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Enticement (Master Class Book 2)

Page 13

by Sierra Cartwright

  He still had a hand in her hair, keeping her arched.

  This image would fuel her fantasies for months.

  Stunning her then, he added a third finger, splitting her apart. There was no way she could do this…

  She struggled for breath.

  “How aroused are you now?”

  Dazed. This time she told the truth. “Nine point nine.”

  “That pleases me.”

  “Oh, Sir!”

  “Now stop.”

  “What?” She blinked. “You can’t mean that.” Again.

  One at a time, he eased his fingers from her and also loosened his grip on her hair. “It’s your choice. We can leave it as is, and I can wish you a good night.”

  She waited. “Or?”

  “We can finish it, and you can rip my clothes off in one of our vehicles. If you prefer, we can go back to your house.”

  “You have a plane to catch.” Ella couldn’t endure him walking out of her house a second time.

  “It’s a red-eye. I’ve got a couple of hours.”

  Holy fuck, she was so turned on, she was going to lose it if she didn’t come. She could always say no, but the release he gave her was so different—better—than any orgasm she’d ever given herself.

  All day, since he’d left her unfulfilled at home that morning, he’d created tension in her. He’d ratcheted it up with each calculated message he’d sent and the fact he’d made her stroke herself just to the point of orgasm before she’d left for the party.

  But the truth was, being in his arms near the waterfall, with her head on his shoulder, had been enough, all by itself, to melt her resistance to him. “Where is your car?” It was larger than hers, making it more appealing.

  “Over there.” He pointed to a place even more secluded, beneath some tall pine trees.

  “I think yours is a better choice.”

  He nodded.

  “Give me a second. I want to get in my car.”

  He stepped to one side, and she opened the door to slip her purse beneath the driver’s seat. Then she grabbed a package of sanitary wipes from the center console. “I think we may need these.” She opened the foil package and pulled one out.

  “Good call.” He wiped his hands then snagged her wrist.


  Instead of doing as she said, he reached over her to flick the door closed.

  “You read my mind, Staff Sergeant.”

  “As usual.”

  “So, if you are reading my mind…” Ella trailed off.

  “You’re planning to start by unknotting my tie and opening a few buttons, even though most women would choose to remove my jacket first. A few would even fold it or hang it from the hook in the back. But since you’re as impatient as I am, you’ll pull my shirttails out of my waistband without thinking about my jacket. Then when you do, you’ll be hoping I manage it myself since you’ll be busy working on getting my cock out and sucking it deep into your throat.”

  “Oh, God…”

  “Is this still step two?”

  “Either that or my keen imagination. Come on.”

  More than any man she’d been with, he made things fun.

  With customary impatience, he led her to his vehicle. He, too, used his remote to open the locks, and she saw him scanning the surroundings, taking them in, looking for risk, ensuring her safety and modesty.

  He opened the back door and tipped his hand sideways, indicating she should enter.

  She slid across the soft leather seat, all the way to the far side.

  Pierce took another look around, including a long surveillance of the main house and yard, then nodded. Once he was inside the car, he pushed the button to lock the doors.

  He didn’t advance on her until the light faded, but then…

  He grabbed her waist and pulled her over to him. She yelped from the surprise, and he silenced the sound by yanking her over his lap. He bounced his right knee a couple of times, tipping her off balance, her ass in the air.

  He flicked her dress aside. “Stay still.”

  When she didn’t, he gave her a solid smack on the rear, driving the plug deeper.

  The sound reverberated in the car and her ears. It satisfied, soothed and settled her.

  “Follow orders. And when in doubt, ‘yes, Sir’ is always a good response. Didn’t take you long to forget.”

  “Maybe I need constant instruction.” She couldn’t believe she’d said that. Why couldn’t she resist goading him?

  He reached into his jacket pocket. She realized he’d pulled out his cell phone. He turned on the flashlight app and looked at her naked bottom. A moment later, he groaned. “You do have a mark.”

  “And the plug. I think I told you that, Sir.”

  “Yeah.” Using his free hand, he slid a couple of fingers in and out of her damp pussy.

  She stilled. Maybe if he didn’t have any idea how close she was, he would continue until she came…

  Instead, he turned off the flashlight and dropped the phone back into his pocket then slipped his fingers out of her cunt. “Sir!”

  He helped her up and guided her into place, straddling him. “What do you want?”

  “You. Inside me. I think you’ve given me blue balls.”

  He laughed. “That happens to men.”

  “It means a person is in pain from the blood flow from not being allowed to come, right?”

  “More or less. But if we’re being technical, the term refers to what happens when the testicles—”

  “So blue clit. Whatever. Call it what you want. Just get me off, now. Please.”

  Even in the darkened interior of the car, she knew he’d drawn his eyebrows together.

  Taking the initiative, she shifted her weight. His legs were spread so that her swollen clit was elevated and exposed. “You were right.”


  “The way I’m going to undress you.” She tugged on the knot in his tie, loosening it. Then, patience gone, she lifted his collar so she could yank the tie up and over his head. She dropped the material, still knotted, to the floorboard before she began work on his buttons.

  When the top three were undone, she sucked in another breath. She ran her fingertips across his chest, and the feel of his honed muscles sent shockwaves through her. “I want you.”

  “Not even half as much as I want you.”

  “This has to come off.” She slid her palms beneath the lapels of his jacket. Always helpful, he leaned forward. “Good. Now shrug.”

  “You’re bossy.”

  “Blue balls, Sir,” she countered.

  “We’d better take care of that.”

  “Yes, please.”

  He helped her with the jacket. She tossed it on top of the tie.

  Losing all sense of control, she grabbed handfuls of his shirt and yanked it free from his trousers.

  Her pussy throbbed with incessant need.

  The sounds of their frantic breaths filled the car’s interior.

  She fumbled with the last few buttons, and he brushed her hands aside and opened the next one down. Since he was busy, she got to work on his belt buckle. In the dark, with desperation driving her, she kept losing her grip.

  Finally, once she had it open and pulled through the loops on his trousers, she unfastened his waistband then dragged his zipper down.

  He’d worn no underwear.

  “That is so freaking hot, Sir.” She took hold of his hard cock and stroked it. His balls were already tight. “You’re as ready as I am.”

  “Have been for hours.”

  “Oh, my God. Condom? Tell me you have a condom.”

  “In my wallet.” His fished it out of his back pocket, and since he’d lifted his hips, she took the opportunity to work his slacks down to his knees.

  While he opened the wrapper, she returned to stroking his shaft. She became wetter just from touching him. “Fuck me, Sir.”

  “I think Operation—”

  “You win. Now do
me. Do me. Do me. Do me.”

  “Are you asking for something, sub?” Even though he’d tried for serious, laughter lurked behind his words.

  “Yes, please. Your beautiful dick, Sir.”

  “Where do you want it?”

  “In my hot cu—” Before she could finish the word, he moved her from his lap and onto the seat beside him.

  Then he slid a palm beneath her buttocks and scooted her a few more inches. “I want to be on top of you.”

  She grabbed the bottom of her dress and started to pull it up, but he stopped her.

  “Leave it. If anyone comes, I want you covered.” He loomed over her.

  Since her vision had adjusted to the dark she could make out the ferocity in his eyes. She dropped the material.

  “The next time I see you, I may cut your clothes off you.” He pressed her down as he slid his cock into her.

  “Sir.” She sighed.

  “Rub your clit.”

  It took some effort to work her hand between them, and she gasped when her nail abraded the swollen flesh. She’d never played with herself when having sex before, and a thrill zipped straight through her. Between that and the plug, she was about undone. “Please tell me you won’t make me stop at thirty.”

  “Keep going.” He surged into her.

  Pierce overwhelmed her. His gorgeous face dominated her vision, and she breathed in his clean, musky scent. “So, so, close, Sir.”

  “Come when you’re ready, Ella.”

  Unsure whether her clitoris could endure any further torment, she pulled away her hand and surrendered to the dominance of his cock.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. Then she squeezed her eyes closed as the orgasm rocked her. Ella cried out his name, and he swallowed it with a sensual kiss at odds with the way he fucked and the force of her climax.

  Everything he did created dissonance, intensifying her reactions. Her brain couldn’t figure out what he was doing before he’d moved on to something else.

  When she opened her eyes, she saw his were closed and his head was tipped back. She loved seeing him this vulnerable. It made her heart swell with love… Ella shook her head to force away the thought.

  Pierce shortened his strokes, and she responded by tightening her pussy around him. He moaned deep in his throat. A frisson of satisfaction raced through her. She loved knowing she had some power over him.

  The first spurt of his ejaculate caused his body to go rigid, and she tightened her grip on him.

  “Damn,” he said a long time later after dropping a kiss on her forehead. “I love being inside you.”

  His arms were shaking, and she realized that he’d held his body away from hers the entire time they’d been having sex. He had made certain he didn’t crush her, even while she had been pulling down on his neck.

  “I haven’t done this in a dozen years. Wait. Make that more than a dozen years.”

  “It’s a first for me.”

  “I popped your backseat cherry?”

  She giggled as if she were a schoolgirl. “That’s one way to put it.”

  “I’m honored. Proud.”

  “Gonna notch your bedpost?”

  “Wouldn’t be worth it.” Where his voice had been gentle and teasing, it became serious. “You’re the only woman who’s ever mattered.”

  Ella wasn’t quite sure how he managed it, but one moment she was beneath him, the next she was on top. It took her a second to figure out what had happened. “Do you have superhuman strength?”

  “And reflexes.” He pumped his arm.

  “Of course. And reflexes.”

  “Always good for you to show proper appreciation for your lover.” He studied her. “And Dom.”

  Her smile faded as reality plowed into her, dragging her under a wave of emotional devastation. He was neither. Could never be.

  “Ella?” He frowned and tucked her hair behind her ear. “You okay?”

  All lightness fled. “That was pretty intense.” She meant more than the sex. Her words were honest, more honest than he might have realized.

  He disposed of the condom in a napkin that had been in the glovebox.

  She smoothed her dress into place, pretending everything was fine, that she wouldn’t wake up tomorrow with her heart in a thousand jagged pieces.

  He buttoned his shirt while she ran her fingers through her hair, trying to tame the wild mess. “Sure you don’t want to move to North Carolina?”

  For a second, her mind raced. Her heart wanted to seize the opportunity. “It’s not the place that’s the problem.” Being by herself while her man was gone fifty percent of the time was.

  “You’re wounding my ego.”

  “Flex your muscles when you look in the mirror. That will help.”

  “No doubt.”

  Something threaded through his voice, as well. Tension? Was he trying to be as light as she was? As disingenuous?

  To occupy herself, she picked up his jacket and tie and placed them on the seat next to her, then reached for the door handle.

  “You don’t want to talk for a bit?”

  “People will have noticed you’re gone. We don’t want questions. And… I need to get home. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “Wait there.”

  He exited the rental then came around to her side to open it and offer his hand. Once the interior light was illuminated, she noticed he’d missed fastening a button. Unable to help herself, she fixed it.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’ll want to tuck your shirt in, Staff Sergeant.”

  “Is it okay if I leave the lipstick on my face?”

  He kept hold of her until they arrived at her car.

  She faced him, her buttocks on the car front fender. He took a step toward her and placed his feet on the outside of hers, trapping her.

  “Thank you for tonight. For the weekend. You made my trip home more than tolerable.”

  “Thank you.” Her voice cracked. “It was fun.” Damn it. Ella prayed he couldn’t hear the threat of tears in her words. She wanted to be casual, as if she were the type of woman who did this all the time and that it hadn’t mattered to her.

  “I want to see you again.”

  She shook her head. “As I said, this was fun. But no. I’m sorry.”


  “I agree that this was a great weekend. Let’s leave it at that.”

  “It’s more than that. You know it.” He wound a lock of her hair around his finger. “We have a connection.”

  “It doesn’t matter. It can’t happen again.” She wouldn’t let it. Already she was fracturing, barely able to hold her fragile emotions together.

  “Having a connection sure as fuck means something. At least to me it does.” His voice was tight, irritation punctuating his words.

  “I didn’t mean to insult you.”

  “Yeah. You did. You were trying to put distance between us. I won’t let you.”

  “Pierce.” She lifted her hand to touch his wrist but dropped it back to her side. “I’ve been nothing but honest. I’m looking for a relationship. I need someone who will be around, who will sleep with me, stay the night, create a future. You understood that. We both did,” she added the last part to remind herself.

  “How about one who lights up your ass? How about one who leaves stripes across your thighs? Or crops your pussy and inflicts the right kind of pain to make you scream out an orgasm? Who fucks you in the backseat? Who gives you memories? That’s not worth something?”

  Because she couldn’t resist the allure, she pleaded, “Don’t.”

  “So that’s it? Your fear of being hurt is worse than your fear of taking a chance?”

  She squared her shoulders. “Take a chance? With someone who’s leaving in a couple of hours? Who goes on missions so top secret no one knows what he does or where he lives? People think you do some kind of administrative work, that your biggest concern is a paper cut.”

  He loosened her hair with
slow revolutions of his finger.

  “I’m not ready to move to an army base.”

  “I don’t live on post.”

  “That’s not the point.” She exhaled. “An army town where I don’t know anyone, where I don’t have a job, or support network. There’s a lot of women who do that, and I admire them. But I think they’re stronger than I am.”

  “You may be underestimating yourself.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I can’t live in a new town where I’d be alone half the time. I can’t. More, I don’t want to. So where would that leave us? I’d stay here in Colorado and you’d visit every few years? I guess we’d have text messaging, or phone conversations, maybe video calls. But that’s not a substitute for you being with me in person.” When she was even more attached to him? When she had even more experiences to forget?

  “What would it take?”

  This was why she shouldn’t have come to the party. He was so much easier to resist if she wasn’t looking at him, seeing how handsome he was, remembering the feel of the cane punishing her skin while she was mesmerized by his stunning blue eyes. “It’s impossible,” she said, wishing it were anything but. “A relationship takes a lot of work and commitment from two people. You are not in a place to be involved with someone like me. I’m ready to settle down. I want the whole thing. A commitment. Marriage. Stability…a mortgage. I want someone I can share goals with and a companion who will go out with me on Saturday mornings for coffee and maybe a walk.” All of the things he wasn’t offering.

  If she waited for him, she wouldn’t be meeting new people, a solid man who was also looking for companionship and a future.

  But what about the sex? Or the way she had connected with Pierce? That, she knew, didn’t happen often in a relationship.

  “Say you’ll at least talk to me, answer my texts?”

  “I can’t. You’d be relentless.” She knew her limitations. He’d wear her down.

  He grinned. “Yeah. It’s a text. What harm could come from that?”

  She gave a half-smile, recognizing his tease from earlier when he’d asked.

  Maybe she could, after some time had passed, after she’d sorted her life out again. “Not immediately.”

  “You’ve got a lot of resolve, Ella. You’re tough.”

  “I never said otherwise.” She brought up her chin a notch and reminded him, “I’ve been nothing but honest.”


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