ Melody asked, in her I am annoyed voice.

  ‘I could… but he.’ Darby pointed to Hawk. ‘Will growl at me and I so do not need that.’

  Hawk stood a little away from the shuttle with one hand on his blaster and the other on his sword hilt. Surveying the sweltering hostile environment. He ignored Darby’s words as he did often when any of the females were just talking nonsense. He admired each one of the sisters, all for reasons of their own. They were different in personalities and temperament from each other as night was to day. Until now, he had never realized how much of a buffer between these four and the world or just him Netta had been on the trip to Maikonia or on Prime. He found he missed her calming influence, she had far more tolerance for their antics, or they were more scared of her than him. Either way they behaved better around her, he vowed he would never allow Netta to remain home again. He liked and admired Trina, but she really was no match for the four females or she was just too amused by them to influence their behavior. Therefore, she did nothing to halt the tuap, he had to deal with. As he looked around, he saw what he thought annoyed Darby, the planet was bare, there were no mountains, no trees or vegetation. Nothing to break up the horizon, just sun baked dust over rough shaped pebbles, which made up the ground.


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