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Yielding to the Wolves [Werewolf Brides 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Cara Adams

  Werewolf Brides 3

  Yielding to the Wolves

  Okapi Cooper and Tedros Cooper know one of the mail-order brides, Keisha Robinson, is the perfect woman for them. But not until things go wrong is she prepared to seriously consider their request. And now she has the terrible fear that it might be too late for all of them to find happiness. Someone is targeting the werewolf shape-shifter community at Cooper’s Farm, but why? And are they really dangerous or is it all just a misunderstanding?

  Learning a new job and proving she is worthy of trust and respect so she can rebuild her life is Keisha’s focus right now. Okapi is more interested in securing her as his mate. And Tedros won’t rest until the other two are both his partners. Okapi and Tedros won’t be content until she is mated to them and under their protection, but it’s not Keisha whose life is endangered.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 35,490 words


  Werewolf Brides 3

  Cara Adams


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2014 by Cara Adams

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-172-1

  First E-book Publication: January 2014

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  About the Author


  Werewolf Brides 3


  Copyright © 2014



  Twelve women aged over twenty-one, with excellent written and spoken English, prepared to move to the United States of America for a permanent position as bride to two or three men. As their wife, you will be loved and cherished, and provided with everything you need. But you will be expected to work hard, to integrate into a small, close-knit community, and to obey your husbands.

  Short-listed applicants will be interviewed by video-link and must provide photo ID and references.

  Chapter One

  Keisha Robinson settled herself at the desk behind the computer and tried to pretend this was what she did every day. She was certain—well, perhaps seventy percent certain, anyway—that the only reason she’d been offered this job was because Okapi liked her. That was fine with Keisha. She liked Okapi as well and he was a man of position and power here at Cooper’s Farm. Not that she would have ignored him if he hadn’t had both those assets, but they sure as hell made doing what he asked her far more palatable.

  If there was one lesson she’d learned this past year, it was never ever to do what a man wanted her to do in the hope they’d do something for her in return at a later date. Fuck, no. Grab the benefit first, preferably with both hands, before running like hell. Keisha wiggled her shoulders and tossed her head. Anyway, that was the past. This was the future. She’d arrived here a couple months ago with an airplane load of mail-order brides. The contract they’d all signed gave them six months to choose one of the twelve pairs of bachelors to be their husbands.

  Almost from the very start she’d noticed Tedros watching her with his huge black eyes, fringed with enormously long eyelashes. God, she’d kill for eyes like his instead of the nondescript brown ones she had. It’d taken her a little while to work out that Tedros was paired with Okapi who seemed to be the second in charge here at Cooper’s Farm. Teddy was so quiet and self-contained, he seldom said anything much, but he was always nearby if she needed help. His muscular body was willingly offered to lift boxes from high shelves or carry things for her. Yet he wasn’t subservient. Just a peaceful, inconspicuous, and always positive presence. Yeah, she liked Teddy.

  Okapi was different. He was always busy, often frowning or worried, yet always ready to listen when anyone went to his office. Keisha thought he took both himself and his job very seriously. She was also positive he was a Dom. He had that take-charge, I-know-best aura about him. That fascinated her, too.

  She’d never been involved in BDSM, but she’d heard a couple of the other women, Esther and Dera, talking about it, had a look on YouTube, and thought she wouldn’t mind testing it out. Spanking, whipping, paddling, caning, handcuffs and butt plugs and vibrators. Hell yes, she was ready to learn more about them all.

  In fact, she sure as hell wouldn’t mind testing out both Teddy and Okapi in the bedroom. But not just yet. Right now she had to figure out a bunch of computer programs, files and templates.

  “Right, Keisha, here’s the first batch of files. Do you know what to do?”

  Keisha straight
ened up so fast she almost fell off her chair. “Um. Yes. I think so. The data is pretty obvious.”

  “Show me.”

  Okapi walked around to her side of the desk and stood so close to her she could feel the heat from his body. She took a deep breath to center herself, and that was another mistake. All she got was a lungful of his rich man-scent. God, he was so very male and what she really wanted to do was lean back and touch his firm thighs, which were less than an inch from her—

  Keisha got a grip on herself and flipped open the file. “Right. Order number, item, date…” She pointed to each line on the paperwork and each field on the computer until she’d worked her way through the top sheet in the file.

  “Good. If you need any help, dial three and ask me.” He marched out of her tiny temporary office and she sagged back into her chair. She needed a job, needed to be a worthwhile person with self-esteem, someone who contributed to the community. The office staff here at the farm wanted someone to do the easy jobs. Right now an easy job was about all she was qualified to attempt. But one day, maybe she could move up the food chain to something with a living wage. Meanwhile, at least she wasn’t just going to be eating their farm profits. Not that she had anything against onions and cabbages. Coleslaw was one her favorite barbecue foods. But still—

  Ah, shut up, Keisha, and start typing.

  * * * *

  Okapi Cooper’s dick was so hard he was glad he was wearing business pants, not jeans. No one at the farm cared what he wore in the office, but people did come to see him about the werewolves’ various business interests and he always wore office attire and polished his shoes. He had an image to maintain. Or, as Tedros sometimes said, a stick up his ass. What he’d really like to do was stick his dick up Keisha’s ass, preferably while Tedros was fucking her cunt. Well, step one was achieved. Keisha was nice and close to him now, right where he could see her every day. Step two would be taking her on a date, and he had that all planned out. In fact, he’d had it planned for weeks.

  At first, it was much too soon to speak to her. The human women were the ones who chose their men. The male bachelor pairs could invite the women on a date, or ask them to spend time together, but accepting was up to the women. And Roderick Cooper, their Alpha, had made it very, very clear, that any werewolf who overstepped the bounds would never get a second chance to look for a mate.

  So Okapi had searched the Internet for an outing that would be enjoyable, innocuous, would allow them plenty of opportunities to get to know each other better, but was a little out of the ordinary, so a woman would be intrigued and more likely to accept the invitation. When he’d found the perfect thing, he’d purchased three tickets immediately, and had been relieved that he had several weeks to gain Keisha’s approval before asking her to date him and Tedros. Time had passed. So much so that it was now running out.

  When Cooper had told Okapi to find one of the human women to help with the mundane office tasks to free up some time for him to assist Cooper more, he’d known instantly he’d ask for Keisha.

  She’d accepted, and now she was installed in the tiny spare room in the office building. Okapi just hoped like hell she really could type. She’d certainly understood what was required of her, and the work wasn’t difficult. It was more likely to bore her than challenge her. But she was here under his eye, where he could watch over her. So that was good. All he had to do was convince her to date him and Tedros.



  It wasn’t like he could go up to her and say, “What are you doing on Saturday afternoon?” Or could he? Could he just say that? Maybe, “I’ve got some tickets for…” would be better. Or would that make her think he was taking her acceptance for granted and annoy her?

  Okapi stood up and looked out the window of his office. It was at the front of the building, with a view over the grassy square that was the heart of Cooper’s Farm. Immediately opposite the office building where he stood, was the community hall, which had been turned into a home for the human women they’d brought to their farm. Already two of the women had mated pairs of men. Which was more evidence that time was running out. If he and Tedros didn’t act soon, some other pair of bachelors likely would. There were only seven human women left unmated, and ten pairs of hopeful bachelors.

  Okapi tried to ease the pressure on his dick. He didn’t want any other woman. Oh, they were all nice. All pretty, all smart, all worthy of a werewolf’s love and devotion. Hell, he’d been one of those assigned to interview them. He’d made damn sure each one of them was perfect. But none of them interested him on a personal level the way Keisha did.


  He turned to face the doorway, glad his legs were wide apart because his erection had hardly subsided at all. He smiled at Tedros. People thought they got on so well because Tedros was very easygoing. But that just showed they were misled by Teddy’s calm exterior. Tedros could be as tough and determined as anyone else when someone tried to make him do anything that went against his principles. That unflappable exterior hid a steely will which was only rarely seen, but when Tedros had decided absolutely to do something, nothing on earth would change his mind.

  “What’s up, Teddy?”

  “I’m heading off to help finish building the fence to block off the access road where we had some uninvited guests a while ago. But I wanted to tell you I looked at the long-range weather forecast and Saturday is predicted to be warm and sunny.”

  Okapi grinned at his friend. Anyone listening in to the conversation would think Tedros was just being helpful. But Okapi knew the man was telling him quite plainly to hurry up and invite Keisha to spend the day with them.

  “Will you be back by four thirty, five o’clock? We could do it together.”

  Teddy’s black eyes sparkled and his face split in half with a huge grin. “I’ll be here at four thirty.”


  Tedros nodded and left. Okapi turned back to the window but Teddy must have gone around back of the building to where the barn with all the trucks and equipment was, because he didn’t see him walk across the square. Sighing, Okapi sat down and concentrated on his own day’s work. A fence only kept out honest people. What he needed to do was get to the bottom of the mystery of who was the new partner in the BDSM club in town, and whether or not they were using it as a brothel on the side. Oh yeah. And were they letting wannabe Doms punish innocent subs unsupervised?

  * * * *

  Tedros Cooper had always lived on the farm. He’d never wanted to go to college, even though the werewolf community would have paid for him to attend the Coopersville Community College if he’d wanted to study there. He supposed he could have done some kind of horticulture course, but he wasn’t interested in studying from books. He learned so much more from the land. When he sank his fingers into the soil, the color and texture told him whether or not he needed to add fertilizer, or switch on the irrigation system. When he looked at the tiny shooting plants they told him so clearly what they needed to grow big and strong.

  The farm’s primary produce was cabbages and onions, but they usually had a few fields of more experimental crops as well, and Nala, one of the human women, was busy planning an herb garden. Teddy was sure there’d be no shortage of good markets for herbs if they grew well in the farm soil. Meanwhile, today was all about stringing wire and getting the tension on it right, so the new fence was more formidable than its current four foot six height and three strands of wire. The fence posts had been set in concrete, so there was plenty of strength in them. No idiot would push one over too easily, but some barbed wire, which he was about to install, would be an even better discouragement to any adolescents planning on causing the farm trouble.

  Zoan had already loaded two huge rolls of barbed wire into the back of one of the community’s pickup trucks. Tedros helped him collect the tools they’d need and added a couple extra pairs of heavy workmen’s gloves. The last thing he needed was barbed wire ripping his hands up when he hoped to
go out on a date with Keisha on the weekend.

  “Has anyone been seen on the road between the two far west fields since the day the blue pickup was there?” Zoan asked Teddy.

  People often assumed Teddy knew everything that was going on in the community, because he was paired with Okapi. But Tedros never asked questions about community business unless it affected him personally. “Okapi hasn’t said anything. I guess if there had been more people there, he would have spoken about it.”

  “Likely, you’re right. Still, we have permission to ensure the road is closed so we ought to do it.”

  Teddy just grunted. The road was useful for moving farm equipment around, but they didn’t really need it and they certainly didn’t need strangers coming down it, even if they were lost or looking for a shortcut to another highway.

  They drove to the entry of the private road, where it joined the small two-lane road by the boundary of the farm. The community had a large sign there saying, “Private Road No Entry.” They’d also put up a simple barrier—a fence and three strands of wire attached to the regular fence around the fields on either side of the road. A week ago the fence posts had been dug deeper and concreted in. Now he and Zoan would add a roll of barbed wire to the top of the fence, making it quite clear this was private property.

  “Look.” Zoan pointed at wheel tracks. There’d been very heavy rain a few weeks ago and in some places the ground was still damp. This side of the road was lower than the other side, and the water must have pooled here and taken longer to dry up. Clearly in the grass were two deep tire tracks. Someone had tried to go around the barrier, but since the fence posts were still standing, presumably they hadn’t succeeded on doing it in their truck.


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