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Bitten By The Virgin: Virgin Blood Series

Page 2

by Riley, Alexa

  I’m just about to take a step out from the trees and in front of her when the moonlight shines on her face, and for the first time I truly see her. I have to hold back the hiss in my throat when I realize that she’s a vampire. Nothing on earth so beautiful could be human. Her skin is like silk and her eyes are so blue they shine in the light. Her lips are blood red, and even from here I can see that she is absolute perfection.

  I’ve killed more vampires than most slayers see in a lifetime, but this one is special. This vampire is unlike any I’ve seen before her and I know that I’ll never see another like her again. She walks as if she’s gliding through the air, her dark hair flowing behind her. She is elegant in every movement and I can’t look away. I’m mesmerized as she moves and comes closer to where I am.

  I hold my breath when she stops just beyond the edge of the trees and looks around. Can she somehow sense me? My heart is racing and I feel the blood in my body heat as it sears through my veins. Am I having a heart attack?

  Her phone buzzes and she answers it. The sound of her voice is like a punch in the gut. It’s soft and melodic with a touch of anger as she talks to the person on the other end of the phone. I listen to her conversation and for some reason I’m irritated. I don’t like not knowing who she’s talking to.

  Before I can get any closer, she’s tucking the phone away and takes off almost at a run. She’s quick, but I’m not far behind as I follow her down the small trail. Once she’s to the clearing I see a house surrounded by a wrought-iron gate in the distance. Without missing a beat, she leaps over it and I stop at the edge of the trees to keep in the shadows. She doesn’t turn around or catch me following her, but instead goes into the house like it’s another normal night.

  I’m relieved I wasn’t caught, but I’m also intrigued that a vampire lives in this area. She looked to be in complete control of herself and obviously lives here in the city. Could she be the killer after all? The idea of a vampire with the control it would take to sit amongst all those people and children and not feel compelled to hurt them in any way is shocking. It goes against everything I’ve been taught. Vampires are evil and unable to control themselves; that’s always been the rule.

  But there she was, every inch of her perfection, and all I wanted to do was go to her. I can’t let this go, and I have to know more. I decide to watch her house for the night and see if there are any clues as to who she is and where she came from. Could this be part of the coven I was sent here to find?

  Out of all the things running through my mind, the loudest thing that I can’t control is one word over and over.




  “What do you think?” I ask Bishop as I smooth out my long red dress.

  I don’t know what it is about dressing up and going out but I love it. I enjoy looking nice and being around other people. Or maybe I enjoy that for a moment I can still feel human and pretend I’m just like everyone else around me.

  I took the time to style my hair and do my makeup. I have on heels that, before I was changed, would have killed my feet within an hour. That’s another perk of being a vampire. I can run in these things if I need to and it won't hurt my feet.

  “I thought we talked about this,” Bishop sighs.

  He’s agitated as he stuffs his hands into his slacks. He’s always in a three-piece suit and looks as if he’s about to go into a meeting. I wouldn’t be surprised if he just got off a conference call. Bishop is good with investing money and making sure none of us have to ever worry about anything. Lately work has been consuming him and I think it’s because he’s worried he won’t be around much longer. Fuck the money, it’s him I’m worried about.

  “No, you made a command and expected me to follow orders.” My voice is firm because I refuse to stay locked away. I won’t let a man ever try to put me in a cage again.

  I walk over to the mirror in my entryway and make sure my lipstick still looks good. I can feel Bishop’s stare from behind me, but I ignore it, not wanting a fight. He’s like a father to me, and though I don’t want to give in, I can’t be disrespectful.

  “The dress draws too much attention.”

  I roll my eyes and turn around to face him. Maybe it does, but it makes me feel sexy.

  “It’s not like I’m going to get it on tonight. I need a mate for that, remember?” I smile at him, trying to lighten the mood.

  Although, as far as I know, it might not be true. Male vampires are the ones that can't get it up until they find their mates. It’s not as if I have that problem because I don't need to get anything up. That said, I’ve never felt anything close to desire, including the time before I was created.

  Bishop shakes his head at me with disappointment clear on his face.

  “You’re acting like a jealous lover or something. What does it matter what I wear?” I pick up my small purse and double check to make sure I have my tickets to the play.

  “I’m only watching out for you, Ravana. That’s my job.”

  He’s angry, but for some reason it doesn't work on me today; nothing has been lately. Life has felt so ordinary these last few weeks. What’s the point of getting to live so long if there’s nothing to live for?

  “You said I can’t go out alone and I’m not.” I click my clutch closed, and as if on cue the twins come walking in.

  I smile, seeing that they actually dressed up tonight. Their normal jeans and T-shirts have been exchanged for slacks and button-downs. They both give me identical smiles, and even after all these years it can be hard to tell the two of them apart.

  Women always have their eyes on the two of them, but they never pay much attention. They’re charming and funny so I can see why people would notice them. I don’t think I want to know what the two of them got into before they became vampires. Part of me thinks they might have been players, but another part of me isn't so sure. It will be interesting to watch each one of them find their mate. It will also be weird to see them no longer attached at the hip anymore since they’re always together.

  Ezra whistles when he sees me while Erik grabs my hand and makes me spin like we’re dancing.

  “We’re going to have to beat them off you tonight,” Erik says as he dips me and makes me laugh.

  “Knock it off. Both of you.”

  Bishop’s voice breaks through the fun we’re having and I can tell both Ezra and Erik want to make a smart-ass comment but decide to hold it in. Bishop’s been tense lately and I know at least part of it has to do with the slayer being near us. He’s starting to lose it and the darkness inside him is creeping in. He hasn't found his mate and his time is almost up. It’s something I don’t want to think about because I’m not ready to face it.

  “There is a slayer out there,” Bishop says for the millionth time as if we have all forgotten.

  “And there are three of us,” I say, clenching my fist. “I can’t stay cooped up in this house every hour of the day.” My shoulders drop because I don’t want to fight with him.

  I don’t know how he’s spent so many nights alone. I’m the youngest out of all of us and sometimes the loneliness is more than I can bear. It’s why I need to get out of here and be around people and do everyday things.

  Bishop runs his hands through his hair. “How did you even talk these two into taking you to the theater? Can they actually sit still that long?”

  I glance at the twins and wonder the same thing. Normally I would drag Kane with me, just so he would leave his home once in a while, but he could at least sit still.

  “I’m sure I’ll have fun no matter what,” I say and shrug. Even if they embarrass me it will end up being a good laugh.

  “We can behave,” Ezra says defensively, but the lie is clear on his face as Erik’s eyes dance with mischief.

  “Maybe you’ll find your mate,” I say, and both of the twins share a look between each other. I can’t tell if they like this idea or not.

  “Be careful with her,” Bishop warn
s both of them.

  “I can take care of myself.” I love that everyone wants to protect me, but it’s smothering at times. Their concern is out of true love, not out of obligation, which makes me so happy but also drives me up a wall.

  “You sound like a jealous lover,” Erik adds, repeating what I said before they got here.

  Bishop’s face turns deadly and the air in the room grows thick.

  “I’m not fucking around. If something happens to her it’s probably best you two don’t come back.” With that, he stomps out of the room.

  “What the fuck?” Ezra mutters as we look at each other in disbelief.

  “He’s losing it,” I say quietly. He’s being a dick, but I still love him like a father.

  “Are you sure you two aren't mates?” Erik eyes me.

  “No.” My face scrunches in disgust at the idea. Not only does that sound gross, it also sounds so wrong. I’d be lying if I didn't feel like I had a deeper connection with Bishop, but that’s because he’s my maker. “I just feel a stronger bond with him. He’s our maker, so I’m sure you guys feel it, too. It’s the thing that keeps us closer to him. It’s probably not the same way you feel about Kane and me, but with him it’s stronger. Right?”

  “Nope,” they both say in unison and without hesitation.

  “We feel the same about all of you,” Erik says, and Ezra nods in agreement.

  I watch them lock eyes with each other and I know their bond is deeper than it would ever be with any of us. While we are all a family, they are twins and that’s something special.

  “Let’s go, I don’t want to be late.” I want to go because I don’t want dwell on the connection I feel to Bishop. And I’m praying Bishop doesn’t have more than a family love for me.

  I laugh when I step outside and see a limo waiting outside for us.

  “You know we like to do things in style.” The driver comes around and opens the door for me. I slide in and the twins follow in after me.

  “Were you two players when you were human?” I ask, leaning back in my seat.

  “You’d never believe us if we told you,” Ezra mutters.

  “That bad, huh? I bet you left broken hearts everywhere,” I tease.

  I always avoided men like them, knowing they had heartbreak written all over them. When I was human my heart was too delicate for anything like that. To me anything sexual always felt like more than having a little bit of fun. I thought it was meant to be special, and so I wanted to wait for the perfect man. But look where that got me.

  “We were kind of loners, to be honest,” Erik admits.

  “I’m not buying it.” No way they weren’t the center of attention. They’re charming and can be the life of the party. “But you’re so…” I trail off, not sure how to describe how unbelievable that is.

  “Before Bishop found us, left for dead by our piece of shit father, it was always just the two of us. We were a team and always had each other’s backs. We didn't want anything coming between that.” He shrugs. “Some chicks would try and pull us apart. They’d get us to fight over them so we just stayed away from girls after that.”

  “That’s heartbreaking, and one of the sweetest things I’ve ever heard.” The idea that they won’t let anything come between them is true loyalty.

  “Maybe there’s a girl out there who would want us both.” Ezra says, but he looks like he doesn’t believe the words coming out of his own mouth. Erik shakes his head in denial. I’ve never heard of two vampires sharing a mate before. Could that even be possible?

  “Kane found someone,” I offer.

  That’s shocking if you ask me. If I had to bet out of all of us who would be the last to find a mate it would had been him. Bishop and I would be a close second. At one time I wanted the fairy tale, but I don’t think I could ever trust another man in that way again. You never know who people really are until they want to show you. Though with Kane, that worked out for the best. He'd gone from a grumpy giant man to a pile of sweetness.

  When we get to the theatre I’m surprised how well-behaved both the twins are. Except for the random added monologue that I have to say made the play even more enjoyable, they were a lot of fun. It isn't until the end of the play that the feeling from the day before starts to creep up my spine. Erik puts his arm behind my chair, feeling my mood shift.

  “What is it?” he asks me as his eyes track around the room.

  “I don't know. Probably nothing.” I take a breath, trying to calm my nerves, but the same smell from the night before fills my lungs. Maple syrup. “Do you smell that?” I lean into Erik, talking softly so no one else can hear us.

  “Only the cheap perfume two rows behind us.”

  I take deep breath, but strangely the scent is gone. Was it all in my mind? When the curtains drop I’m actually happy the play is over. It’s an uneasy feeling I’m having and I don’t like it.

  “Are we ready?” I ask as we all stand up. Both the twins are on either side of me, but they don’t move.

  “I smell it now. Damn, my mouth is watering. Is that cotton candy?” Erik’s voice is barely above a whisper.

  There’s a deep growl coming from Ezra and he nods. I smack his chest to remind him we’re in public.

  “I smell it, too,” he confirms, and they both look around.

  I follow their line of sight, unsure of what they’re looking for. That wasn’t the scent I was talking about, but they’re like dogs who have just smelled a steak.

  When my eyes scan the theater once again, the scent of maple syrup hits me hard. It’s then I see a man standing at the exit door of the theater. People are pushing past him and trying to leave, but he doesn't budge from his spot. Our eyes lock on one another and I have no idea how long I stand there lost in him.

  “Let’s get out of here. Something is off.” Erik puts his hand on my back to guide me out.

  I blink a few times now that the eye contact with the stranger is broken and I start to move my feet. Erik makes another growl and his eyes dart everywhere.

  “What is wrong with you?” I hiss as I elbow him in his side. He grunts, but I don’t think it helps bring him back to reality.

  “Someone is watching us,” Ezra says, keeping his voice low.

  This time his eyes go to the man I was lost in moments ago. He’s big and imposing as he leans against the doorframe watching us. He’s bigger than the twins, and for half a second, I wonder if he’s a vampire. There’s something about our kind that has a connection, and when you see one you know. This man is human, but the way my body is reacting to him is otherworldly.



  The three of them turn their eyes on me as I stand there and stare. The only thing I’m concerned about is the dark-haired beauty between the men and the best way to get her alone. She’s a vampire, but she doesn’t know who I am. Right now, I shouldn’t be showing myself so carelessly to them, but I’m being cocky. They have skills that I don’t possess, but I’ve got a treasure trove of my own. I’ve trained my whole life to fight against men just like them, and I’ll do what I have to in order to get close to her.

  They could turn around and exit through the rear door of the theater, but I’m hoping they’ll come closer to me. It’s a gamble, but I’m not one to back down. When I see her reach out and touch one of the men I grind my teeth. I don’t like her hands on them. Are they all together? They seem protective of her now, but throughout the show they didn’t extend any intimate touches. If she were mine and we were in the dark, there’s no way I could keep my hands from slipping under her dress. I’d be desperate to touch her warmth and see if she was wet like a human woman would be. Would she make the same sounds if I bent her over the seat and buried my cock inside her? If I licked her pussy, would she whimper like a little girl?

  She leans up and whispers to one of the twins and they both shake their heads. She steps around them and walks to the back of the theater, but not before she looks back over her shoulder at me. I give her a
n arrogant smile and raise my chin as I slip out of the door and walk around the back of the theater to see where she’s going.

  I’m surprised she didn’t come my way, but then again it looked like she was ditching the dynamic duo.

  When I get to the lobby area there are hundreds of people milling about and trying to leave. It’s easy for me to blend into the shadows as I work my way around to the ladies’ room. I have a feeling that’s where she’s gone.

  I feel her before I see her as I near the crowd. I step to the side and up against the wall just as she passes by in front of me. Before I think about what I’m doing, I reach out and grab her arm and pull her to me. I quickly turn and put her back against the wall and stand in front of her to shield her from view. My body is pressed against hers and my mouth is a breath away as I smile at her like she’s mine.

  “You tired of eye fucking me across the room and ready for the real thing, princess?”

  Her jaw tightens and her eyes narrow, but I notice she doesn’t push me away. “All I have to do is scream and you’ll be ripped apart.” Her eyes flash and I believe what she’s saying is the truth.

  “You wouldn’t want to end the fun before it’s even started.” I place a hand on the wall beside her and I can feel the crowd at my back. We’re in a dark corner, and if the two men with her think she’s in the restroom, then we have some time. “How about you ditch Thing One and Two and you let me take you home.”

  “Does this work with your usual street trash?” Her lips tighten together and I wonder for a second if she’s jealous.

  “I’ve never seen someone that looked like fine silk. I’m not even worthy to touch your skin. So maybe that’s my problem, I should have taken a princess to bed.”


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