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The Drazen World: Torn (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Torn #1)

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by D. B. Canavan

  An evil grin openly slides across my face. Johnathan Drazen has a reputation that follows him far and wide. The man is a playboy. Let me rephrase that. From the files I’ve read on the man he’s a fucking manwhore. Ever since his divorce from his former wife Jessica Carnes, the man has whored his way through his grief, sticking his cock into anything he finds appealing.

  I was given this particular assignment because of my MBA from Harvard, my keen business mind and my attractive physical assets. Striding a little taller, squaring my shoulders, an evil shiver courses through my system. I’m exactly what Johnathan Drazen looks for. I’ve got a killer body, legs that go on forever, ample C – cups and an ass that most men can’t turn down. Am I full of myself? Maybe, but I’ve been tested out in the field many times, and I’ve always got the perp in the end.

  I round the corner exiting the park. Stopping, I run in place waiting for traffic to pass. Placing two fingers on my jugular, I breath deep and count, checking my heart rate. I have one more push up the steep winding hill into my apartment complex. The bureau set me up in a relatively nice two bedroom apartment, helping me to blend in. ‘Back in Black by AC/DC,’ starts pumping through my ear buds as I sprint across the road and hit the steep incline. As I stride my way past the enormous sign welcoming me to ‘Winding Hills Apartments’ my calves start to strain under the extreme incline. Pushing harder, I work through the pain, climbing the hill as if it’s no big deal, at least I’m sure that’s what it looks like to others.

  The little wooden address signs fly by as I make my way toward my building. I quickly approach ‘Twenty—Twenty—Two,’ that’s me. I turn right abruptly and I slow my pace to a brisk walk, beginning my cool down. As I approach my apartment, I notice two new black Lexus sedans parked in front of the building. Eyeing the license plates, both are from Polk County, so they’re from the Des Moines area. I wonder if they belong to new neighbors? If I even have new neighbors. Ever since I’ve lived here, the apartment across the hall has been vacant, so if I have new neighbors I hope they’re nice.

  Walking over to one of the many large trees that litter the small courtyard in front of the building, I place both hands against the tree, bending forward and stretching. Inhaling a deep cleansing breath, the scent of freshly cut pine trees on a dewy morning, cloves and smoke tickle my nose. The soft scents dance through the air, teasing my senses, beckoning me to find the person they belong to.

  Trying to be inconspicuous, I let my eyes wander the front of the building, noticing the patio door to the apartment across from me, open. I do have new neighbors. My eyes hone in on the patio, where hiding in the shadows is a masculine outline standing just out of sight. The orange glow from the tip of his cigarette suddenly burns brighter, as he takes a long drag, then steps back into the shadows.

  Fishing the spare key from my waistband, I sprint up the front stairs. My muscles scream for a nice hot shower and my mind wonders who my new neighbor is?

  Half-an-hour later I’m out of the shower and dressed for bed in my usual shorts and cotton tank top.

   Plugging my phone in to charge, I set my alarm for five in the morning. That should give me plenty of time to get my long auburn hair under control and dressed for work. Making my way to the closet, I slide the hollow wooden door open with a thunk. I want to look especially nice tomorrow, I want to make a good impression. The memo came out a few days ago, Johnathan Drazen will be arriving tomorrow to oversee the transition of the company. Grinning, this is exactly what the bureau was hoping for. Flicking through the hangers, my eyes roam the countless pencil skirts and slacks that are hand pressed and ready to impress. I’ll be wearing a lot of dresses and skirts, anything to catch the eye of Mr. Drazen.

  My eyes land on a light grey pencil skirt that fits me like a glove. Plucking it from the bar, I then reach for the light silk grey top that matches the skirt. The ensemble shows off my best assets, my tits and ass.

  As an FBI agent I have to stay in good shape and god gave me the rest. God granted me with a generous pair of C-cups and I’ve worked out tirelessly for the tight ass. My light brown eyes shimmer gold in the light, catching most people’s attention.

  Grabbing my grey Louis Vuitton heels from the rack, yea I’m pulling out all the stops. My ass looks great in three inch heels. The poor bastard won’t know what hit him, especially when I play hard to get.

  I walk over and carefully hang my clothes from the hook on the bathroom door and set my shoes in front of my dressing table.

  I pad out to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator. Next stop, my stereo cabinet. Squatting and opening the bottom door, it reveals the safe that I store all my FBI files and personal belongings in. Punching in the correct combination, a green light flashes as a soft click indicates the safe is open. Twisting the handle, I swing the heavy door open. I reach in, grabbing the file I’ve committed to memory and my personal cell phone.

  Shutting the door with a click, I grab my water off the floor and head to the sofa. Plopping onto the sofa, my thighs ache, maybe I over did it a bit tonight.

  Setting the blue folder embossed with the FBI seal on the coffee table, I grab my phone to see if there are any messages.

  Tapping the screen — nothing. Disappointment surges through my system. My partner, Roy Gardner and his wife Heather are expecting their first child. He called last night, telling me they were on their way to the hospital, Heathers water had broken. I could hear Heather next to him going through her breathing exercises. She sounded like she was in pain, and Roy sounded both worried sick and panic stricken. He wanted to come with me on this assignment but with Heathers due date so close I told him I was okay to fly solo. Usually he poses as my husband, or boyfriend, but in this case, with Johnathan Drazen I needed to be unattached, and single.

  Sighing and setting the phone on the table, I flip open the file. Staring back at me is a candid head shot of Johnathan S. Drazen III. His eyes are an emerald green and twinkle back at me, making something deep in my stomach flip. His copper hair is style perfectly in that sexy mussed up way that’s so popular now. Even in a picture the man radiates power and sex. I can see why woman find him so attractive, well that and his bank account. I have no interest in Johnathan Drazen romantically. It’s always been my strict policy to never get involved romantically with a perp — ever.

  Scanning the file, my eyes landing on their target. I need to refresh my memory for tomorrow. Hotel C is the twenty-eight story hotel and bar located in China. Hotel K is the thirty-story, modern rooftop bar in LA. Hotel M, is a possible venture in Seoul Korea. The FBI found out about his tentative plans to build in Korea through diplomatic channels. Hotel I is his newest venture in Des Moines, Iowa.

  Right now my main concern is the new Hotel I. Johnathan purchased the elite Escapade Hotel in Des Moines as planned. If he follows his usual business technique, he’ll be gutting the building and making it into another LA style club. There’s nothing like it in the mid-west, so there’s no doubt that he has another money maker on his hands. Johnathan Drazen is also known to clean house. He’ll go through the company’s personnel files, keeping the people he wants and firing the rest. In my case, I’m hoping to put my MBA to work and show him I can be a valuable asset to his company. All I needed to do, is pass his test.

  I jump slightly as my phone jerks to life, vibrating in circles around the table. Roy! Butterflies flutter in my chest. I grab the phone hitting accept.

  “Are you a proud Papa?” I can’t contain myself. I can hardly wait for this little one to be born.

  In the back ground I hear beeping and cursing. “No.” Roy sighs deeply. “Not yet.”

  My senses immediately go on alert. He sounds stressed. “Is everything okay?” I can’t hide the concern from my voice. It’s been, I glance at the clock, eight hours since her water broke.

  “Everything is fine. The kid is just taking its sweet time.” In the background I hear the unmistakable moan, then a blood curdling scream of pain, fol
lowed by a string of profanity.

  I chuckle into the receiver. “Is that Heather?”

  “Yea.” He whispers. “I’m scared.” I can almost imagine him hiding in the bathroom.

  “Is she okay?” I attempt to sound serious, but can’t hide my soft chuckle.

  “You fucker.” I hear Heather’s voice echo through the room.

  I giggle openly. “I guess I should be asking if you’re okay.”

  “Haylee, it’s like she’s turned into another person. I mean, Christ, she about dislocated my shoulder during the last contraction. I had to get away from her before she did some real damage.” He sounds like he’s beginning to hyperventilate.

  I laugh out loud. “I’m sure you’re just over reacting.” It can’t be that bad.

  “No, she threatened to cut my dick off if I ever came near her again with it.” His voice cracks in terror.

  “Oh — OH! OH GOD! ROY! SHIT! Where the fuck is he! I’m not doing this shit myself!” Heather sounds nothing like her normal self.

  “See what I mean, Haylee. She blames me for this.” His voice is panicked.

  I’ve never seen, or heard Roy panic, even on the job, and believe me we’ve been in some pretty tight spots out in the field.

  “Well it kind of is your fault.” I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Oh for Christ sakes, not you too!” He snaps, he sounds exhausted.

  “Calm down, I’m just kidding. I know it takes two, but to her, right now you’re the enemy. Just wait until that sweet little bundle of joy is placed in her arms, then you’ll be her hero.” I choke on the last words. Why am I getting emotional? I don’t think I’ll ever have children, hell I can’t even stay in a lasting relationship.

  “Well, I hope you’re right.” He whispers into the phone.

  “Is that HayLEEEEE! Oh FUCK!” Heathers voice raises to an uncanny screech.

  “Tell her I said to hang in there.” I wish I could be there to help them both through this. It sounds like they both need someone level headed right now.

  “She says to hang in there sweet pea.” Roy’s voice sounds sickening sweet and scared shitless.

  “Tell her to fuck off! When she has her first kid I’m gonna tell her the same fucking thing. AH God! Tell her she can have you!” Her screams are interrupted by the sounds of her rhythmic breathing.

  “Oh wow,” my head jerks back from the phone. For the first time in this conversation I’m actually afraid for Roy.

  “See what I mean.” His voices cracks. “She’s possessed.”

  “Roy, she’s not possessed, she’s just having a baby. It’ll be okay, I promise.” I try my best to reassure him.

  He sighs loudly. In my minds eye I can see him running his hand through his short military cut hair. “Yea I know.”

  “Will you call me when it happens? Day or Night. I don’t care.” My voice softens.

  “Of course. You want me to call you on your burner phone?”

  “Yea.” When working a case we always carry a burner phone, we never use our personal phones. “Just remember, it’s Faith Winters, not Haylee Nichols.”

  “You got it.” There’s an uneasy pause. I know my partner well, and I know he wants to say something else.

  “Roy? What is it?” I wait patiently for him to answer.

  “Haylee?” His voice fills with concern.

  “Yea, I’m here.” I reassure him I’m listening.

  “Be careful. You’re family to Heather and me.” I swear I hear his voice crack again.

  “I will be. Hell, I’m in no danger at all, it’s just Johnathan Drazen we’re talking about.”

  “I know who we’re talking about, I’ve read all about the asshole. There’s rumors, people talk. Just be careful.” His voice turns stern.

  I know the rumors Roy is talking about. The man not only has the reputation for being a manwhore, he also has the reputation for liking his sex a little rough. “I’ve got this Roy. I’ve never had an issue before, I…”

  “This is Johnathan Drazen we’re talking about. Be careful.” He cuts me off to make his point.

  “I know. I will.” I try to keep a soft tone. He doesn’t need any more drama in his life right now.

  “Promise?” I hear the relief flood though his voice.

  “I promise. No one’s getting under my skin, except that new arrival you have coming.” My voice sparkles with delight. Roy and Heather had asked me to be the God Mother to their new arrival. I think sometimes I’m just as excited about the baby as they are.

  “Okay. I gotta run. Heather and I love you, Haylee.” There’s a warmth to his voice that always makes me feel better.

  I swallow back the lump that’s formed in the back of my throat. They’re family. “I love you both too.” I whisper. “Please give Heather and the new baby a kiss and hug for me. I wish I could be there…” My voice falls off.

  “We know Haylee. Just watch out for Drazen.” His voice is demanding but gentle.

  I roll my eyes, he had to get one last warning in. “Will do. Talk to you soon!”

  I hit ‘end’ and sit there quietly absorbing the conversation. Roy and Heather have become my family. I met Roy when I joined the FBI, we joined at the same time. I met Heather through Roy, they were already engaged and we hit it off from the start. I’m so damn lucky, there are some wives that hate their husbands’ partners, but not Heather. She knows I would never cross that line. I haven’t dated in about a year, don’t want to either. After what Xander did, I’m done with commitment forever.

  Chapter Two


  Shit, I quickly slip my feet into my grey pumps. Dammit, I’m running late. Of all the days to be running late this is the worst. Today, is the first day Johnathan Drazen will be in the office. Crap, I wanted to be early and make a good impression. In business the early bird gets the worm. If you’re late, you are the worm.

  Stuffing my briefcase with the extra research I did, I grab my coffee mug and keys. Racing for the door I turn to take one last look. Safe locked — check. Everything in its place — check. Turning I race out the door, locking it and pivoting toward the staircase. Without warning, I slam into a firm chest, my purse spilling and my coffee mug dropping to the floor.

  “OH!” I squeal, totally taken by surprise. Normally I’m so careful. I always check out my surrounds, today I was careless and slammed into… “Holy. Shit.” I absentmindedly whisper as my eyes roam the dark haired, brown eyed god standing in front of me. The scent of fresh cut pine fills the air, reminding me of Christmas when I was a child. Hints of clove and cigarette smoke linger in the air, heightening the already disarming aroma that has aroused my hormones and made my body crave a taste. God he smells edible.

  “Scusa?” He chuckles openly, his eyes dancing with mutual interest.

  Oh God. I said that out loud. “God, I’m so sorry.” I gracefully drop to my knees, gathering the contents of my bag. “I should have been watching where I was going.”

  “No problem.” He squats in front of me, handing me my hairbrush. “Are you alright?” His words trip off his tongue with an alluring accent.

  Our fingers connect as I take the brush from his strong masculine hands. “I’m fine, more embarrassed than anything else.” A warmth spreads through my body, pooling between my legs as his eyes take me in. “I’m Faith by the way.”

  My eyes travel up his lethal body as he stands, stretching to full height. Christ, he has to be more than six feet tall. I straighten, feeling self-conscious in front of his perfection.

  “Tony,” he nods, flashing me a sexy smile. Before I can grab my bag, his strong fingers wrap around the handle, “come on, I’ll help you out.”

  “Ah, hang on.” My eyes roam the floor searching for my coffee mug. Spotting it, I walk over to the wall, bending to grab it off the floor. My skin warms, I can feel his eyes on my ass. Snatching the mug off the floor I turn, grinning as my eyebrows wiggle with delight. “Got it.”

  “Let me b
uy you a new cup? The least I can do.” His beautiful eyes shimmer with promise, as his sinfully full lips slowly curl into a sexy grin.

  “Screw top.” I wiggle my eyebrows, “it’s like an adult tippy cup for coffee.”

  Disappointment flickers over his gorgeous face. “Another time then?”

  “Um - sure.” My skin begins to tingle under his heated gaze. Did he just ask me out?

  He turns, ushering me toward the stairs. We both stop in the middle of the staircase, reaching for my car keys at the same time. His large, warm hand engulfs mine. My nerve endings flare to life, his skin is rough in all the right places. His fingers flex gently into my hand, sending jolts of pleasure raging through my system. “Allow me.” He cocks his head to the side, nodding toward our hands.

  “Oh. Okay.” I release my keys, and with a finger twirl they disappear in the palm of his hand. Lucky keys.

  He unlocks the security door, holding it open like a true gentleman. “Thank you.” I nod, throwing him a sweet smile. What the hell is wrong with me?

  His dark eyes intently roam the lot, “which one is you?”

  I point to the dark grey Mazda, CX-3. “There.”

  We silently walk toward my SUV, the air between us crackling with possibility. Out of nowhere, tires straining against the cement, one of the matching black Lexus sedans from last night pulls into a spot on the other side of the lot.

  “Stupido,” Tony mumbles under his breath. I don’t think I was supposed to hear that.

  My eyes watch intently, wondering who’s driving the sedan. His wife?

  The driver’s side door fly’s open, and out steps a good looking man with a young baby face and bow-lips. Air silently escapes my lungs that I didn’t even know I was holding. Not his wife, I inwardly grin.


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