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Page 7

by Lea Barrymire

  “Wow.” His whisper sounded so loud in the quiet of the woods. She couldn’t help but smile. When she glanced up he was laid out on the ground again, eyes closed and sucking in deep breaths.

  “Okay, incentives are a really bad idea,” she chuckled.

  “Pfft. No way. That was the best payment I’ve ever been asked to give up.” He turned his head slowly to look at her. His eyes were half-lidded and heat simmered in his gaze. “If that’s what you’re going to claim for your prize I think I’ll just keep losing.”

  She couldn’t help it. She threw her head back and laughed. When she could get her giggles under control, she leveled a stare at him. “You won’t throw any of our battles, or I’ll stop playing. This is a very dangerous game, but I can’t seem to stop, so up you go, wolf boy. Let’s go again.”

  She watched him struggle to stand and looked appreciatively at the bulge in his jeans. She wiped her mouth, surreptitiously checking for drool. She shook her head.

  This is such a bad idea.

  “Come on, Seth. Come get me.” She wiggled her fingers at him, then sank into a defensive posture.

  She didn’t see the attack coming. Either her brain was still sluggish from the lust fuzzing her thoughts or he was getting faster. He had her on the ground and under him before she could even gasp.

  A strong hand held both of hers above her head while his other traveled down her side. Hot breath blew across her lips. She wiggled against his chest, a slight shimmer of fear bleeding into her thoughts. She knew she could escape his grasp but the fact that he had her in such a submissive position forced her to admit that she liked being under his control. Her pulse pounded in her clit and a fresh wave of moisture coated her folds. His traveling hand skated up her side under her shirt. A rough palm scraped deliciously across her skin. The touch should have made her angry. In the past it would have had her hackles up and her Alpha commands spilling fast and furious from a growling mouth. She couldn’t find anything other than need for his body. She wanted more—needed it with a passion she hadn’t felt before. Her eyes slid closed on a sigh when his fingers gently rolled her nipple.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Look at me, Emily.” His voice was commanding and she found herself doing as he bade. His eyes were almost black, dilated with passion. He held her gaze as his hot palm covered her breast. “I won’t hurt you and I won’t let either of us get bitten. We can keep playing this hit-and-miss game until we’re naked out here on the grass, or you can let me take you inside and allow me to make love to you on your bed. Your choice, but either way I’m getting inside you now.”

  How was she supposed to fight when his voice wrapped warmly around her aching body and compelled her to listen? She couldn’t think with his hands on her. She nodded, unable to form coherent words. Nothing mattered more than getting him naked and against her. She needed to feel him inside her, above her. Rational thought was gone, replaced completely with passion.

  Shock flittered across his face a moment before he stood and picked her up as if she weighed nothing. He carried her up the steps into the cabin and even growled at her when she started to argue about being carried. Her wolf was a silent observer, lending another level of need to Emily’s already heated body.

  A whimper whispered across her lips when they entered her room and the realization of what they were going to do crossed her muddled mind. She couldn’t do this, no matter how much she wanted Seth. They were tempting fate and so far the fickle bitch hadn’t been great at giving Emily what she wanted in life. All the “what-ifs” started playing through her mind, adding to her reluctance. What if she couldn’t stop them from biting each other? What if they ended up mated and he hated her for being stronger? What if she fell in love with him only to find out he’d mated her on purpose because of her powers?

  As soon as Seth set her on the bed she was off it and standing on the other side, breathing fast, trying to decide how to deal with this situation. She hadn’t let a man near her in a long time and definitely hadn’t had to stop one who was watching her with feral lust as he was. Her body shook with answering need. Her wolf whined and questioned why she wasn’t under him, naked.

  “I can’t, Seth. I just can’t,” she whispered. Anger crossed his face before he buried his head in his hands. “I’m sorry. Look, I’m going to go for a run and then I think it’d be better if I took you home.”

  She turned and walked two steps to the French doors leading to the deck before he grabbed her. Strong hands turned her and pulled her into an embrace that squeezed the breath out of her lungs. Before she could say anything a hot mouth descended onto hers. Seth’s plundered hers. He invaded with his tongue, nibbled with his teeth and lips. She found her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling his body into hers even when she knew she should be pushing him away. They were in so much trouble.

  He released her mouth and buried his face in the crook of her neck. Hot puffs of breath raised goose bumps on her arms. “You don’t get to make that decision for both of us, Em. I’m feeling something very strong for you and I don’t plan on letting it go.”

  A shiver skated down her spine. His voice was gravelly and held a touch of power. He spun them both and strode to her bed, pushing her backward until her knees hit the mattress and forced her to sit. She plopped on the bed without an ounce of grace and looked up into a very determined face. The look in his eyes stole her argument. The male towering over her was powerful and magnificent. His body looked bigger even than when they’d been fighting. Her breath caught in her throat as a dominant growl rolled from his chest.

  “Trust me?” He asked the question, but it sounded like a command. His eyes flashed as she started to shake her head. He gave her a silent snarl and bared his teeth.

  She nodded instead, submitted to his silent request, and lay back on the bed. She did trust him. Maybe not enough to keep them from doing something stupid but enough for now. She threw her arms over her eyes and blew out a huff of breath. If she was honest with herself there wasn’t a single cell in her body that didn’t want this, didn’t crave his touch and want to feel him moving inside her. Moisture coated her pussy and soaked her panties. Her nipples were puckered and aching for his touch. Even her wolf was hot and needy. She needed him and, from the arousal rolling off him, he obviously needed her.

  She lifted her arms and her head. She found him watching her with a predatory glint in his eyes. Her response was a hoarse whisper, “Okay. I trust you. I’m not going to fight this. I need you.”

  A sigh of relief left his perfect lips just before he grabbed her by the hands and pulled her to her feet. Gentle hands clasped her face and held her as he kissed her deeply. She melted into his embrace. Never before had a male been given the okay to fuck her, then kissed her with such reverence instead of ravaging her. His breath mingled with hers as he stroked her tongue with his. She wrapped her arms around his neck and ran her hands across his upper back as he lightly suckled on her lips. The tenderness of his embrace pulled at her heart and made her ache for something she couldn’t make herself identify.

  While he kissed and nibbled her lips, his warm hands pushed her shirt up, skimming along her heated skin. A shiver and goose bumps followed the light touch. He cupped her breasts in his palms and gently squeezed. She wanted more. With a groan, she pushed her breasts into his hands, silently begging him to do something—anything. He complied by rolling her nipples between his fingers. The moan that left her lips held more than just pleasure—it voiced her absolute acceptance of this adventure. Her body heated and pushed closer to his. She wanted to feel his skin against hers with a need that bordered on obsession. She broke the kiss and looked into his lust-filled gaze.

  “Please, Seth.” She whimpered and the sound pulled her back from the brink enough to realize that she was losing control of herself. She tried to gather her wits but the feel of his hands on her breasts and the slight pain from his fingers rolling her nipples kept her from pulling back from the feelings.

sp; “Please what, Em? Please keep going or please stop?” His voice was so deep now that it was almost unintelligible. He swept his tongue along her neck and bit her lightly. His teeth were sharpening. The feel was a delicious mixture of pain and pleasure.

  “Please don’t stop. I need more. I want your skin against mine.”

  “Hmm, I think I can do that.” With practiced movements he had her shirt and bra off and in a pile on the floor within moments.

  Cool air moved across her heated skin in a chilly caress. Goose bumps rose along her arms, bringing a tingle to her skin. She tugged on his neck and pulled him into another kiss. She invaded his mouth with her tongue, needing to taste him. She pushed his shirt up his chest, smoothing her hands over his skin and savoring the feeling of his hot flesh under hers. She shivered when he groaned into her mouth.

  “Get undressed.” She untangled her hands from his shirt and took a step back. She quickly stripped off her jeans and panties, letting them drop. She watched through half-closed eyes as he removed his shirt and jeans. Seth’s body wasn’t as muscular as some males’ that she’d seen, but he was definitely nice to look at. His chest looked broader without his shirt on. Well-sculpted muscles played under his skin.

  As soon as he’d shimmied out of his pants she was back in his arms. She rested her hands against his chest and pushed him back toward the bed. Now that they were naked she didn’t want to wait for his seduction. Slow would kill her. She needed hard and fast, needed to feel him pounding his cock into her pussy. She ached to feel his flesh slapping against hers as they strained toward their releases.

  When the backs of his knees touched the mattress, she pressed him farther until they tumbled together onto the bed. In a quick movement she straddled his thighs and hovered for a moment, poised above his engorged shaft. She looked up into his eyes and caught a flash of consternation just before the room spun. She was rolled across the bed, encircled in Seth’s arms. Their bodies stopped moving when she was under him, both wrists captured in his hands and his heavy body pinning her to the mattress.

  “You will not move those arms, Emily Prescott,” he growled. She jerked in surprise as his words reverberated in her mind. Shit. “You aren’t stealing this experience from me with a quick fuck.”

  She looked at him with new eyes. If he was pushing commands into her head he had to carry some Alpha blood. Her bitch was whining and trying to go belly-up in her head. Fuck. Maybe he was the one. Maybe her wolf was right and she was fighting this for nothing. If he had Alpha blood flowing through his veins he might be strong enough to deal with her and take her bitch in wolf form. The thought loosened some of the tension clenched around her heart. Seth was a worthy man and that news meant he might be hers.

  A nip to her earlobe pulled her from her thoughts. She stared up into his eyes and saw raw determination there. “You didn’t agree, Em. Nod your head to let me know you aren’t going to try to move those arms.”

  She almost grinned at his show of dominance. They both knew she could escape and do anything she wanted, but he wanted her to submit of her own free will. She nodded once and watched a predatory smile spread across his face. Oh boy. She might have opened a door in their relationship that would be impossible to shut again. Her wolf spun, yipping, excited about being taken.

  He slowly released her hands and stroked his fingers down the inside of her arm, skating over the outside of her breast and stopping at the curve of her hip. She loved how her body tingled from his touch. Her skin felt lit up with static electricity. Goose bumps covered her side, every hair standing up, begging for attention. She shivered at his chuckle. Yep, he knew what he did to her too.

  She watched him lean down and groaned when warm breath floated over the skin between her breasts. She wanted him to suckle, nibble, bite—anything other than let his hot breath tickle her. She could feel both nipples contract at the phantom caresses. Arching as far as she could, she begged him to press his lips to her. He looked up at her from his hovering position between her breasts and shook his head. She sighed. Fine. He wanted to be in charge? She could lie back and enjoy—for now.

  She closed her eyes and just let the feelings flood her mind. Hard, hot skin rested against her stomach. She could feel the play of his chest muscles as he moved to torture her. The cool blanket beneath her was in complete contrast to the heat of her body. She gasped when his lips closed around one of her nipples. His mouth was so hot against her skin. He sucked her flesh into his mouth and swirled his tongue around her engorged nub. Each flick of his tongue sent jolts to her clit. With a couple of parting licks, he moved to the other breast and continued his torture. A low whine escaped her lips when he lightly bit the nub. Scorching pleasure erupted from the slight pain. She squirmed under him, trying to press her slit against him. Her arms came down but before she could touch him to pull his head closer, he growled at her.

  “Put them back.” He lifted his head to scowl at her. She felt the shiver of his power flow over her thoughts again. She complied with the command without even trying to fight it. She needed something—anything—touching her aching pussy. She’d be a good girl if it would get his cock inside her. A trickle of moisture made its way toward her anus. God, she was so wet. Her arousal was so strong in the room that she was almost embarrassed.

  Seth shifted slightly, lifting off her lower body enough to slide a hand between her thighs. She spread them as far as she could. Modesty wasn’t an issue. She wanted him to touch her and put the fire out. Rough fingers slid through the wetness coating her slit, spreading her moisture along her folds. She sighed when that glorious digit came to rest on her already swollen clit and started moving in slow circles. His tongue copied the movement around her nipple and her mind fuzzed. It felt as if he were licking her clit with those firm movements. Her muscles stiffened as an impending climax climbed quickly. Each swirl of his finger, each flick of his tongue pushed her higher. Her breaths came in fast pants as her body locked down, clenching every muscle, waiting for the peak, waiting to be flung off the cliff. Her eyes slid shut as she threw her head back against the bed.

  Her release came as a surprise, rushing over her and pulling Seth’s name from her lips. Her body trembled with the strength of the climax. She shivered as he continued to work her nipple and clit until she was crying uncle. With a sigh she melted into the mattress, a pile of sated goo. Her brain was quiet and warm, her thoughts nonexistent, and she liked it. She sighed again before opening her eyes.

  The look of pure guy arrogance made her grin. His eyes shone with lust but it was tempered with affection. He smiled back at her before slowly descending to take her mouth in a deep kiss. He nibbled along her chin and down her neck before coming back to her lips. He held his body off her with one arm but stroked her skin with a warm hand. Her skin, already sensitive, became a lightning rod, funneling the sparks of touch straight to her pussy. He was slowly bringing her body back to a simmer. She reveled in the care he showed while plundering her mouth. Slow, hot slides of his tongue tangled with hers, drawing her into his kiss. His lips were soft on hers with featherlight caresses.

  She sighed when he rested his forehead against hers. She didn’t know what to think. Sex she could deal with. Lust and fucking weren’t anything new to her. She was taken aback by the flood of emotion she felt at the warmth shining from his eyes. Swallowing became difficult with the lump that took up residence in her throat. She closed her eyes against the prickle of tears burning behind them. This was what everyone talked about when they discussed the connection between mates. She shook the thought from her mind. They weren’t going to mate, be mates, or anything else dealing with mating. This was sex, albeit tender and loving, but nothing else.

  “What are you thinking about so hard that you’re scowling?” Seth’s voice was rough as he whispered across her skin. He kissed her collarbone before leaning away from her body to await her answer. The new position seated his hot member within her folds. She sucked in a breath and almost laughed at the answer
ing noise from his lips.

  “Nothing. Sorry.” She wiggled her hips and gasped as the head of his cock stroked her clit. She rocked for a moment against him before whimpering and begging, “Please, Seth, I want you inside me. I’ve come and it’s your turn.”

  “God, Em. I want nothing more than to be in you. I’m trying to hold on to my control but I don’t think I’ll be able to once I’m in you,” he groaned, and buried his head in the crook of her neck, shifting his hips until he was poised at her entrance. He reared back for a single heartbeat and looked searchingly at her face. She nodded, giving him permission to enter her. He sighed and pushed forward with his hips, pressing his cock into her channel. He thrust forward slowly until he was fully seated, balls-deep in her. He paused, taking deep breaths. “You are so fucking hot and tight. I’m sorry. This is going to be short and hard. I can’t hold on.”

  With that admission, he started moving. He swung his hips to a fast tempo, pumping quickly in and out of her body. Each thrust in was deep and hard, brushing against her clit and pushing her closer to another release. He kissed her deeply, mimicking the thrusts of his cock with his tongue.

  “I want to feel you come around my cock,” he whispered against her lips. The heartfelt plea did more for her than any physical stimulation. She moaned into his kiss. She could feel her release starting, slow rippling contractions that spread bliss from her core out to her fingers. The orgasm was so deep, so different from the first one. Each thrust he imparted teased a reaction from her body. She became nothing but nerve endings, feeling, reacting, exploding with sensation.


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