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His Heart (By His Command #9) (billionaire romance / romantic suspense)

Page 6

by Ana W. Fawkes

  The security guards looked at me, their eyes empty.

  I didn’t know how everything had gotten to that point but I’m sure it was all well thought out and calculated by Katherine. I could already see her, laughing, knowing she had everyone against each other, leaving me exposed.

  “You don’t belong here,” Jonathan said. “She’ll use you... she’ll always use you...”

  “Use,” Kellen said and laughed. “Funny word.”

  “Get him out of here,” Jonathan said. “Then go home, clean up, and find new jobs.”

  The security guards looked just as drained as Kellen.

  And Jonathan had just fired them.

  The way his lip curled though, Jonathan knew it wasn’t the security guards fault... Katherine was just that good at everything she did.

  And everyone seemed to hate her for it.

  The guards backed up, taking Kellen with them.

  He reached out and stopped himself at the door. “You have no idea... she’s going to kill her...”

  “Shut up,” Jonathan said.

  “No,” Kellen cried out. “She’s going to kill her... I can feel it...”

  “Shut him up,” Jonathan commanded.

  And with that, one of the security guards threw an elbow and ended Kellen’s night. He was out cold as the door shut.

  Jonathan Black and I then faced each other.

  “I can’t believe this mess,” Jonathan said.

  He looked humbled, maybe even scared.

  Definitely angry though.

  “There’s no mess,” I said.

  “There is. A mess that will be gone soon. Things are in place, my love, trust me.”

  I smiled. “I trust you with all my heart.”

  Jonathan stared at me. We were inches away and he didn’t kiss me. I hated it. I wanted him to kiss me. To hold me and protect me. His eyes were sincere and I honestly considered telling him my plan.

  “We have a new rule,” he said, his voice soft.


  “A very important rule,” Jonathan said.

  “All your rules are important,” I said.

  Jonathan shook his head. “You are too perfect. Your innocence keeps me alive right now. It keeps me from doing something... intense...”

  “Intense?” I asked.

  Jonathan moved closer. Our noses were so close to touching. I tried to imagine how romantic it would be to feel his nose against mine. The romantic moment ended as my body warmed. I was turned on. Very turned on.

  “Intense,” Jonathan said. “I would kill them. Right now. Both of them.”

  I swallowed. His eyes were truthful and my eyes were lying to him as I hid my thoughts deep in the back of my mind. I was going to do something Jonathan wanted to do. Something he held back from doing because of me.


  “It’s okay,” he said. “Now, listen to my rule.”

  I nodded.

  “We are to never leave each other’s company,” he said. “From here on out.”


  I tried to keep my composure as I saw my plan beginning to crumble. Because when Jonathan Black said something, he meant it. And maybe more than ever right then, considering he had left and something had happened in the hotel with Katherine.

  My heart burned with intention and my lips quivered. I knew what I wanted to ask Jonathan but couldn’t. We stared at each other for what felt like hours but was mere minutes until Jonathan spoke again.

  “You want me to do it,” he whispered. “Don’t you?”

  “Do what?” I asked.

  “You can’t hide from me,” Jonathan said. “You understand how cruel the world can be, correct? You’ve stepped one foot from innocence and into the world of power and business. But you’re not sure if you want more... but you want me to want more.”

  I nodded.

  Yes, that was all very true.

  “Isabella Grace, I would pull the trigger on anyone for you,” Jonathan said. “Anyone. Including...”

  I moved at Jonathan and kissed him.

  It was a terribly bold move on my part. But I needed to do it. I couldn’t stand seeing him and not kissing him. I couldn’t stand hearing the words he wanted to say knowing what I wanted to do. My heart was weak and fragile, as always, and the only thing that could ever truly protect me was Jonathan Black and his command. If he asked me about it, if he forced me into confessing that, yes, I would have loved to watch him kill Katherine, then he’d do it. And I’d never be able to give something to him that no person in the world could ever give.

  I pulled back from the kiss and felt my muscles turn to stone.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I... didn’t...”

  “You’re scared,” Jonathan said. “So frightened. My Isabella Grace, you’re almost shaking.”

  “Yes,” I said.

  None of it was a lie.

  I was afraid. Deathly afraid. I had seen Katherine’s mind start to crack. To see her holding that power, the guns to those men, and then to see the way her eyes changed, her mind scrambling, her heart at the point of explosion. That was all the nightmare I had walked into. But it was the nightmare that had come to Jonathan Black. And what Jonathan faced, I faced. It was our connection that went beyond obsession and domination... it was our connection that had become finally moved to love.


  That’s what mattered here.

  “I trust you,” I said.

  “Good girl,” Jonathan said. His hands touched my waist and he pulled me tight. I could feel his body hard, thick. “That’s why we’re never leaving each other again. Any business I have, you have. You can come to my meetings, see my business, hear the way I work. By my side. Because together, nothing can ever happen.”

  Jonathan kissed me, a gentle kiss at first. Then his mouth opened and I moaned, tasting his mouth as he tasted mine. His right hand slid down and he grabbed my wrist. He put it behind my back and then slithered for the other wrist. As he held both my wrists behind my back, squeezing tight, I sighed in relief.

  I was bound my Jonathan’s sole touch.

  Everything I’d always wanted.


  I listened to the instructions as I always had. For some reason, my heart pounded like it was the first time Jonathan commanded me to strip. There was something about the feel of the hotel bedroom, the soft lighting, the cool air, the quiet of it all. The way the light gently touched Jonathan’s face as he stood near the doorway with his arms folded watching me as I took my clothes off.

  It was kind of strange how it happened, because I had grown accustomed to Jonathan and his command to the point where I could enjoy stripping. Like I had done in the bathroom before, I wanted to tease him, make him so hard he couldn’t stand it.

  But I couldn’t.

  The events of the day, Jonathan’s new rule to never leave my side, and my ever growing urge to enact upon and kill Katherine were all battling inside me. What it did was make me shake with fear, the same kind of nervous excitement that I once had with Jonathan Black. So as I stripped, I shook. I tried to step out of my pants and almost tripped. I took my panties off to my knees and then kicked them the rest of the way off while reaching back to unsnap my bra. My clothes were in a small pile at my feet. I stood with my legs closed, my hands at my sides. I breathed heavily, my breasts almost bouncing as I did so, my nipples super tender, reacting to even the room temperature air in the bedroom.

  “How do you feel?” Jonathan asked.

  “Alive,” I whispered. “And waiting for you.”

  Jonathan stepped forward and stood before me. “Strip me.”

  The command was sweet, subtle, and laced with so much sexiness that I could come right on the spot. In fact, while I had been turned on since Jonathan took my wrists, I hadn’t been soaking wet... until Jonathan said what he just said.

  Strip me.

  I started with his shirt and button by button I was given the chance to watch Jonathan
’s chiseled body appear before my eyes. As I unbuttoned his shirt, I felt my breasts touching, pressing together, knowing that by stripping Jonathan, I was giving him a show of his own.

  When his shirt was open, my hands didn’t stop. I touched his belt and opened it. I opened his pants next and my hand slipped down, feeling over his boxer briefs, following the thickness of his erection, pressing against it. I then sat down on the bed, making sure I could properly see Jonathan and undress him the way he was meant to be undressed.

  I guided his pants down to his knees and Jonathan stepped from them. I gripped the top of his boxer briefs and sighed as I pulled. I watched the muscular section of his lower stomach give way to the base of his cock. When he popped free, I couldn’t contain myself as I moaned, wanting him inside me. I pulled his boxer briefs down fast and then touched his legs with my nails. I came up and moved towards his thickness. I licked my lips wanting to taste him too. The idea came to me so fast, I could feel between my legs as my body came close to dripping. I opened my mouth and came forward, ready to savor the taste of Jonathan’s body.

  I felt a finger touch under my chin, forcing me to look up. My mouth was still open, my urges desperate.

  “No,” Jonathan said. “I said to strip me. Not suck me.”

  He was serious. Dead serious.

  I took a few deep breaths and stood back up.

  I finished the job I was ordered to do, sliding Jonathan’s shirt off his body.

  Then we both stood naked. I waited for Jonathan to make the next move or give the next command.

  His large hands touched my shoulders and he pushed, making me sit again. It was torture being eye level with his erection. My mouth wanted him as much as the rest of my body did.

  “On your back,” Jonathan said. “And open your legs.”

  I did as told, falling to my back. I kept my hands at my sides, already tightening my grip around the sheets. I opened my legs slowly, feeling my desire pouring from me.

  Jonathan touched the inside of my legs, just above my knees. He stared down at me. It left me shuddering.

  “Look at yourself,” Jonathan whispered.

  I looked down.

  I looked at the smoothness that led to the sultry curve of my body. I could see the moist skin of my center, not to mention how I could feel it throbbing, waiting for Jonathan.

  “You’re beautiful everywhere,” Jonathan said.

  He took his right hand and touched me with his pointer finger. He ran from the bottom to the top of my pussy. I watched. I could feel it and hear the sound of the moisture as he moved. When his finger appeared again, right after touching my clit, it glistened with my wetness.

  Jonathan climbed the bed then, positioning himself between my legs.

  I watched the engorged tip of his sex coming closer to my slit.

  “Put your hands above your head,” Jonathan said. “And stare into my eyes.”

  I broke my stare from our bodies and looked into his eyes. I put my hands above my head and then felt Jonathan reach for my wrists, holding them tight with one hand, just like in the living room area of the hotel room.

  His lips curled for a second, his eyes flickered with more pain, hate, and despair that any man could maintain. But Jonathan had my body to comfort himself with and I had Jonathan to comfort me.

  Nothing else mattered more in that moment.

  He thrust forward and entered me with an intense passion.

  I cried out, not caring who heard a thing.

  Jonathan was inside me and he held there, offering thrust after thrust. The pleasure spread fast, leaving me crying for Jonathan over and over. His hands were tight on my wrists, growing tighter by the second. When he started to fuck me, he wasted no time, moving deeper and faster. He took himself completely out of me each time he fucked me, leaving me with a slight tingling feeling of hope and need, all before crashing right back into me, bringing back the orgasmic pleasure that threatened to steal my breath.

  As he squeezed my wrists, I felt the bones of my wrists rubbing together in a stinging pain. But the pain was welcomed. With each hard thrust into me, my own pleasure quickly reached a throbbing climax that pulled at Jonathan and then offered more wetness than my body knew what to do with. Soon the sound of sex flooded the room as Jonathan hadn’t let up from his intense pace yet.

  And he wouldn’t let up.

  And that was fine by me.

  I kept my eyes locked to his, as commanded, watching everything playing through his mind. This was his offering to me, to show me once again his power, his pleasure. My wrists hurt like hell because of his grip, but I began to realize that it was Jonathan’s way of telling me that he didn’t need handcuffs, blindfolds, or belts to have me submit to him. His fierce grip was enough. His stare enough to keep me focused on him. The thrusts of his body enough to bring me pleasure.

  It was everything coming together at once.

  And when Jonathan sped up to an even wilder pace, stealing my breath, forcing me to bite on my lip so hard that I tasted blood, I felt him thickening and wanting to come. When he thrust one last time and began to pour into my body, he came down to me and kissed me.

  Our lips, our tongues, our desires were all mixed together... along with the climax of our orgasms.

  We were completely together.

  And even after Jonathan finished coming, he still offered random hard thrusts to me, making sure I knew everything he wanted me to know.

  And I did.

  I knew how much he loved me.

  How much he needed me.

  We stopped kissing and Jonathan opened his hand from my wrists. But I didn’t move my wrists. No. I left them together, to show Jonathan that out of everything wrong in the world - in our world - I was not one of them.

  In fact, I was going to take care of a problem.

  Staring into Jonathan’s eyes, feeling his body against mine, catching my breath, my heart racing, I thought of a plan.

  There was a chance to do it. A chance to end it all. My love for Jonathan Black would overcome anything in the way, even Jonathan Black himself.

  Twenty minutes later, Jonathan’s strong arms were around me, holding me.

  I didn’t sleep.

  Jonathan did.

  That was perfect.

  Because I knew going to sleep (which I eventually did) would lead me to waking up the next day.

  And that would be the day I’d kill Katherine.


  I had to be smart.

  Very smart.

  When I felt Jonathan wake, I woke too. I had promised myself - my body, my mind, my soul - that I’d find a way to wake with him. If I didn’t, the entire plan would be ruined. And I couldn’t handle it anymore. I couldn’t handle the pressure of Katherine, waiting for the next disaster to happen. And I didn’t want to let Jonathan down in any way. If I showed signs of cracking, I feared he’d leave me or do something insane to help me.


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