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Yielding to the Wolves [Werewolf Brides 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Cara Adams

  “Since the men have spent so much time at Cooper’s Farm lately, we have a good idea of the people there. Roderick Cooper himself would be much too difficult a target. But Okapi Cooper, his second in command, would be worth almost as big a ransom as Roderick. Or there are a couple of men who’ve gotten married very recently. Likely they’d pay good money if their brand new wife was kidnapped and women might be easier to control than a man.”

  “I need the money now. This fucking art museum soiree is going to cost a shitload of money. Send in Green. We’ll kidnap Okapi. How much do you reckon he’s worth? I need half a million. Will the farm be able to pay me that much?”

  “We’ll ask for half a million dollars, but likely we’ll have to negotiate down a bit. You don’t want to have to start cutting off fingers or toes to convince people to pay up. If we keep it all clean and easy, the money will come with almost no risk at all.”

  Jeremy felt sick. No way could he order someone’s finger to be cut off. Threats were good. A punch in the face was reasonable. But cutting off fingers? Hell, no.

  “Do it.”

  * * * *

  Okapi had woken early and treasured these moments of holding his woman in his arms in their bed. For the first time in many years he wasn’t eager to jump out of bed and hurry into the office. Today he wanted to lay here and watch over Keisha as she slept. He wanted to just hold her and keep her safe and relish the fact she belonged to him and Tedros forever. Oh, sure she hadn’t agreed to mate them yet, and he knew she might need a few weeks to make up her mind, but he also knew she would agree to be their mate. How could she not when they’d shared such wonderful sex?

  The next step would be to introduce some BDSM into their playtime. Nothing hardcore, he didn’t want to push her too far too fast, but something simple, like spanking coupled with some tying up. Yeah, that’d be a good place to start. Teddy had been ready to play the sub for months, so he really needed to plan a beginner’s scene for the two of them soon.

  Strands of her long hair had drifted over Tedros, over the pillow, and even onto his own shoulder. He kind of liked that. It was as if her hair was tying them all together, uniting them as one. He wondered how many years it’d been since she’d had it cut. How long did hair take to grow? He got his cut every couple of months, but there was never more than an inch maximum to cut off. Did it keep growing at the same rate or did it grow slower once it was long?

  He stared at her pale blue finger nails. The polish was pretty. It was pale and feminine but it had a shine and glow to it as well. There were so many things about women that he didn’t know. He couldn’t wait to learn all about Keisha. Then there was the whole question of when he should invite his and Tedros’s parents to meet her. Of course they’d seen her with all the other human women the day they’d arrived, when the community had welcomed the humans with a barbecue. But he and Tedros hadn’t chosen her then and he didn’t know if the parents would recognize her. But would introducing her to them scare her away? Or maybe make her sad because her own parents had passed on? The last thing he wanted to do was stress her or bring her grief. So many decisions to make, and timing was critical if he was to get those decisions correct.

  He glanced across her body at Tedros, whose breathing had become lighter. Teddy opened one eye and winked at him, then yawned before opening the other eye. Between them, Keisha didn’t stir and they both lay quite still. Okapi knew Teddy was enjoying these brief moments of togetherness as much as he was.

  Keisha rolled over, her body pressing hard into his. Okapi remained motionless, not sure whether to enjoy the sensation of her luscious curves resting against him or to move away a bit and give her some space to lie flat on her back. But he didn’t have time to decide. She sat up and stared at the nightstand. “What time is it?”

  His alarm clock was beside his own bed in his room, and his cell phone was still tucked in his pants pocket from the night before. However there wasn’t a lot of light coming through the curtains, so he replied, “Still early, I think.”

  Without listening to him she wiggled, huffed, and clambered to get off the bed, and staggered over to her purse. She rummaged through it before pulling out her cell phone. “It’s after seven, so not all that early. I need to get moving.”

  “But it’s Sunday,” argued Teddy.

  “I know, but today’s the day we’re all helping Nala build a big new bed for her herbs. She’d going to be planting all sorts of things that grow all year around, not just in summer.” The last few words were flung over her shoulder as she disappeared into the bathroom. Okapi was torn between looking at her gorgeous round ass, at her long hair flying behind her, and at the hint of her breasts as she turned to speak to them. Damn she was stunning, and his dick was hard and hungry to be inside her again.

  “Do you think we should leave her there in peace, or offer to wash her back?” asked Teddy.

  “We should definitely help her.” Okapi grabbed a couple of condoms off the nightstand and he and Tedros walked into the bathroom. Keisha hadn’t shut the door, so maybe she hoped they’d follow her. Surely some nice warm water on her skin would make her want their hands there as well.

  She’d moved fast. There was already steam rising above the shower and she was shampooing her hair. Okapi set the condoms on the edge of the sink, where he could reach them easily, then stepped into the tub with her, moving up toward the shower so Teddy could join them. It was a big old-fashioned tub with plenty of space, but he still held Keisha’s arms as he turned her, so he could have his back to the shower wall, leaving Teddy to wash her back. He buried his fingers in the bubbles on her head, gently massaging her scalp and her hair.

  “Hmm, nice,” she mumbled.

  He wondered if she was still half asleep, but knew she’d be wide awake when he got to the good bits.

  Once he thought her hair would be clean, he used the bubbles on his hands to massage her breasts. Her globes were round and full, and when he palmed her nipples, they were hard little points. Oh yeah, she was enjoying this as much as he was. He moved his hands steadily down over her ribs and lower, then shampooed the neat little patch of brown curls hiding her pussy. She pushed her hips up into his hands, telling him clearly she wanted more.

  Behind her, Tedros was on his knees, washing her legs and feet. Teddy caught his gaze and encouraged Keisha to spread her legs wider apart. That was good. Now they could both play where they most wanted to.

  Okapi tipped some more shampoo onto his hands then carefully massaged the skin on Keisha’s inner thighs and along the line that joined her legs to her body. Again, she pushed her pelvis out to him, demanding he touch her cunt, not her leg. And once again he ignored her, teasing and touching everywhere except where she wanted him. His cock was aching to be inside her but he couldn’t stop to grab a condom right now. He needed to arouse her even higher.

  Teddy had moved up her body and was washing her ass with leisurely, careful hand movements. Okapi slowed his pace and matched it, finally stroking her clit as he did so. Keisha made soft, happy noises and held onto his shoulders, her feet as wide apart as the tub would allow her to stand.

  Teddy lifted an eyebrow at him and inclined his head slightly toward the sink. Okapi nodded. Teddy understood him so well. It was time for them to put on the condoms and hope Keisha would agree to play with them some more. She certainly seemed well-aroused and happy to be touched.

  He rinsed his hands under the water then rolled the latex over his dick. Shit, it was difficult to do. He’d come harder than hell last night but his dick was more than ready to do it again. He lifted one of Keisha’s thighs in his hand and pressed his cock at her cunt. As soon as he was inside he grabbed her hips and wrapped both her legs around his waist, moving a little farther from the shower wall so her feet would fit behind him comfortably. Then he nodded at Tedros, whose own cock was standing up like a flagpole. Teddy had been massaging Keisha’s ass with the shampoo, so he hoped she’d be ready. He held her still as Teddy moved in clo
ser behind Keisha and began pushing inside her. Keisha gasped and pressed her face into his shoulder, but he thought it was arousal, not discomfort. She was wiggling madly as if she wanted more, and as soon as she began nibbling on his skin he was sure she was happy about being doubly fucked again.

  He’d had a moment’s worry that perhaps it was too soon, but she was urging them on now, with little wiggles and mumbles. “Are you ready?” he asked gently.

  “Hell, yes. Just turn off the water first.”

  “Huh?” Tedros was much better able to reach the faucet than him and shut off the water.

  “Why turn the water off? Don’t you like it flowing over your skin, keeping you warm?”

  “Sure I do, but I’m not going to like it at all when it turns cold and I catch a chill.”

  He wanted to explain that the water wasn’t going to run cold any time soon, but with his dick deep inside her and Tedros locked behind her, now was not the time for talking, especially not the time for arguments and explanations. They could do all that later. Much later.

  This time he signaled to Tedros to set the pace, and he kept with him, using their actions to establish a deeply powerful rhythm of surge and retreat inside her. Faster and faster they pumped, keeping her body tucked tightly between them and using their legs to enhance the penetration on every stroke.

  Before very long at all, her finger nails were digging deep into his skin and her teeth had latched onto his shoulder muscles. It was cute the way she whimpered and mumbled against his chest. Then she used her internal muscles and gripped his dick so hard it was a miracle she didn’t snap it in half. His eyes almost crossed with lust as she did it, and Teddy drew in a harsh breath and stopped still behind her for a moment. Then they began again, jackhammering in her now, knowing neither of them would be in control for very much longer. She bit him hard as she came, her entire body convulsing in his arms. Tedros rammed into her from behind then pressed his body to hers and finally Okapi could let his iron control loosen and he, too, exploded into the latex. He leaned back against the shower wall to catch his breath, and then let her legs go so she could slide down his body and stand up again.

  Tedros turned the water back on, angling the showerhead away from them for a few moments until the water ran hot, and then they washed her down, removing their sweat from her body, before Teddy stepped out of the tub, grabbed a towel, and wrapped her in it. Okapi hurriedly cleaned himself up, so he could leave the shower for Teddy.

  When he stepped out of the tub Keisha was sitting on the floor, the towel still wrapped around her. “Holy hell. What a way to start the day.”

  “Did you like it?” he asked, wondering what he’d do if she said no.

  “Of course, but now I need a nap, not to rush off and spend the day working in the garden.”

  “I’ll make you some coffee, that’ll get you going again. What would you like to eat? Bacon? Eggs? Grits? Oatmeal?”

  “Yes, I suppose if I’m going to be digging and weeding and suchlike, I’d better eat a healthy breakfast. Whatever you usually have is fine by me, thanks.”

  Okapi wrapped a towel around his waist, and dried his hair and his feet, before padding out to the kitchen. He needed to get the coffee on first, and then he could start cooking them some food. And toast. He was hungry enough to eat the entire contents of the refrigerator and likely Tedros would be as well.

  And after that, since she’d be working in the garden with the other women, he’d better head into the office and work himself. After all, that was what he usually did, and even with her help there was still a never-ending pile of work in his in-tray. Amazing that despite all she did, his workload hadn’t changed at all. How could that be right?

  * * * *

  Teddy usually used the weekends to catch up on the household chores. It was a habit he’d developed more than ten years ago, and it worked, so he’d seen no need to change it now that he was living with Okapi, who usually stayed in the office straight through the weekend. Although Teddy had to acknowledge that Okapi was very fair about sharing chores around the house.

  So, despite wishing he could spend time with Keisha, he mopped floors, did laundry, and tidied up before mowing the grass out in front of the house. But after he’d made himself a giant plate of what he termed Leftovers à la Tedros, zapped them in the microwave, and eaten every last bite, he wondered if anyone would mind if he offered to help the women with their gardening. Of course, the digging was the hardest job physically, and likely they’d have long since finished it, and maybe it was like a girls’ day out and the last thing they’d want was a man nearby, but he decided to go ask anyway. They were free to say no and he’d abide by their decision. Besides, at least he’d be able to look at Keisha for a few minutes even if he was told to go away.

  He hadn’t asked where Nala was establishing the herb garden, but he figured it’d be either close by the community hall or in one of the nearest fields, so he walked out the back of his house, and around by the fields seeing no one until he was directly behind the main square. Shrugging to himself, Teddy hiked along the ground and around into the square and stood, blinking at the sight.

  All the women, humans, and werewolves were crouched around a big, freshly dug garden bed in the grassy center of the community. On one side of the square several men were sawing wood, presumably to make a box to enclose the new garden.

  June was making little flags. He supposed to indicate which herb was planted in a given row. Esther was tying the flags to stakes. Everyone was busy and involved and he simply stood there watching all the activity and loving the way the community was surrounding, encompassing, welcoming, assisting Nala in her venture. This was community at its very best. One woman’s vision was coming true with the assistance of her friends.

  Teddy walked across to the men. “Do you need any help?”

  Katungi smiled at him. “There’s always room for another pair of hands. We’re about to start framing in the bed. Grab some of the wood. We’ll begin on the short end.”

  The next few hours passed very quickly as the bed was encased within its box frame and the lines of tiny seeds and plants were planted, watered, and named.

  More men appeared with a couple of large grills and soon the smell of barbecue filled the air. Tables were brought out and bowls of potato salad and coleslaw miraculously appeared. Tedros was handed a bag of onions to chop and add to the grill.

  An hour later an almost party-like atmosphere was in play, and finally Teddy was free to speak to Keisha. The knees of her jeans were filthy. He looked down at his jeans and they were about the same. At least May had brought around a bucket of hot water and made everyone wash their hands before they ate!

  “Wow, I stopped work just in time,” said Okapi, grabbing a couple of grilled ribs and scooping the last of the potato salad onto a plate.

  “I’m surprised you couldn’t smell the meat and onions cooking. Barbecue cooking always makes my mouth water with hunger,” said Keisha.

  Teddy looked at Keisha and grinned. “Any food cooking makes me hungry.”

  They sat on the grass and ate, while Keisha told them about Nala’s plans for the various herbs. “Everyone will be able to eat them at first. Only when she’s sure the quality is good will she plant much larger quantities to sell.”

  “Very sensible plan,” said Okapi.

  It was still lovely outside. The morning had been cloudy but the afternoon was fine and sunny, a perfect day. Not too hot to work, but not so cold that sitting on the grass would give them a chill. Teddy was relaxed and just so happy. He’d enjoyed the work they’d been doing and it was useful, and appreciated. And now he was with the people he loved most in the world.

  “Will you come home with us again tonight, please, beautiful?” asked Okapi.

  Teddy turned to watch her face full-on. That would be wonderful. He couldn’t wait until she was sleeping next to him every night and he could always hold her and breathe her feminine scent deep into his lungs.

>   “No. We’re still very much in the early days of a relationship yet, and I need space and time to myself to think about everything, and to run my own life.”

  Well, damn! That wasn’t what he’d hoped she’d say.

  There was silence between them for a while, then Okapi said, “Why did you tell us to turn the water off in the shower?”

  “So it didn’t start running cold, of course.”

  “But we live in a house, not an apartment,” said Okapi.

  “So what?”

  “My father had three brothers. My grandfather built that house for a large family and the hot water never runs out. That’s why there are so many bedrooms, and extra bathrooms, and so on,” he said.

  “So you’re saying six people could all have long showers in hot water?”


  “Wow. I like that idea.”

  Teddy wanted to ask her to come and look at the house. To choose what things she’d like and what she’d rather replace, but it was much too soon. She hadn’t even agreed to join them tonight again. He’d leave the timetable of winning her over to Okapi, who would plan everything much better than he could do.

  When she walked back to the community hall with the other women Teddy still remained on the grass, watching her disappear, and then staring at the doorway she’d walked though. He wanted her so much. He knew she was the one for him, for them. Their perfect mate.

  “What’s next?” he asked Okapi.

  “Yeah. When I figure it out, I’ll tell you.”

  * * * *

  There’d been a lot of noise and laughter in the human women’s barracks on Sunday night. Everyone was tired but happy from working in the sun all day, bringing to life Nala’s herb garden. But most of the women had also gone to bed early either because they were tired, or because Monday was a work day, or just because they knew other people were tired and didn’t want to keep them awake.


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