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Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2

Page 30

by L M Lacee

  ‘This is not good.’ Peyton turn to Hawk. ‘We should do something about this, when we get home.’

  Sedeen spluttered and just stopped himself from laughing out loud, when Peyton arched an eyebrow at him. ‘It is not as easy as it seems Madam, you have to find them first. Then get there without them knowing and then what will you do?’

  Peyton narrowed her eyes at him. ‘Was he patronizing me?’

  Sedeen eyes widened as Melody sucked on her bottom lip then said. ‘Sounded a little like that but it was so dayam polite.’

  ‘I know right.’ Peyton eyed him and said. ‘Possibilities!’

  The Solverea’s looked a little bemused at the two females, Heather smiled and shook her head at Sedeen.

  He raised an eyebrow and listened as Peyton addressed him again. ‘Anyway Sedeen, our Darby can find anything, anywhere. Then our Warriors will get there somehow without anyone seeing or knowing and then we will quietly go in and remove these owners, a dead owner cannot run a pleasure planet, can they?’

  Hawk agreed. ‘No Madam they cannot.’

  Sedeen saluted Peyton and Hawk with his glass. ‘I stand corrected.’

  Peyton said. ‘Okay, one more thing to go on the list.’

  Talk returned to general matters after that, the twins showed their brothers and aunt and uncle what they had learned since being on Maikonia. They also introduced them to the titles, auntie and uncle, with help from Brenda who explained what the titles meant and how they carried respect. If Peyton had to guess, she would say that aunt and uncle would be new forms of address introduced to the Solverea family very quickly, she had come up against the twin’s determinism before.

  Eventually, the talk turned to general matters about the universe and the different worlds, all four Solverea’s were taken to the Turqualls level and introduced to the Pride leaders, Rage, Fanharr and Rave.

  It was when they were all back in the lounge and sipping tea and coffee, which the Solverea’s were trying for the first time, with mixed results. So far only Klune and Sedeen liked it. Peyton was discussing hair styles once more with Rata, when she stilled then started to glow. ‘What is happening?’ Rata asked as everyone moved a little away from her.

  Hawk explained. ‘I would say a Star is conversing with Madam, I think we are about to learn where our sleepers are.’

  When she finished her conversation with the Star evidenced by the diminished glow, she smiled sadly.

  ‘It appears our time is up, we have the location of the planet where our sleepers are said to be hidden. I am sad to say we have to leave.’ She looked at Harmara as she asked. ‘Do you know of a planet called Lowertt in this galaxy?’

  All the Solverea’s shook their heads, Harmara replied. ‘No, I am sorry we do not frequent this sector very often.’

  ‘Huh! That makes sense, we have been waiting for confirmation of some missing Warriors, and it has come, so we must leave.’ She looked at Heather. ‘It is time to say goodbye to everyone sister of my heart.’

  Heather froze. ‘I do not think I can do this!’

  Peyton gently told her. ‘Oh Healer girl, of course you can. This is what we came out here for or at least one of the reasons, now you have found him, your treasure.’

  By now the others had all come to where they were, Melody took Heather in her arms and hugged her, saying. ‘We are so happy for you, the first of us to find her heart’s desire. Now the rest of us know we also can find someone that will be ours, you give us hope. You give me hope.’ She kissed her cheek then let her go and warned Harmara. ‘Hurt her and die!’ She smiled as she told him. ‘Just a friendly warning.’

  Heather gave a tearful laugh at the look on his face, Darby did not smile as she hugged Heather tightly. ‘I am not happy you are leaving.’ She felt Heather tense and quickly said. ‘I know why and understand it, but I am not happy. We just got here and you are leaving. You are the first to go!’

  ‘But not forever Darby, my sweet gentle sister, we will be back I swear. Please!’ She begged. ‘Don’t make this harder.’

  Darby sighed. ‘I won’t, love yah and learn everything you can.’ She smiled at Harmara and told him. ‘Remember Assaen, the data stream is my friend. I will always find you?’

  ‘But you did not find me, I found you?’ He replied.

  Darby just looked at him, Harmara barely stopped himself from flinching, when she said quietly. ‘That was before, I have more data now!’

  He looked alarmed at her words and the determined almost murderous look in her eyes. Hawk said as he gently moved Darby aside to allow Helen, Brenda and Esther to say their goodbyes. ‘Darby is sad she has not had time to converse more with you more.’

  Harmara nodded but did not reply as Helen said.

  ‘We too will be most distraught if she is injured or anything, really.’

  ‘I am unsure of what you mean?’ He told her and felt injured at all the veiled and not so veiled threats aimed toward him, his aunt and uncle stood to the side with watchful eyes unsure if they were amused or under attack. The twins and Sedeen were in now doubt as to how they felt by their older brother being not so subtly warned, as evidenced by their laughter each time Harmara was threatened with death or injury.

  Heather stood next to Harmara, her lips tightly closed against tears and laughter, she felt slightly dizzy at the heady mix of emotions. Hawk came to Harmara’s rescue by assuring him. ‘They are only warnings, Heather is well loved and has been a factor in the lives of us all since we became a family. I as the brother of her heart will just say it plain. Hurt her and I will hunt you down and kill you slowly.’

  Harmara looked insulted, and a quite alarmed at the blunt warning from the feared Commander. Hawk softened his voice as he turned to Heather. ‘I will miss your guidance and soft words, my Warriors and I thank you for what you have given us.’

  ‘Oh Hawk, I too love you.’

  He kissed her cheek, and they all ignored the outraged snarl from her mate. Lukkas came next, he stiffly hugged her and then Willian stood in front of her.

  Healer Heather, I thank you and I will miss you.’

  ‘Willian, I am depending on you to comm` me, if I am needed. They will not want to worry me but you make them, okay?’

  ‘I will try Healer Heather.’

  ‘I will miss you too.’ She gave his hand a squeeze knowing more would upset the young Warrior. Peyton stood waiting for her turn to say goodbye, when it came, she stood looking at Heather and said. ‘Trina, is in her cabin with her mate, she finally found him.’

  ‘So I heard, say goodbye for me.’

  ‘I will, this is harder than I thought it would be.’

  ‘I know I want to go but I want to stay.’

  ‘Yeah, I get that, but it is the right thing to do. We knew this day would come and look, it is here. So go be a mate, you have chosen wisely, he is a good male and he will love that tender heart of yours.’ She hugged her and kissed her forehead and for an instant Heather glowed. Peyton pulled away and stars filled her eyes and the song of the stars filled her voice.

  Go with our blessing. Your mate is a worthy male, know we are pleased with you, sister of our Daughter’s heart.

  ‘Thank you Star Child.’

  Peyton said softly with tears in her eyes. ‘You should go. I will wait here and watch your ship as we leave. I will miss you always.’

  Heather nodded and told her as she hugged her one last time. ‘Take care Peyton please, I could not bear this life without you in it.’

  ‘It is okay, the Stars will never allow me to be hurt, well not too badly!’ She smiled honest as always.

  Then the twins were hugged goodbye by everyone and a promise was made that they may visit again. Harmara gathered Heather to him and nodded to Peyton.

  ‘Until we meet again sister of my treasured.’

  ‘Until we meet again Harmara, remember you take with you a piece of us all.’

  With that the adults all said cautious goodbyes, then the ladies pressed contai
ners of food on the visitors as well as some treats for the girls who wore pleased expressions as they left. Only Peyton and Hawk remained behind as they watched Heather, Harm and the Solverea family be escorted by the Warriors and the females from the lounge.

  ‘She will be alright, he will care for her.’ Hawk assured her as he held her hand. Peyton was not sure whether he was trying to make her feel better or himself, she squeezed his hand in return. ‘Yes he will, that will not make us miss her any less.’

  ‘No it will not.’ He replied with a sigh.

  A few mins later the smaller vessels left their ship and powered over to be swallowed by the large Solverea family ship, Esther’s arm slipped around Peyton.

  ‘There you go sweetheart, she is where she is meant to be, you did well girly.’

  ‘Thank you Esther, it was hard.’

  ‘Of course it was!’

  As all the others came and stood around them, Esther looked at Hawk who had turned to her. ‘It is meant to be hard, we love deeply. It is how we are made so letting go is difficult.’

  Darby sighed and said. ‘But we do it because we love them.’

  ‘That is right luvie!’ Brenda agreed as she hugged the younger female.

  ‘I will miss her.’ Melody said as she was encircled by Helen’s arms who softly told them.

  ‘As will we all.’


  The ships pulled away from each other as Heather stood on the viewing deck of her new treasures ship. She had been astounded when he had escorted her from the docking bay to find a pristine, absolute state-of-the art, thirty level Battlecruiser. Everything was very different to what she had expected on her way over to the ship, it was like stepping through a magical doorway into luxury. Shiny gold and silver graced the walls, floors and ceilings. Beautiful gardens she itched to explore were seen through glass walls as they traveled the exquisite walkways.

  No wonder Hawk had been annoyed he must have instinctively known or experience had taught him, that the ship was not what it seemed from the outside. She could imagine his face if he actually saw the inside of this ship, Sedeen told her all the Solverea’s fleet were like this ship and when she asked, he had grinned and murmured there were a hundred ships in family.

  At her request she had been taken immediately to this, the large viewing area, which was like Peyton’s star lounge, so she could see her sister’s Warship depart. Heather was sad to see this area did not have couches or rugs as Peyton’s did, unrealistically she had thought it would be the same. Tears entered her eyes as she realized it was just another glaring difference, to prove she had left everyone she knew and loved. ‘Dearle stars, how am I going to cope?’ She whispered as she watched Peyton’s ship pull away.

  Harmara stood by the door watching his treasure as tears slid down her face. The pain in her heart and mind almost sent him to his knees. His brother’s hand on his shoulder held him strong. ‘Steady brother, she needs you strong now, your treasure will not succumb to her pain. She will with your help, grow stronger. Remember you are her family now.’

  ‘I know Sedeen, it is very hard to watch her suffer so.’

  ‘I am sure it is. Remember, she has traveled over vast distances, from another universe and has managed to survive since arriving here. She has courage, look at what she has done before now and more recently. She walked away from her family to you and a life she has no idea about, and she did not falter. She is here, she is strong and capable. A healer brother, remember that. Also, you should be thankful she is so strong.’


  ‘If she was not, our ships could be crawling with Warriors and the small one could be sleeping in a cabin next to you.’

  Harm raised an eyebrow. ‘Do you mean Darby?’

  ‘Yes the scary one. Think about that brother.’

  ‘Oh I will, in fact I may even find myself unable to sleep because of those thoughts.’

  ‘I am off to speak to our sisters about what they learned about this mysterious solar system of the Star Daughters and the people in her life.’ He left his brother to think over everything he had said.

  Harm realized Sedeen was right, Heather’s heart may be hurting now, but she was his, she had proven that by being here with him.

  Heathers shoulders slump and her hands covered her face as tears ran from her eyes, silently like the Assaen he was, he stalked his prey. Heather felt his arms come around her shaking body, turning she flung herself against him as his arms held her while tearing sobs shuddered from her.

  ‘Hush my sweet, you are only leaving for a short time. I ask only that you let me teach you our way of life, get to know us as you know your own family and maybe you will see us for more than rogues and spies.’

  Heather lifted her tear-stained face to his. ‘I don’t see you like that, we don’t. It never crossed our minds and never mine.’ She sighed then said. ‘I promise to do as you say. I apologize for crying, it is just that everything happened so fast. I did not think it would be so hard to leave them. I know it is not forever, it just hurts my heart.’

  He held her to him and ran his hand up and down her back as he told her while he looked out the window at the disappearing ship. ‘I am a little disconcerted that you and your family do not view us as the universe does. It will take time for me and my family to believe and trust in this. It is so foreign to what we know!’

  With her tears drying, Heather smoothed his shirt over his chest in an unconscious act of comfort as she said. ‘I understand and I will tell you what Peyton always says. I will believe for you until you believe, and trust comes with time.’

  He nodded. ‘You know you may comm` your family whenever you like. Your Darby set up a secure connection just for you, and I have to tell you, she is a very scary female, and I am saying this as the family’s leader.’

  Heather gave a watery giggle. ‘I know, she has trust issues, but her heart is pure and in truth she is very gentle. I think what she did is wonderful but if I talk to my family all the time, when will I have time to immerse myself in my new family and world?’ She straightened her shoulders and wiped her face. ‘No, as hard as it will be. I will only comm` when and if it becomes unbearable.’

  Harm smiled at her and kissed her lips, finding he liked the thrill of his lips on hers very much. Deciding not to tell her that the ship carrying her family had gone completely from view, he said. ‘As you wish my treasure but until then, perhaps we should visit my... I apologize, we should visit our stateroom and see where all your clothing and equipment was placed.’

  ‘Oh, I think that would be a very good idea.’

  With one last look at the space the Warbird had been, she turned resolutely toward her mate, her husband, her soon to be lover, her treasure, and said shyly. ‘Also, you will get to see if I brought anything for you?’

  ‘A gift for me?’ He asked startled by her shy words.

  ‘Okay, we can call it that?’ Heather said with a small hesitant laugh. As she had explained to Melody many times in the past. Just because she could teach a sex class, did not mean she had any more of a clue than the next person about the actual practice. And as she stood in front of her mate feeling herself blush, she wished a black hole would open up and swallow her completely.

  Harm watched his pretty treasure as a blush stole over her features and as if a bolt of plasma hit him behind his eyes, the realization of why she was suddenly shy dawned on him. ‘I see, let us go and find out what it is that I am to unwrap, and if you are very lucky my treasure. I will give you the gift that never ends.’

  Heather’s squeak of. ‘Never!’

  Had him laughing out loud, something he could not remember doing for a very long time.


  Two days after leaving Heather and the Solverea family, the Warship arrived in orbit around a small jade green planet. Parting with someone who was such a large presence in your life was hard, everyone on board who knew and loved Heather struggled with the loneliness and heartache that gripped th

  Darby sat huddled in the corner of the couch in the star lounge, disheartened and missing Heather. It was like a toothache only it was in her heart. Melody lounged in the armchair opposite her, Darby said again as she blinked the tears furiously from her eyes.

  ‘I hate this so much!’

  Melody grunted in reply, hoping to stop the rant she knew Darby was working up to, and thought again about just drinking herself to sleep as she had done for the last two nights. She looked into Darby’s tear-filled eyes and thought about speaking but could not find any words to say that she had not already said. She was saved from trying to find new ones, when Trina arrived with her new mate Jarrod and his brothers.

  Trina stopped at the entrance and took in the somber atmosphere that gripped her throat and hurt her heart. ‘Oh, enough of this! What has gotten into you both? We said goodbye to Heather that is all. Look at you sitting here like someone died.’

  Darby looked up at her from within the chair, a scowl on her face as Melody sighed in resignation, she just knew Darby would go off on Trina and she hurt too much to care. Trina stomped over to stand in front of Darby and shook her finger under her nose as she growled. ‘Heather has found her mate, her love for the rest of her life. The one male who will hold her heart in his hands and keep it safe, and you sit here all sad and angry, shame on you.’

  She turned that finger toward Melody and growled some more. ‘You as well, Melody, I know you hit the alcohol until you passed out for the last two nights. That is a slippery slope my friend, and seriously what would Heather say if she found out?’

  Melody opened and closed her mouth several times before she just nodded her head, there was no defense for her behavior. She knew alcohol would not fix what was wrong with her. Unfortunately, Darby did not agree with what Trina said, probably Melody thought because Trina was right and Darby wanted to wallow in her anger and sadness a while longer.


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