Book Read Free

Winter Hearts

Page 56

by A. E. Radley

Claudia quickly jotted down a note.

  “Oh, and what did she get me for Christmas?” Holly asked casually.

  “Nice try,” Louise said. “I like my organs inside my body, thank you very much.”

  Holly huffed. “Fine, what should I get her for Christmas?”

  Louise looked up. “You’re asking my advice?”

  “It looks that way. I just don’t know what to get her. What do you get the woman who literally has everything?”

  Holly didn’t expect Louise to help. Louise had been Victoria’s primary assistant and had hired Holly way back when. Over time, Victoria had grown to favour Holly, pushing Louise to one side and giving tasks to Holly instead. Holly had read about the growing rift between herself and Louise in her journal. She’d never wanted it to happen. While she knew she’d never be best friends with Louise, they didn’t need to be enemies either. Since she had been in a relationship with Victoria, and utterly floored Louise, Holly had been doing her best to make peace with the woman. But it was an uphill struggle.

  “Well, you can’t get her anything tangible, she’ll have everything she wants,” Louise decided. “So, it will have to be an event, an experience. Something that only you can give her, company to a play, time away together. That kind of thing. Something money can’t buy, as they say.”

  Holly stared at Louise. “W-well, yes, exactly.” She was stunned that Louise had helped her, hit the nail on the head even.

  “Nothing sordid,” Louise added.

  Holly rolled her eyes. As if she was going to give Victoria a voucher for a roll in the hay.

  “We could plan a day off,” Claudia suggested. “Like, we could arrange everything for a full day off without her knowing. A day when she could just chill out and relax.”

  “But not this year,” Louise hurriedly added. “That would be impossible.”

  Holly’s mind was whirring. A day off, full of stuff that Victoria loved to do. It was perfect.

  “That sounds like a great idea. I’ll make some plans and I’ll drop you an email about it,” she said. First things first, she needed to get Kate off their backs and then she could focus her energies on a fantastic Christmas present. Or post-Christmas present. She said goodbye to Claudia and Louise and walked towards the elevators. Her next step was to convince Kate to come over for dinner… tomorrow night.


  Victoria looked at her reflection in the floor-length mirror of her walk-in wardrobe. The black pant suit was among the plainest things she owned. She ran the biggest fashion magazine in North America, bland wasn’t really her thing. But Holly had sent her upstairs with instructions to change into something less confrontational. Which was ridiculous, the red dress and four-inch heels weren’t hostile.

  “And no pant suit!” Holly shouted up the stairs.

  Victoria sighed. She rolled her eyes before stalking onto the landing. “Perhaps you’d like to tell me what you expect me to wear?”

  “Something casual.”

  “You said ‘less confrontational’,” Victoria argued.

  “Workwear is confrontational.”

  “Workwear is not confrontational, it’s—”

  “Victoria.” Holly appeared on the stairs, looking up at her with a serious glare. “I’m not going to debate the psychological meaning of items of clothing with you. Wear something casual, soft, informal.”

  Victoria ground her teeth. She considered arguing back but quickly dismissed the idea. She gave a quick nod of agreement and returned to the bedroom to get changed. The very idea of the ex had left a bad taste in her mouth. Holly hadn’t said much, not that she’d invited comment. It was common knowledge that she was easily pushed in the direction of insanely jealous and any mention of past relationships was ill-advised. It was one of the few times when Holly’s amnesia had been a blessing.

  Now the ex was back in the picture. Soon to be at her kitchen table. Not her dining table, no, her kitchen table. Where her family ate. Because, apparently, it was more comfortable, and everything was being built on the desire to make the ex comfortable.

  She aggressively looked through hangers of clothing. She felt at such a disadvantage, the ex knew Holly. Had loved Holly.

  And Holly had loved her. She paused. A cold shiver snaked up her spine.

  The ex would probably be young and beautiful. Perky. She shivered at the thought, this time in disgust.

  She looked at a cream chenille cropped knitted sweater. It was oversized so wouldn’t show the slim figure she worked so hard for. But she knew Holly liked her in it. With the jumper, should could compromise and wear the black pants. Half a pant suit.


  Holly opened the various containers from the caterer. There was no way she was going to cook for a chef. Heat food, yes. Cook from scratch, no. Victoria walked into the kitchen and held her arms up, seeking approval.

  “Am I suitable?”

  “You’re beautiful,” Holly replied. “As always.”

  “Less confrontational?” Victoria asked.

  “I don’t know, do you intend to speak?” Holly joked.

  “Am I allowed?” Victoria grumbled.

  “I hope you do.” Holly spooned the pasta into a warm serving bowl. “You can say whatever you like to her, all I want is for her to see us as a couple and see that I’m happy.”

  Victoria let out a sigh and picked up the wine glasses from the kitchen counter and took them over to the table. Holly watched her carefully. She knew she was suffering from exhaustion and stress. Christmas wasn’t a single day off for work places. It was an entire month of not having enough people in the office, along with the most packed social calendar of the year. Kate’s sudden appearance couldn’t have been timed worse. But Holly was determined to nip this whole situation in the bud before it grew into something bigger.

  The visit from the police had hit Victoria hard. The very insinuation of ill propriety had upset her. They’d talked about Holly’s feelings for Victoria many times, Holly still trying to cleanse the notion that she might be under some delusion as to Victoria’s true personality. Although she didn’t admit it anymore, Holly knew that Victoria awaited a day when her memories might return with terror. The chance of Holly’s memories returning was, to her mind, extremely unlikely. Victoria seemed to consider the possibility frequently, and like a time-bomb.

  She stopped what she was doing and approached Victoria, pulling her into a hug from behind.

  “I love you,” she whispered. “Nothing will change that. And I’m so sorry we have to put up with this, especially now. But I don’t want another police visit, and I don’t want Kate in my life any more. I just want to have a family Christmas with you, Alexia, and Hugo and not worry about any of this. I honestly believe that this is the quickest way to have it over and done with and then we can go back to just being us.”

  She felt Victoria soften in her arms.

  “If you think it’s best.”

  “I do.”

  The doorbell rang. Holly felt Victoria tense up again.

  She squeezed her one last time and then released her. She took a deep breath and walked into the hallway. She glanced in the mirror to check her appearance and then opened the front door. Kate looked nervous, and Holly couldn’t help but feel glad.

  “Hey, come in,” she offered warmly. Kill them with kindness, she thought.

  “Nice house,” Kate commented as she stepped into the hallway. “Understated.” She stared pointedly at the huge Christmas tree.

  “Thanks.” Holly gritted her teeth for a moment before forcing a grin. “May I take your coat?”

  Kate took off her gloves, scarf, and coat and handed them to Holly. Holly hung everything quickly in the closet as Kate walked farther into the grand reception room. Holly was reminded of the first time she stepped into the house. She’d probably looked as awestruck then as Kate looked now. Except for the fact that Kate also had an air of frustration about her.

  “You must be Kate, it’s a pleasure to
meet you.” Victoria walked from the kitchen. She wore a large smile, her hand out in greeting.

  Thankfully, Kate shook her hand. “Thanks, I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Victoria maintained her smile. “And I’ve heard little about you, I look forward to rectifying that situation.”

  “I ordered food in,” Holly added. “I didn’t want to poison you with my cooking.”

  “I’d love a tour of the house,” Kate suggested. She pointed towards the Christmas tree. “How many stairs do you have to climb to see the top of that?”

  Holly knew what she was doing and wished that she wouldn’t be so transparent about it.

  “By all means, feel free to look around,” Victoria said. “We have no secrets. In the meantime, can I get you a drink? Wine? Beer? We have spirits… non-alcoholic, if you prefer?”

  “Gin and tonic would be lovely.” Kate turned to Holly and gestured towards the staircase. “Shall we?”

  Holly smiled apologetically at Victoria and turned towards the staircase. “Follow me.”

  They went to the first floor and Holly opened each door and gave a rundown of each room. She tried to sound casual about it, but she wanted to hurry and get back to Victoria who was no doubt stewing alone in the kitchen.

  “So, you really live here?” Kate asked as they poked their heads into the master bedroom.

  “I really do,” Holly answered.

  “And, when you came back from Paris… with amnesia… where did you sleep?” Kate raised her eyebrow pointedly as she stared at the large bed.

  “In the guest apartment downstairs,” Holly said defensively. “Not that it’s any of your business.”

  “You broke up with me and two days later you were on a plane for Paris,” Kate said. “I never saw you again. Then, I see you a year and a half later and you’re living with your ex-boss. The woman who made your life a living hell. You have no memories before Paris and you’re living with someone twice your age. Forgive me if I feel it is my business, considering you have no family and I know you haven’t spoken to any of our friends since we broke up. You fell of the map, Holly. Then, suddenly, you’re back and in a relationship with a woman you loathed. The way I see it, you don’t have anyone but me looking out for you. You may have read your journals, but that’s only part of the story.”

  Holly opened her mouth to argue but she didn’t know what to say to refute what Kate was saying. It made sense. She could understand why Kate was worried.

  “I don’t know if this is some human trafficking thing?” Kate asked softly.

  Holly stared silently for a moment before an eruption of laughter burst from her lips. All the oxygen left her, and she grabbed Kate’s arm to steady herself as she bent double with laughter.

  “I’m sorry,” she stammered. “Sorry, I know it’s a serious subject… but…” She roared with laughter again. “Just the thought of Victoria trafficking me…” She wiped tears from her eyes.

  Kate patted her on the back. “Okay, maybe it’s a bit far-fetched.”

  Holly stood up straight. “Far-fetched? It’s absolutely ridiculous. We’re in a relationship. In fact, I started it. If she had her way, it wouldn’t have happened.”

  “So you think,” Kate retorted. “Maybe she gaslighted you?”

  “She didn’t manipulate me into doubting my sanity,” Holly sighed.

  “No, but maybe she manipulated you into thinking that it was all your idea.”

  “For what purpose? Why on earth would someone like Victoria Hastings want to be with someone like me?” Holly asked.

  “Because you’re beautiful, young, intelligent, caring…” Kate listed. “She’s lucky to have you. Remember that, even if she has convinced you that it’s the other way around.”

  Holly rolled her eyes. “She hasn’t convinced me of anything. Are you done snooping around the house? Happy that there’s no cage that I live in? Can we go and have dinner now, so you can get to know her?”

  Kate rolled her eyes and nodded her head. “Fine, I’m still not convinced though.”

  “I didn’t think you would be,” Holly admitted. “Just, get to know her. Give her a chance.”

  Victoria poured herself another glass of wine. She’d lost count of how many had come before. But she was aware that she’d pay for it in the morning. Holly’s desire for Kate to be comfortable had clearly worked out marvellously. Both young women sat and chattered away, practically ignoring Victoria’s presence entirely.

  The start of the dinner had been stilted, and Victoria had performed her very best impression of a charming host. Kate had sat ramrod straight, providing one-word answers and a stiff smile.

  Oh, how the tables had turned. Now it was Victoria who felt shunned as the two ex-lovers reminisced.

  Kate had started to question Holly about her amnesia, fascinated by what she had managed to put together simply through guesswork and reading her journals. Of course, there were gaps. And Kate could fill them in. Victoria felt Holly’s attention evaporate from her and drench Kate entirely. She couldn’t blame her. While Holly continually claimed that she was content with the state of her memory loss, having come to an understanding that they were probably lost forever, the opportunity to fill in gaps was understandably attractive.

  “No, no, you’re getting the days mixed up,” Kate explained with a smile. “I can understand why, though. You definitely kept up with your journal every day, but if you were ever away from home or didn’t want to bring the whole book with you, you’d write on note paper and glue it into the book. But then, sometimes if you were writing a few days’ worth… you’d get the order mixed up.”

  Holly snapped her fingers. “That explains it.” She picked up a breadstick and snapped it in half before biting into it.

  “You’re thinking about the Saturday, it was...” Kate looked up at Victoria with a sly smile. “Our anniversary, we went to the place you love.”

  Holly didn’t notice the look, she was too busy eating her breadstick and staring off into the distance as she tried to remember details that would never come to her.

  “Yes, I read about it… we nearly got caught by—” She stopped, eyes widening and colour painting her cheeks. “Anyway, whatever happened to Marmaduke?”

  “Dead,” Kate said.

  “Oh no! Poor Marmaduke!”

  “Marmaduke?” Victoria asked.

  “Our cat,” Kate explained. “Holly adores cats.”

  “And dogs.” Victoria pointed to Izzy who was curled up in her bed in the corner of the room.

  Kate lightly shrugged her shoulders.

  “What happened?” Holly asked.

  “Just old age, you know?” Kate glanced at Victoria before looking at her own plate. “Sometimes they’re just too old. You can’t expect them to live forever.”

  Victoria wondered how much force she’d need to apply to a breadstick up Kate’s nose to induce internal bleeding.

  “True,” Holly agreed.

  Victoria’s head snapped around to look at Holly, who still seemed oblivious to Kate’s comments towards her.

  “Do you still sketch?” Kate asked.

  Holly shook her head. “Not a lot, it’s hard to find the time.”

  “Really? You had time when working at Arrival, and you worked all the hours then,” Kate said it lightly enough, but Victoria knew it was another dig in her direction.

  “Maybe something was missing from her life then, and now that hole has been filled?” Victoria suggested.

  “Maybe,” Kate agreed, fixing Victoria with a glare.

  Victoria lifted her glass in salute and then took a sip.

  Kate smirked and turned to Holly. “I can see you two are the real deal,” she said.

  Holly beamed brightly. She reached out and took Kate’s hand. “I’m so glad!”

  “Did you have feelings for Victoria when we were together?” Kate asked. “You can tell me now, it’s all water under the bridge. And it would certainly make sense of a lot of things. Esp
ecially that time on your birthday when you wanted me to dress up and call you—”

  “I did,” Holly interrupted quickly. She snatched her hand back. “I didn’t mean to, but I fell for her quite quickly. But nothing happened while we were together.”

  “Nor did anything happen when I brought her home from Paris,” Victoria added.

  “No, not for a while,” Holly agreed.

  “No… late nights in the office?” Kate asked, winking at Holly as she did.

  “No. I know we weren’t in a good place, but I never cheated on you,” Holly said.

  Kate smiled. “I never really thought you would. But I couldn’t blame you if you did.”

  “Should we go and sit somewhere more comfortable?” Holly suggested.

  “I bet you girls have a library, don’t you?” Kate laughed.

  Holly blushed. “Well, yes, I’ve sort of taken it over as my office. But there’re sofas in there?”

  “Sounds great. And just your kind of thing, I’m glad you’ve found somewhere like that to work, it must help creatively.” Kate stood up and followed Holly from the kitchen.

  “It does. You know me and old books!” Holly exclaimed.

  Victoria looked around the table. “Do you want to join us, Victoria?” She mumbled to herself. “Oh, yes, what a lovely idea.” She gulped down the rest of her wine.

  “Are you coming?” Holly asked, poking her head around the door.

  Victoria blinked. “Me?”

  “No, Izzy.” She referenced the dog. “Of course you, come on.”


  The dinner was turning into an entire evening strolling down memory lane. For two of the participants at least. Victoria still felt like the third wheel, the brunt of Kate’s occasionally sarcastic comment, and completely unable to engage in any of the rest of the conversation. She sat in the arm chair by the fire and leaned her head back, eyes closed but not asleep. She’d never fall asleep like some feeble old woman in front of Kate.

  “So, who was David? I mention him in my journals but never explained who he actually was,” Holly asked.


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