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Page 12

by Lea Barrymire

  Before he could get worked up about her leaving, her scent wafted to him on the breeze. He sucked her into his lungs and reveled in the sense of calm that descended over him. He turned his head to face the wind and caught a glimpse of her walking with her father. She was smiling and laughing at something he’d said. Seth started moving through the crowd toward his intended mate. He’d been away from her long enough. Time to pull her into his arms and seal their unspoken deal before they were required to shift.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “I know most of you have attended pack runs before, but for those new to the pack I will go over the rules. If you are found in violation of any of the following you will be brought in front of me for punishment. The rules are in place to protect both males and females and ensure that all activities are consensual.” Ben Prescott stood on a log, talking into the night. The Alpha didn’t need a megaphone when he could project his words into the minds of every shifter at the gathering. Seth stood and watched Emily’s father command the group with power and grace.

  “Rule one. Females make the final choice whether they will allow mating in wolf or human skins. Males will not try to force a female to submit. Rule two. All matings during the run will consist of a single male and single female. If you want threesomes or something take it off my property.” Ben scowled at the group and glared specifically at a few individuals. “Rule three. If a male and female are negotiating you are not permitted to interfere. If the male and female decide they aren’t willing to continue, then you are permitted to approach the one you want. There will be no fighting over females. If a legitimate challenge is needed you are required to find a referee. There will be referees in the woods with you. You will listen to them and obey their rulings if it seems that any of the rules I’ve outlined are being broken.”

  Seth could tell the lecture was winding down because the anticipation and lust in the air strengthened. The males around him started shifting from foot to foot, twitching in expectation. A few low growls vibrated in their chests.

  “None will leave the clearing until the signal is sounded. Females are allowed to run on the first horn. Males must wait until the second horn before leaving the field. You may all strip and shift now.”

  As soon as permission was given, every shifter in the field started removing their clothing. Seth paused for just a moment before stripping off his own clothes. Modesty was obviously another thing he’d have to get over. When he’d finished he lifted his head to find a field full of gleaming naked bodies. Some had already shifted to their wolves and those magnificent animals were prowling through the throng of naked skin. He called his wolf forward and shifted quickly. No need for anyone to see his blush. He might not mind seeing people unclothed, but he still couldn’t stop the rush of blood to his cheeks.

  In his wolf skin he could detect the dense perfume of lust hanging on the air. It made him sneeze and if it wasn’t un-wolf-like, he would have buried his nose in the grass. He raised his head, trying to get his nose above the scents. He caught another small whiff of Emily on the air and it pulled a sharp reaction from his body. He growled and fought the urge to run to her. She was aroused.

  Emily turned her nose to the wind and sucked in a cleansing breath. The females around her were fidgeting, waiting for the sound of the horn. Arousal was thick in the air. She wanted to talk to Seth before the actual run but her father had kept her talking to council members until he called everyone to order. She knew he was manipulating the situation, the sneaky bastard. She’d be angry if she didn’t know he was doing it for her.

  As she stood waiting, her body twitched with pent-up energy. She wanted to run, race through the woods, howl at the sky. She wanted to hear Seth racing behind her, tracking her, planning his attack. She knew he’d have no trouble bringing her down and that knowledge made her all the more ready. In wolf skin she fully understood that he was her mate and would be strong enough to make her submit. She wouldn’t make it easy, though. If he truly wanted her he needed to understand that she was strong, fast, hard-headed and powerful.

  The first horn sounded and she raced off into the woods. Some of the other females entered the woods and stopped, ready to lie with their chosen males before even enjoying the woods. Emily pushed herself hard, racing at a full sprint through the undergrowth. She ran over rocks when she could, doubled back on her trail a couple of times, and yipped with joy as she splashed through a small creek. She reveled in the filtered light of the moon as it played across the forest floor. The night was perfect for a pack run—perfect for her mate to claim her.

  The second horn drove her even faster. Her sleek black body was a ghost in the night. Her tongue hung from her mouth, her breath panting in and out of her lungs. Her muscles screamed with exhaustion but she kept going. It wouldn’t take long for Seth to pick up her trail. He was fast and strong. Her scent would be a clear path for him to follow once he got downwind of her. Need spiked and her steps faltered. A whimper slipped from her muzzle. Her wolf wanted him so badly that she almost burned inside.

  It took hours that might have been minutes before she finally heard other wolves in the woods near her. She’d circled back around toward the field to try to get a handle on Seth’s location. She caught a few female scents and the unmistakable sounds of human sex. Many shifters still preferred sex in their human skins. The woods would be filled with human voices and the slapping of skin against skin until almost sunrise.

  She heard a familiar growl from behind her and the thrill of being hunted coursed through her body. She sprang forward, pouring on more speed, and shot off through the trees. She tried to pinpoint which of the running wolves behind her was Seth but it was impossible. It sounded as if there were five or six wolves running behind her, either chasing her, chasing Seth or just moving in the same direction.

  Seth’s sexy voice sounded in her head. I can smell you and you want me. She almost fell from the surprise. She loved that he could get into her head without her knowing. There was something primitive about being under his control.

  She pushed her mind along the connection he’d created and felt the passion banked high in his body as well. Hmm, you want me too, wolf boy. Come get me. I’m impatient and horny.

  The chuckle that vibrated in her mind caused a rush of heat through her body. His words whispered into her mind like a caress. Stop running, little wolf, and I’ll make it all better.

  A few moments passed while she ran along through the moonlight. Every sound made her twitch with anticipation. Would he rush her as he had on their last run together? Would he pin her down and force her to submit? She took a moment to slow and look over her shoulder. She couldn’t see anything moving behind her but she could sense wolves nearby.

  She swiveled her ears and picked up the sounds of approaching paws just before a warm body slammed into hers. Gentle jaws nipped at her shoulder before he lifted off her. Seth stood, large and smiling a toothy grin. His tongue hung out one side of his mouth as he sucked air into his barrel chest. She’d forgotten how beautiful he was in wolf form. His coat shone silver in the moonlight. She slowly rose to her feet and nudged him with her head.

  Run, little wolf. I want to chase you again. His words made her bark her laughter. He truly was an Alpha. So sure of himself. She gave him a quick lick and took off into the woods again. She loved this game. To actually be able to play with him was a gift.

  He slammed into her again a few minutes later. He took her down to the ground and stood over her, straddling her body. He licked her jaw before backing off. Again.

  She didn’t even stop to think this time. She took off again, running hard and fast away from him. He was turning her into his prey and she couldn’t help but enjoy it.

  The next time he took her down it was from behind, using nothing but strength and agility to subdue her. Instinctively she fought him, growling and baring her teeth even knowing he wouldn’t really hurt her. He tripped her back legs. When she collapsed on her side he straddled her again and
grabbed her by the throat. Sharp teeth clamped on her skin. A small amount of fear skated down her spine. He could clamp just a little tighter and kill her and there wasn’t anything she could do about it. With the last resistant piece of her mind she pushed against his with her power. Get off me.

  Make me.

  She tried to make him, she really did. She pushed everything in her against him, trying to force her release. The only response was a shiver that shook through his body. She relaxed into his grip, signaling her acceptance of his dominance. He’d won. He’d beaten her fair and square. He was stronger, quicker, more powerful. He was her perfect mate. With a tilt of her head and a whimper, she submitted fully.

  “Well, isn’t this touching? The wannabe Alpha has pinned his bitch.” Luke’s voice, angry and snide, echoed around the trees.

  Seth released her throat and growled, backing off her body enough that she could stand. Surprise and anger flowed between them along their connection. Both seemed surprised they’d been caught unawares. Seth was pissed about being interrupted, and if Emily was honest she was as well. She wanted to be on her back with her legs spread, Seth buried balls-deep. She didn’t want to deal with some fucking male who didn’t get that he wasn’t wanted.

  Four males still in wolf skin entered the little clearing Seth had used to ambush her. The wolves were all flashing teeth and growling. Luke wasn’t one of them, so he had conned four of his friends into helping him. She was getting pissed. Fucking males and their asinine ideas about things. She stretched her thoughts and pulled her powers around her. If they wanted to interrupt her mating, then they were going to suffer. Screw the rules about finding a referee. She could pull all five males to their knees without much effort. A slow grin pulled her wolf lips away from her teeth. She growled deep in her chest and watched the four wolves take an involuntary step back. She projected her thoughts into their heads, twisting her hold on them while snarling, That’s right, assholes, you aren’t dealing with a weak female.

  Seth growled next to her and moved to put his body between the males and her. His thoughts were starting to cloud with anger and possessiveness. The wolf would completely take over if she didn’t do something. She didn’t want to take the fight away from Seth—he deserved the right to challenge them—but she didn’t want to see him kill anyone. If his wolf was in control when the fighting started she was sure every one of those males would be dead by his teeth. Seth, calm.

  No. You are mine.

  I am yours, she agreed. You need to calm or the wolf will take over.

  No. Mine. He took another step forward, protecting her with his body. His aggression and baser instincts were taking over.

  She decided a change in tactics was in order. If she couldn’t get him to back down maybe she could get the fools challenging him to back off. She shifted quickly to her human skin. “Luke, call them off. Seth is losing it and I won’t hold him responsible for the carnage when he kills you all.”

  “Shit. He can’t kill us all at once. Stop trying to protect your boy toy. You and I know he’s nothing but a plaything for you. You want a strong male to take charge and control you and this one just ain’t gonna cut it.”

  She was surprised he had enough brainpower to talk and blink at the same time. Did he not see and feel the power radiating from Seth? The hairs on her arms were standing up and fluttering in the waves of Alpha power flowing off him. “You are so stupid sometimes. Don’t tell me you can’t feel his powers? Seth carries Alpha blood stronger than mine. You’re attempting to stop an Alpha wolf from taking his chosen mate. Want to die, much?”

  She watched understanding finally light the ass’s face. Fear crept across his features just before it was hidden behind a mask of bravado. Fuck, he was stupid. He was going to push it anyway. Luke shifted to his wolf skin and stalked Seth.

  She shook her head at his stupidity and started backing away from Seth and the other wolves. Seth’s approval washed over her. He wasn’t so far gone that he didn’t know what was going on. He wanted her safe. She wanted him to be safe, but understood the need for him to protect her from the perceived threat.

  Without a signal that she could detect, all five wolves attacked Seth. Teeth snapped, growls and snarls filled the air. Blood splashed across the ground and covered fur. Five tremendously powerful bodies charged and retreated, ripping into each other with teeth and claws. Whimpers sounded in the pile of animals and yelps of pain cut through the still night. The first body that went down and stayed down was one of Luke’s friends. He shifted to human form, covered in blood. He lay, unconscious, under the pile of snarling flesh. Blood seeped slowly from wounds along his ribs.

  The second and third bodies to shift back to human form belonged to two more of Luke’s lackeys. They, too, were covered in oozing sores and were unconscious. That left a single lackey and Luke against Seth. All three wolves were covered in blood, black in the moonlight. Seth lunged at Luke and grabbed him by the throat. With a quick shake of his head Seth had the male on the ground. The wolf went still, then muscles went slack. He was either dead or unconscious, like his comrades. The last wolf whined and lay on the ground, showing his belly to Seth. The pup didn’t want to fight any longer.

  Seth stood still, sucking large gulps of air, before throwing his head back and howling his triumph. The sound echoed through the trees and raised the hairs on the back of Emily’s neck. She fought the urge to answer his call. She felt the beginning of the shift and marveled at the power he possessed. She could hear answering howls throughout the area, others raising their voices in acceptance of his power and dominance. A shiver of recognition shot down her spine. He’d just forced the pack to accept him, with nothing more than a howl. No wonder her father was happy with the pairing. Seth would be the new Alpha when her father stepped down.

  He turned to face her and she finally realized what she was looking at. The wolf in front of her wasn’t truly Seth anymore. His animal had taken over and blooded his enemies in challenge over his mate. This creature was dangerous not only to the men lying on the ground but to her as well. In her human skin he could really harm her. If she shifted, though, he would attack her in his lust and need to force her to submit as his. Her choices were limited. Either shift and let him do what his body required of him, or try to talk him into shifting to human and basically doing the same thing. Even in human skin he’d be in a bad place in his head. He had protected her, fought for her, but she wasn’t his yet. His body would be pushing him to mark her, claim her. The sex was going to be rough and hard.

  When he started stalking toward her with a growl vibrating in his wolf chest, she decided she’d rather get ravished in human skin. At least then she could touch him and try to soothe him. She prepared to beg. Her legs bent slowly until she was kneeling, head bowed, neck bared. She had her hands relaxed on her thighs. She shivered with the vulnerability of her position. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her on purpose, but she’d seen enough cases of he-wolves hurting females when in the throes of rage.

  “Please. Seth. I need you in human form,” she whispered. She jumped when a wet nose nudged her hand. She didn’t move, hoping to draw him out.

  She felt his energy shift before he did. The sigh that escaped her lips surprised her. She hadn’t realized that she’d been afraid until the tiny sound disturbed the quiet of the night. She wasn’t used to being weak. This male was stronger than her, physically and mentally. There was nothing she could do to stop him if he decided to attack her. That knowledge sent apprehension and lust through her body.

  “Emily, come to me.” Seth moaned the words before he was fully human. She could smell the arousal, thick and heady, rolling off his body. She didn’t push him. Slowly she crawled to him, breasts swaying with her movements. He growled in appreciation. “I can’t be gentle with you this time. I’m sorry. It’s riding me too hard. I need in you.”

  His apology was quiet but full of self-loathing. She understood the need. When she was within touching distance she knelt up and
wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her cheek against his massive erection. She moved her head and rubbed her face against the hard flesh, flicking her tongue out to taste him. His body shook and a moan rumbled in his chest.

  Slowly she sat back on her heels and turned her body to face away from him. She lowered her hands to the ground and lifted her ass in the air. As she lowered her head to her arms she spread her legs, presenting him with her open pussy. She wiggled her ass and whispered the invitation he seemed to be waiting for. “Seth. I need you.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” Agony laced his words.

  “You can’t hurt me. I’m wet and ready.”

  She didn’t hear him move. A gasp fled her lips when his hands grasped her hips. Hot thighs nudged hers until her knees were as wide as she could spread them. Thick fingers smoothed her wetness along her folds before parting her pussy lips. She had a moment to realize that his cock was positioned at her opening before he thrust completely into her. A moan was ripped from her mouth as the head of his cock nudged her cervix. Pain, pressure and the slick slide of his shaft ignited an orgasm that seemed to have been waiting for his penetration. Days of agony, wanting him, needing him, burst into a release so powerful she had to fight passing out. The walls of her channel fluttered around his cock, pulsing in time with their combined heartbeats. He hadn’t even touched her clit.

  Two thrusts later, Seth buried himself in her pussy and held her tight to his body. Hot cum flooded her channel and she sighed at the erotic feeling. Her legs shook with residual tremors from her release. Her breaths came raggedly, sawing in and out of her mouth. She almost laughed when she realized that Seth’s breaths were coming at exactly at the same moment as hers.


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